And do PvDoor to farm double AP.The problem with testing is that magplar, magden, magdk, and magcro will not be able to test effectively. Most of their offensive and defensive skills have aoe checks. People will just get fed up and log off or switch to single target stam characters and farm the ones that won’t be able to fight back.
If you show up, remember flashy proc gear is mandatory, bonus for weapons and mounts with particle effects and obviously large ball groups.If you dont like the idea of these changes, the last thing you want to do is not show up and aid in better performance by lack of participation to make it apear these debuffs helped. There is a real possibility then, that they pick one of these and we STILL have issues when people show up. We really need organized ball groups to make their best adjustments to show how little it will change for them.
You can either sit here and whine about it, or get out there and prove it wrong.