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PTS Update 25 - Bug Reports for Combat & Class Abilities

Community Manager
Please report any issues you run into involving combat and gameplay balance in this thread. In general, we prefer you to use /bug in-game but if you’d rather submit a report here, please give us as much information as possible, including screenshots and/or video if applicable. Thank you!
Gina Bruno
Senior Community Manager
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Staff Post
  • Soundinfinite
    I don't know where to put this as it doesn't fit into any of your sub-categories listed. I have tried submitting a ticket via PTS in-game /bug; however it won't go through.

    It either spins saying submitting: qi7066mmiwd4.png

    Or it simply errors out: cdvptuvllhpf.png


    Gamepad UI no longer functions with Custom Scaling in the settings menu. Currently on the LIVE server, if you adjust Custom Scaling in settings it crosses over to fully impact Gamepad UI when you switch to this mode. This is a godsend function for playing on PC with my PS4 controller.

    While the Default Setting of Gamepad UI is perfectly fine for someone playing on a 55" TV and sitting on their sofa 6' or so away, it is SEVERELY too intrusive and FAR TOO LARGE for someone playing on a 15-24" monitor and sitting only 1 foot or so away from their screen. Too much of your screen real-estate is taken up by the default scale in Gamepad UI and it looks like I've put Windows into LARGE VIEW settings because I've developed sight issues.

    Please, please revert this functionality back to its current LIVE setting and allow Custom scaling to impact Gamepad UI.

    Current Live Gamepad Mode Screen: 6pjohuc9s0s2.png

    Current Update 25 PTS Gamepad Mode Screen: by2rl1pfwpm8.png

    Note: I will also open a thread in-case this is ignored since it is in the wrong Official Thread. And if someone could educate me on where I would place such Bug/Issues on the forums for PTS Cycles in an Official Thread, I would be more than happy to post to that thread only.

    Please and Thank you for your help and time on this matter!

  • Gnortranermara
    Combat changes look great. Sacred Ground snare removal was much-needed, and the Block mitigation is a good substitute for Templar tanks. Nova telegraph is fair. The cost reduction helps Shards a bit, but it still needs that multiproc effect that Orbs has because people steal shards from the tank.
  • Auldjohn
    Completed Template Character creation. Started Tutorial to test changes but was summarily dumped back to Character Select screen. Fortunately my new PTS Template Character was there and already highlighted.
    @AuldjohnThe Elder Sages' GuildMaster Sage &
    "Old gamers never die; they just respawn and game on!" • Our Slogan: Have Fun!!

    Moot Envoy • Tamriel Foundry Adept • Steam ID Auldjohn
    YouTube auldjohnmastersage • Twitch AuldjohnPCGamer• Steam Group TESGs
  • Bowser
    Bug: The duration of Unstable Wall of Fire (Edit: and Blockade of Fire) is not increased while wearing 5pc Elf Bane. The tooltip duration is increased.
    Edited by Bowser on January 21, 2020 3:51AM
    World First DK Tank Execute on Rakkhat HM
    Play how you want - no meta allowed!
  • Decimus
    Flames of Oblivion duration is also not increased by 5p Elf Bane, despite being a Flame damage ability.
  • Kheops
    The change to living vines now roots you in place for a second when you move your mouse like some other abilities e.g. Wall of elements, not sure if this only occurs on high ping.

    Some can be viewed here:
  • ecru
    Major Prophecy (crit buff) from a potion is not working for Blastbones and possibly the Skeletal Arcanist/Deathbolt, but the Major Prophecy buff from Inner Light works. The only way to get the crit for Blastbones/Skeletal Arcanist is to slot Inner Light. This forces magcro to slot Inner Light or lose out on a substantial amount of DPS.

    edit: Major Prophecy from pots and Inner Light are both not workign on pets on PTS. post is here ->
    Edited by ecru on January 27, 2020 7:25AM
    Gryphon Heart
  • SeaUnicorn
    Volley and it's morphs from Bow skill line animation was pretty bad, longer than 1 second and did not interact with other mechanics well for years. To the point where stamina DPS had to develop muscle memory to use it in very specific way.
    With the block changes it's gotten even worse.
    On PTS if you use:

    1. Light Attack > Volley(and morphs) > Block
    Block animation takes place prior to Vollay animation and combination of both take 2 GCDs
    2. Light Attack > Volley(and morphs) > Bar Swap
    Entire skill is canceled by bar swap, resulting in waste of GCD
    3. Light Attack > Volley(and morphs) > Block > Light Attack > Another skill
    2nd light attack does not occur, following skill is queued and is animated as soon as hail animation ends.
    Edited by SeaUnicorn on January 21, 2020 10:25PM
  • Shantu
    The new 5 second duration for Elf Bane is not applying to Unstable Wall of Fire (Unstable Wall of Elements using a Flame Staff). Tooltip correctly shows a duration increase to 15 seconds (up from 10) but the skill ends at 10 seconds. I'm using BSW gear with Elf Bane jewelry and 2 flame staffs on a MagDK. All other flame DOT's are correctly executing the additional 5 second duration.

    Issue is easily reproduced by executing Unstable Wall on a combat dummy and watching the countdown from 15 seconds. At 5 seconds remaining the skill ends and the barrier explodes.
  • SeaUnicorn
    slofwnd wrote: »
    Volley and it's morphs from Bow skill line animation was pretty bad, longer than 1 second and did not interact with other mechanics well for years. To the point where stamina DPS had to develop muscle memory to use it in very specific way.
    With the block changes it's gotten even worse.
    On PTS if you use:

    1. Light Attack > Volley(and morphs) > Block
    Block animation takes place prior to Vollay animation and combination of both take 2 GCDs
    2. Light Attack > Volley(and morphs) > Bar Swap
    Entire skill is canceled by bar swap, resulting in waste of GCD
    3. Light Attack > Volley(and morphs) > Block > Light Attack > Another skill
    2nd light attack does not occur, following skill is queued and is animated as soon as hail animation ends.

    Made a video in support of the above. You can see how Volley behavior is different as compared to Wall of Elements (and some other skills), mostly used Wall for the comparison.
    1. Scenario - Use LA>Skill>Block (held for few ms) of various skills. Volley is the only one that fully animates after Block animation takes place.
    2. Scenario - Use LA>Skill>Bar Swap with Volley and Wall. Volley shows the target ring but fully being canceled after swap, whereas Wall is being applied consistently prior to swap.
    Edited by SeaUnicorn on January 21, 2020 10:25PM
  • BohnT2
    •Assassin's Scourge still doesn't have an appropriate audio cue.

    •both assassin's will and scourge can be fired again without having to recharge them when you get CC'd while you cast it (the first projectile will still fire)

    •Ballista doesn't show up for targets from time to time and also often doesn't have an audio cue.

    •Crystal Frags still has a minimum traveltime of 450ms rather than the 250ms that were announced with Elsweyr pts

    •Spirit Mender and morphs will fail to heal you in multiple situations that involve lag or positioning conflicts of your client and the server

    •piercing mark doesn't offer its full duration on the reveal but only works for 3 seconds

    •Dragon Leap and morphs can get you stuck in laggy environments which will prevent the caster from doing anything (any action will be reverted once the Leap actually finishes) until the server synchronizes which can take up to 20 seconds. During this time the damage is delayed and targets can be put into a rubberbanding state until the leap is fully finished for the server and they get stunned and can now break free.
    Edited by BohnT2 on January 22, 2020 7:26PM
  • Joy_Division
    slofwnd wrote: »
    slofwnd wrote: »
    Volley and it's morphs from Bow skill line animation was pretty bad, longer than 1 second and did not interact with other mechanics well for years. To the point where stamina DPS had to develop muscle memory to use it in very specific way.
    With the block changes it's gotten even worse.
    On PTS if you use:

    1. Light Attack > Volley(and morphs) > Block
    Block animation takes place prior to Vollay animation and combination of both take 2 GCDs
    2. Light Attack > Volley(and morphs) > Bar Swap
    Entire skill is canceled by bar swap, resulting in waste of GCD
    3. Light Attack > Volley(and morphs) > Block > Light Attack > Another skill
    2nd light attack does not occur, following skill is queued and is animated as soon as hail animation ends.

    Made a video in support of the above. You can see how Volley behavior is different as compared to Wall of Elements (and some other skills), mostly used Wall for the comparison.
    1. Scenario - Use LA>Skill>Block (held for few ms) of various skills. Volley is the only one that fully animates after Block animation takes place.
    2. Scenario - Use LA>Skill>Bar Swap with Volley and Wall. Volley shows the target ring but fully being canceled after swap, whereas Wall is being applied consistently prior to swap.

    I like the little dolphin-unicorn animation over your chat log :smile:
  • Toon_Raider
    Why was Wayrest sewers 1 and 2 not included in the dungeon fixes.
    It is the buggiest dungeon by far.

    Numerous people have complained about it.
    You get stuck in the walls when feared. Get me Unstuck and travel to player sometimes does not work.
    Doors also don't open always.
  • Cinbri
    A. Changes to Gap-closers are nice, it making them more reliable but there is still much problems going with them that I ddint see in patchnotes:
    1. After finishing gap-closer your character can self-stun, being unable to do anything.
    2. Charges can make you stuck in buildings textures:

    3. Charge autocanccel on uneven terrains and where transparent textures involved, like buildings/towers,etc.:
    ^^ All those bugs still making gap-closers less viable option than their counterparts like streak/shadowimage.

    1. Backlash initial hit still not triggered as direct damage attack and thus don't proc affiliated sets.
    2. Unstable Core still bugged and don't work with enduring rays passive.
    3. Cleansing Ritual still has performance draining bug of its hot visual effect multiplying causing fps drops. I thought this update should get rid of such performance draining bugs.
    Edited by Cinbri on January 22, 2020 11:24AM
  • robpr
    There is probably an UI error with multiple Major Prophecy skills equipped.

    My gear is Zaan, Elfbane and Siroria, frontbar staff is Precise, Thief mundus.
    With just Flames of Oblivion slotted, my spell crit is 60%
    Equipping both Flames of Oblivion and Inner Light reduces my spell crit on char screen to 20%
    Equipping only Inner Light makes my spell crit 60% again.
    I did the parse with that setup and average skill crit is around 60%, but I also used pots.

  • OlumoGarbag
    When natues grasp cant port you bc of line of sight it still costs the full 5k magicka but doesent heal
    class representative for the working class, non-cp, bwb and Trolling
    Necromancer Blastbone magicka morph description says up to %50 increased damage distance moved but with the fix this time skeleton leaping instantly and this bonus failing. Change the bonus effect or fix it.
  • Ankael07
    3 Blastbones raised from Resurrect Blastbones ulti doesnt jump from 28 meters. They still follow the old pathing and jump from 7 meters instead
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • ecru
    I've reported this a hundred times before, but boneyard (both morphs) is still bugged. It still outright refuses to cast maybe 10-15% of the time. Often the bug seems to persist for a few seconds or longer, with multiple light attacks going off as you try to weave the ability, but the ability refuses to cast. No ground aoe indicator shows up, nothing happens at all, and you miss multiple gcds and fall behind on your rotation because of this bug. This bug has been present since the ability's first iteration on PTS, please, please address it in some way.

    Colossus also seems to have the same issue, but it's hard to tell exactly what's going on because you can't cast it repeatedly due to it being an ult. Necro targeted ground aoes in general are extremely buggy/unreliable.

    edit: Grave Robber Synergy for Avid Boneyard also seems to be bugged. Activating the synergy only seems to do damage maybe 1 in 5 times. When it doesn't do damage, the animation shows up but there's no graphic attached to it. On a 20m target atro parse, I'm only getting 2-3 hits of the synergy. This is not just limited to the target atro (which might have a funky hitbox, who knows), it's the same on all of the normal target dummies in my house too.
    Edited by ecru on January 26, 2020 8:52AM
    Gryphon Heart
  • ecru
    More weirdness with Necro. I've been doing a bit of parsing and I was confused about my crit rate on some abilities (blastbones), and my mean crit in combat metrics was like 9%, but I figured it was just a display bug and I was having bad luck with the parse, but that doesn't seem to be the case.


    Mean crit at 9.4%. This was my best parse, the rest had blastbones just barely above a 40% crit rate.


    Crit on stat sheet, should be 49.8 on front bar (siroria, spell strat, zaan). I still thought this was a display bug, but it shows up after I use a spell power pot, swap to my back bar, and swap back to my front bar. My spell crit goes from 49.8% to 20.8% after the second bar swap back to my front bar. Did a parse with just blastbones (the ability that seemed to be influenced by the lowered crit the most during my regular target atro parses), and came up with this:


    a 32% crit rate with a crit chance of 49.7% (my crit on my front bar, where blastbones is slotted) doesn't make much sense. A 32% crit rate with a chance of 20% does, so it looks like it's not just a bug with the stat sheet. My crit rate seems to return back to it's normal rate when the spell power pot (essence of spell power) wears off.

    Finishing a 20m atro parse with a crit rate barely over 40% on blastbones with a 49.8% crit chance should be next to impossible. My bar setup brings my crit chance on blastbones up to 79.8% for the last 25% of the parse. My parses on live typically average about 60% on blastbones, with a very good parse being mid to high 60s. Something is seriously broken.
    Edited by ecru on January 26, 2020 8:51AM
    Gryphon Heart
  • ecru
    I did some more testing and it looks like whatever is going on with the crit seems to only be influencing Blastbones and Skeletal Arcanist. Currently on the live server Inner Light is the only way to get Major Prophecy (crit) for your pets. It looks like what's happening on PTS is that having Inner Light slotted no longer gives Major Prophecy to your pets, meaning the crit rate on Blastbones and Skeletal Arcanist will be 10% lower.

    I realized the bug with Major Prophecy for the pets existed on the live servers after doing hours of parsing and trying to take Inner Light off of my bar for Degeneration for more dps on a specific encounter, but my parses with Degeneration in place of Inner Light were always lower because I lost the 10% crit on Blastbones and Skeletal Arcanist. This difference was consistent across about 20 or so atro parses.

    On Live:


    This is with Inner Light and three Gravelord abilities slotted. Effective crit should be over 100% and that is reflected in this parse.


    This is wIthout Inner Light slotted but still using a spell power potion for Major Prophecy. Effective crit should be over 100% but the pets are not receiving the buff because Inner Light is not slotted.

    On PTS:


    With Inner Light slotted, pets are no longer getting Major Prophecy from either a spell power pot or Inner Light. This ends up being a nerf to Necro DPS as it's a 10% decrease in potential crit rate on roughly 20% of our damage.
    Edited by ecru on January 27, 2020 7:20AM
    Gryphon Heart
  • xStaticx
    Molten Armaments is increasing all 4 ticks of a lightning staff by 50% instead of just the last one. Even though the tooltip states it increases a 'Fully-Charged' heavy attack by 50%.
  • ElvenVeil
    Stamsorc's crit surge has been bugged for ages, but I might as well add it to the list. it is supposed to be able to proc every second but in reality there seem to be something interfering with its proc condition. In many situations it simply doesn't proc like it is supposed to.

    In the following clip you can see it not working properly at all, and the sorc testing it is at 100% crit rate.

    Crit surge has been bugged like this for a very long time (maybe forever?) and would be really nice if it actually worked as it is supposed to. thanks
    Edited by ElvenVeil on January 28, 2020 9:23PM
  • Revokus
    Mage’s Guild passive Magicka Controler has been bugged for a while.

    When you have a skill slotted on the front bar for exemple it gives the magicka recovery bonus on the front bar but gives the max magicka on the back bar instead.
    Playing since January 23, 2016
  • BohnT2
    Revokus wrote: »
    Mage’s Guild passive Magicka Controler has been bugged for a while.

    When you have a skill slotted on the front bar for exemple it gives the magicka recovery bonus on the front bar but gives the max magicka on the back bar instead.

    This is a common misconception due to the character sheet taking some time to properly update, if you compare actual damage and regen numbers you'll find that the buffs apply properly
  • Soundinfinite
    There is something going on with Gamepad UI combat.

    Using my Magsorc as an example.

    When you switch bars there is about a 1-sec lag if not more where my characters will not perform any skills. My characters stand frozen for this duration. Also, though I have switched bars and my screen shows the new bar (back) when I activate a skill it sometimes activates the skill on the front bar instead. Lastly, there seems to be something clogging the information relay as I my skills will not fire at times. For example, back bar haunting curse to mystic orb to wall of elements but the character will get stuck and not throw down a skill, mostly the last wall of elements and i will literally have to continue pressing the square button repeatedly up to 6-7 times before it throws out the skill.

    Thus, switching to back bar I become frozen for a second or so, then suddenly it will throw a light attack from a standing position, then I can start my rotation, haunting curse, light, orb, light, wall of elements (won't cast) hit repeatedly, finally cast, switch to front bar, frozen again for a second, then suddenly throw a light attack from a standing position and allow me to start casting my light attack vs spam combo with crystal shards thrown when it procs. When i do throw crystal shards I have about a 50/50 shot of becoming frozen again for a second or so and again not able to cast skills.

    It is as if my Gamepad is in molasses with the communication to the game hindered in some way. Before I deleted all add-ons Action Duration Reminder would even log the key press and start counting down the duration without the skill registering or firing on the screen.

    As such on all of my toons (not just my mag sorc) are losing 5-10k DPS in the same gear with the same skills compared to what I currently am able to reach on live.

    I have deleted PTS and re-downloaded it. Deleted User Settings gone back to all defaults, Disabled all add-ons, turned my video settings down to the lowest settings, my screen res down to 720p. Tried every witch way I can think of to remedy this and yet it still functions like this no matter what I do.

    Except if I turn Gamepad UI off. I do not have a mouse (use a gaming laptop) and simply using the track pad for light attacks and the numbers at the top of the keyboard, I can fluidly switch bars and use skills without gumminess, frozen character, and skills that don't fire.

    My husband and I use the same computers, bought at the same time, with the same Ethernet wired internet connection, and sit at a desk made for two right next to each other. The only difference is, he has a gaming mouse and uses keyboard and normal UI (Cause he is an active gamer) and I use a PS4 controller with Gamepad UI (Cause this is the only Computer game I've ever played in my life and we started initially on PS4) He is not having the issues as I am, and he is amazed when watching me try to parse has to how my character is not reacting to my input and the juddery, frozen combat I am experiencing. Again that goes away if I turn Gamepad UI off.

    My computer specs are:

    8th Gen i7-8750H 6-core 2.2 GHZ (3.9 Turbo boost)
    16 GB DDR4 Memory at 2667 MHZ
    Nividia Geforce GTX-1060 6GB + Intel UHD Graphics 630 2GB
    Intel Optane+ SSD 447 GB
    Ethernet Wired Broadband at 100Gb Down/60 Gb Up (Speed test consistently at 96Gb down/56 Up)

    So I far surpass minimum required specs, and even beat Recommended specs. Yes, it is not a $4,000 desktop set-up, but I bought it to simply play this game and this game alone...and up until this release, it has done so quite well.

    Between the lack of custom scaling now in Gamepad UI and the large swath of issues I am having with Combat in the Gamepad UI, I am becoming very disgruntled over Update 25 Release.
  • Alienoutlaw

    in certain situations block is not registering or animating (icereach vet hardmode) whilst a re-log can but not always solve the issue i'm posting here as a potential issue
  • Revokus
    Ricochet Skull will often not cast the Big skull on the 3rd cast and will continue with small skulls indefinitely.

    Did some testing when the bug happens to make sure it’s not a visual bug but it’s not since there is no nearby damage to guards/monsters.

    It usually seems to happen against guards in Cyrodiil more often along with Lag.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_Gilliam @ZOS_RobGarrett
    Playing since January 23, 2016
  • MincVinyl
    Currently on pts if a player bursts another player within a short enough time period, the defending player will get up to 100% damage mitigation. This is easily repeatable, and multiple tests allow the defending player to remain at 0 health while still taking damage.

    Possibilities/what to test yourself:
    -It may be happening at above ~19500 max health for the defender
    -It may be a red cp
    -it may be when a certain number of red cp is slotted
    -it may be when any of the 75 red cp bonuses are active
    -It may be when attacking from stealth (doubt this one, but easy enough to rule out on your own)


  • Daemonai
    Blastbones (Stalking Blastbones) BUG - the Blastbone no longer runs to its target per the new update—instead it flies to the target as soon as it spawns—so the increasing damage given for every second spent chasing the target no longer functions when used from any distance.

    This morph needs a new effect as the current one is defunct.
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