Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

How did it get this bad? (PS4)

  • JanTanhide
    Oh are you in for a surprise today when you get the DLC.
  • TequilaFire
    SillyGT wrote: »
    Since elsweyr on console this game has actually on a downward spiral. The performance is actually unbelievable the game has a crashing problem that last literally 3-4 months. And replaced it with massive lag spikes and skill delay. So us console players have been waiting so patient to get some of the worst feedback I’ve ever seen. It’s been months and it’s only gotten worse and it’s so sad because we all love the game but this is just unacceptable. 4 months later we are waiting on a fix and nothing has changed. Some examples of were obviously the blue screens on ps4 NA that probably happened realistically twice a hour. And since that has been resolved no skill work during any hour of pvp. You can press a skills up to 5-7 times then it will finally go off. And worst of them all everyone in cyrodiil will freeze in place and skip around for up to 5 minutes at a time. And this is not a connection issue, you need to see zone chat blow up when it happens because it’s honestly laughable. How did it get this bad and not been fixed? Oh wait there is only about 3 people talking about it on console. By the way we don’t even have Harrowstorm yet. Can’t wait to see what that will bring us 🙂

    I play on ps4 and haven't had blue screen or loading problems. Maybe get a new console or better internet?

    Welcome to the forums.
    And this is your first post? ;)
  • RedGirl41
    Ps4 has been dealing with game crashes since November. I’ll say it again for the people in the back.... November. We FINALLY got a terrible patch first of feb and now the skill delay is so terrible it’s pointless to even pvp. That’s been a month for us now. Imagine? @ZOS_GinaBruno
  • bri5
    Skill delay is bad right now on PS4!
  • grannas211
    If this was actually a big popular game it would be getting shamed by the gaming community; however, since its a niche thing, its just going to keep going like this Im unafraid.
  • SORjosh
    SillyGT wrote: »
    Since elsweyr on console this game has actually on a downward spiral. The performance is actually unbelievable the game has a crashing problem that last literally 3-4 months. And replaced it with massive lag spikes and skill delay. So us console players have been waiting so patient to get some of the worst feedback I’ve ever seen. It’s been months and it’s only gotten worse and it’s so sad because we all love the game but this is just unacceptable. 4 months later we are waiting on a fix and nothing has changed. Some examples of were obviously the blue screens on ps4 NA that probably happened realistically twice a hour. And since that has been resolved no skill work during any hour of pvp. You can press a skills up to 5-7 times then it will finally go off. And worst of them all everyone in cyrodiil will freeze in place and skip around for up to 5 minutes at a time. And this is not a connection issue, you need to see zone chat blow up when it happens because it’s honestly laughable. How did it get this bad and not been fixed? Oh wait there is only about 3 people talking about it on console. By the way we don’t even have Harrowstorm yet. Can’t wait to see what that will bring us 🙂

    I play on ps4 and haven't had blue screen or loading problems. Maybe get a new console or better internet?

    This is a ZOS account trying to trigger us into jumping on this person so they can close another thread. Dont take the bait. :D
    Edited by SORjosh on March 5, 2020 4:35PM
  • xxthir13enxx
    Aurielle wrote: »
    RedGirl41 wrote: »

    Imagine playing on this dumpster fire that is ps4. Game crashes since NOVEMBER. Skill delay and severe lag since beginning of February

    I honestly don’t know how you guys are still playing. I reached my tipping point back in Elsweyr... One day of Dragonhold was enough to make me uninstall.

    Utterly intolerable performance for a (supposedly) triple A developer. :/ No other game runs this poorly on PS4. Goat Simulator is more stable. Goat Simulator.

    Heh...not sure you could call what we are Currently doing as “Playing”


    [edited for profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on April 2, 2020 9:33PM
  • Hallothiel
    Pvp was / is still bloody awful IF you play on Kaal on ps4 EU.

    Pvp guild moved to Laat as found could actually play without crashes or lag. Now actually enjoy playing!

    And had little/no blue screens outside in pve. Even in trials.

    So, be specific. Game unplayable on bit of Cyrodiil. Which sucks, I know, but hyperbole doesn’t help the point over as can be ignored.
  • AgaTheGreat
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Pvp was / is still bloody awful IF you play on Kaal on ps4 EU.

    Pvp guild moved to Laat as found could actually play without crashes or lag. Now actually enjoy playing!

    And had little/no blue screens outside in pve. Even in trials.

    So, be specific. Game unplayable on bit of Cyrodiil. Which sucks, I know, but hyperbole doesn’t help the point over as can be ignored.
    I am freezing and lagging in trials on a regular basis. I have the one that basically looks like a frozen screen but with mobs and people stuck in the idle animation.

    It happens very often in vas, VCR, vhof, vss... So basically all the trials I do fairly regularly.

    Don't even get my started on fps drops 😔
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • Hallothiel

    That truly sucks. My comment was not meant to belittle your pain or pretend it doesn’t happen. Just tired of the hyperbole and over-exaggeration in some posts, and worry that because it is over-the-top, it’s ignored. Was vocal about blue screens, but tried to be factual rather than just rant.

    But posters here also have to realise that this is not necessarily happening to everyone, or that people are having different performance issues.

    Clarity & facts are always best, and are much harder to ignore than wild non-specific general rants. 🙂
  • InRetrospect
    Hallothiel wrote: »

    That truly sucks. My comment was not meant to belittle your pain or pretend it doesn’t happen. Just tired of the hyperbole and over-exaggeration in some posts, and worry that because it is over-the-top, it’s ignored. Was vocal about blue screens, but tried to be factual rather than just rant.

    But posters here also have to realise that this is not necessarily happening to everyone, or that people are having different performance issues.

    Clarity & facts are always best, and are much harder to ignore than wild non-specific general rants. 🙂

    That’s why my comment was not ragged on because I gave clarity when mentioning that I only pve, I’ve not been to Cyrodiil in forever, and I have experienced skills lagging here and there but nothing too serious or game breaking, so I can only imagine how bad it is for people who are in congested things like dungeons and trials and such. I used to be an Xbox lover but had a bad experience with my first and only TWO Xbox 360s both eating giant deep rings in my discs. Started dating a girl who had one already and I decided to buy a ps3. Never had a single problem with it and haven’t had a single problem with my ps4 either, but I understand that some ps owners have always had issues and some Xbox owners have never had issues and I only rag on my Xbox buddies with actual facts for the exact same reason, not everybody’s experience is the same
  • SillyGT
    Since harrowstorm been released literally nothing has changed. Everything is exactly the same there is literally no performance changes. Skills take 6-7 times to go off, lag is unbelievable. Everyone is skipping non stop everything is delayed. Was there a real reason for us to reinstall?
  • SweepsAllClowns
    bri5 wrote: »
    Skill delay is bad right now on PS4!

    The delay feature just works!
  • SpiderKnight
    Still no issues on my end here on ps4 na.

    But you know..."YoU are liar, I iS haViNg bAd tHiNg hApPeN tO I sO iT aRe NoT tRuE."
  • CassandraGemini
    Still no issues on my end here on ps4 na.

    But you know..."YoU are liar, I iS haViNg bAd tHiNg hApPeN tO I sO iT aRe NoT tRuE."

    *sigh* You know, you have it backwards here. The problem people have with posts like yours is that they don't seem to acknowledge the general situation and that there are tons of people who do have serious issues. Depending on what you do in the game, of course.
    When the frequent blue screens were still a thing, trials were affected badly - for me, after the latest patch, this has gotten better, I have to say. Overall I don't really have any issues in PvE anymore, except for the occasional skill or bar swapping delay, but it's okay all in all.
    In PvP, though, the situation is pretty dire, and there are lots of videos proving it. I don't really PvP myself, so I wouldn't have to care actually - but I do, because for one I know that a lot of my guildies are pissed about it, and also it doesn't change the fact that there's zero acknowledgement from ZOS for the situation on consoles, because all they care about is PC. That just hits a nerve with me, whether I'm personally affected or not.

    I guess I just don't understand the whole "Well, if there's nothing limiting my own personal gaming experience, why should I care, if this is the case for others?" mentality.
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • SpiderKnight
    Still no issues on my end here on ps4 na.

    But you know..."YoU are liar, I iS haViNg bAd tHiNg hApPeN tO I sO iT aRe NoT tRuE."

    *sigh* You know, you have it backwards here. The problem people have with posts like yours is that they don't seem to acknowledge the general situation and that there are tons of people who do have serious issues. Depending on what you do in the game, of course.
    When the frequent blue screens were still a thing, trials were affected badly - for me, after the latest patch, this has gotten better, I have to say. Overall I don't really have any issues in PvE anymore, except for the occasional skill or bar swapping delay, but it's okay all in all.
    In PvP, though, the situation is pretty dire, and there are lots of videos proving it. I don't really PvP myself, so I wouldn't have to care actually - but I do, because for one I know that a lot of my guildies are pissed about it, and also it doesn't change the fact that there's zero acknowledgement from ZOS for the situation on consoles, because all they care about is PC. That just hits a nerve with me, whether I'm personally affected or not.

    I guess I just don't understand the whole "Well, if there's nothing limiting my own personal gaming experience, why should I care, if this is the case for others?" mentality.

    This is directed at all the posters saying we're lying because they have issues themselves.
    Look at the other thread that praised the patch and then trolled by people who said it was bs.
  • CassandraGemini
    Still no issues on my end here on ps4 na.

    But you know..."YoU are liar, I iS haViNg bAd tHiNg hApPeN tO I sO iT aRe NoT tRuE."

    *sigh* You know, you have it backwards here. The problem people have with posts like yours is that they don't seem to acknowledge the general situation and that there are tons of people who do have serious issues. Depending on what you do in the game, of course.
    When the frequent blue screens were still a thing, trials were affected badly - for me, after the latest patch, this has gotten better, I have to say. Overall I don't really have any issues in PvE anymore, except for the occasional skill or bar swapping delay, but it's okay all in all.
    In PvP, though, the situation is pretty dire, and there are lots of videos proving it. I don't really PvP myself, so I wouldn't have to care actually - but I do, because for one I know that a lot of my guildies are pissed about it, and also it doesn't change the fact that there's zero acknowledgement from ZOS for the situation on consoles, because all they care about is PC. That just hits a nerve with me, whether I'm personally affected or not.

    I guess I just don't understand the whole "Well, if there's nothing limiting my own personal gaming experience, why should I care, if this is the case for others?" mentality.

    This is directed at all the posters saying we're lying because they have issues themselves.
    Look at the other thread that praised the patch and then trolled by people who said it was bs.

    Yeah, that's not the right way to deal with this, either. Same BS, just the other way around, I'll give you that.
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • Ingenon
    Does anyone know why this problem is so specific? I am asking because I am curious. Some players report major issues. Other players report no issues. Both groups report that they actively play the game, just in different ways. What is it about groups of PvP players playing the game that causes performance issues, when groups of PvE players also playing the game are not reporting the same performance issues?

    For example, large groups of folks regularly get together in Alik'r desert, riding horses, fast traveling between wayshrines, and fighting at the dolmens. To me this seems similar to a zerg riding around Cyrodiil. And yet I am not hearing about folks having performance issues when doing dolmens in the desert. I have completed 3 trials since the Harrowstorm update several days ago without serious performance issues. And both Harrowstorm dungeons, on multiple characters. During the recent Murkmire event, dozens of players converged on world bosses, and I had no serious performance issues during that event.

    I think all PS4 / NA players share the same servers. How is it that only some folks are affected?
  • stamcro
    Console has been messed up for ages now. Multiple guilds have reported it aswell. Fix this ***
  • InRetrospect
    Ingenon wrote: »
    Does anyone know why this problem is so specific? I am asking because I am curious. Some players report major issues. Other players report no issues. Both groups report that they actively play the game, just in different ways. What is it about groups of PvP players playing the game that causes performance issues, when groups of PvE players also playing the game are not reporting the same performance issues?

    For example, large groups of folks regularly get together in Alik'r desert, riding horses, fast traveling between wayshrines, and fighting at the dolmens. To me this seems similar to a zerg riding around Cyrodiil. And yet I am not hearing about folks having performance issues when doing dolmens in the desert. I have completed 3 trials since the Harrowstorm update several days ago without serious performance issues. And both Harrowstorm dungeons, on multiple characters. During the recent Murkmire event, dozens of players converged on world bosses, and I had no serious performance issues during that event.

    I think all PS4 / NA players share the same servers. How is it that only some folks are affected?

    Actually now that you mention it, while it’s not always the case, whenever I do a dolmen or a world boss and there’s a crap load of people involved, it is incredibly laggy. I don’t expect Zeni to do anything though, because the reality is you can try your best but I think everyone would agree that even on pc the more people in one place the worse it gets, and that is to be expected. It is when you are frolicking in the fields of Glenumbra and nothing around but wolves or their were counterparts and your skills are drastically delaying or you skip back a few hundred player character steps randomly that there is an issue, and to that end I haven’t encountered those issues as much lately, but again, that is pve for me. I’d also say to that end, I don’t know how dungeons work but if you’re closed off to it like when you’re doing the main storyline and so you don’t encounter other players, just yourself and whomever is in your party, then you can count dungeons in the list of things that shouldn’t be laggy.
  • dotme
    ...I think everyone would agree that even on pc the more people in one place the worse it gets, and that is to be expected.
    Well, not really. If the performance on PS4 NA was acceptable on February 4th, and the Feb 5th update which fixed the bluescreens created new and insane lag, it's not unreasonable to expect (and require) that the performance be fixed.

    I mean you can literally name the date this all went downhill. It wasn't gradual. It was an update that caused this. So it can be fixed. We just don't know if it will be.

  • grannas211
    Still no issues on my end here on ps4 na.

    But you know..."YoU are liar, I iS haViNg bAd tHiNg hApPeN tO I sO iT aRe NoT tRuE."

    *sigh* You know, you have it backwards here. The problem people have with posts like yours is that they don't seem to acknowledge the general situation and that there are tons of people who do have serious issues. Depending on what you do in the game, of course.
    When the frequent blue screens were still a thing, trials were affected badly - for me, after the latest patch, this has gotten better, I have to say. Overall I don't really have any issues in PvE anymore, except for the occasional skill or bar swapping delay, but it's okay all in all.
    In PvP, though, the situation is pretty dire, and there are lots of videos proving it. I don't really PvP myself, so I wouldn't have to care actually - but I do, because for one I know that a lot of my guildies are pissed about it, and also it doesn't change the fact that there's zero acknowledgement from ZOS for the situation on consoles, because all they care about is PC. That just hits a nerve with me, whether I'm personally affected or not.

    I guess I just don't understand the whole "Well, if there's nothing limiting my own personal gaming experience, why should I care, if this is the case for others?" mentality.

    This is directed at all the posters saying we're lying because they have issues themselves.
    Look at the other thread that praised the patch and then trolled by people who said it was bs.

    You're not lying, but everyone has acknowledged you running around doing quests and picking flowers is not the problem. All the actual end game stuff is affected.
  • ZarkingFrued
    Incremental Patch directly after Midyear Mayhem caused the heavy desync (not all desync of course, but the heavy desync that makes it unplayable entirely). ZoS needs to go through this patch, there is something in that patch that did this. I play daily. I know when I could no longer use skills. I remember logging in that day and the game has not worked since.
    Edited by ZarkingFrued on March 18, 2020 1:22PM
  • ZarkingFrued
    I don’t know about you guys, but I have minimal problems and most often when I do it’s because I’ve lost internet connection and not server connection. Sometimes when I first boot the game up it might run a little laggy but it’s an mmo and that’s to be expected. I’m not downplaying your issues I’m just saying it’s not like that for everybody, but I also don’t play pvp so maybe that has something to do with it as well

    That has everything to do with it. If you're not pvping end game or doing trials end game this will not be as noticed
  • JestersRevenge
    It’s been really bad lately. Like unplayable. I don’t get why people are still on the main campaign playing in the evening.

    Totally off topic, but I'm a BJJ player too! Currently recovering from a herniated L3 and bulging L4 and L5. Was six months from blue belt when it happened. Been off eight months, doc says could be a year.

    My four sons still go regularly. It's awful being away from the mats...
    Characters are all some variation of Whiskey or Jiu-Jitsu...
  • Cillion3117
    My PS4 gameplay is just fine. I don't see any of these issues for some reason.
  • MEBengalsFan2001
    My PS4 gameplay is just fine. I don't see any of these issues for some reason.

    If you previously cancelled an ability animation, now there is a small lag between each button. It has taken me some time to adjust to the change. Prior to the update I could hit X and than do R2 followed by Circle, than R2 and all abilities would process but now I have to wait a second and than I can hit R2. It slows combat down a bit but not by a lot. It is frustrating to see this slow down but if it is to provide a better experience for newer players I'm ok with it.
    Edited by MEBengalsFan2001 on March 18, 2020 4:48PM
  • Freakin_Hytte
    God I still remember how fun it was during midyear mayhem, sure there was some lag. But it worked so much better than earlier and expected, even when it was pop locked and I thought to myself "hey maybe cyrodiil is finally on the right track? Maybe things will get better from here on" and then the incremental patch hit and boom, all my hopes were gone, now I've gone from optimistic to having deleted the game. It's really sad...
    My PS4 gameplay is just fine. I don't see any of these issues for some reason.

    What do you do when you play eso? It's so different for everyone because people play the game differently. If you're a casual pve player who likes to quest or if you enjoy farming, then you won't notice anything.

    But if you enjoy cyrodiil then you'll notice how bad it is. Especially during prime time, even when it's not pop locked it's bad. Bgs aren't too bad most of the time, so if you enjoy playing bgs then it won't affect you to the same degree.
  • InRetrospect
    My PS4 gameplay is just fine. I don't see any of these issues for some reason.

    If you previously cancelled an ability animation, now there is a small lag between each button. It has taken me some time to adjust to the change. Prior to the update I could hit X and than do R2 followed by Circle, than R2 and all abilities would process but now I have to wait a second and than I can hit R2. It slows combat down a bit but not by a lot. It is frustrating to see this slow down but if it is to provide a better experience for newer players I'm ok with it.

    Was playing last night in Glenumbra and experiencing pretty wild lag in between abilities. I generally button mash so I don’t get hurt but it affects my ability to time up my usage of skills and potions etcetera. Also there would be periods where my character would move so seamlessly and faster than normal, it was very weird.
  • RedGirl41
    Pvp skill delay still terrible. Channeled acceleration is. 1.3 second cast time but with lag it’s about 8-10 seconds
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