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Already getting bored...

  • Selstad
    I find that the LFG tool in TESO actually works quite well. It still requires that you actually get to the dungeon, but once one have done it, you can easily travel to that player. So I don't see what's the problem with the LFG setup, it's a ton better than per example WoW's LFG interface which is a complete and utter joke and have contributed to more negative than good.

    As for exploring, I find that the world is build to be explored. Dungeons, quests and events can be found all over the world, but like any Elder Scrolls game, you might find yourself chewing over more than you can handle. I remember in Skyrim, I explored the whole continent a lot, until all of a sudden I came over a very nasty piece of dragon that guarded the area. I had to come back after I'd gotten some more shouts and better armour before I could take him down.

    I think that people are going over themselves looking for any little negative thing they can about this game "because it's not WoW". I know it's not out there in the open, but the subtext says differently. It seems like people expected another WoW clone and was disappointed when it turned out that it wasn't, so they look at different angles just to turn even that as a "negative" thing. A good thing about this game not being anywhere close to WoW, is that within a few months, the community will have "shaken off" the Wrath and Cata babies from WoW, leaving behind the more seasoned MMO players that see the game on its own without comparing it to everything - even single player games.
  • Melian

    - Name Tags? Immersion doesn't mean you do not have an interface. I don't easily recognize friends or players I came across often because there are no name tags. You make friends in MMOs by encountering the same ppl often. Here you do not. This is a must have option for any MMOs. Those who don't like it, can turn it off anyway.

    How do you recognize people IRL? Must make for many an awkward scenario!
    - Exploring. Ok, then just go exploring. Not really possible. Every zone feels like it is divided into subzones. Once you cross a hill you encounter mobs beyond what you can handle and just die. Designed in a way you cannot avoid them.

    How the hell did I take a level 13 Dunmer through the Rift, into Eastmarch, and complete a few quests in Windhelm? We must be playing different games.
    - Maybe some dungeons? Nah, no proper LFG tool and no real boss mechanics and the problem of combat. At least not from what I came across and from what I googled to see if it gets any better.

    So... you didn't actually try any dungeons? There is a LFG tool (I don't know what you consider "proper" - should it wear gloves and a skirt that reaches its knees or what?) and there are boss mechanics (however, they aren't "real": they're part of a computer game, I'm told).
    - Combat. No feedback what so ever. I do not know when I land a hit or when I miss. Nearly no visual feedback. No numbers nothing. No buff bar. I have no clue, just hitting mouse buttons and mashing buttons because I have no indicator of what is working well. This is even more boring. Again, ppl. who do not want such kind of information can turn it off, no reason not to include it, It gets so boring and annoying quickly if you have no clue if what you are doing is working out and what the buffs/debuffs are.

    It's not the game's fault you're so terrible you just randomly mash buttons, or that you apparently can't see the visual effects for buffs and debuffs, or hear the sound effect when you hit a mob.

    Not even going to bother with the rest, except that it sounds like you're playing with low graphics settings, in first person, and expect to be able to level without any effort like in WoW. I couldn't care less if you leave, but I hope Zeni has the sense not to listen to people like you, because your advice will ruin the game for everyone else.
  • Elvent
    I'm still having fun but I do think this MMO is too barebones stripped down. I don't know if they can last as P2P unless they start adding more 'OPTIONAL' features. It's nice they're giving the people with hardcore immersion attention but I don't think there's going to be enough of only that certain type of crowd to make the game last.

    It just feels so barebones.
  • kasain
    I am lvl 35 and I will say for a 2014 game, it does feel like I am playing a 1995 or WOW release game. Many of you talk when WOW launched it had many bugs. Maybe as many as ESO. But you fail to forget WOW is 10+ years old and you would think games have progressed.

    I think the quest are great, but I probably be bored if I did it a second or third time around.

    I do hate the controllers. Like the author said. You feel like you need a third hand. FFXI I can use a number pad to move all around. Why can't I use the numpad as hot keys. If I could do this I could use the four arrows to move and & 9 for L & R hand attack. That would free up one hand.

    I should have a camera auto lock. I can turn it on and off, ffxi had this, FFXIV has it, and you can turn it off if you want. We need this in ESO.

    I agree about the loot thing, but again auto camera would be useful in helping us loot.

    /stuck, I had to use this 20x last night, falling through the earth mostly in town. But then I have to lose armor states for repair because towns are not perfect yet.

    Quest to lvl 17, some are broken. 17 was the cap in the beta, their is no excuse for these quest broken.

    Name tags, yes please, I want to see my friends. or let me left click to add a friend when I exam a character or left click in chat.

    We can't compare ESO to wow launch as WOW launched so many years ago. Some things should of been done right.

    By the way, its much easier to have a game go from PC to console, but very hard to do from console to PC.

    Why should MODS add on do things the basic programmer should. I should of at least been able to type in an item in a guild store. Not need to get a mod for that or so many basic things.

    Some quest in dungeons are not fun As some people are spamming the boss. So as I walk in to fight he boss, he already dead if I touch him or not and someone else hits him.

    I have played over 100 hours.

    The game as it is is ok for FtP. but a sub fee. If I bought a computer and it didn't work when I got it home then the store does not get to keep my money. Broken quest, falling through earth, need a third hand to move character, and can't type in an item in a guiled store, and no name tags. I consider these basic things. If fixed then a sub is ok.

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