Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

State of the Game Address

  • Pyatra
    No, we don't need more inventory. I have 4 crafting skills including provisioning, just saying, if you have the mats... craft it. Unless you get to VR don't let them sit there wasting away in your bank. Otherwise make some items from friends/guildies to deconstruct to help them level crafting.
  • Noguchi
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you kindly for the update. This is very reassuring to the community. Please keep up the communication & all the hard work.
  • Zafu
    You need to, and should of, banned all the V10 cheaters. It is simply impossible to get to V10 a week or so after release. You've created a totally in-balanced PVP world until non-cheaters can catch up. It's really disgraceful.

    PS: Fix the mage blink already. It's absurd to the extreme.

    Outside of the above two items, loving the game.

    Thank you.
  • Winnower
    Thank you for the communication, which is as important to me as many things "in game".

    And I'm thoroughly enjoying the game so far, and appreciate your efforts to stabilize and remedy those issues and problems that have come up.

    VR14 Templar, VR14 DK, VR8 DK, VR7 NB, VR1 Sorcerer;
    All 3 Alliances;
    2 Pre-order Imperial Accounts, yes that means 16 characters on NA alone
  • Pinhead

    Matt, what about the Server move to EU/DE? The Ability delay and the not proper working AOE Fields are a pain for a lot of the EU ppl.

    Any News on that? You told us that this would be "short" after release. So what does that mean to us EU guys? Is there any time frame we can look for?
  • pcs3219b14a_ESO
    The most depressing part of the launch is that in 2014 Devs still talk about "unexpected" problems with bots and gold sellers. One of the most "expected" problems in MMOs ever. Also, foregoing sufficient beta time is another sad problem to have at this late date. Beta weekends? Who did you think you were kidding? Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it, welcome to the rinse and repeat cycle.
  • Hrithmus
    If your the ones that need the Veteran content 2 and a half weeks into the game. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE look at yourself in the mirror and now ask yourself the 3 questions below

    1. Why don't i have a girlfriend.
    2. Why do i still live with my parents and im 34 years old....
    3. Why haven't i seen the sun in 2 and a half weeks.
    Edited by Hrithmus on April 23, 2014 7:50PM
  • Greyhaven
    The most depressing part of the launch is that in 2014 Devs still talk about "unexpected" problems with bots and gold sellers. One of the most "expected" problems in MMOs ever. Also, foregoing sufficient beta time is another sad problem to have at this late date. Beta weekends? Who did you think you were kidding? Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it, welcome to the rinse and repeat cycle.

    Become a designer and maybe you will aqurie some understanding on the reality of game devlopment
  • Rantog
    Hrithmus wrote: »
    If your the ones that need the Veteran content 2 and a half weeks into the game. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE look at yourself in the mirror and now ask yourself the 3 questions below

    1. Why don't i have a girlfriend.
    2. Why do i still live with my parents and im 34 years old....
    3. Why haven't i seen the sun in 2 and a half weeks.

    1. Because my wife says No.
    2. Because mom needs us to take care of her.
    3. Okay, you got me on that one ;)

    Not a V level at all, just liked the list.

    Being maxed out at this point does not indicate cheating at all - it only means they are focusing on Quests (much better exp than kills) and skipping those with a lot of travel.

    Personally, I have no reason to rush to max level. PvP will be there when I am ready - but in the mean time i want to enjoy the game world and all it has to offer.
    Rushing through it seems like cheating myself out of something.

    But that doesn't mean that those who see it Otherwise are wrong, just that we don't play it for the same reasons.
  • TGEK
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    TGEK wrote: »
    forums dead, economy dead, company dead, game soon to be dead.

    Forums being dead is the biggest shock to me. I would love to see how many subs they have, and how many they are going to lose when the 1 month is up.

    The game won't die, but it will definitely go F2P within 12-18 months.

    dead forums ... live game ... forum warrior wants more pvp? ... try logging into game?

    The pvp is ESO is complete garbage. It needs more small scale PVP. As it is right now it's junk.

    Nice try though.
  • TGEK
    and LOL and everyone crying about my open world PVP combat message. Bunch of PVE softcore scrubs. This is why the current PVP sucks, it's being played by a bunch of care bears.

    The game absolutely needs small scale PVP like battlegrounds and Arena. Oh well, it's not like most people will be playing this game soon anyways. Not with ArcheAge and Wildstar coming out soon.
  • A247
    Thank you for the communication and hope to see more of these kind of posts in the future.
  • Daverios
    Bullcrap that the dupes did not effect the economy. Wtf Matt so I guess the fact that Tempering Alloy and Druegh Wax were selling for 10k before the dupe and overnight went down to 1500 had nothing to do with this dupe or the economy.

    Give us a break! We are not brainless. Seriously I cannot even fathom how you can even say this. Clearly you ARE NOT playing the same game. What a load od garbage to lie right to your customers faces in such a way. Shame on you.
    Edited by Daverios on April 23, 2014 8:53PM
  • Taven
    Daverios wrote: »
    Bullcrap that the dupes did not effect the economy. Wtf Matt so I guess the fact that Tempering Alloy and Druegh Wax were selling for 10k before the dupe and overnight went down to 1500 had nothing to do with this dupe or the economy.

    Give us a break! We are not brainless. Seriously I cannot even fathom how you can even say this. Clearly you ARE NOT playing the same game. What a load od garbage to lie right to your customers faces in such a way. Shame on you.

    Not sure what you are smoking but no one paid 10k. Those that advertised it were laughed out of zone. 2k has been max for a while.
  • Carde
    Taven wrote: »
    Daverios wrote: »
    Bullcrap that the dupes did not effect the economy. Wtf Matt so I guess the fact that Tempering Alloy and Druegh Wax were selling for 10k before the dupe and overnight went down to 1500 had nothing to do with this dupe or the economy.

    Give us a break! We are not brainless. Seriously I cannot even fathom how you can even say this. Clearly you ARE NOT playing the same game. What a load od garbage to lie right to your customers faces in such a way. Shame on you.

    Not sure what you are smoking but no one paid 10k. Those that advertised it were laughed out of zone. 2k has been max for a while.

    Yeah on what planet were they selling for 10k? Highest I saw was about 3k, some idiots tried for 6k but got laughed at.
    Member of the Psijic Order PTS Group
  • Daverios
    Taven wrote: »
    Daverios wrote: »
    Bullcrap that the dupes did not effect the economy. Wtf Matt so I guess the fact that Tempering Alloy and Druegh Wax were selling for 10k before the dupe and overnight went down to 1500 had nothing to do with this dupe or the economy.

    Give us a break! We are not brainless. Seriously I cannot even fathom how you can even say this. Clearly you ARE NOT playing the same game. What a load od garbage to lie right to your customers faces in such a way. Shame on you.

    Not sure what you are smoking but no one paid 10k. Those that advertised it were laughed out of zone. 2k has been max for a while.

    2k has only bwen the price since the dupe which started a week after official launch. What game have you been playing. Before the dupe the were selling 10k yes. Laughed out of zone....seriously are you high? I have been selling tuese since EA and watched the market fall out and price crash.

    The are slowly slowly getting back up there and seem to be going for about 3k. So at that rate the economy will stabilize sometime next year.

    Edited by Daverios on April 23, 2014 9:13PM
  • pcs3219b14a_ESO
    Greyhaven wrote: »

    Become a designer and maybe you will aqurie some understanding on the reality of game devlopment

    Actually I am a software designer and I guarantee I would not have gotten caught flatfooted this bad. BUT, the point is that anyone who knows anything about the history of online gaming, designer or not, knows that botting and gold selling will be rampant unless you take adequate measures. All that baloney about you have to be a designer to comment is wrongheaded. After all, if you walked out of heart surgery missing both legs you don't have to be a doctor to know something went horribly wrong.
  • Taven
    Greyhaven wrote: »

    Become a designer and maybe you will aqurie some understanding on the reality of game devlopment

    walked out of heart surgery missing both legs

  • VirtualElizabeth
    AstroCat wrote: »
    forums dead, economy dead, company dead, game soon to be dead.
    What in the world are you even talking about!? You are a joke right?

    Yeah this guy's comment totally confused me. I think he must not know how to navigate the forums, LOL.

    @ElizabethInTamriel; @ElizabethInESO
    Eleanour Masterham - Breton Templar
    Elise Masterham - Breton Magicka Nightblade
    Elinora Valen - Dunmer MagDK
    Elsa Masterham - Breton Mag Warden
  • pcs3219b14a_ESO
    Does anyone think it was a surprise that bots and gold spammers showed up in ESO that had no adequate safeguards to ward them off?
  • Daverios
    Does anyone think it was a surprise that bots and gold spammers showed up in ESO that had no adequate safeguards to ward them off?

    It was more certain then the sun rising this morning. Anyone should have seen it coming.

  • Garm
    Absolutely love this game, having tons of fun. Thanks for the update, and best of luck with your epic war against the botters.
  • k9mouse
    TGEK wrote: »
    This game needs open world pvp.

    and lol @ there being no one on these forums. What a farce.

    No, it does not -- that what that one PVP zone is for, rest of the factions are just fine with no open world PVP!

    No Guild / Zone AH's either IMHO. I really love the fact that we have to talk interact with people, not faceless UI window.

    Please, all content should stay with the limits of lore -- no flying mounts or silly pig / bear / wolf riding mounts! Horses are fine. May be some race based lore friendly mounts -- like Gaur or Khajiit battle cats, but nothing silly like pink bunny rabbits.

    Thanks for the update! Mar. Matt :D
  • pcs3219b14a_ESO
    BTW, some r on here wanting open world PvP because they can't cut it trying to gank lowbies in Cyradiil. LOL'd at comment about "carebears." What they are saying is that want easy ganking, cause in Cyradiil it is all about group combat and very few loner lowbie victims to be picked off. They want to gank in the low level zones.
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    Pyatra wrote: »
    No, we don't need more inventory. I have 4 crafting skills including provisioning, just saying, if you have the mats... craft it. Unless you get to VR don't let them sit there wasting away in your bank. Otherwise make some items from friends/guildies to deconstruct to help them level crafting.

    I disagree. When there's a shared bank between ALL characters and you are doing alchemy, provisioning and others you fill up alt inventories and your main very quickly. You tell people to just craft items to free up inventory space. But some items you want to keep, not just use up for the sake of it. Such as the rare upgrade materials, spare runes, etc, etc.

    Crafting ISN'T just about leveling it up. It's about making money from it, but you cannot do that if you are constantly throwing ingredients away.
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on April 23, 2014 10:58PM
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • holmen_89b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Eventually all the duped items will have disappeared since they are all used up in crafting. Take a chill pill!
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    SANTANTICA wrote: »
    And lost BANK SLOTS, GOLD etc???? When fixed and give back?

    I can speak from experience, they ARE dealing with people with those issues. But as the OP said, the fact that gold sellers / bots account for 80% of the incoming tickets to CS, this goes some (not all) of the way to explain why CS are appearing to be slow to deal with people who experienced the "Bank bug".
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • Edgtho446
    Bots camping spawns can have a reduced impact on legitimate players if quest zones were instanced per person/group. Specifically the 'dungeon' areas, this probably wouldn't work out well on overland areas. Think about it; if they had their own instance, we'd hardly see them. This would have the added benefit of preventing Maxkillercheeseboy from blazing through and killing and looting everything ahead of you, ruining the entire quest experience.
  • Chryos
    Well my guild and I all think this is a great game, and we number around 160ish people. We understand the problems associated with putting out a new MMORPG. Angry Joe and his AD cult are just mad because we wiped the keep floor with their blood the other night, so much so their zerg rush (because thats all they know) failed and they couldnt even get their foot in the door.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Chryos

    I'm a big fan of duo dungeon crawling as well.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
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