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How important are race passives to you when creating characters?

  • Deathlord92
    In pvp I feel like there very important. I can’t talk for end game pve I done a few vet dungeons where I felt dps loss playing Breton stamblade lucky for me my 2 favourite races are wood elf and Breton.
    Edited by Deathlord92 on December 30, 2020 11:00AM
  • Iluvrien
    Other ( for you special other choosers ;) )
    Important, but not for min/maxing.

    Race passives are how the lore around racial mechanics is supposed to be represented in the world.

    Obviously ZOS have made some missteps in this regard.
  • barney2525
    It gives me an idea about gear and enchantments I will need for the style of play of the character.

  • JinMori
    If you look at the game from a performance prospective, they are important. More than in other games.
  • AcadianPaladin
    Absolutely must have the hidden passive Best in Slot for Cute. That would be Bosmer.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Chaos2088
    Other ( for you special other choosers ;) )
    I like to do what I want, but if I was to bring a stam altmer into a vet trial, I would be either mocked at or kicked.

    So the meta would need to be shifted or more flexible for people not to care...
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • renne
    They are important for sure but if I want imperial dd it's not stopping me for sure, most outcome comes from experience and not race/sets. Played ok my dunmer main as a stamina way before passives rework, almost zero difference when you understand what you are doing.

    Basically this. You might hit a little harder or you might have a bit of an easier time but if you know what you're doing it's not a big deal.
  • Tharonil
    The passives are important for me, but more important is the look of my character. Even if I like the orc passive for example, I didn't create an orc since I started playing the game. I like to see orcs but I wouldn't play one.
    Edited by Tharonil on December 30, 2020 12:47PM
  • Tandor
    Other ( for you special other choosers ;) )
    Not important in terms of what others consider to be a meta build for their playstyle, but important for how I see the character given my playstyle.
  • JinMori
    Tandor wrote: »
    Not important in terms of what others consider to be a meta build for their playstyle, but important for how I see the character given my playstyle.

    I mean, you might say that, but if we look at reality, 2k more magicka and 256 spell damage do matter if you want to build the absolute most powerful magicka build possible.

    I think you people are not looking at the reality of the situation, and are only focused on "well this is my playstile", but in the end, if you want to build the most powerful mag or stam build, high elf and orc are mathematically the best.

    Fine if performance is not your priority, but let's not pretend.
    Edited by JinMori on December 30, 2020 1:02PM
  • Princess_Kassiopeia
    I'm a Princess high Elf........

    What can I say?
    "All young girls think they are Princesses. Life teaches that we have to also be warriors."
    Menelaus, king of Sparta and his wife, Helen of Troy.
  • Wandering_Immigrant
    Other ( for you special other choosers ;) )
    I decided early on that I wanted 2 of each race, a male and a female. So while I do find it very important to give each of my builds the best racial passives, I also find it equally important to give each race a build they can thrive in. As such I factor many things into my character creation and often have more than one character in mind during the process in order to determine which race should get which class.
  • Danikat
    Not important
    I honestly don't remember what most of the racial passives are, even for my main characters, and it's not something I think about at all when creating characters. I do consider the lore and typical strengths and weaknesses of the race, which I'm aware are what the racial passives are based on, but I don't think about the individual skills at all.

    (And no, I'm not remotely concerned about having the best possible character, mathmatically or otherwise. I mainly do open-world PvE and sometimes normal dungeons with my guilds, and I don't use CP to avoid making the parts of the game I enjoy too easy, so forcing myself to use a race I don't want or which doesn't fit the character I imagine because the passives are better would be nonsensical to me.)
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Tremuto
    Important enough for me to consider if I wanna struggle with dungeon/trial groups on my character or if I want a laughably easy class to do pledges on.

    Looking at you, Stamplar Orcs.
  • UGotBenched91
    JinMori wrote: »
    Tandor wrote: »
    Not important in terms of what others consider to be a meta build for their playstyle, but important for how I see the character given my playstyle.

    I mean, you might say that, but if we look at reality, 2k more magicka and 256 spell damage do matter if you want to build the absolute most powerful magicka build possible.

    I think you people are not looking at the reality of the situation, and are only focused on "well this is my playstile", but in the end, if you want to build the most powerful mag or stam build, high elf and orc are mathematically the best.

    Fine if performance is not your priority, but let's not pretend.

    And that’s what bothers me about games with racial passives. It should be my skill that puts me at top not because I picked the meta race.

    This is not saying players who pick this races don’t have skills. It’s just that if two equally skilled players play it’s a bummer that the one who chose the flavor of the month performs better.
    Edited by UGotBenched91 on December 30, 2020 1:59PM
  • UGotBenched91

    I have one orc but I don’t play him mainly because I hate how he looks. I need to create a new one or change his appearance to be slightly smaller. The over bulky orcs looks bad in a lot of armor and costumes IMO.
  • JinMori
    JinMori wrote: »
    Tandor wrote: »
    Not important in terms of what others consider to be a meta build for their playstyle, but important for how I see the character given my playstyle.

    I mean, you might say that, but if we look at reality, 2k more magicka and 256 spell damage do matter if you want to build the absolute most powerful magicka build possible.

    I think you people are not looking at the reality of the situation, and are only focused on "well this is my playstile", but in the end, if you want to build the most powerful mag or stam build, high elf and orc are mathematically the best.

    Fine if performance is not your priority, but let's not pretend.

    And that’s what bothers me about games with racial passives. It should be my skill that puts me at top not because I picked the meta race.

    This is not saying players who pick this races don’t have skills. It’s just that if two equally skilled players play it’s a bummer that the one who chose the flavor of the month performs better.

    Maybe, i mean they will not double your damage from the worst to best pick, but it's definitely a noticeable improvement.

    Personally, i would be fine with both, either irrelevant passives or quite strong, both have their advantages and disadvantages.

    But even better, for gameplay purposes selecting your passives would be very nice, wouldn't make a lot of sense from a lore prospective, but from a gameplay one it would be perfect.
  • tohopka_eso
    Since I don't pvp or endgame, I make a character on how I view them playing. My bosmer warden I play like a ranger to my new redguard dk I'm trying to have fun with as a monk.
  • Tandor
    Other ( for you special other choosers ;) )
    JinMori wrote: »
    Tandor wrote: »
    Not important in terms of what others consider to be a meta build for their playstyle, but important for how I see the character given my playstyle.

    I mean, you might say that, but if we look at reality, 2k more magicka and 256 spell damage do matter if you want to build the absolute most powerful magicka build possible.

    I think you people are not looking at the reality of the situation, and are only focused on "well this is my playstile", but in the end, if you want to build the most powerful mag or stam build, high elf and orc are mathematically the best.

    Fine if performance is not your priority, but let's not pretend.

    That's why I referred to my playstyle. I'm not remotely interested in competitive or group content. I have no need to build the mathematically most powerful build.
  • Sylvermynx
    Not important
    Faiza wrote: »
    I make my characters based on their personal story arcs etc. I don't think racial passives are important because I'm just not interested in min maxing.

    ^^ This.
  • DaveMoeDee
    Pretty much dictates what race I will pick. I do like having a little variety though, so I might consider what is currently considered second or third best for some alts. I have 18 max level atm.
  • Vlad9425
    First I choose the race I like appearance wise then I decide what kind of play style I want depending on the passives.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    Not important
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Faiza wrote: »
    I make my characters based on their personal story arcs etc. I don't think racial passives are important because I'm just not interested in min maxing.

    ^^ This.

    this for me as well, although if I'm doing group content stuff I will get as close to minmaxing for my characters as I can while still remaining reasonably true to them. For example, I'll slot necrotic orb for a trial even if my character only does fire based destruction magic. With race, appearance, other strong fundamentals like that, I won't compromise obviously
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather _ Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher _ Qa'Rirra, khajiit assassin & dancer
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    I don't want to make things too much harder for my role than I have to.
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • Mythreindeer
    I usually go with a race that will add something to gameplay, e.g., I always want a stam boost for stam character but there are several choices there, or a health bonus for a tank char, etc., but I'm not that rigid.
  • TheImperfect
    It's important but if I wanted a bosmer say for role play reasons I'd still have one.
  • wheresbes
    IMO they are important, that's why I wish I could choose the passives regardless of race (weird and not lore-friendly, I know).

    My huge issue is that.. well, I like my characters to be tall. So, yeah, I choose the race for cosmetic reasons even if know it doesn't synergise well with the role/class I want to play.
    Edited by wheresbes on December 30, 2020 5:52PM
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    For most of my toons, it's important. I have a Meta (or close to a meta) stam and mag DPS for each class. Racial passives are most important for a DPS character as some races are objectively better than others. For just about every other type of play, while certainly important, there are ways to compensate for potential weakness in the race.

    I do have some toons whose name suggests a race, and they probably arent going to change with the Meta. I mean, Bearzilla is always going to be an Argonian. He is a tank, so it works pretty well even if not perfectly optimal.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on December 30, 2020 8:35PM
  • Starlight_Whisper
    Decides what I want to build. I can build around any race as a healer or tank though so doesn't matter in traditional sense
  • xAk_MoRRoWiNdx
    I can't fathom just throwing any class and race combination together unless I made the character as a Meme with no intention of taking it seriously whatsoever, or I was new and had absolutely 0 clue wtf I was doing and didn't know the DOES and DOESN'T of the game

    Race is extremely crucial to a build, to the point of make or brake (at least since the Morrowind sustain oblitera- I mean rework). I wouldn't be caught dead playing a Redguard MagSorc, or Breton StamDK. It pains me when I see players roll characters like that!
    New to forums and stuff so I 99.9 percent probably won't see your response and such, so use the at symbol at me I guess? IDK :/. This BBCode stuff is really cool!! :D.
    Gamer from Alaska (907 Gamers, Alaskan Gamers Unite!).
    My little rant I guess?:
      One day Nightblades will get the buffs we desperately need and deserve, but so far, those buffs are not today.. The Elder Scrolls Online: Nightblade Nerfs Unlimited.
      Don't nerf you, don't nerf me, nerf the sorc behind the tree!.

      If you need help or advice, hit me up on Xbox: H4rry Poggers :D .
      Also open to talking on Discord!

      Ich kann Deutsch Sprechen bei der mittleren/zwischen Kenntnissen Ebene. Hallo! :D.

      CP level 1000+! Playing since 2015.

      My wishlist I suppose:
      • Bring back purge cloak. But I guess the new heal cloak is more beneficial. Hmmm....
      • MAKE IMPERIAL CITY GREAT AGAIN, BRING BACK THOSE INCREDIBLE DAYS. My best experiences in ESO where in there!
      • Return Stam builds to the power we held in One Tamriel. Long Live Stamina builds!
      • Put Magplar and MagDK into their place. Magpsorc is a hopeless case.
      • Is there any chance that we could get an Ebonheart Pact nerf? #CullingTheHerds .

      My 10 characters:
      • AD - xak-Morrowindx - Khajiit Stamina Nightblade. Hours: 107 days, 19 hours (2,568 hours).
      • EP - Ich bin Groot - Orc Stamina Dragonknight. Hours: 2 days, 16 hours (64 hours).
      • DC - Who Took My Bleach - Orc Stamina Sorcerer. Hours: 3 days, 18 hours. (90 hours).
      • EP - Niada Zaennon - High Elf Magicka Nightblade. Hours: 15 days, 18 hours (378 hours).
      • AD - Healsyournoobazzwithmemes - Argonian Magicka Templar. Hours: 1 day, 9 hours (33 hours)
      • DC - Engulfing Traps - Dark Elf Magicka Dragonknight. Hours: 7 days, 17 hours (129 hours).
      • AD - Verführung - High Elf Magicka Sorcerer. Hours: 5 days, 9 hours (129 hours)
      • DC - Deadazz catch these birds - Nord Stamina Warden. Hours: 6 days, 21 hours (165 hours)
      • EP - So Bendy - Wood Elf Stamina Templar. Hours: 1 day, 15 hours (39 hours)
      • EP - Smash that mf Like button - Breton Magicka Warden. Hours: 20 hours, 20 minutes.

      Aldmeri Dominion Master-Faction!
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