Taleof2Cities wrote: »
Sorry, @Dahveed, you're playing an MMO not a solo game.
Find games that cater to that playstyle instead of cherry-picking a few unrepresentative parts of ESO to complain about.
I have been playing this game since 2016, and questing is literally all I have done. On Steam alone I have 1,500 hours played and I have been in a group with other players about 4 times. I can't back anything up I say with stats, but everyone I know who plays this game is a solo player. Questing and exploring is an integral part of this game... if it weren't, they wouldn't have tens of thousands of hours of solo quest dialogue for players to listen to.
[Edited for bait]
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »also - comparing the economy of a current-era game with 20-year-old "WoW Classic". Pretty sure if you played WoW-current, you'd have a heck of a lot more gold, and that the economy would be completely different. And that's even ignoring the comparison of a b2p/f2p game (with things like login rewards) to a sub game from before anything like that existed.
But you just seem to be wanting to yell about how bad everything is, so.... carry on.
edit: ah, and looking at the month's reward chart, you're repeatedly going on about "Seriously, 10k gold for logging in!" about the extra-special end of week reward. As opposed to the 6 days before, and the 13 days after, of filler crap. Ok, sure.
I recently just made a new character specifically meant for overland content (non-dungeon, non-trial, non-PvP) where I don't add any Champion Points, add only a few skill points to weak/flavourful skills that fit my character's fantasy, and add attribute points to attributes that do not boost my damage.
This was the only way for me to feel any sort of genuine challenge in overland content and I'm saddened that it's come to this, but on the bright side I've never felt so immersed in the world around me. I actually have to be careful with what I pull, and I have to strategise before a quest's boss fight.
I'm liking this a lot more than using my other maxed-out characters that I use for PvP/PvE. With those ones I could never achieve a sufficient level of weakness where things were challenging, even if I unequipped all my armour and used weak skills (and at some point "trying to become weaker" eliminates so much of your toolset it stops being fun).
If you're finding things challenging then I recomend doing what I did: create a brand new character; don't use potions; don't use food; don't use champion points; use skills that add flavour but not power; don't add passives that add too much (or really any) power; wear weak gear (but with flavourful set bonuses that add to the character's fantasy); use no weapons (if you're a spellcaster like me).
IronWooshu wrote: »I've said it before, I see new people dying all the time to overland encounters. I started a new account to remember what it was like to play fresh with no CP, no armor sets to level with and I was taking damage, sometimes to the point where the corners would flash red but it was still fairly easy for me
Because of repetition, I know the fights and I know the mechanics.
Without that knowledge the game would still be challenging for someone completely new.
Difficulty is subjective. You know why things are easy for you? It's because you've been playing long enough to know what you're doing, to know mechanics and how to handle them, to know how to allocate CP and what gear and stuff is best.
But the people who aren't as experienced aren't going to find it so easy. Make things harder and all the people who already find it hard will complain it's too hard. Heck, I've seen threads where people already complain the game is too hard.
And ZOS isn't going to add any 'hard mode' servers. For one, they hardly keep up on the servers they have now. For another, again, difficulty is subjective. Any hard mode servers might be sufficient for x, not hard enough for y, and too hard for z. It would be the same as it is now.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
Sorry, @Dahveed, you're playing an MMO not a solo game.
Find games that cater to that playstyle instead of cherry-picking a few unrepresentative parts of ESO to complain about.
BennyButton wrote: »Why play ESO solo when you can play Skyrim also solo?
I have played this game for 4 years and I have never seen a single person die from Overland content.
Unless you're talking about dragons, world bosses, dolmens, or public dungeons. Normal overland content though? That's a bit of a stretch considering everything can be easily done at lvl 3.
That's a bit of a stretch considering everything can be easily done at lvl 3...
I get it, I've done this before too.... but it takes so much of the fun out of the game. Part of the game is levelling UP, not levelling DOWN.
I have played this game for 4 years and I have never seen a single person die from Overland content.
Unless you're talking about dragons, world bosses, dolmens, or public dungeons. Normal overland content though? That's a bit of a stretch considering everything can be easily done at lvl 3.
That's an excellent suggestion! People should play Skyrim, too!
That's what I've done for about 4,000 hours or so. (I'll probably pass 10k by the time I'm dead.)
But I also like ESO.
That's the thing, people are allowed to play one video game they like, AND ANOTHER ONE, at the SAME TIME!
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »and a difficulty slider/etc like in the other Elder Scrolls games won't do it either - l33t d00d players have been complaining on Bethesda forums for a decade+ that it doesn't actually add difficulty, just makes everything damage sponges. Moar HP/Moar Damage isn't better AI or mechanics. And endgame/trial/vet players are used to harder mechanics, on dungeon mobs that are already Moar HP.
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »
In the run-up to Summerset, I made a Warden to play Morrowind for the first time. While I was going through that, I several times saw people talking in chat about getting mangled by regular zone mobs, and other people commiserating/agreeing with them. someone who knows what they're doing.
But yeah, the whole "well just turn off your CP!" thing isn't a solution. Because the bigger problem is that all these super-pro endgamers who complain about zone content have huge amounts of experience with the game's systems. Even without CP, they still know how to make a better build, how to use game mechanics to best effect, etc. Without mindwipes, it's hard to make low-end content "challenging" for high-end players.
(and a difficulty slider/etc like in the other Elder Scrolls games won't do it either - l33t d00d players have been complaining on Bethesda forums for a decade+ that it doesn't actually add difficulty, just makes everything damage sponges. Moar HP/Moar Damage isn't better AI or mechanics. And endgame/trial/vet players are used to harder mechanics, on dungeon mobs that are already Moar HP.)
Even without CP, they still know how to make a better build, how to use game mechanics to best effect, etc. Without mindwipes, it's hard to make low-end content "challenging" for high-end players.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »They used to have "hard mode" versions of all the base game zones like Auridon, Rivenspire, etc. And Craglorn overland used to be designed with groups in mind and pulling a couple wasps solo was practically a death sentence. But it was incredibly unpopular, the "vet zones" were largely empty, and One Tamriel merged everything into single zones where players scale up to max level. And it was a tremendous success.
Casual players want casual content to be casual. And there are not enough players who want overland mobs to be tedious hit-point sponges for that to have appeal.