Maintenance for the week of March 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 3
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 4, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)
• NA megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 11:00AM EST (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 16:00 UTC (11:00AM EST)

Already getting bored...

Soul Shriven
First I played the beta and know what I signed up for basically... I hoped that many things will be changed and fixed. Some did and some did not.

Here are my current issues why I already feel bored with the game already.

- No Trading Post. What should I do with my gold and my loot? No way to properly trade crafted or looted stuff or buy what you are missing. Guild Stores? Not really worth it at all unless you found an awesome trading guild with a lot of active players. Trading is slow and tedious and you often don't find what you need or want to sell. This need to be added.

- Name Tags? Immersion doesn't mean you do not have an interface. I don't easily recognize friends or players I came across often because there are no name tags. You make friends in MMOs by encountering the same ppl often. Here you do not. This is a must have option for any MMOs. Those who don't like it, can turn it off anyway.

- Quest design. Hours of dialogue to shove some lore down my throat that just mask up "kill 10 rats", "talk to x and then to me" quests. This really really bored me already and I only reached level 11 on two toons. I stopped caring for quest as they are so run of the mill. I don't expect a TSW quest story telling here, but at least something that keeps you playing.

- Exploring. Ok, then just go exploring. Not really possible. Every zone feels like it is divided into subzones. Once you cross a hill you encounter mobs beyond what you can handle and just die. Designed in a way you cannot avoid them. So you are forced to look for some more fetch quests to level. There is no sense of exploring as constant hills and cliffs are in the way. It feels like one quest arena after another and not like one larger map. So exploration for fun is a no go as the areas you can explore are too small unless you follow the pre-defined level up path of quest trying to get every side quest. You always feel undergeared and have no feeling of accomplishment.

- So, then let's do some PvP. Never was a huge fan of instanced PvP. So ESO's RvR should be ok for me. I like playing realm vs. realm. 90 day campaigns? Too long. At least the map is big, so there should not be a zerg fest. What do I get, constant running, no organized players and if you find some numbers it's a zerg fest capturing nearly unmanned objectives because the enemy is somewhere else. And then you die and spend 10 minutes running back to the fight again. Basically there are not enough players in PvP for the size of the map. Still this could be a lot of fun. But obviously not many ppl care about this. But this is the gem of this game so far. But without player numbers this will be players vs. doors all over again.

- Maybe some dungeons? Nah, no proper LFG tool and no real boss mechanics and the problem of combat. At least not from what I came across and from what I googled to see if it gets any better.

- Combat. No feedback what so ever. I do not know when I land a hit or when I miss. Nearly no visual feedback. No numbers nothing. No buff bar. I have no clue, just hitting mouse buttons and mashing buttons because I have no indicator of what is working well. This is even more boring. Again, ppl. who do not want such kind of information can turn it off, no reason not to include it, It gets so boring and annoying quickly if you have no clue if what you are doing is working out and what the buffs/debuffs are. You just feel undergeared all the time or bored with no idea what you can improve beside trying to find more quests. You cannot even buy decent gear as there is no proper TP. You are better off spending your gold on skooma ^^

- This brings me to the interface. The longer I play the more annoyed I get by it. Prime example is inventory. This is as worse as it can be. This include the quick selection bar which is even worse. It is just as bad as possible. And it goes for all the interface stuff. Sure, got better since the early betas but it just a black and white clutter.

- Chat. Again just black and white and no visual information who says something where. No timestamps nothing. Instead just constant WTS noise for crappy items because there is no trading post. And of course tons and tons of gold sellers Also bubbles for local chat are missing. How should you properly communicate quickly with players in you area? You cannot. You have a gold seller and trader chatter everywhere. No one bothers about chatting anymore and connecting to others. I already turned if off because I cannot stand the constant WTS/WTT/Buy Gold crap.

- Graphics. Yes, they are very nice. But what's with the current meta of having everything in a flat color palette? This doesn't create immersion, it just makes everything looking the same. Most games these days look like it. I don't get why. Could be grayscale most of the times. It just feels old quickly and you find yourself googling for some SweetFX preset to make the world look more interesting. Maybe other zones might become visually more interesting but I doubt it. And then the textures. Why they are all blurry low res texture like in a 10 year old game? And why are the player animations so bad and wrong like in a game from the 90s?

- Controls? The game feels like designed to play with a controller in two hands and a third on mouse or keyboard. Oh, humans do not have a third hand. That's the problem. Looks like it was full designed for console use and then PC stuff was added. The result is not working well on a PC, and probably not on a console. I am probably best of with just a controller here.

- Looting/Interacting with the World: And what is this crap with alwas have to put the crosshair at something to interact instead of using a mouse pointer? Too loot an enemy I constantly have to look down on them just so I can press E. This annoys you so much as it basically breaks any immersion because you cannot quick loot enemies. You have to stop, look down, press E, press R, look up and try to get back into the game. This needs a full overhaul.

In it's current state the game needs about 6-9 month more work on basic usability. The current interface needs to be scrapped entirely. There is no way to salvage it. This is not about immersion, it's just being lazy by not including vital stuff for and MMO and trying to hide what is there most of the time.

Subscription? Already cancelled it. Will play a bit longer for the rest of months and may revisit this game once it became F2P/B2P (it will be without any doubt) and got a full interface overhaul.

I find Wildstar too cartoonish but it's probably the game I jump next onto because of pure desperation for a new and decent MMO...
Edited by MidasMorley on April 18, 2014 4:09PM
  • subecsanur
    Totally agree!! Interface and chat, no feedback. Even chatting with someone while in combat is impossible or when you are running and try to open inventory.
    Crafting alone is ok but the more you want to do the more issues you run into, the lack of storage due to unstackable items is stupid.
    I am constantly running back to the bank or town to break things down or sell so I can continue questing or going to a dungeon.
  • ClaudiaMay
    Bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Seriously, if you aren't enjoying it, it's a good thing you stopped.

    You obviously don't like any of the content. At all. There are other games out there that may appeal to you more, and I do hope you find them. There's no point playing a game that you aren't getting in to. I've done that plenty of times with games that just didn't hit home.

    - I'll be selling stuff perfectly well to my 3 guild stores.
    - Chuckling at the fact that sometimes I try to accidently kill players due to lack of nametags.
    - Enjoying the questing, skipping dialogue when necessary but still immersing myself in the story.
    - Exploring every nook and cranny in my questing area and some how magically surviving. Also, more loot for me (oh look, chest!)
    - Killing mobs, because I don't seem to have a problem telling how much damage I do to them. Because their healthbar goes freaking down when you hit them. A clearer buff interface would be nice though.
    - Cataloging my inventory and making money off it.
    - Chatting fine (why do you need a time stamp?)
    - Enjoying the beautiful graphics because my computer isn't gimped.
    - Still killing just fine because I mastered the controls fine. Come on guys, it's click-click 1-2-3. Tap W to dodge. That's it.
    - Looting fine, because it makes logistical sense to have to look at whatever the heck you are doing.

    Happy Friday :smile:
    Currently Playing:
    Sorcerer Claudia Warren May, lvl 40. Woodworking 25/Clothing 25/Provisioning 50.
    Dragon Knight, lvl 8. Blacksmithing/Enchanting.
    Nightblade, lvl 3. Alchemy.
    Templar, lvl 7.
  • NixiPixi
    OP have you ever played an Elder Scrolls game before?
  • Noth
    It simply sounds like the OP wanted a typical MMO. Which this isn't.

    Also funny he talks about bad quests being kill/collect etc. When all quests in any game break down to such things.
  • YourNameHere
    - No Trading Post. What should I do with my gold and my loot? No way to properly trade crafted or looted stuff or buy what you are missing. Guild Stores? Not really worth it at all unless you found an awesome trading guild with a lot of active players. Trading is slow and tedious and you often don't find what you need or want to sell. This need to be added.

    I agree there needs to be a way to sell things outside a Guild Bank. I won't get into an argument on it on how it's easy to get into a large guild, or you don't need to talk in it, or it helps economy, etc., but for me a Market Board across a faction is sorely needed.
    Name Tags? Immersion doesn't mean you do not have an interface. I don't easily recognize friends or players I came across often because there are no name tags. You make friends in MMOs by encountering the same ppl often. Here you do not. This is a must have option for any MMOs. Those who don't like it, can turn it off anyway.

    Agreed as well. Nearly all MMOs out there have a toggle for it anyway.
    Exploring. Ok, then just go exploring. Not really possible. Every zone feels like it is divided into subzones. Once you cross a hill you encounter mobs beyond what you can handle and just die. Designed in a way you cannot avoid them. So you are forced to look for some more fetch quests to level. There is no sense of exploring as constant hills and cliffs are in the way. It feels like one quest arena after another and not like one larger map. So exploration for fun is a no go as the areas you can explore are too small unless you follow the pre-defined level up path of quest trying to get every side quest. You always feel undergeared and have no feeling of accomplishment.

    I have to disagree with this and your comment on questing.

    These two are more of a subjective stance really. The quests are going to be like any other game out there as a whole, but the lore and reasons behind them are what get me interested. If you* are a person who just skips through all the text and goes to quest, well, that's your choice and one can't really complain about what one does.

    I have explored the entirety of Glenumbra just as you described. I found hidden caches of items and chests, loot, dungeons, skyshards ... and nothing to do with quest progression at all. It's all about choice. If your choice is to not do so, then can't do anything about it but you.

    As for gear, that I do have to agree with. Getting gear you can't use is kinda lame and annoying, and coupled with not having a default way to sell to other players (read: Market Board) without having to jump through hoops.

    * Please read 'you' in this context as I am speaking to anyone reading this, not just the OP.
    So, then let's do some PvP. Never was a huge fan of instanced PvP. So ESO's RvR should be ok for me. I like playing realm vs. realm. 90 day campaigns? Too long. At least the map is big, so there should not be a zerg fest. What do I get, constant running, no organized players and if you find some numbers it's a zerg fest capturing nearly unmanned objectives because the enemy is somewhere else. And then you die and spend 10 minutes running back to the fight again. Basically there are not enough players in PvP for the size of the map. Still this could be a lot of fun. But obviously not many ppl care about this. But this is the gem of this game so far. But without player numbers this will be players vs. doors all over again.

    There are more than just one server to do PvP on. And I can tell you different times of the day means different faction numbers.

    I personally do not like PvP, but I go to collect materials and they have tasks I can do that doesn't involve fighting other people. I focus on the scouting quests.
    Maybe some dungeons? Nah, no proper LFG tool and no real boss mechanics and the problem of combat. At least not from what I came across and from what I googled to see if it gets any better.

    I only used the LFG tool once, and it's the same, lame old 'get one of each tank, healer, and 2 dps' formula. Which I am surprised still is out there. Bah, let people go in however they want. I spent over 2 hours with no luck finding a Spindleclutch group cause of this mechanic.

    What do you mean by no real 'boss mechanics'? They aren't all 'tank and spank'.
    Combat. No feedback what so ever. I do not know when I land a hit or when I miss. Nearly no visual feedback. No numbers nothing. No buff bar. I have no clue, just hitting mouse buttons and mashing buttons because I have no indicator of what is working well. This is even more boring. Again, ppl. who do not want such kind of information can turn it off, no reason not to include it, It gets so boring and annoying quickly if you have no clue if what you are doing is working out and what the buffs/debuffs are. You just feel undergeared all the time or bored with no idea what you can improve beside trying to find more quests. You cannot even buy decent gear as there is no proper TP. You are better off spending your gold on skooma ^^

    Skooma is bad, mmmkay?

    But combat is a bit under-feedbacky (new word!). I usually turn the numbers off anyway since it clutters my screen, and the messages if something is not affected by something is shoved in the upper right corner of the UI (which is hard to see when you aren't focused on it).

    This could be something that is toggled as well, I agree.
    Chat. Again just black and white and no visual information who says something where. No timestamps nothing. Instead just constant WTS noise for crappy items because there is no trading post. And of course tons and tons of gold sellers Also bubbles for local chat are missing. How should you properly communicate quickly with players in you area? You cannot. You have a gold seller and trader chatter everywhere. No one bothers about chatting anymore and connecting to others. I already turned if off because I cannot stand the constant WTS/WTT/Buy Gold crap.

    Chat could use a bit of an overhaul I agree.
    Controls? The game feels like designed to play with a controller in two hands and a third on mouse or keyboard. Oh, humans do not have a third hand. That's the problem. Looks like it was full designed for console use and then PC stuff was added. The result is not working well on a PC, and probably not on a console. I am probably best of with just a controller here.

    Needs the ability to set up hotkeys. As a woman, it is a pain trying to hit some keys with long nails, and I end up doing things I don't want to. Meh.
    Looting/Interacting with the World: And what is this crap with alwas have to put the crosshair at something to interact instead of using a mouse pointer? Too loot an enemy I constantly have to look down on them just so I can press E. This annoys you so much as it basically breaks any immersion because you cannot quick loot enemies. You have to stop, look down, press E, press R, look up and try to get back into the game. This needs a full overhaul.

    There is a checkbox to loot everything in range when you loot one creature. But I agree it should just happen with one key you choose instead of moving your view.
    NA Megaserver / RPer
    Alinyssa Gaethar - AD || Raahni-do - AD || Wind-In-Tree's-Shadow - DC
  • Shimond
    This doesn't really read like you're bored to me, but rather playing the wrong game.
  • Bane766
    Soul Shriven
    ClaudiaMay wrote: »
    Bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Seriously, if you aren't enjoying it, it's a good thing you stopped.

    You obviously don't like any of the content. At all. There are other games out there that may appeal to you more, and I do hope you find them. There's no point playing a game that you aren't getting in to. I've done that plenty of times with games that just didn't hit home.

    - I'll be selling stuff perfectly well to my 3 guild stores.
    - Chuckling at the fact that sometimes I try to accidently kill players due to lack of nametags.
    - Enjoying the questing, skipping dialogue when necessary but still immersing myself in the story.
    - Exploring every nook and cranny in my questing area and some how magically surviving. Also, more loot for me (oh look, chest!)
    - Killing mobs, because I don't seem to have a problem telling how much damage I do to them. Because their healthbar goes freaking down when you hit them. A clearer buff interface would be nice though.
    - Cataloging my inventory and making money off it.
    - Chatting fine (why do you need a time stamp?)
    - Enjoying the beautiful graphics because my computer isn't gimped.
    - Still killing just fine because I mastered the controls fine. Come on guys, it's click-click 1-2-3. Tap W to dodge. That's it.
    - Looting fine, because it makes logistical sense to have to look at whatever the heck you are doing.

    Happy Friday :smile:

    Yep, I agree with this person. I love the game so far. Sure it's a bit different than other MMO's, but why would you want a game that is the exact same, just with a different coat of paint? I like the changes ESO has compared to other MMO's. It makes it unique.

    And you can explore easily. I do it all the time. You only got to lv 11? You barely played the game. I could go on and on about how I disagree with pretty much everything you said, but I won't.

    But hey, if you don't like it, then it's best you do leave. No point in sticking around if you don't like it.
  • Chili
    "I only reached level 11 on two toons."

    No need to read beyond this.
  • MysticAura
    ClaudiaMay wrote: »
    Bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Seriously, if you aren't enjoying it, it's a good thing you stopped.

    You obviously don't like any of the content. At all. There are other games out there that may appeal to you more, and I do hope you find them. There's no point playing a game that you aren't getting in to. I've done that plenty of times with games that just didn't hit home.

    - I'll be selling stuff perfectly well to my 3 guild stores.
    - Chuckling at the fact that sometimes I try to accidently kill players due to lack of nametags.
    - Enjoying the questing, skipping dialogue when necessary but still immersing myself in the story.
    - Exploring every nook and cranny in my questing area and some how magically surviving. Also, more loot for me (oh look, chest!)
    - Killing mobs, because I don't seem to have a problem telling how much damage I do to them. Because their healthbar goes freaking down when you hit them. A clearer buff interface would be nice though.
    - Cataloging my inventory and making money off it.
    - Chatting fine (why do you need a time stamp?)
    - Enjoying the beautiful graphics because my computer isn't gimped.
    - Still killing just fine because I mastered the controls fine. Come on guys, it's click-click 1-2-3. Tap W to dodge. That's it.
    - Looting fine, because it makes logistical sense to have to look at whatever the heck you are doing.

    Happy Friday :smile:

    Quoted for truth. I can't agree with this more. On every single point. Agree x100

  • Armitas
    Chili wrote: »
    "I only reached level 11 on two toons."

    No need to read beyond this.

    That one statement revealed the rest as nothing but bait.

    Edited by Armitas on April 18, 2014 4:36PM
    Nord mDK
  • crush83
    Boredom is inevitable in Theme Park MMOs. I'm not there yet with TESO, but I'm not naive enough to think that I won't get there eventually.
  • Nicsam
    Soul Shriven
    Can i have your stuff!!!
  • JessieColt
    TL;DR (thread)

    Check out for some add-ons that may help with some of the issues that you raised with things like the UI, Guild Stores, and chat.

  • Mentalmelon
    Quest design. Hours of dialogue to shove some lore down my throat that just mask up "kill 10 rats", "talk to x and then to me" quests.

    OP: You said you knew what you were signing up for, yet you are sick of elder scrolls lore being shoved in your face. What were you expecting, the NPC's to chat about Star Wars??

    Seriously if you are bored then this game is definitely not for you, there is a reason everything is how it has been laid out and that's to keep it in the same format and play style as every other Elder Scrolls game. Everything I read that you whined about is that your bored that this ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE is similar to other ELDER SCROLLS titles?!

    See you later Sunbeam :)
  • jy82988ub17_ESO
    I'm level 50 (VR1) and I'd have to agree with every point the OP made, but I'm still giving the game a chance. Even though I played the beta I was just expecting A LOT more of out this game, to hopefully I suppose. Sadly WoW is just to legit sometimes.
  • Tatuaje
    I'm sure the fan bois will chime in, but I tend to agree with you on a lot of your concerns. It is a fine game for MMO lite types and peeps on kiddie consoles, but it is not and should not be in the category as an MMO.

    1. Hey, 21st century and no voice for dungeons and raiding? Could possibly live with it if there was target marking or target skill forwarding.
    2. I have seen 2 mechanics in 8 dungeons, red spots and black balls. Really, that is all these mobs have. We run most dungeons with no research, a few deaths, and an occasional wipe. Sad. Far too easy.
    3. You are correct, this game was written for consoles, the quick slot is about useless to me, I have a 101 plus keyboard but get to slot all of 6 skills.
    4. 95% of the caves/open dungeons are turn right, go down, beat boss, come up the left. There are maybe 3 house plans in the whole game.
    5. The grind here is way less than most other games and crafting actually seems useful. Good points there.
    6. Leveling is way to fast, does not seem to be the progressive spread between levels it needs.
    7. Quests are reasonably in the same area, not too much back and forth and the story line is good.
    8. I as well find the maps exceedingly difficult to get around. Seems some cliff and mountain ranges are there just as a time soak to walk around.
    9. Dorshia (sp) is already nerfed? It was 1 of the 2 semi good battles I had accomplished on level. Cheesemongers Hollow is the other. Thinking and proper play was required.

    I did 4 betas as I remember, so not to surprised at the Game. Skyrim was superb as a solo game. This is TESO, a different game. Nice and lite but not an MMO IMO. Definitly does not offer the proper grouping/raiding that I am looking for. It seems more like multiple people collectively in the same solo type game. I am hoping at level 50 the "Veteran" stuff offers more interesting material and requires more expertise than 1,2,3,4, win.

    As always, it is my .02 therefore correct for me, but YMMV.

    Hmmm late thought, remove the red cones and red balls and use more visual cues from the mobs that an effect is happening. That might be more interesting.
    Edited by Tatuaje on April 18, 2014 4:51PM
  • Teroh
    TLDR he got to lvl 11 and quit because he wanted wow
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • Athise
    You bought the wrong game , i did the same. I expected a mmorpg with improvements to certain aspects of the mmo genre.
    Instead i got a game with "barely" any interaction and more quests than every mmo that i've played in 10 years put togheter.
    There's not even an option to do something else because this game lacks a carrot on a stick.

    People are talking about exploring , while everywhere there is an invisible wall blocking. Exploring doesn't mean running on the road looking for "treasure".
    I'm not allowed to explore certain mines/dungeons because i'm not on a quest... there is absolutly no open world to explore.

    i've put alot of hours in Oblivion/skyrim but this game isn't even close to what these games brought of entertainment.
    It's maybe a feint shadow of these titles. I never played those games to get quests shoved down my throat.
  • akri30
    It does sound like this game isn't for you. I happen to love it and frankly, the higher level you are the better it gets. One of the most satisfying encounters comes at the quest that lets you start the veteran content.

    The game is very different from other MMOs in a lot of ways and in my mind that is what makes it great. I am just going to touch on a couple comments made by the original poster, Midas.

    For selling things, it is easy enough to join a trading guild. In fact, I applaud that idea. It seems to be working. Prices are a little wonky right now because people are trying to figure out what things are actually worth but the rules of the trading guild I am in prevent price gouging on certain items. In addition, there is accountability there for those trying to scam other players. Although, there should be a trade channel, it might clear zone chat a bit.

    I can honestly say I never once felt under-geared in this game. Part of that might be that I make my own weapons and shields. Also, it may not be the gear at all but your spec. At one time I did get frustrated but as I leveled I learned and things are pretty good at Vet 1. I changed my skills a few times to find what works for me. And if you really need to see health numbers/percentages, there is an add-on (several in fact) for that.

    And one more. Dude, you are level 11. You do not have the proper experience to comment on most gameplay experience in this game, especially dungeons. Hell, at Vet 1 I probably shouldn't be commenting. Dungeons are awesome and fun. I "tank". I put that in quotes due to the fact that, besides the bosses and a few more challenging mobs, I run these in my archer build. In fact some bosses I run mostly in my archer build with a flip to sword and board to hold some aggro. There are definitely mechanics with bosses and I love how dodge and block are active abilities and make the fights a lot more interesting.

    This game is definitely not perfect, there are some changes that could be made and the bugs do get frustrating. But honestly the bugs are nothing compared to what some other games were like when they first came out (I am looking at you WoW!) As long as my progression is not hindered I can live with a couple broken quests. Quests do get a bit boring (to be expected when there are so many) but I like the way they organically flow and take you along a continent to explore. And exploration is a must as you would miss many, many quests and some loot if you simply went where the main area quest took you.

    I have said my piece. To me it sounds like you want another cookie cutter game. There are plenty out there that you will enjoy.
  • jircris11
    it seems this is another one of "those" threads. I have yet to see kill x number of mobs and come back other then the vampire quest. Also i enjoy the no nameplates it makes it more entertaining stinging at players before realizing that they are players not npcs. I manage to sell things outside of my trading guild just fine, i post in zone once every 5-10 mins and keep my eyes out for people buying what im selling. As far as the lore...its a TES game they have allways been lore heavy, it wont change and you should have known that before you joined up. But then again from the sound of your post as many have said you just wanted a cookie cutter mmo. I wish you luck in finding your perfect mmo..perhaps wildstar, they seem to have most of what your asking other then the fact they DO have kill x number of mob quests.
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • Athise
    jircris11 wrote: »
    I have yet to see kill x number of mobs and come back other then the vampire quest.

    Your probably right it's more a flood of escort quests / talk to some dude quest which involves running around the map to talk to his friends.
    Atleast with a kill x number of mobs you would level faster because the quest xp reward are very low.
  • Gedalya
    If your board hit me up and we can play some World of Tanks.
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator:
  • Chomppa
    Don't force yourself to play this game , it's not good for your health . I plan to stay since I'm still having fun and I haven't experienced everything yet .

    As for Wildstar , I'm looking to try it and play it next to TESO , if not then I'll just stick with TESO . see it's that easy , do things that you enjoy .
    :):D:(;):\:o:s:p:'(:|B):#o:)<3 (*) >:)
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Tatuaje wrote: »
    I'm sure the fan bois will chime in, but I tend to agree with you on a lot of your concerns. It is a fine game for MMO lite types and peeps on kiddie consoles, but it is not and should not be in the category as an MMO.

    1. Hey, 21st century and no voice for dungeons and raiding? Could possibly live with it if there was target marking or target skill forwarding.
    2. I have seen 2 mechanics in 8 dungeons, red spots and black balls. Really, that is all these mobs have. We run most dungeons with no research, a few deaths, and an occasional wipe. Sad. Far too easy.
    3. You are correct, this game was written for consoles, the quick slot is about useless to me, I have a 101 plus keyboard but get to slot all of 6 skills.
    4. 95% of the caves/open dungeons are turn right, go down, beat boss, come up the left. There are maybe 3 house plans in the whole game.
    5. The grind here is way less than most other games and crafting actually seems useful. Good points there.
    6. Leveling is way to fast, does not seem to be the progressive spread between levels it needs.
    7. Quests are reasonably in the same area, not too much back and forth and the story line is good.
    8. I as well find the maps exceedingly difficult to get around. Seems some cliff and mountain ranges are there just as a time soak to walk around.
    9. Dorshia (sp) is already nerfed? It was 1 of the 2 semi good battles I had accomplished on level. Cheesemongers Hollow is the other. Thinking and proper play was required.

    I did 4 betas as I remember, so not to surprised at the Game. Skyrim was superb as a solo game. This is TESO, a different game. Nice and lite but not an MMO IMO. Definitly does not offer the proper grouping/raiding that I am looking for. It seems more like multiple people collectively in the same solo type game. I am hoping at level 50 the "Veteran" stuff offers more interesting material and requires more expertise than 1,2,3,4, win.

    As always, it is my .02 therefore correct for me, but YMMV.

    Hmmm late thought, remove the red cones and red balls and use more visual cues from the mobs that an effect is happening. That might be more interesting.

    Yup people must be fanbois if they dont agree with the heavy handed attitude of the OP.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Tatuaje wrote: »
    fan bois

    I don't know about anyone else but every time I see this it makes me cringe.

    Quite possibly one of the most pathetic "insults" i've ever had misfortune to witness.

    So much so that whenever I see someone use it I completely disregard everything else they have to say.
  • Shimond
    I don't know about anyone else but every time I see this it makes me cringe.

    Quite possibly one of the most pathetic "insults" i've ever had misfortune to witness.

    So much so that whenever I see someone use it I completely disregard everything else they have to say.

    It's really just a garbage word people use when they have no valid argument. You know your argument is lost when you have to resort to name calling :P
  • MysticAura
    'Fan boi' is inaccurate slang used by people who don't want anyone with their own mind disagreeing with them. If you aren't whining and complaining, you must be a fan boi. Not to mention that 'boi' is a slang term used referring to sexual/gender identities and totally has no place within the overused and abused phrase. Welcome to the new generation where typos become popular slang.

    I never want to say or hear any of those terms again and made myself cringe in my own response.
  • Hetzer
    im v3 and i agree with Tatuaje. Since lvl 20 im skipping all dialogs im only seeking the quest marks. But this is ok. What i hate the most is casting instant spells like they have casting time, its not instant, i have to push key more then once in order to cast it, that happens very often. I dont know its a latency or something else.

    The funniest things are traps like fire walls which do only little damage.
  • silent88b14_ESO
    Boredom is a symptom of the lazy mind. It is nobody's fault but your own. Its like some people want a movie that lasts for ever yet never repeats content and that simply isn't going to happen... except maybe in Cyrodiil...
    Edited by silent88b14_ESO on April 18, 2014 6:11PM
    Behold the great Oak. Just a little nut who stood his ground.
  • MidasMorley
    Soul Shriven
    NixiPixi wrote: »
    OP have you ever played an Elder Scrolls game before?
    Of course, played them all since Morrowind. I really like them. But also like MMOs. I didn't expect a classic MMO nor an classic ES title. I played the betas for about 30-40 hours and liked what I saw for a beta of course. Enough to decide that I give the game a chance.
    Noth wrote: »
    Also funny he talks about bad quests being kill/collect etc. When all quests in any game break down to such things.
    Not necessarily. Check out the quests in TSW. The overwhelming majority is interesting and keeps you playing not just hitting enter, running to a quest maker, mash some buttons and back. You actually have an interesting story you take part in. It develops during a quest or chain of quest.

    But all quests I came along so far didn't spark my interest. You get a huge voice over and then you have to rush to quest markers where basically nothing happens and nothing is revealed. Or take certain aspects (not all) of GW2's event design, which also keep you interested and entertained (not the hearts of course).

    Or take the quests in an ES game. You can wander for hours through the map and explore regardless of which level and pick up interesting quests for your level. Here you have artificial barriers in every zone that clearly tell you "do your quests, do not explore until you at least reach a few more levels.".
    Chili wrote: »
    "I only reached level 11 on two toons."

    No need to read beyond this.
    Ah, the strawman argument.

    So out of the sudden the interface gets better when you reach level cap?
    There will be a trading post?
    The gold spammers stop spamming?
    Inventory is easily manageable?
    Chat works nicely?
    You can easily identify your friends?
    PvP is more populated and the campaign time shorter?
    There are mechanics in dungeons?
    Proper LFG tool?

    As you can see the hours of playtime invested is not related to what are issues for me as this does obviously not change.

    And regarding high level content. I can watch videos and streams of them. And I did after I wondered if there is more to come.

    And what I saw is really disappointing. Not what I call good boss mechanics. They seem to be worse than the ones in GW2, which are already on the low end for an MMO.

    The problem here is that It doesn't keep me interested on this low level already. That's a warning sign. Getting bored and annoyed by certain things should happen way later in a theme park MMO not already after such few hours.
    Check out for some add-ons that may help with some of the issues that you raised with things like the UI, Guild Stores, and chat.
    I already did. Some promising stuff, but of course no full replacements. And I am not willing to pay for a game on a monthly basis where I need to check for addons to replace essential game features.

    That there are already a lot of replacements for e.g. inventory shows how bad vanilla is in this aspect. Not out for a month and people are already desperate for replacements to make essential elements usable.
    OP: You said you knew what you were signing up for, yet you are sick of elder scrolls lore being shoved in your face. What were you expecting, the NPC's to chat about Star Wars??
    It's like the hours of voice overs that tell me a story instead of letting me experience it through questing and explorations.

    It is not the content, it is the way of delivery!

    Just sitting there and seeing a character close up and listed to long monologues where my answers don't matter at all. It is just too much and not really connected to the task at hand. It just tries to hide the fact how boring the quests are in my opinion.
    Seriously if you are bored then this game is definitely not for you, there is a reason everything is how it has been laid out and that's to keep it in the same format and play style as every other Elder Scrolls game. Everything I read that you whined about is that your bored that this ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE is similar to other ELDER SCROLLS titles?!
    Regarding the ES aspect: it doesn't feel like it. I feel squeezed in quest area after quest area in a zone where I need to progress though each quest area. That's is not ES for me. At least I experienced these game differently. And I knew it is not another ES title. It's an MMO in the ES universe. So far so good. But for me it fails on ES as well as on the MMO side.

    But you are right, the game is nothing for me in its current state. Maybe I play Oblivion again or revive my EVE account, try out Neverwinter or even pay World of Tanks a visit. Or just check some nice single players that are on a Steam sell.
    Teroh wrote: »
    TLDR he got to lvl 11 and quit because he wanted wow
    Ah the strawman again. Never played much WoW as it was too cartoonish for my taste. Was OK up to Lich King though. After that, no thank you.

    Anyway, if you guys enjoy the game and that's what you are looking for and can live with the flaws then have fun. But for me it isn't and I just want to share my criticism here with others.

    If the game improves on a lot of aspects I might revisit it in the future. But that they are already nerfing some bosses isn't very promising regarding the direction they are planning too take.
    Edited by MidasMorley on April 18, 2014 6:16PM
This discussion has been closed.