Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10


MURKMIRE EVENT TICKET drops are RNG off ANY BOSS OR MONSTER (not only world & delve bosses) and in a group it is EASY TO MISS A TICKET LOOT off a group kill that dropped your tickets. This will lead to many "I didn't get my tickets" complaint posts as well as customer service tickets.

BEST ADVISE: Park a toon in a delve and solo kill a delve boss first, but surely discouraging grouping is contrary to the spirit of the event?

Edited by marius_buys on February 16, 2020 9:09AM


YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
theskymovesDeathStalkerhuntgod_ESOdaryl.rasmusenb14_ESOmystkldrgnb14_ESOxaraanaubrey.baconb16_ESOSoupDragonNanfoodleYukon2112GarpleyivanakamarkusLinaleahMasterSpatulaPocketNovadeviousthevileHidesFromSunShocker74CaffeinatedMayhemTheosis 95 votes
NO Its ok to miss event tickets from unlooted group kills
KhenarthiAektannshadyjane62SnowZeniaBRCOURTNMasterLenmanRABIDxWOLVERINEkarthrag_inakCalivoArtadessediLanteanPegasusValenorXIIICaesarredbeard_howardRatty1SFTjoergingerGenjiraXPizzaCat82isoJsRedbearded 20 votes
OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
1mirgIruil_ESOixieAlienSlofSilafzariaNebthet78Pyr0xyrecuprotiteJasonSilverSpringNerouynxenowarrior92eb17_ESOAlisyraFentrasCASP3R421Bluepitbull13Tandorredspecter23Rex-UmbraVercingetorixFreakin_Hytte 56 votes
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    Event tickets imho should be as a guaranteed daily quest reward once per day. Safest way to get them.
  • Nairinhe
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    Give tickets from dailies, it's simplest and most reliable way
  • VaranisArano
    My biggest problem with no guaranteed drop is that if you aren't getting tickets, its now impossible to know for sure if you:
    A. Missed your tickets by not looting something you or a groupmember killed
    B. Experienced terrible RNG and you need to keep grinding
    C. Are just bugged and will never get the day's tickets

    At least with Dragon Rise, the guaranteed drops meant you only had to kill one or two bosses to confirm if you weren't getting your tickets.

    With Murkmire, what do you do? Keep grinding until you give up and send a ticket to Support?
  • zaria
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    Yes in an group you can easy miss drops especially overland as group tend to spread out a bit.
    However chance for drop and only drop from bosses turn it into an grind and an fight for resources since its just two delves and two world bosses.
    chance of drop on standard mobs was an problem for some in Elsweyr. I avoided it simply joining in killing an dragon first.

    Have heard so many variations here: Box and ticket on first kill or random chance from anything.
    My guess is that it works like in Elsweyr, bosses always drop tickets and random mobs has an chance dropping.
    After we got the tickets its an random chance of getting more boxes.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • January1171
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    zaria wrote: »
    Yes in an group you can easy miss drops especially overland as group tend to spread out a bit.
    However chance for drop and only drop from bosses turn it into an grind and an fight for resources since its just two delves and two world bosses.
    chance of drop on standard mobs was an problem for some in Elsweyr. I avoided it simply joining in killing an dragon first.

    Have heard so many variations here: Box and ticket on first kill or random chance from anything.
    My guess is that it works like in Elsweyr, bosses always drop tickets and random mobs has an chance dropping.
    After we got the tickets its an random chance of getting more boxes.

    It's been confirmed that even though it's a very high chance it's not guaranteed
    Hey all, just to clarify a few points on Event Tickets before the start of the event:

    All three tickets drop at once (rather than one at a time.) Even though there is only a chance for them to drop, that chance is quite high for basic enemies and even higher for World & Delve Bosses. That being said, you might want to turn on auto loot before the event to make sure you're grabbing everything.

  • redgreensunset
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    @zaria you're wrong. I'm too lazy to dig out the quote by @ZOS_SarahHecker but the ticket drops are random, even from bosses. There are no guarantee of getting the tickets this time around.
    Honeslty tying them to completion of a daily quest like in MYM would have been a better way.
  • marius_buys
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    Yes, i would park my char and repeatedly kill the delve boss untill I get them, apprently high chance from a delve and world boss.
  • SpacemanSpiff1
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    need more caps in title
  • marius_buys
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    need more caps in title

    Not sure if sarcasm or OCD kicking in? lol
  • JamuThatsWho
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    Seems like a silly and unnecessary change. Keep it as a guaranteed drop from the first boss killed that day.
    Edited by JamuThatsWho on February 14, 2020 2:39PM
    @JamuThatsWho - PC EU - CP2000

    Vasiir-jo - Khajiit Necromancer, AD

    Sul-Mael Hlarothran - Dunmer Sorcerer, EP

    Ushaar-Ixaht - Argonian Nightblade, DC

    Rorbakh gro-Khraag - Orc Templar, AD

    Anduuroon - Altmer Warden, EP

    Travanius Braelia - Imperial Dragonknight, DC
  • FierceSam
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    It’s beyond moronic to have event tickets dropped randomly. It’s only going to cause people to get annoyed as they inevitably miss out or kill multiple enemies only to receive no tickets at all. You’re going to have many, many issues of players getting stressed about drops and what not. There is absolutely no upside to this at all. It adds absolutely nothing to the experience.

    I don’t really care what drops tickets. But the rules should be utterly clear and understandable to everyone.

    And I thought the dumb as f*** Mammoth Hunt was the worst thing to involve Murkmire. Seems the merkers have actually managed to make that look like a completely rational well honed quest.
  • Starlock
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    A Hypothetical Conversation

    Zo$ Executive - Okay, now that we have monetized events in ESO to provide us with another revenue stream, how can we increase that revenue? Remember everyone, it's not good enough to just increase our profits for one quarter. We have to keep increasing our profits every quarter. It's your job to come up with ways to make that happen. Pitch me your ideas.

    Zo$ Monetization Designer - Well, we already did the undaunted event where it was impossible for customers to earn all the rewards by playing the game. The tickets were guaranteed drops, but there were so many things to get these drops weren't sufficient to collect everything. What if we make the ticket drops randomized instead of guaranteed?

    Zo$ Executive - I like it! Okay, now we need to figure out a way to do it that doesn't raise too much suspicion in our customer base... just like you did before with the undaunted event.

    Zo$ Monetization Designer - We can make the drops randomized, but generous. If we make the drops be from any monster, the customer will have to be paying attention or risk loosing their tickets. We'll do some of our usual PR smokescreening to remind players to pay attention, but we know from our analytics that customers will just miss the tickets. A few of these will submit complains which we'll refund, but most won't bother and just pay us for the tickets. Our analysts anticipate an X% increase in event ticket sales as a result and an X% increase in profit.


    Whenever there is a change in the game that has direct implications for monetization, always ask "why was this change made and who benefits from it?" Sure, it could be this change was made to make the process of earning event tickets "more interesting" for the customer. But it's also undeniable that it has another effect - causing customers to occasionally miss out on tickets. And since event tickets can be bought, this has an effect of pushing more customers in to the cash shop to win event rewards.

    Designing this game around monetization has gotten really aggressive over the last year or so, so I've little doubt that the above is probably a fairly accurate rendition of why this has happened. The monetization designers probably ran some analytics (remember, they collect ton of data on us) and determined that tickets dropping randomly from any monster will increase event ticket sales and profits by some percentage.
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    The original post is simply incorrect.
    Event tickets drop from any MOB (boss or trash) killed.
    Murkmire STRONGBOXES drop from any lootable item (body/container/resource node etc.).
    In both cases, the first of the day (per account) is a really high chance; but strongboxes also have a small chance of dropping from subsequent loot obtained.
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    Seriously, tickets from ANY enemy is a bad idea. I already lose 1 day's tickets per event to general bugs in the drop rates, having it be ANY enemy makes it worse.
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on February 14, 2020 5:16PM
  • Nerouyn
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments

    I didn't even catch this one.

    On top of requiring players to re download the entire client in the middle of the event, they've also removed the standard guaranteed tickets on first kill / quest turn in?


    It's evil and stupid but I can guess why they think it's a good idea.

    A lot of players would just be logging in, grabbing tickets, and logging out. ZO don't want that. They want people to play the game. And they're going to string players along with RNG tickets.

    This way lies doom.
  • virtus753
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    My biggest problem with no guaranteed drop is that if you aren't getting tickets, its now impossible to know for sure if you:
    A. Missed your tickets by not looting something you or a groupmember killed
    B. Experienced terrible RNG and you need to keep grinding
    C. Are just bugged and will never get the day's tickets

    At least with Dragon Rise, the guaranteed drops meant you only had to kill one or two bosses to confirm if you weren't getting your tickets.

    With Murkmire, what do you do? Keep grinding until you give up and send a ticket to Support?

    Not to mention many people don’t actually read the event announcement and end up hearing things second- or third-hand. (This often turns into a game of telephone — while players are usually trying to be helpful, I often see things get lost or changed as information is passed on player-to-player.) So I imagine Support will be inundated with tickets from people who killed a boss and didn’t get their tickets the first time but expected to based on previous events.

    Now that’s not to excuse not reading the announcements, but it compounds the unnecessary stress and frustration for players and the extra work for Support, all of which would be eminently avoidable if they kept to a guarantee.

    This change also opens the door for Support to say “it’s RNG-based, so keep grinding and better luck next time!” (as they do for so many other RNG-based things). It can’t be an excuse for that.

    Dealing with Support is a days-to-weeks long experience at minimum, and neither players nor Support want to do that any more than necessary at the best of times, much less during an event — much less during an event interrupted by a complete game redownload for an entire platform.

    Nuts, I say! Call in the squirrels.
  • Tyrobag
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
  • Nerouyn
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    Tyrobag wrote: »

    Every other player would agree, but ZO will never do that.

    Because players would bank up tickets and feel totally safe skipping eg. pvp or dungeon events if they're not into those activities.

    ZO wants to force all players to love and play every aspect of the game.

    They display many of the unpleasant characteristics of a manipulative partner.
  • Nerouyn
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    It's only just dawned on me that this even more evil and stupid than I initially thought.

    I rushed a character through clockwork city and summerset - more skipping through dialog and missing the best part of the game - so I could have one ready for this event.

    But with tickets not being guaranteed and subject to the whim of RNG, I could for all that and my daily efforts during the event, end up with none. And with the client needing to be re-downloaded during the middle of the event, I'm going to miss out on probably around 5 days worth.

    Why did I bother getting that character ready?

    Should I even bother playing during the event?
  • Arunei
    Welp, I completely missed the part of the article that said there's only a chance to get tickets from mob. Glad I found out before the event, but I feel sorry for all the people who don't regularly visit the forums and just kind of skimmed over the article like I did =/. Gonna be a lot of people wondering why they aren't getting tickets.
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
  • Dusk_Coven
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    Nerouyn wrote: »
    It's only just dawned on me that this even more evil and stupid than I initially thought.

    I rushed a character through clockwork city and summerset - more skipping through dialog and missing the best part of the game - so I could have one ready for this event.

    Why did I bother getting that character ready?

    Should I even bother playing during the event?

    Quests and dailies are not at all involved apparently. Even if they were, the basic dailies are not locked by the Murkmire questline.
    This event is straight grind -- killing monsters, gathering nodes, looting chests. No "content" per se is involved.
  • XIIICaesar
    NO Its ok to miss event tickets from unlooted group kills
    @zaria you're wrong. I'm too lazy to dig out the quote by @ZOS_SarahHecker but the ticket drops are random, even from bosses. There are no guarantee of getting the tickets this time around.
    Honeslty tying them to completion of a daily quest like in MYM would have been a better way.

    Tying then to dailies would've made perfect sense, as they've done in most previous events. HOWEVER a lot of new threads/posts have been being made in recent weeks about every event/ticket being the same where you just do x dailies for x tickets. ZOS heard people, listened, & changed the format. I've said it before & I'll say it again, people should be real careful when going on forum crusades.
    Edited by XIIICaesar on February 15, 2020 12:39AM
  • Sylvermynx
    XIIICaesar wrote: »

    Tying then to dailies would've made perfect sense, as they've done in most previous events. HOWEVER a lot of new threads/posts have been being made in recent weeks about every event/ticket being the same where you just do x dailies for x tickets. ZOS heard people, listened, & changed the format. I've said it before & I'll say it again, people should be real careful when going on forum crusades.

    Truth. Be very careful what you ask for.

  • marius_buys
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    The original post is simply incorrect.
    Event tickets drop from any MOB (boss or trash) killed.
    Murkmire STRONGBOXES drop from any lootable item (body/container/resource node etc.).
    In both cases, the first of the day (per account) is a really high chance; but strongboxes also have a small chance of dropping from subsequent loot obtained. any contaier...
    mobs are containers
  • Jaraal
    Yes, i would park my char and repeatedly kill the delve boss untill I get them, apprently high chance from a delve and world boss.

    And then of the 20 ppl standing around waiting for the spawn, you will need to be one of the top damage dealers in the 2 or 3 seconds between when it spawns and when it dies, or no (chance of getting a) ticket.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Kahnak
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    The original post is simply incorrect.
    Event tickets drop from any MOB (boss or trash) killed.
    Murkmire STRONGBOXES drop from any lootable item (body/container/resource node etc.).
    In both cases, the first of the day (per account) is a really high chance; but strongboxes also have a small chance of dropping from subsequent loot obtained. any contaier...
    mobs are containers

    Mobs are not containers. Mobs are generally referred to as 'monsters' by ZOS to distinguish them from bosses, OR 'body' in the case of the above quote. The word 'body' would also suggest that they may come from NPC kills, as well.
    The Murkmire Celebration is also a new opportunity to earn Event Tickets. During the event, the zone’s monsters and boss monsters each have a chance to drop Event Tickets. You can earn up to three tickets per day this way—up to 39 tickets total. Don’t forget to loot everything!
    Edited by Kahnak on February 15, 2020 9:22PM
    Tombstone Reads: "Forgot to get good"
  • Kahnak
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    Event tickets imho should be as a guaranteed daily quest reward once per day. Safest way to get them.

    This is the way.
    Tombstone Reads: "Forgot to get good"
  • redspecter23
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    It's a horrible method of giving tickets and will lead to countless "I didn't get my tickets" posts as well as customer service tickets. ZOS isn't doing themselves any favors with this method.

    They should be guaranteed drops from whatever they choose to have drop them and ideally that method should be something that is tied directly to the player instead of potentially tied to something the group does that the player may never see. It's basic logic and creates fewer customer service problems. I'm confused why they want to make things harder to understand and accomplish.

    Now knowing what I do about the way the drops work, I'm DISCOURAGED from grouping for this event in case a person in my group, completely out of my control is more than 20 feet from my current position and chooses to kill something out of my sight. My tickets could be on a mob I never even see. For my own benefit, I'll be soloing any time I'm in Murkmire during this event and ZOS should examine their choices in the future to ensure that grouping is encouraged and not discouraged.
    Edited by redspecter23 on February 15, 2020 9:26PM
  • Nerouyn
    OTHER I will elaborate in the comments
    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    Quests and dailies are not at all involved apparently.

    That's annoying but less insane.

    They've since edited it as more information came out - eg. this post said the event was starting on the 14th or 15th - and I can't remember what it said about ticket acquisition specifically, but there's a post dated the 4th querying this. Suggesting that this info wasn't known at that time and accordingly not included.
    Danikat wrote: »
    There should be an official announcement at some point giving more details of the event, like exactly how we get event tickets.

    ZO don't announce events in game or much ahead of time and force players to rely the forums as a source of info. Which is not reliable.

    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    Even if they were, the basic dailies are not locked by the Murkmire questline.

    Two thirds of the zone's dailies are locked by it.

    If I were stuck with only 6 chances a day of winning ticket RNG 3 times, odds are that I'd not get many.
  • marius_buys
    YES Please drop tickets only on world & delve bosses
    The original post is simply incorrect.
    Event tickets drop from any MOB (boss or trash) killed.
    Murkmire STRONGBOXES drop from any lootable item (body/container/resource node etc.).
    In both cases, the first of the day (per account) is a really high chance; but strongboxes also have a small chance of dropping from subsequent loot obtained.

    Ok I get what you're saying and I have corrected the wording (thanks for correcting)but it does not detract from the core info: TICKETS DROP FROM (ANY) MONSTER, so if your group kills some random NPC Monster and you happen to not loot, you're tickets for the day is toast.

    PS Thanks for the nice summary btw, now we are two spreading the light. :)

    Edited by marius_buys on February 16, 2020 8:57AM
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