Game Performance Improvements Preview – Update 27

  • PunkAben
    EyelessCZ wrote: »
    PunkAben wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    I hope any of those will fix new bug twhere using gap-closer ability during high latency, i.e. primetime cyro will guarantee result in your charater to be desynced.

    There is no bug in software, the program is marked with a source code and the program just do like it have been make to do !
    If a carpenter make your door and the door after fall outm the carpenter will have hard to explain it with a big, it is bad crafts.
    If a car mechanic make your car and the wheel fall off afterm you will not be satisfied or understand why the car mechanic explain to you, it is a bug.

    Well ... Yeah I think. But you have at least slight chance to get your money back. Insurance, warranty etc. What about everything I bought here in ESO? ZOS should return me all of my money back, so I can erase my existence from ESO servers with my mind clean and with no regrets. Imagine they return everything from microtransaction bussiness back to everybody!

    Why? Because at your example about those craftsmans, they should and eventualy have been forced by court to do so as well. As an providers they have full responsibility which they can eventually split later among theirs suppliers. Its bussiness and responsibility. ZOS? Its bussiness. End of the line. And we as their customers, we should be happy with faulty product. Because we should enjoy their new content of broken promises.

    Agree... full satisfaction or the money is lost !
    The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do.The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do.Ted NelsonElder Scrolls Online most balanced part is maybe the the number of bugs and not bugs!
  • PunkAben
    EyelessCZ wrote: »
    PunkAben wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    I hope any of those will fix new bug twhere using gap-closer ability during high latency, i.e. primetime cyro will guarantee result in your charater to be desynced.

    There is no bug in software, the program is marked with a source code and the program just do like it have been make to do !
    If a carpenter make your door and the door after fall outm the carpenter will have hard to explain it with a big, it is bad crafts.
    If a car mechanic make your car and the wheel fall off afterm you will not be satisfied or understand why the car mechanic explain to you, it is a bug.

    Well ... Yeah I think. But you have at least slight chance to get your money back. Insurance, warranty etc. What about everything I bought here in ESO? ZOS should return me all of my money back, so I can erase my existence from ESO servers with my mind clean and with no regrets. Imagine they return everything from microtransaction bussiness back to everybody!

    Why? Because at your example about those craftsmans, they should and eventualy have been forced by court to do so as well. As an providers they have full responsibility which they can eventually split later among theirs suppliers. Its bussiness and responsibility. ZOS? Its bussiness. End of the line. And we as their customers, we should be happy with faulty product. Because we should enjoy their new content of broken promises.

    Agree... full satisfaction or the money is lost !
    The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do.The bad news is that they do what you tell them to do.Ted NelsonElder Scrolls Online most balanced part is maybe the the number of bugs and not bugs!
  • nk125x
    Well the crown store has no lag - Buy your mounts without any performance problems B)
  • Goodrods
    Since update 27 went LIVE the game has become literally unplayable for me as of today. Performance fixes non-existent in any area I tried regards to fps and lag and noticeable DROP in performance every day till this. Before update I experienced the "normal" crap lag like everyone, resulting in losing connection every few times I played, today I've logged in over 15 times and I've only managed to stay in for less than 30 seconds at a time before being kicked off. Totally unacceptable and completely not satisfied in any way of the recent product. My subscription renewed BEFORE the update and I want a full REFUND of all monies paid or a PAUSE on my subscription until ZOS fixes the game. They are selling a product that DOES NOT work, in fraudulent ways by altering the product we paid for to the point of this BS we are dealing with now. Great way to screw us all over during a world wide cluster f***

    To reiterate ZOS.....THE GAME IS UNPLAYABLE for more than 30 seconds at a time for ME...IF I can log in at all

  • Scrollup
    I'm a believer of you are what you eat.

    So in this same sense, the people who complain (absolutely nothing wrong with complaining/criticizing) after several Performance Update, and there seems to be no positive changes in terms of performance, than I think all the people who cared about this game but is fed up and frustrated should band together to force ZOS to really find a better alternative solution.

    Otherwise, words doesn't mean much you know? The same people continue to play and support ZOS on top of those other players who doesnt give a rats arse about PVP don't really have problem with the game unless ZOS botch the game completely lmao.

    As for me, i cancelled my ESO+ a month ago and will no longer subscribe to it and will stop buying crowns. I am only going to play sparingly. As a matter of fact I only play 2 hours at most lately just to login and do daily writs and 1-2 rounds of BG and that's it!!! Eventually I will abandon the game.
  • Swordancer
    I didn't noticed any performance update at all. Lags in trials, dunegons and in particular in PvP are still the same, which means very unpleasant. People are less likely to be kicked out of the game but it is to soon to confirm that. Maybe I just got lucky.
  • Rudrani
    I'm so tired of being depressed about updates and wishing they weren't happening.


    If I weren't emotionally indebted to playing with a lot of people in this game... they are lucky it is an mmo, otherwise i think half the people still playing would have stopped a long time ago. At least I would have.

    Just for once in history, release an update that doesn't break things and destroy everything we were just getting close to being good with.
  • Swordancer
    Is this performance update related?

  • Matherios
    This feels more like 30 mins and not 30 sec queue time
  • Kaenos
  • Umbro100
    Swordancer wrote: »
    Is this performance update related?


    I can not log in. Getting error 301 a few times, then I log in, put in a que, then character select, when I select the character the game just closes. And here we go again. Used to love sf stories when I was a kid but I always thought they are a bit naive , simple fun, Orvel as well, like nah, people would not put up with that, politicians, companies can not do things like that and survive ...well, guess what. They can. The game getting worst all the time and that is it. That is it . And they keep talking about fixing stuff and we keep believing. Would make a great satiric tragicomedy. Shame on you ZOS.
  • KoultouraS
    -When few people were complaining about game performance long ago when things could take another road
    if the complains were backed up by the community, they were called out as if they were exagerating

    -When lag and bugs hit hard pvp so much that all decided that this will be it, they will have to live with such an
    abysmal performance and being neglected by devs, the PvE players didn't even blink an eye and continue not to
    support the voices that were increasing in numbers trying to talk some sense to everyone involved.

    -When PvE started feeling the hot breath of Devs incompetence , few moaned about, the rest started believing
    the false promises that were given.

    -When PvE and PvP got frequently unplayable then a new trick was invented. It was called "quarterly updates".
    It had the same impact the "flat earth" theory has in modern astronomy.

    -When everybody felt the game is massively underperforming, it was too late.

    It was late because the game is obviously beyond fixing anymore.
    It has been 5 years.
    All the above players will leave, ZOS knows that, and can only lure in some newcomers.

    Feel free to feel deceived if you find that ESO is performing nicely in years to come
    for this newly established playerbase that is being lured into play this wreck of a game.

    Although I really have serious reservations about the mere ability of this development team in fixing anything in ESO
    Edited by KoultouraS on August 31, 2020 7:26AM
  • Drunkensot
    It's not just pvp. Dragon battles also have lag. I will arrive at a battle that is underway, and then freeze up completely, then get kicked. When I log back in I am dead but got no credit for the kill (the dragon can hit me but none of my attacks hit him). It doesnt happen all the time but it's irritating when it does and I dont understand why. I thought this "performance update" was supposed to address issues like the effect on the standard of might on multiperson battles. However, I am getting booted less frequently than before, so I guess it's a step in the right direction.

    As for PVP, the performance issues did a good job of clearing out Cyrodiil, so I usually have no issues, being the only person in the area.
  • KoultouraS
    why unpinned?oh wait...
    Edited by KoultouraS on September 2, 2020 8:37PM
  • zergbase_ESO
    KoultouraS wrote: »
    why unpinned?oh wait...

    Pretty much. ZoS is not fixing the issues at all. I see lag here and there but I know for some games basically unplayable and most have left. ZoS just drag new faces in and old faces leave due to bad promises. Their mods censor things and dev team in charge of these issues just collect pay check and spin in their chairs lol.
  • GetAgrippa
    Was breaking gap closers in the performance plan? I didn't see that. I wonder if fixing gap closers is in their plan?
  • Rohamad_Ali
    This one will pray zos finds that one employee that knows the lag answer N they actually hire them .
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Hi everyone,

    We wanted to let you know what we’re planning for the Update 28 game performance preview, and when you’ll see it. This Saturday, September 19, we’ll be sharing new details on a variety of topics during our Dark Heart of Skyrim Year-End Preview stream, including the upcoming Markarth DLC and Update 28 base-game features and improvements. We’ve got all-hands-on-deck preparing for the stream, and will be sharing the Update 28 game performance preview in the weeks that follow.

    We’re also making some changes to the update-based game performance preview posts, based on feedback and reactions to the last one. In addition to a preview of the game performance improvements we have lined up for Update 28, you can also expect a summary of how the Update 27 game performance improvements went and related next steps. This does mean that we won’t have the Update 28 game performance preview for you before PTS launches (date info coming soon).

    Thank you all for your continued support, and we look forward to sharing with you our plans for the Dark Heart of Skyrim conclusion and Update 28 this Saturday!
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Skjaldbjorn
    I can't wait to see how many Warden PVE DPS change there aren't. Riveting.
  • Cinbri
    PTS next week please?
    Edited by Cinbri on September 18, 2020 7:03PM
  • Miswar
    Unpinned? So your performance "fixes" done.

    This performance plan of yours have been one epic fail after another.

    Even EA cant compete with you :smile:
  • Thechuckage
    Give it a month and the changes will all take a new direction
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