First I played the beta and know what I signed up for basically... I hoped that many things will be changed and fixed. Some did and some did not.
Here are my current issues why I already feel bored with the game already.
- No Trading Post. What should I do with my gold and my loot? No way to properly trade crafted or looted stuff or buy what you are missing. Guild Stores? Not really worth it at all unless you found an awesome trading guild with a lot of active players. Trading is slow and tedious and you often don't find what you need or want to sell. This need to be added.
- Name Tags? Immersion doesn't mean you do not have an interface. I don't easily recognize friends or players I came across often because there are no name tags. You make friends in MMOs by encountering the same ppl often. Here you do not. This is a must have option for any MMOs. Those who don't like it, can turn it off anyway.
- Quest design. Hours of dialogue to shove some lore down my throat that just mask up "kill 10 rats", "talk to x and then to me" quests. This really really bored me already and I only reached level 11 on two toons. I stopped caring for quest as they are so run of the mill. I don't expect a TSW quest story telling here, but at least something that keeps you playing.
- Exploring. Ok, then just go exploring. Not really possible. Every zone feels like it is divided into subzones. Once you cross a hill you encounter mobs beyond what you can handle and just die. Designed in a way you cannot avoid them. So you are forced to look for some more fetch quests to level. There is no sense of exploring as constant hills and cliffs are in the way. It feels like one quest arena after another and not like one larger map. So exploration for fun is a no go as the areas you can explore are too small unless you follow the pre-defined level up path of quest trying to get every side quest. You always feel undergeared and have no feeling of accomplishment.
- So, then let's do some PvP. Never was a huge fan of instanced PvP. So ESO's RvR should be ok for me. I like playing realm vs. realm. 90 day campaigns? Too long. At least the map is big, so there should not be a zerg fest. What do I get, constant running, no organized players and if you find some numbers it's a zerg fest capturing nearly unmanned objectives because the enemy is somewhere else. And then you die and spend 10 minutes running back to the fight again. Basically there are not enough players in PvP for the size of the map. Still this could be a lot of fun. But obviously not many ppl care about this. But this is the gem of this game so far. But without player numbers this will be players vs. doors all over again.
- Maybe some dungeons? Nah, no proper LFG tool and no real boss mechanics and the problem of combat. At least not from what I came across and from what I googled to see if it gets any better.
- Combat. No feedback what so ever. I do not know when I land a hit or when I miss. Nearly no visual feedback. No numbers nothing. No buff bar. I have no clue, just hitting mouse buttons and mashing buttons because I have no indicator of what is working well. This is even more boring. Again, ppl. who do not want such kind of information can turn it off, no reason not to include it, It gets so boring and annoying quickly if you have no clue if what you are doing is working out and what the buffs/debuffs are. You just feel undergeared all the time or bored with no idea what you can improve beside trying to find more quests. You cannot even buy decent gear as there is no proper TP. You are better off spending your gold on skooma ^^
- This brings me to the interface. The longer I play the more annoyed I get by it. Prime example is inventory. This is as worse as it can be. This include the quick selection bar which is even worse. It is just as bad as possible. And it goes for all the interface stuff. Sure, got better since the early betas but it just a black and white clutter.
- Chat. Again just black and white and no visual information who says something where. No timestamps nothing. Instead just constant WTS noise for crappy items because there is no trading post. And of course tons and tons of gold sellers Also bubbles for local chat are missing. How should you properly communicate quickly with players in you area? You cannot. You have a gold seller and trader chatter everywhere. No one bothers about chatting anymore and connecting to others. I already turned if off because I cannot stand the constant WTS/WTT/Buy Gold crap.
- Graphics. Yes, they are very nice. But what's with the current meta of having everything in a flat color palette? This doesn't create immersion, it just makes everything looking the same. Most games these days look like it. I don't get why. Could be grayscale most of the times. It just feels old quickly and you find yourself googling for some SweetFX preset to make the world look more interesting. Maybe other zones might become visually more interesting but I doubt it. And then the textures. Why they are all blurry low res texture like in a 10 year old game? And why are the player animations so bad and wrong like in a game from the 90s?
- Controls? The game feels like designed to play with a controller in two hands and a third on mouse or keyboard. Oh, humans do not have a third hand. That's the problem. Looks like it was full designed for console use and then PC stuff was added. The result is not working well on a PC, and probably not on a console. I am probably best of with just a controller here.
- Looting/Interacting with the World: And what is this crap with alwas have to put the crosshair at something to interact instead of using a mouse pointer? Too loot an enemy I constantly have to look down on them just so I can press E. This annoys you so much as it basically breaks any immersion because you cannot quick loot enemies. You have to stop, look down, press E, press R, look up and try to get back into the game. This needs a full overhaul.
In it's current state the game needs about 6-9 month more work on basic usability. The current interface needs to be scrapped entirely. There is no way to salvage it. This is not about immersion, it's just being lazy by not including vital stuff for and MMO and trying to hide what is there most of the time.
Subscription? Already cancelled it. Will play a bit longer for the rest of months and may revisit this game once it became F2P/B2P (it will be without any doubt) and got a full interface overhaul.
I find Wildstar too cartoonish but it's probably the game I jump next onto because of pure desperation for a new and decent MMO...
Edited by MidasMorley on April 18, 2014 4:09PM