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Toxic potatoes in dungeon finder

  • DaveMoeDee
    I was in a group the other day. Banished Cells 2 on vet. When my random popped it was a healer and dps on the end fight. I tried as hard as I could, but my dps wasn't good enough to kill the boss before the tank was overwhelmed with 8+ daedroths. I was pulling 30k - 35k which I thought was respectable for that fight. The other dps? 3k max. He was using Bandit UI with damage so I could see the exact number. It just wasn't going to happen.

    There was a time I was tanking a stack of daedroth while rezzing the other 3, but boss health bar wasn't going down. After wasting considerable time, I politely said it wasn't going to happen. We didn't have the DPS to get it done.

    As frustrating as such moments are, I try to not let it sound insulting. It is what it is. I can acknowledge that the DPS was insufficient with attacking the DPS. Too many players are just unpleasant humans who crave opportunities to insult others or feel a sense of power by kicking. I don't let it bother me much since we can all imagine what their personal lives must be like.
  • FierceSam
    Aerenel wrote: »
    I feel like for a thread started by a tank who by own admission was too lazy to stop watching TV and give minimal effort whining about DDs also putting in minimal effort, this conversation has continued for far too long.

    There is nothing wrong with tank giving minimum effort. There is everything wrong with sub 10k potato dps demand tank to do dmg.

    The tank was hitting a taunt only from his comments. I think any reasonable dps is allowed to want him to consider at least hitting low slash and maybe another DOT. This tank was obnoxious and the dps weren't good at the game. I'd hardly call the dps "toxic potatoes" after reading the whole thread. But I might use that term for the tank.

    Lol, I tanked vcr hm vss hm, so pretty sure i am not a potato, and i did those with < 3k dps.

    But you do yourself no favours whining on here mate.

    Insulting other players is not a good look. It makes you seem like a rather needy two year-old. Get over it. Go play some content you enjoy with people you like.

    Otherwise consider that online games with other people might not be the right thing for you.
  • Jaxin3003
    Soul Shriven
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    NERF Group finder. No more GF for anyone. Solo FG1 every day instead. Problem solved.

    LOL that comment made my day! But seriously, if you que for a dungeon and get kicked for no reason. I don't think that's right and that's not how I play. This community is so toxic. The thing I can't stand is if the person is making issues and wont talk in chat so we can explain mechanics. Even typing to them doesnt work. Then they will get kicked.
  • FearlessOne_2014
    Nutta wrote: »
    for the record, i am the one sayi
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    I have been kicked as a tank when one of the dps kept taunting with an ice staff. :D

    i just want a que where only half decent players get to que, so i don't meet idiots expect tank to carry their 4 digit dps.

    Queue for dlc vets only.

    Very wrong, only about 70% of players que dlc vets are half decent or better. Every other run i get at least 1 potato.

    Yeah, 70% looks similar to what I see. But is it bad? Sometimes one of the dps can carry for 2 and if not, lesser one is kicked or moved by himself.
    ZOS_RogerJ wrote: »
    Just a friendly reminder, as we've edited some posts, to keep the thread on topic and constructive.

    Shame you also don't remove the elitist messages from the people that contribute to the most toxic MMO experience in existence

    Kicking well below average player who are nothing but dead weight is toxic?
    Entitled potatoes abuse the system and ruin other people's fun is not toxic?

    Do what the rest of us do to advoid the toxic potatoes. Always have a pre-formed party. Make connections in guilds. Get good so other people would actually want to run with you. Boom, now you can avoid all the toxic potatoes like the rest of us.

    You don't want to do the above? Fine, then be quiet and accept the pain coming to you.
  • MajBludd
    Must have been pvp folks because pve is not toxica at all.
  • sivistojko
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Look at it this way, you don’t have to wait to requeue, and those trash dps won’t be getting a new tank any time soon

    Yes you do. The timer starts after you port to dungeon and wont stop no matter the what.
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    Nutta wrote: »
    for the record, i am the one sayi
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    I have been kicked as a tank when one of the dps kept taunting with an ice staff. :D

    i just want a que where only half decent players get to que, so i don't meet idiots expect tank to carry their 4 digit dps.

    Queue for dlc vets only.

    Very wrong, only about 70% of players que dlc vets are half decent or better. Every other run i get at least 1 potato.

    Yeah, 70% looks similar to what I see. But is it bad? Sometimes one of the dps can carry for 2 and if not, lesser one is kicked or moved by himself.
    ZOS_RogerJ wrote: »
    Just a friendly reminder, as we've edited some posts, to keep the thread on topic and constructive.

    Shame you also don't remove the elitist messages from the people that contribute to the most toxic MMO experience in existence

    Kicking well below average player who are nothing but dead weight is toxic?
    Entitled potatoes abuse the system and ruin other people's fun is not toxic?

    Do what the rest of us do to advoid the toxic potatoes. Always have a pre-formed party. Make connections in guilds. Get good so other people would actually want to run with you. Boom, now you can avoid all the toxic potatoes like the rest of us.

    You don't want to do the above? Fine, then be quiet and accept the pain coming to you.

    No. Just let us choose not to run DLC if we dont want to, not like we bought them, its like having a spice girls song show up on a death metal album.
  • alanmatillab16_ESO
    Fed up of Potatoes in your group?

    Only run with friends or join a guild.

    Bonus pro tip: Guilds are not just for trading.
  • witchdoctor
    LeagueTroll, is that you?
  • MattT1988
    heaven13 wrote: »
    Aerenel wrote: »
    I feel like for a thread started by a tank who by own admission was too lazy to stop watching TV and give minimal effort whining about DDs also putting in minimal effort, this conversation has continued for far too long.

    There is nothing wrong with tank giving minimum effort. There is everything wrong with sub 10k potato dps demand tank to do dmg.

    The tank was hitting a taunt only from his comments. I think any reasonable dps is allowed to want him to consider at least hitting low slash and maybe another DOT. This tank was obnoxious and the dps weren't good at the game. I'd hardly call the dps "toxic potatoes" after reading the whole thread. But I might use that term for the tank.

    Lol, I tanked vcr hm vss hm, so pretty sure i am not a potato, and i did those with < 3k dps.

    So what you're saying is that because you've done some of the harder content in game, you're now entitled to do the bare minimum in other dungeon content yet expect more from the rest of your group?

    I am entitled to do bare minimum in normal dungeon as a tank regardless of what i cleared.
    There are more than enough dps and nowhere near enough tanks.
    If anyone should be picky about teammate's performance, it should be the tank.


    If your only going to do the bare minimum, why would you expect, or think your entitled to more from anyone else?
    Edited by MattT1988 on November 2, 2019 12:03PM
  • Sirvaleen
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    I am entitled to do bare minimum in normal dungeon as a tank regardless of what i cleared.
    There are more than enough dps and nowhere near enough tanks.
    If anyone should be picky about teammate's performance, it should be the tank.


    If your only going to do the bare minimum, why would you expect more from anyone else?

    If I understood him right : DDs are everywhere but tanks are in high demand so they are entitled to go around on high horses.

    He was lazy, they were lazier. Accidents like that can happen.

    Anyway, the nurse is going to come change his bandages and I hear she found Clannfear plasters!
    So I'll just let the flowers on that table there.

    I hope you feel better soon !
  • CynicK
    I have never been kicked out of a group for bad tanking... If some of you die in a dungeon with a 2 and is not a one shot mechanic maybe your gear or health is not adequate.
    But i have to say that some times when you see the cp of some of the damage dealers you see that they may not have a lot of experience and they should be doing the dlc dungeon in normal and not in veteran and the dps is going to be poor or is poor and sometimes they blame it on the tank, instead of being angry for being kicked it is me that quits because it does not take long into the dungeon to see that we do not progress.
  • PrimusNephilim
    Haha...potato's....I sometime play my Argonian Dragonknight Tank with Ebon/Torug's Pact/Lord Warden, they're all purple with gold weapons and one evening I was getting bitched at because I kept dying in a veteran dungeon, one kept yelling that I needed to buff my my reply was, you're all a bunch of potatoes and ported out...ha

    I'll farm most dungeons with my tank because queue times are much shorter but every now an then you come across some real gems

    ~ Cheers
  • ForzaRammer
    Sirvaleen wrote: »
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    I am entitled to do bare minimum in normal dungeon as a tank regardless of what i cleared.
    There are more than enough dps and nowhere near enough tanks.
    If anyone should be picky about teammate's performance, it should be the tank.


    If your only going to do the bare minimum, why would you expect more from anyone else?

    If I understood him right : DDs are everywhere but tanks are in high demand so they are entitled to go around on high horses.

    He was lazy, they were lazier. Accidents like that can happen.

    Anyway, the nurse is going to come change his bandages and I hear she found Clannfear plasters!
    So I'll just let the flowers on that table there.

    I hope you feel better soon !

  • oli.j.reillyb16_ESO
    Also, I dont know any tank who uses Ransack and not Puncture.

    Ransack is a genuine option for DKs since they added Minor Protection. Assuming you trust your healers with ele-drain for Breach its preferable to giving up an ulti slot for the same effect (Should you want it). Wardens, Templars + NB tanks all have the buff on tap.

    So very far from ‘useless’ - and that tankyness may not be necessary in a basegame dungeon but I wouldn’t dismiss it out of hand. I assure you it’s quite noticeable in raid or HM DLCs. Every bit of damage you don’t take makes your healers uptime life easier after all - that would make the decision far from being a selfish one, no?

    Granted solo pugging dungeons I wouldn’t risk it but if you run with a regular, reliable healer - the Breach on Pierce is far more useless than Ransack.
  • CaiWenji
    I tanked a normal direfrost keep on a new level 30 something at the time recently and had a whole different experience. I kept rushing because my group had high CP and I thought they would want to go fast. I also had the quest and realized it was stalled because I didn't use the stone thing before we stepped on the pressure plates.

    We were way ahead from that point and I was going to ignore it and just complete it next time when that was when my group asked about and they said "We must go back." I was really thankful and surprised.

    Sorry it's a little off topic but my point is that there a good and considerate players out there in group finder. Sorry for your bad experience but like others said at least your wait for the next one will be quick and hopefully better!
    Edited by CaiWenji on November 2, 2019 8:50PM
  • StormeReigns
    Potatoes dont know they are potatoes, and often blame others of being potatoes while they themselves believe that they are elegant flowers potted high above the other roots, thinking petals are near their heads are just the eyes stuck deep in the dirt watching them get infested with worms.
  • Commancho
    Fed up of Potatoes in your group?

    Only run with friends or join a guild.

    Bonus pro tip: Guilds are not just for trading.

    Go see if you are in the another room, with your "pro advices".
  • Nevaee
    Well, I know this kind of players discrimination from another MMO. In the other MMO ever since Combat meters of any sorts are against TOS and qualifies for a ban when any of the group members is using them against other players and with the purpose to kick them from the group.

    Maybe ZOS has to think about sanctions like that too or just remove Vote Kick from the game. Just integrate Autokick for players longer as 3 min afk - or whatever. If you think you can´t play with a group, you are always welcome to leave on your own.

    Vet Dungeon or not, when you can join a raid or dungeon, your toon is ready to fight in it. Then it needs the team to help and support to fight the boss, not to discriminate and insult others. Just think about it: THIS IS A GAME!

    Another good option is to join a guild because guild members usualy support their own players better. Avoid random groups.

    Maybe consider it and this is my personal opinion only and must not be right. There can be intolerant people around with lower mindsets, nothing to do about it.

    But don´t give them the tools before they learn to play fair. And when there are players around insulting someone, you can take a screen and report it, also you have the option to ignore such players for the future.
    Edited by Nevaee on November 2, 2019 10:34PM
    In Game EU Guild (German): Grollwerk
  • ProfessorKittyhawk
    Been leveling a character on a new alt account. Had a pledge for Vaults of Madness. Hadn't done the dungeon yet. Queue. Tell group I get into I'm doing the quest. Nobody says ok or no or anything. Get to Grothdar and kill him. Stand to wait to listen to the long drawn out npc dialogue. Then suddenly I'm voted tone kicked from group.

    Luckily got queued into another much nicer group that was patient to let me do the quest and even friended someone who helped me run WGT.

    More people need to be like the second group I got into. Less like the first. People who are like the first need to die in a house fire.
  • gatekeeper13
    Also, I dont know any tank who uses Ransack and not Puncture.

    Ransack is a genuine option for DKs since they added Minor Protection. Assuming you trust your healers with ele-drain for Breach its preferable to giving up an ulti slot for the same effect (Should you want it). Wardens, Templars + NB tanks all have the buff on tap.

    So very far from ‘useless’ - and that tankyness may not be necessary in a basegame dungeon but I wouldn’t dismiss it out of hand. I assure you it’s quite noticeable in raid or HM DLCs. Every bit of damage you don’t take makes your healers uptime life easier after all - that would make the decision far from being a selfish one, no?

    Granted solo pugging dungeons I wouldn’t risk it but if you run with a regular, reliable healer - the Breach on Pierce is far more useless than Ransack.

    If you have a regular, reliable healer, you dont need the Minor Protection from Ransack. ;-) And I dont think the healer's job is to use Elemental Drain in tough DLC situations, when the tank can put Breach with the same skill that puts Fracture. Healer's job is to heal, buff and give synergies. And in the case where the healer does not use Breach and the tank uses Ransack, the DDs work become a lot harder. Personally, dont know any tank who uses Ransack and never seen a build by any known tank like Woeler who uses it. Not saying that it wont help you with dmg mitigation but it does not benefit the group as Pierce Armor does.
    Edited by gatekeeper13 on November 3, 2019 8:59AM
  • MattT1988
    Also, I dont know any tank who uses Ransack and not Puncture.

    Ransack is a genuine option for DKs since they added Minor Protection. Assuming you trust your healers with ele-drain for Breach its preferable to giving up an ulti slot for the same effect (Should you want it). Wardens, Templars + NB tanks all have the buff on tap.

    So very far from ‘useless’ - and that tankyness may not be necessary in a basegame dungeon but I wouldn’t dismiss it out of hand. I assure you it’s quite noticeable in raid or HM DLCs. Every bit of damage you don’t take makes your healers uptime life easier after all - that would make the decision far from being a selfish one, no?

    Granted solo pugging dungeons I wouldn’t risk it but if you run with a regular, reliable healer - the Breach on Pierce is far more useless than Ransack.

    If you have a regular, reliable healer, you dont need the Minor Protection from Ransack. ;-) And I dont think the healer's job is to use Elemental Drain in tough DLC situations, when the tank can put Breach with the same skill that puts Fracture. Healer's job is to heal, buff and give synergies. And in the case where the healer does not use Breach and the tank uses Ransack, the DDs work become a lot harder. Personally, dont know any tank who uses Ransack and never seen a build by any known tank like Woeler who uses it. Not saying that it wont help you with dmg mitigation but it does not benefit the group as Pierce Armor does.

    I know Necro tanks that do as they get fracture from graveyard. Also don’t forget a lot of groups don’t run healers.
  • gatekeeper13
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    I know Necro tanks that do as they get fracture from graveyard. Also don’t forget a lot of groups don’t run healers.

    Thats a skill of a specific class, plus it costs hell lot magicka. And non healer groups aren't the normal. I am talking about the standard group setup most people use.
    Edited by gatekeeper13 on November 3, 2019 9:07AM
  • MattT1988
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    I know Necro tanks that do as they get fracture from graveyard. Also don’t forget a lot of groups don’t run healers.

    Thats a skill of a specific class, plus it costs hell lot magicka. And non healer groups aren't the normal. I am talking about the standard group setup most people use.

    I think things are at a stage now where even that’s very debatable. Hardly anyone I know runs with a healer in four man content these days as self heals are still strong enough to suffice. So is it still the norm? I’m starting to doubt it.
  • gatekeeper13
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    I know Necro tanks that do as they get fracture from graveyard. Also don’t forget a lot of groups don’t run healers.

    Thats a skill of a specific class, plus it costs hell lot magicka. And non healer groups aren't the normal. I am talking about the standard group setup most people use.

    I think things are at a stage now where even that’s very debatable. Hardly anyone I know runs with a healer in four man content these days as self heals are still strong enough to suffice. So is it still the norm? I’m starting to doubt it.

    Hardly anyone? I am in 2 very active guilds with lots of members and everyone I see asking for group, is asking for a healer too 90% of the time. The norm is 1t, 1h, 2 dd and the game was built around that. If there are people that want to play 3dd, 1t, its just their preference. Not the norm. If I see a fake healer in pug in a demanding dungeon, its instant kick.
  • MattT1988
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    I know Necro tanks that do as they get fracture from graveyard. Also don’t forget a lot of groups don’t run healers.

    Thats a skill of a specific class, plus it costs hell lot magicka. And non healer groups aren't the normal. I am talking about the standard group setup most people use.

    I think things are at a stage now where even that’s very debatable. Hardly anyone I know runs with a healer in four man content these days as self heals are still strong enough to suffice. So is it still the norm? I’m starting to doubt it.

    Hardly anyone? I am in 2 very active guilds with lots of members and everyone I see asking for group, is asking for a healer too 90% of the time. The norm is 1t, 1h, 2 dd and the game was built around that. If there are people that want to play 3dd, 1t, its just their preference. Not the norm. If I see a fake healer in pug in a demanding dungeon, its instant kick.

    It may not be how it was originally designed but from what I’ve seen almost every group all three of my guilds puts together for dungeons, whether they be easy or speed/no death/hm in DLC’s is made up of 3 dps and a tank. Self healing in this game is still reliable enough to not need a pure healer. It seems to be the set up of choice when I go in groups outside of guilds as well. Not saying no one does it the original way, but I’ve got to say it’s been a damn long time since I’ve seen a pure healer in a dungeon. That’s just what I’ve seen, so it’s the norm from my perspective, you’ve obviously experienced something different.

  • BeamsForDemacia
    Maybe dont instant kick a fake heal as it might be the dd that carrys the group xD, yeah i think having a heal is still common but if u have experienced strong dds many ppl also go for triples with 3 dds as it just doesnt matter
  • Aznarb
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    MattT1988 wrote: »
    I know Necro tanks that do as they get fracture from graveyard. Also don’t forget a lot of groups don’t run healers.

    Thats a skill of a specific class, plus it costs hell lot magicka. And non healer groups aren't the normal. I am talking about the standard group setup most people use.

    I think things are at a stage now where even that’s very debatable. Hardly anyone I know runs with a healer in four man content these days as self heals are still strong enough to suffice. So is it still the norm? I’m starting to doubt it.

    Hardly anyone? I am in 2 very active guilds with lots of members and everyone I see asking for group, is asking for a healer too 90% of the time. The norm is 1t, 1h, 2 dd and the game was built around that. If there are people that want to play 3dd, 1t, its just their preference. Not the norm. If I see a fake healer in pug in a demanding dungeon, its instant kick.

    It may not be how it was originally designed but from what I’ve seen almost every group all three of my guilds puts together for dungeons, whether they be easy or speed/no death/hm in DLC’s is made up of 3 dps and a tank. Self healing in this game is still reliable enough to not need a pure healer. It seems to be the set up of choice when I go in groups outside of guilds as well. Not saying no one does it the original way, but I’ve got to say it’s been a damn long time since I’ve seen a pure healer in a dungeon. That’s just what I’ve seen, so it’s the norm from my perspective, you’ve obviously experienced something different.

    Agree, as a healer main when I'm with good player I usually switch to tank and we go with 3 DPS.
    It's a very stupid thing imo but that how the game work the best. The more dmg you've the less trouble you get.

    And still healing is not a separate stat, everyone can heal like crazy as DPS.
    Only bad/new/average player need lot of heal in 4 man content.

    Outside of Trial, playing healer is a disappointment.
    [ PC EU ]

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  • ForzaRammer
    Maybe dont instant kick a fake heal as it might be the dd that carrys the group xD, yeah i think having a heal is still common but if u have experienced strong dds many ppl also go for triples with 3 dds as it just doesnt matter

    I rather kick the fake dps
  • Raideen
    ZOS_RogerJ wrote: »
    Just a friendly reminder, as we've edited some posts, to keep the thread on topic and constructive.

    The title itself is toxic and baiting.
    Edited by Raideen on November 3, 2019 10:30PM
This discussion has been closed.