State of the Game Address

  • Visur
    I'm just hoping for a way to gain veterans levels directly in pvp instead of pve quests.
  • Saint-Ange
    When I entered my subscription code I had still 3 days of early access, I bought, left , but no you didn't care and started the 30 days countdown. That's a sting you'll pay back by loosing my sub fee and me as a client. It was a terrible start to begin with and a relation, based on trust, breaker.
    Edited by Saint-Ange on April 23, 2014 7:29AM
  • spliffmaster2b16_ESO
    Do all players have access to the PTS at this point or is it still privileged to the few people who had access before Launch?
  • Laura
    TGEK wrote: »
    This game needs open world pvp.


  • Laura
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    When I entered my subscription code I had still 3 days of early access, I bought, left , but no you didn't care and started the 30 days countdown. That's a sting you'll pay back by loosing my sub fee and me as a client. It was a terrible start to begin with and a relation, based on trust, breaker.

    commas, make, my, rant, more, legitimate, and, make, me, look, smart, about, three, days, that, i, didn't, pay, for, i, got, in, a, preorder, bonus.

    quiting over that shows you weren't all that invested to begin with.
    Edited by Laura on April 23, 2014 7:41AM
    Thanks a bunch. My real question is this. I plan on playing on ps4 but I decided your game was way to good looking to wait so I decided to buy it on oc only to hold me over until console. I got 4 friends to follow in my footsteps. That's a pretty big deal considering once the ps4 version launches we will not be playing on pc, our guild is ps4 and we prefer console, I know I So please any info on ps4? Can you drop even a hint. Im tracking the console version like crazy looking for any news. I noticed today beta sign ups were back up for console then back down and I think back up. This is a good sign and I am hoping to hear something, anything. Please bro.

    Ps . Oh do you we need to sign up again for Console if we already did before?
    Edited by METALPUNKS on April 23, 2014 7:44AM
  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    Supurb game, great work so far Zen, two suggestion that will go worlds towards making the banking more enjoyable:

    - Allow us to go between bank store, personal bank and guild bank without exiting out and listening to the repetitive dialog again.
    - Add a search engine text box in all 3.

    Those are the quick and dirties that will go a long way, eventually I'd like to also see:

    - Eternal lag bug gone.
    - Many more drop down boxes for refined general searches.

    Keep up the EXCELLENT work!
  • thorsonwongb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    TGEK wrote: »
    This game needs open world pvp

    No thanks, I'd rather not randomly get ganked while trying to level because some vet rank 10 wants to stroke their epeen. An arena-styled PVP for skill based competition, however...

    EDIT: And cloaks, one day. Maybe. No? Tails causing clipping and physics causing lag in Cyrodiil? Okay, how about customizable guild embelms to go on tabards? :D
    Edited by thorsonwongb16_ESO on April 23, 2014 7:55AM
  • FrankBuck
    Thanks for the update.
    I must say that I am a bit shocked by the huge amount of botting and gold spamming going on, so glad to see you are busy cracking down on that. Just sad, that it is necessary as it takes time from other improvements you could be doing :)
  • Saint-Ange
    Laura wrote: »
    commas, make, my, rant, more, legitimate, and, make, me, look, smart, about, three, days, that, i, didn't, pay, for, i, got, in, a, preorder, bonus.

    quiting over that shows you weren't all that invested to begin with.
    English is not my native language and this forum is international.
    I'm adressing to Zenimax, not you in fact. I use this medium as they didn't answer me in private.
    A deal breaker is a deal breaker for me, no matter I like the game or not, I have zero tolerance toward those who are not straight when dealing with me and it kept me alive till now.
    Where I stay, if you put your nose where you should not, you'll won't live more than a week.
    See? Different places, different behaviors, different feelings, different people.
    Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on April 23, 2014 11:17AM
  • Ivo
    Thanks for all the info and hard work. Don't be troubled about forum trolls.
    The game is great and can only go better.

    I hope you keep the game at decent pace and are not going to rapidly make new content for those who rush to max level within days. Also i sincerly hope you aren't going to nerf the game due to crying in forums that some of the game is too hard. Nerfing Dosha was a bad example of what you shouldn't do. She was perfectly balanced and fun fight.

    Keep up the good work fighting cheaters and spammers and bots.

    EDIT: oh and don't ever go Free to play with cashshops, the horse we can buy for real money is another bad example and not the way to go.
    Edited by Ivo on April 23, 2014 8:13AM
  • Turelus
    Thank you for taking the time to address everyone Matt.
    After my previous thread being a rant topic about how so far the ESO development team and leadership had seemingly been absent from the forums or engaging the player base this had gone a long way to appeasing that.

    I hope the communication between developers and players keeps up. :)
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • hamaneb18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    weapon and ability tweaks? im really hoping this means fixes to all of the broken Nightblade abilites
  • Cootie
    What about the duped PVP items? THOSE CERTAINLY cause unbalance within Cyrodiil!
  • Enodoc
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    When I entered my subscription code I had still 3 days of early access, I bought, left , but no you didn't care and started the 30 days countdown. That's a sting you'll pay back by loosing my sub fee and me as a client. It was a terrible start to begin with and a relation, based on trust, breaker.
    They did, however, state that this would be the case and advise all people eligible for Early Access to not enter their sub details until midday Sunday (ie, the end of Early Access).
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Khuul99
    Will you fix the abmyssal exp in dungeons (at least the real ones not the "public" or "solo" version)?

    Edit: and the fact that if you run a large group you get a pretty hefty exp penalty per mob killed.

    I haven't seen any statement about this at all.
    Edited by Khuul99 on April 23, 2014 9:21AM
  • BulbousMeathead
    Good to see this type of communication from ZOS - please keep it coming. It's reassuring to see that you are listening to the feedback and doing something about it.
  • Carde
    While I am looking forward to getting to test Craglorn on the PTS...

    I really just wanted to say please don't butcher gold and loot acquisition for normal players in the attempts to stop RMT and gold sellers. Please, please.
    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
    Thanks for the update. It's good to know you do listen to the feedback from your customers.

    I for one am really looking forward to the botting problem being cleared up.
    For the King!
  • simonperezukb16_ESO
    Cheers for update having a blast so far, keep up the good work, I know how hard it is to create an MMO and sustain it
  • Carde
    Do all players have access to the PTS at this point or is it still privileged to the few people who had access before Launch?

    Its still closed off to everyone outside of the Order groups right now. Won't be forever, though.
    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
  • Saint-Ange
    Enodoc wrote: »
    They did, however, state that this would be the case and advise all people eligible for Early Access to not enter their sub details until midday Sunday (ie, the end of Early Access).
    True, they did, but one day later and unfortunately it was too late for me, I'm in EU perhaps it had something to see with it.
    Anyway, I didn't want my problem to take that much place here but I profit of my last com on this to thank you Enodoc because you stand (stayed?) neutral, normal.
    Edited by Saint-Ange on April 23, 2014 9:52AM
  • Jean_Shen
    Please work on skill responsiveness (weapon switch etc......)
    Saint-Ange wrote: »
    Mind your own business, that will have you live a longer time. Where I stay, if you put your nose where you should not, you'll won't live more than a week.

    No need to threaten other people... seriously...

    The statement "if you put enough monkeys behind enough typewriters... sooner or later one will produce the works of Shakespeare" has sadly been proven utterly wrong by the internet...
  • Brydion
    It was sure good to hear that Matt was able to clean up the impact of the duping exploit with the stroke of his pen. I bet the world's economists really envy him.
  • alenae1b14_ESO
    Thank you for the update. It's always nice to know what is going on behind the scenes. I'm doing my part by reporting/bug/feedback when I can. I enjoy the game immensely and see the progress made towards fixing quests and loading screens.
  • Lagoz
    Any news on veteran mob VP fix?
  • RianaTheBosmer
    While it's nice to hear of this, I worry it's very little very late.

    I don't know how you can tell me the economy wasn't affected due to the rampant duping problem, but screenshots and videos and even in-game conversations tell otherwise. I only hope that in the next several months any remnants of this has been completely dissipated.

    I am, however, happy to hear the botters *** you off, too. Nothing infuriates me more than walking into a public dungeon and seeing the amount of lifeless, samey characters insta-gibbing the boss spawn. It's very bothersome. What's also as bad is the amount of people in the said dungeon, botters or not. I would love to see a massive reduction on the amount of players able to be in the same location. The game is a very poor MMO to begin with since it's frustrating playing with other people --- why not go the extra step and just allow people the option to do public dungeons alone? Barring the stuff in Cyrodiil, of course.

    Craglorn sounds fun, although I am the only person to ever have moved over to this game from my guild. The events of the last couple of weeks has certainly killed any attempt at moving people over and out of their comfort niche. That said, it seems like Craglorn, while interesting to say the least, is going to be skipped over by a great many people in the same situation as myself. As this game is, as Angry Joe ever so eloquently put it, "Most unsocial PvE MMO game ever." it's been rather hard to find myself in PvE-centered guilds. I have yet to make any meaningful connections and I feel it's certainly a large part of the game design. While I've made many friends due to tanking dungeons, I have yet to ever be messaged by them again. Why? I feel they just don't know who the hell I am on their friends list because my tank name is different than my account name which shows up on rosters and friends lists. This all said, I know I'm not going to be able to have any meaningful progress into Craglorn or Trials. Is there anything on the back burner which is still going to keep people like me interested at end game? Or is there an expectation (and viability) to PUG?

    Anyway, I wish this game all the luck. I want so desperately to love it, but currently everything that it offers and everything that I'm enjoying can be procured from Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind; sans botters, dupers, and gold-spammers.

    No, this is actually you're problem. I'm in a very active guild, PvE and PvP and I have my own guild of friends that play together. We are VERY social so if you're not finding that, you're not looking for that. Plain and simple.

    End game is that you get to take your player into adventure zones and do the quests in the other pacts. This is huge. You want to see crap end game look at SWTOR. There is absolutely no end game there.

    I really like this game because I went out of my way to get into a guild and to bring my friends into it who all love it.
  • RianaTheBosmer
    Will the Vampire Bug in which u lose all Vampire passives after u die be fixed aswell? Pretty annoying to RELOG after every DEATH in PvP to get the passives to work again...
    they are swamped currently. this is the first ive heard of that bug, so it'd likely be one of the last things they start to work on, after quest breaking, bots spammers, other glitches and exploits ect...

    It's all over reddit. So if they haven't heard about it, they're not reading the forums or their bug reports.
  • Seabhac_SHC
    Since you Matt and ZoS are communicating to you player base/customers in an attempt to be clear in regards to the state of the game and your goals for the future it warrants a reply so thank you. Normally I truly dislike using official game forums due to the vast misinformation and mindless banter by players who have learned to lie and be loud about what they want regardless, coupled with the way these forums are structured it is a pain to use with little to no reason. However posts such as the original in this thread is a reason to come here so please keep up the communication for everyone’s benefit including yours.

    One of the biggest things I hear about is that there is not enough communication in regards to what is happening and what is going to be done, this includes problems with clear communication from customer service staff in response to player reports. These official ESO forums are also poorly structured to the point that people are finding it easier to use third party search engines to find relevant information within these official forums.

    Once again I encourage ZoS to continue the communication and meaningful update work that has a real benefit to the longevity of the game. Clear and honest communication is key in helping people not be confused and frustrated with the process of improving ESO as a game.

    From my experience what will keep people coming back and happy is not just communication but also; meaningful experiences above and beyond simplistic rewards on both ends of the spectrum of pve/p. For myself personally interesting RvR conflict is what will keep the subscription active, in particular making this aspect of the game give the sense of being active in large epic battles is important but even more important; the smaller side battles to help turn the tide of a larger conflict within the war, encouraging players to spread out with the knowledge that being in a small group behind the front is just as important and fun as being part of the huge epic battles.
    Edited by Seabhac_SHC on April 23, 2014 10:43AM

    War Chief of the SnowHawkClan
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