OK, I gave up and installed bunch of addons

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Here goes my list:

Now I wanted to know did I missed something important?
I dont want to have spoilers and something that interferes with my UI, I want it keep to a minimum, only necessary stuff. So no skyshard locations, damagemeters, and huge uis with loads of numbers.

At least till I've hit the max and started clearing content up ;)
  • Vantor
    I'll copy the post i made on our guildsite for you. IT IS LONG! :p

    Here goes...

    "Work has been really slow the last couple of weeks so i've been checking LOTS of addons (64 installed to be exact!).

    I'm going to alphabetically list the ones I believe are the most useful and also explain what they do.

    (WARNING: It's probably going to be a long post again :P)

    I'm using Minion Addon Manager so you can get also all these from there and they get regularly updated.

    Advanced Filters
    Enables item subcategories in the bank, gbank and inventory. Unfortunately the hand slot items don not work yet but the addon is still in Alpha and still very useful.

    AI Research Grid
    Enables a comprehensive keybindable window that shows all your researches (researching, researched and missing traits)

    Amilious Guild Tools
    Very useful guild tool. Enables /g commands and show notifications in the chat (member log on/off, member level up, Guild Motd etc). Also has annoying sound alerts that you can turn off :P

    Bank Stuffer
    Tired of manually stacking items in your bank? This addon will do just that. It automatically stack items that you already have a non-full stack of in your bank as soon as you open it.

    Batman Store Filter + All Item Filters + Trait Stones Patch
    http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info193-BatmanStoreFilter.html, http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info275-BatmanStoreFilter-AllItemTypeFilters.html, http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info272-TraitstonespatchforBatmanStoreFilter.html
    A very usefull addon for browsing Guild Stores. It enables all specific item subcategories.

    Combat Log Statistics (CLS) + CLS Chat tab + Chat Tabs Manager
    http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info23-CombatLogStatisticsCLS.html, http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info271-CLSChatTab.html, http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info122-ChatTabsManager.html
    Missing the good old Combat Log in a separate chat tab? These 3 addons will do that for you. Also has a separate DPS/HPS window you can turn on/off from the settings.

    Craft Compare
    Tired of switching between inventory and crafting station to compare items? This is the addon for you! It enables a tooltip of your equipped item slot while you're crafting. Also check Nog's Simple Crafting Tooltip.

    Craft Research Timer
    While already embedded in another addon i will link, this one works better for me. It enables 3 small windows with research times, 1 for each profession.

    Foundry Tactical Combat
    What? You don't know how much damage/healing you're dishing out? Then you haven't been using this addon. Enables an analytic Scrolling Combat text with incoming/outgoing damage/healing, a player/enemy frame for Health/Magicka/Stamina and active buff tracking.

    Greymind Quickslot Bar
    A very nice visible bar with cooldowns and quantity numbers for your usables. Unfortuantely, even though you can keybind the item selection you still have to press your Use Quickslot Item key to use them. Awaiting macro support for that.

    Guild Store Search
    Looking for something specific in a Guild Store? Missing that last set piece? This one enables a window with keyword search in multiple guild stores. Insert keyword, hit Retrieve wait for the search to end, hit Find Match and voila! It also follows the searching rules you may have put in the regular guild store window. e.g. Weapons -> Two-Handed -> Axes -> Lvl 37-42 -> Arcane.

    Harvest Map
    Previously known as Esohead Markers. A nice addon that will record every gathering node and treasure chest you find for future relooting. Also works with the minimap addon i will link later on. It also has coloured filters and pin size for each type of node to avoid map/minimap cluttering.

    Inventory Itme Borders
    Puts coloured boundaries on your equipped items according to their rarity. Also works with Inventory Grid View http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info65-InventoryGridView.html but i'm not using that one cause it doesn't show prices and other useful info from addons that i'm using.

    Loot Filter
    Tired of picking up junk? Tired of marking items as junk? This one is your savior! A very good loot filtering addon with multiple rule settings for auto-junk, auto-destroy, auto-sell, auto-repair etc.

    Luminary Mail & Trade Sales History
    Are you the entrepreneur type? Want to see what you've sold on guild store and to whom? This is the addon for you. Also has auto-mail functions to send specific items to dedicated crafters. Also has linked window with Guild Store Search posted above.

    Mundus Map
    This addon shows the locations of all Mundus Stones.

    Nog's Simple Crafting Tooltip
    Tired of switching between inventory and crafting station to compare items? This is the addon for you! It enables a tooltip list of your equipped items while you're crafting. Also check Craft Compare.

    Research Assistant Remix
    A very informative addon that helps you see at a glance if you've researched a specific trait from an item in your bank, gbank, inventory and also if the item is ornate or intricate. Also the biggest reason i'm not using Inventory Grid View linked above.

    Reticle Settings (Custom Crosshair) + Rainbow Reticle for Reticle Settings
    http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info228-ReticleSettingsCustomCrosshair.html, http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info259-RainbowReticleforReticleSettings.html
    An addon with options to see names, lvl, hp, hp% around your targeting reticle. If you also patch it with Rainbow you get to colour your options.

    Show My Stats
    A comprehensive window that opens up only when you're checking you inventory. It shows ALL the stats (even those not shown by the game itself like elemental resists) and colouring when you're around the softcaps.

    Simple Chat Bubbles
    Since the game has no such feature, it is a nice but crude solution. I've found it helpful for noticing says and whispers while immersed in the world of Tamriel.

    Tired of alt-tabbing to check sites for missing Skyshards? This one's for you. It enables the locations of all Skyshards in your map/minimap.

    Softcap Info
    Embedded in your regular character screen, this addon will show you the softcaps for the stats shown.

    Sous Chef
    The bread and butter addon for Provisioners. A must have addon that shows you the rank of each material if you have a recipe for it. It also has options to mark known/unknown recipes and works perfectly with the guild store window.

    Thurisaz Guild Info
    While it may soon become redundant because of Amilious Guild Tools posted above, i use it for a single reason. It shows Character Names in the guild tab. If and when Amilious decides to insert this feature in his addon i will stop using this one.

    Treasure Maps
    Can't find that Treasure Mound for the Treasure Map you looted from that poor mob? This addon marks all Treasure Map Mounds in your map/minimap.

    WarLegend Group Frame
    While still rough around the edges, it's way more useful than the standard party frame. It shows Health/Magicka/Stamina as well as buffs for the whole party.

    WarLegend HUD
    Was abandoned but recently got updated. Custom player/enemy frames, buffs etc.

    Weapon Charge Alert
    A simple informative tooltip window that shows up when your weapon is nearly out of juice. Click on it and charge it!

    Wykkyd's Framework
    THE most popular ESO addon. Too much to describe. Get it at all costs :P

    Wykkyd's Mail Return Bot
    Do you often find yourself in a dungeon with no bag space and nothing to trash? Pick a buddy and install this addon (both must have it). Attach stuff in the mail and send them with the subject Return. As soon as the recipient (must have the addon) opens up his mail window, all mails with the Return subject will be automatically returned to the respective senders.

    Wykkyd's Outfitter
    You find yourself having more than one role in a party? This will let you make preset Equipment Sets and Skill Sets to quickly change between when out of combat.

    Wykkyd's Quest Tools
    A very nice multiple quest tracker with sorting options and difficulty colouring. Much better than the standard one. Also movable.

    X4D Chat
    A useful chat addon that enables timestamps and character names in the guild chat.

    Zolan's Chat Notifications
    A chat addon that enables sound notifications for selected channels.

    ZrMM - Modified
    Can't live without a minimap? This is the addon for you! Highly configurable and compatible with all of the above map addons.

    There are also some other, less important addons i'm using that i may post later on. These should be enough for now :P

    Major thanks if you read the whole post, i hope you find most of the addons useful as well."
    Edited by Vantor on April 18, 2014 12:55PM
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • trahe
    It may be long but it's not useless. That's a great summary of some options people have. I use:

    1. ESOlocate - Shows your X and Y Coordinates. I have mine above my minimap.
    2. Lootdrop - Wonderful and simple display of what you loot when you turn Autoloot on.
    3. MhFramework - Gives you MANY options. My favorite is a long row of information I can put at the bottom of the screen out of the way
    4. MhFullimmersion - Gives you more control for your display of screen information
    5. MhQuesttools - Displays list showing main locations and subset of quests below
    6. Skyshards - Shows skyshard locations on the minimap and main map
    7. Spamfilter - Writes to your ignore list and you can add your own patterns VVW
    8. Wargenesisaddon - Small, Movable display of your, and your opponents, health, magic.
    9. X4d_libantispam - Double your spam protection. Doesn't write to Ignore list. You can add your own patterns *******W******W
    10. ZrMM - Shows a minimap of the area with icons.

    And yes, all of these can be found at ESOUI.com - which is a website I use so often it automatically shows on my most visited list.
    Edited by trahe on April 18, 2014 1:15PM
  • Vantor
    I too use ESOlocate, as well as others i've not posted in my list because i consider them less important to start with. (oh god i see the irony in this already :p)
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • Sut4sueb17_ESO
    Thanks, checked all the addons, probably I'm done with installing them for a while) I wish there was an addon that put stuff in your guildbank, by pressing a button, but considering loading times it might be hard to implement.
  • Vantor
    Thanks, checked all the addons, probably I'm done with installing them for a while) I wish there was an addon that put stuff in your guildbank, by pressing a button, but considering loading times it might be hard to implement.

    Yeah... if you check today's patch notes they're trying to avoid that at all costs. They have even removed the item stacking (which already wasn't working in many cases).
    Edited by Vantor on April 18, 2014 1:31PM
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • Wykkyd
    Vantor wrote: »

    Yeah... if you check today's patch notes they're trying to avoid that at all costs. They have even removed the item stacking (which already wasn't working in many cases).
    They're not trying to avoid addons inserting items. Those commands are open and in the API right now. They're just trying to squash bugs. They couldn't get the stacking to trigger properly inside the bank, so they turned it off and put the onus on the user to do it manually via today's patch. Don't read so much into the patch notes that isn't there.
  • Vantor
    Wykkyd wrote: »
    They're not trying to avoid addons inserting items. Those commands are open and in the API right now. They're just trying to squash bugs. They couldn't get the stacking to trigger properly inside the bank, so they turned it off and put the onus on the user to do it manually via today's patch. Don't read so much into the patch notes that isn't there.

    Yep. Baldy formed reply on my side actually. I never meant to imply that it is not possible to do via an addon. Just really frustrated cause i'm the guild bank manager :P
    Edited by Vantor on April 18, 2014 2:43PM
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • Wykkyd
    Vantor wrote: »
    Just really frustrated cause i'm the guild bank manager :P
    This... explains... eevvverrryyytthhhiiiiiinnnngggggg.....

  • Thechemicals
    Any chance the bank slot issue people are having is connected to these bank addons? I think so.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Sut4sueb17_ESO
    Nah, When I had no addons bunk wasnt working well too, glitched few times, lucky I havent lost anything
  • Vantor
    No that problem mostly occurs when quickly logging in and out between alts while having put stuff in your bank.
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • wikkidone
    Any chance the bank slot issue people are having is connected to these bank addons? I think so.

    Your post is pure speculation and grievously incorrect.
  • demoneca
    Any chance the bank slot issue people are having is connected to these bank addons? I think so.

    Nope, I had no bank addons but got hit with the bank bug three times.
  • Muffinatur
    Thanks for your preference list. Found a couple of things I've been complaining (silently) about, except for looting stuff I don't want. I've been complaining about that all the time.
  • Seerah
    re. bank issues... Here are the latest patch notes.
    Author & Moderator at ESOUI
    My Addons
  • Rhylanna
    @Vantor Thanks so much for the AWESOME post! I have just recently discovered the wonderful world of add-ons but was completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of them. Your list makes it so much easier to sort through them all and pick just a few to start with. Thanks again!!
    Fatewalkers NA server, primarily Daggerfall Covenant, 30+ (mature, working folks with kids, dogs, etc!), casual, PVE oriented, small but growing!
    Antique Ordinatus Populus NA server, technically with Aldmeri Dominion but have members in all alliances, 40+ (even ++++!), mature, casual (fun people who sometimes forget what they're doing...or maybe that's just me :p ) antique-ordinatus-populus.enjin.com
  • Vantor
    You're welcome :D
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
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