> This isn’t just 1 ability that causes this type of health bar swinging, so we are making adjustments to Battlespirit which now reduces healing taken by 60% instead of 50%.
Another direct nerf to small scale players or really anyone who relies purely on their own heals, the issues currently isn’t self heals, its the disgustingly high amount of off healing, the sheer number of healers and the often ~30K+ health pools most people run. Builds like stamblade and magdk already struggle and this will make them essentially unplayable outside a zerg or have to rely on cheesy health recovery set ups to play, again killing diversity.
All of these changes because the devs won’t address the real issue being that ZERGS AND BALLGROUPS ARE OVERPOWERED, 10% healing taken makes no difference when you have half a dozen warden and templars plus dedicated healers around keeping your health bar from moving anyway, nerf off healing in to the ground, put hard and soft caps on max health, put low caps on group buffs, make people run their own major buffs, don't let 1 warden give an entire zerg major resistances, stop letting 1 molten weapons give an entire zerg major brutality/sorcery it is ridiculous how many PvP players cant perform a burst combo but have double the population of Greenland in AVA kills. It seems if lag doesn’t drive off the last few 1 or 2 vXers left, ridiculous small scale nerfing like this will.
Smal scale => Batleground/ IC
Zerg/Ballgroup => Cyro
Why would you go to cyro for "smal scaling" if you spend 90% of the time running around trees and the other 10% on the forum writing nerfposts?
> This isn’t just 1 ability that causes this type of health bar swinging, so we are making adjustments to Battlespirit which now reduces healing taken by 60% instead of 50%.
Another direct nerf to small scale players or really anyone who relies purely on their own heals, the issues currently isn’t self heals, its the disgustingly high amount of off healing, the sheer number of healers and the often ~30K+ health pools most people run. Builds like stamblade and magdk already struggle and this will make them essentially unplayable outside a zerg or have to rely on cheesy health recovery set ups to play, again killing diversity.
All of these changes because the devs won’t address the real issue being that ZERGS AND BALLGROUPS ARE OVERPOWERED, 10% healing taken makes no difference when you have half a dozen warden and templars plus dedicated healers around keeping your health bar from moving anyway, nerf off healing in to the ground, put hard and soft caps on max health, put low caps on group buffs, make people run their own major buffs, don't let 1 warden give an entire zerg major resistances, stop letting 1 molten weapons give an entire zerg major brutality/sorcery it is ridiculous how many PvP players cant perform a burst combo but have double the population of Greenland in AVA kills. It seems if lag doesn’t drive off the last few 1 or 2 vXers left, ridiculous small scale nerfing like this will.
Smal scale => Batleground/ IC
Zerg/Ballgroup => Cyro
Why would you go to cyro for "smal scaling" if you spend 90% of the time running around trees and the other 10% on the forum writing nerfposts?
Smal scale => Batleground/ IC
Zerg/Ballgroup => Cyro
Why would you go to cyro for "smal scaling" if you spend 90% of the time running around trees and the other 10% on the forum writing nerfposts?
It sounds drastic, I know, but they should reduce the healing on a few abilities that are overhealing atm, templar, necro and warden both have these skills. But they should also bring back softcaps to max health and armor (only those stats) So lets say you build over 25k health, every hp point you gain over that treshhold will be halfed, same with armor. This would make for a much healthier cyrodiil where ppl actually died if they made a mistake etc..
Smal scale => Batleground/ IC
Zerg/Ballgroup => Cyro
Why would you go to cyro for "smal scaling"[ snip]
[edited for baiting]
khajiitNPC wrote: »...and even if they run into a equally skilled group, the soloist should still die.
it is ridiculous how many PvP players cant perform a burst combo but have double the population of Greenland in AVA kills.
Don’t forget spin to win, nothing goes better with an ulti dump build better than dbreaker followed by an undodgable aoe execute
Because zerg pounding as a solo sport is the stuff of legends, that's like saying "you've only got one harpoon gun, why would you go hunt whales when you can hunt sea bass."
My formal stance on this is that the game has shifted too hard into passive stats. It's why CP is broken, and it's why gear is too significant.
Active skills aren't playing a strong enough role, both defensively and offensively. If I'm getting slammed, I should have to use active skills to counter being slammed, which should mitigate even crazy excess damage for short durations, as long as I can sustain them.
What players should not be able to do, is stand still and survive getting pounded indefinitely.
Goregrinder wrote: »The healing in PVP is absurd. A group of 4 people shouldn't have the healing potential of a group of 12. The game for years has facilitated the ability to be your own pocket healer on top of being tanky and having high damage, which is out of control. If you build to be a deadicated healer then your heals should be great. If you build for damage, you should not be able to heal yourself as well as a dedicated healer, nor come close.
Whether or not nerfing heal output is the right thing to do to fix this, at least it's something. Really what they should do is increase the cost of heals by a lot, all heals...stamina and magicka heals....and force people to have to build into recoveries to effectively utilize them.
Kidgangster101 wrote: »
I've said it a lot they need to make "healing" its own stat that you need to spec into rather than having it being tied to mag/spell damage and stam/weapon damage.......
A 6k+ weapon damage vigor covers both insane damage and survivability in 1 stat same with magic toons.
This is the biggest problem with PVP there should be choices playing alone. You shouldn't be a tank/healer/dps in one spec and if you go that round you should be only ok at them. Jack of a trade master of none..... But somehow we have master of all in this game.
SavageChain wrote: »
You know that such a change again only favors bigger groups? A solo player would lose damage to gain reasonable healing, therefore have much less killing power and hardere times to kill the zerglings. Meanwhile in bigger groups and zergs, youc an just specc into one thing, since your groupmembers will cover the other thing. You can be the annoying healer with zero damage and that is perfectly fine in groups. Or you are specced into damage and *** healing, but your group will cover up the healing somewhere with a healer. Only soloers and small scalers will be hit by such a change, because they need to specc in everything.
Kidgangster101 wrote: »
Lol so it is not okay to take it away because it hurts solo players ability to fight/kill ENTIRE ZERGS ALONE?
It is crazy that 1 person can kill an entire group. I pretty much only play small scale PVP and I find it crazy me and my wife together can kill 8+ alone. That is not okay lol.
PEOPLE CHOOSE TO PLAY SOLO, why should you be as powerful as an entire group because YOU CHOOSE that route?
SavageChain wrote: »
Wow lol that argument. If you and your wife together killed so many, than it means they were terrible. So why shouldnt you be able to kill several unskilled players alone?
It only makes sense that one guy can take on several opponents, if he outskills them. Thats the same thing as if a martial arts athlete fights several children, which will probably result in the same.
Soloers are not as strong as a group, because they choose so. They have chosen solo play to challenge themselves, but skill and knowledge let them overwhelm their enemies. Skill and experience, two things gathered by long practicing. Somebody spending lots of time into that should just be stronger than new players, even if they outnumber him.
Kidgangster101 wrote: »
I've said it a lot they need to make "healing" its own stat that you need to spec into rather than having it being tied to mag/spell damage and stam/weapon damage.......
A 6k+ weapon damage vigor covers both insane damage and survivability in 1 stat same with magic toons.
This is the biggest problem with PVP there should be choices playing alone. You shouldn't be a tank/healer/dps in one spec and if you go that round you should be only ok at them. Jack of a trade master of none..... But somehow we have master of all in this game.
SavageChain wrote: »It only makes sense that one guy can take on several opponents, if he outskills them.
Nothing makes sense about players with significantly different levels of skill/experience/attitude playing against each other in a PvP game. As all it leads to is largely low skilled, dull PvP with impossible balance issues and a dying game(mode).
Which is why most PvP games dropped that model long ago and is a big part of why PvP fails miserably in games like ESO (and in MMORPGs generally).
Goregrinder wrote: »
Because that's how survival of the fittest works. Always has, always will. It's never going to be "fair".