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Do you enjoy the proc set meta in PvP?

  • DrYitMat
    Sad to see ZOS release more quite strong proc sets with markarth instead of addressing this blatant issue. Proc set damage scaling needs to desperately be implemented with a cap on it at ~ current values
  • Joinovikova
    DrYitMat wrote: »
    Sad to see ZOS release more quite strong proc sets with markarth instead of addressing this blatant issue. Proc set damage scaling needs to desperately be implemented with a cap on it at ~ current values

    even if they make it scale with offensive stats they need masive nerf. IFfI play offensive stat oriented build proc sets made 35% of damage which is not okay.... if I compare f.e. Spriggan's Thorns ( which is the one of the non proc sets which give u best value as I know) which give u 5,2% ( remove reduciton on your target) so in non CP f,e, comparation to hard hit abilities like dizzy or snipe to venomos smite (2241) or Syvarra's Scales ( 1k hit at proc and then 1730 dps (1896 if you include initional hit) in case of venomous I will need to hit more then 40k per second in non CP and 38k dps per second to have sense to replace proc set to Spriggan's Thorns. also sheer venom which get nerf but still can be aplied on whole group so dmg potential is till crazy, also unleach terror with stemple AOE application is crazy and its require static not moving target which is also not realistic case in pvp. back to topic I tested NMA+ Sprigg vs venomous + syvarra I have much better performance with stack proc sets but much better, even in case when I hit static charakter with snipe LA weaving stack proc sets have sligltly more damage so even in case when non proc stat sets should shine :D proc sets won so....

    problem of sets above is they are undodgable easy to apply instat form distance .. many clases do not have access to reasonable purge(clean) provide masive presure outclassed any non proc options all these sets need to be change to icy conjuctor mechanic they need to spam something slow visible which start CD and which is dodgable it will not hit these sets in PVE and at least make pvp . really all proc sets much be dodgable then they will be okay but current status in bg 8/10 players play stack stam proc sets and use stable + execute or just injection have 2m+ dmg and even if I log magplar I am not able to clean proc sets since they are to many of them..

    situation in cyro is even more stupid due to test since most of purges had AoE coldown it was alt f4 only ....

  • vamp_emily
    Back when Summerset was released I dropped both my subs because the original sload was so OP in under 50 PvP. That one set saved me over $800 dollars in subscription fees. :)

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Mitaka211
    I think it is too much. And these sets can really increase the worst of player's performance to above average. Kinda fun to spam shield reflect on the bow slowpokes , but any player who is at least average in his mental capacity catches on lol. I think this meta really shows off how bad some classes are in comparison to others. I feel like it is especially showing in bgs, from all the players maybe 2-3 max won't be using proc sets. I understand the whole herd mentality in mmos , especially the build hoggers who watch a youtube video , hear someone say it's the best and just copy paste it, but in the end the players are not to blame. Zos has proven time and time again that they have no idea what they want with the game.

    I mean some playstyles have been dead for 2 years and you basically wait for 6 months to see two lines saying they fixed a bug on some class ability or something, or worse a nerf on classes that did not even perform well. This game won't last very long i feel.
  • Joinovikova
    Mitaka211 wrote: »
    I think it is too much. And these sets can really increase the worst of player's performance to above average. Kinda fun to spam shield reflect on the bow slowpokes , but any player who is at least average in his mental capacity catches on lol. I think this meta really shows off how bad some classes are in comparison to others. I feel like it is especially showing in bgs, from all the players maybe 2-3 max won't be using proc sets. I understand the whole herd mentality in mmos , especially the build hoggers who watch a youtube video , hear someone say it's the best and just copy paste it, but in the end the players are not to blame. Zos has proven time and time again that they have no idea what they want with the game.

    I mean some playstyles have been dead for 2 years and you basically wait for 6 months to see two lines saying they fixed a bug on some class ability or something, or worse a nerf on classes that did not even perform well. This game won't last very long i feel.

    there are two main problems. First is forcing players to play this meta since there are simply no alternatives which will perform nearlly on similliar performance..meta builds was always sttrongest then anythong else but the gap is the biggest as I remeber on current state and make any other options unplable.. Second problem is current meta is not fun to play.. basicaly u use one or two offensive abilities mainly to proc sets and try to spam them on as much target as possible..... so 50% of your used skill in bg are injection or stemple.. and dot them all .. really even dot meta wasnt so much boring tio play..
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