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Getting booted out of ESO for spamming guild recruitment?

  • Shimond
    Unless you received an e-mail from CS advising you of the action on your account, chances are you just lost connection. They don't just kick people without telling them why lol
  • Yshaar
    To those who want specific channels for things like trade and guild stuff:

    Really? Did no one learn from other games? People will just use the zone chat to reach more people. Why differentiate? Honestly, I love one channel for all chatter. Except when they will construct the trade chat to be server wide...a channel I would never join though :)

    It is all good like it is and people doing guild spam like the op shall be blocked.
  • Evekial
    Greydog wrote: »
    awkwarrd wrote: »

    They'll delete your post and give you a warning if you try to bring your thread back to pg1 with anything that even looks like a bump.

    Just so ya know ;)

    Thanks for the heads up :)
  • Zershar_Vemod
    Spam is spam, regardless of the source.
    It can come from a man
    It can come from a can
    Guilds can wave a fan
    Gold sellers can bang a pan
    Item traders will eat more flan...

    But I do not like it, spam is spam.

    Nothing I could write could compare to this greatness...!

    This 100%, guild recruitment spam is still spam; whether this happened to be the reason the OP got kicked (recently the game has been suffering bad from bugs since last night) is to be determined.

    But yeah, I ignore / report all guild recruitment in zone chat. You either find guilds here, or if you happened to be grouped up with others, have a great time with each other, etc. then you can ask if they would like to join..
    Edited by Zershar_Vemod on April 12, 2014 2:49PM
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • Anthony45122
    Shimond wrote: »
    Unless you received an e-mail from CS advising you of the action on your account, chances are you just lost connection. They don't just kick people without telling them why lol
    They most certainly do. It is an automated system that kicks you if it feels you are spamming.
  • Eris
    Yshaar wrote: »
    To those who want specific channels for things like trade and guild stuff:

    Really? Did no one learn from other games? People will just use the zone chat to reach more people. Why differentiate? Honestly, I love one channel for all chatter. Except when they will construct the trade chat to be server wide...a channel I would never join though :)

    It is all good like it is and people doing guild spam like the op shall be blocked.

    Actually, at least in LOTRO where I've spent most of my time the last few years, a lot of people on my server blocked OCC (zone chat) and used the separate channels for most of their communication.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Vikova
    Greydog wrote: »
    awkwarrd wrote: »

    They'll delete your post and give you a warning if you try to bring your thread back to pg1 with anything that even looks like a bump.

    Just so ya know ;)

    It isn't quite that widespread. The Community Rules use the example of a post that just says "Bump!" or something similar. Adding a post with more details of the guild, new member count, or even another member posting with a "I love these folks!" post is not likely to be considered a bump.
  • Sarenia
    Spamming a button also counts as spam and will get you logged out with the message you received. I ran towards a chest I saw and someone got to it JUST before me. I decided to see if he failed his attempt and was spam clicking the chest to attempt to unlock it if he failed. I got logged out with the same message as you, exceeded message limit ie spamming. So just be aware you can say nothing in chat and still be logged off for spamming.
    P.S. When I logged back on the guy that got to the chest first was gone but the chest was there unlocked, opened it to find all the loot still inside. :)

    Probably anti-exploit measure to stop people from whipping up a simple automation script.

    That said, you must have really been going crazy on that button because I've spammed keys and clicks plenty without getting booted.
    Edited by Sarenia on April 12, 2014 4:30PM
  • Alyrn_Grey
    P.S. When I logged back on the guy that got to the chest first was gone but the chest was there unlocked, opened it to find all the loot still inside. :)

    I have noticed that if you are standing near enough to someone picking a chest for a long enough period of time when they open it and walk off it will spawn an unlocked copy for you.
  • Rhian-Skybladeb16_ESO
    I got booted today from the server for just having logged in and clicked at the woodworking station O_o didn't even use the chat.
  • Daverios
    personally I am happy they would do this as Guild is just as annoying as gold spam
  • kitsinni
    What was the message you were "spamming"? Depending on the content and the wording it might have accidently got caught up in their gold spam filter.
  • Evekial
    kitsinni wrote: »
    What was the message you were "spamming"? Depending on the content and the wording it might have accidently got caught up in their gold spam filter.

    Warriors of Mayhem, Small guild just starting out, for casual traders and players, trying to recruit across all three pact zones. Store will be available once member cap reached. W/me for invite.

    That's my regular message and once an hour, or every couple hours if i'm in a quest I don't think is spam. But obviously recruiting at all is considered spam for some.
  • Orizuru
    Evekial wrote: »
    Has anyone else had this?
    I got booted out of ESO tonight for recruiting for my new trading guild, apparently as it was spamming.
    Considering I only post the message a few times, go do something, post a bit later, I get kicked out, yet gold sellers can spam the crap every few seconds and nothing happens? WTF.
    How are we supposed to get new members when there is no Trade/Guild channel to advertise in?

    What makes you think you were booted out of the game for spamming a guild recruitment message? Did you get an email from ZOS explaining this? If you did, then you shouldn't be creating a forum about this because that would be a ToS violation. If you didn't get an email about this, then it may have just been a coincidence.

    Either way, I think you need help from ZOS customer service, not other players. Most of the replies you get from other players are just going to be people taking their aggravation about spamming out on you, which you have probably already noted.
  • kitsinni
    I would contact support I can't see how they would have banned you for saying that. I have heard of people getting caught in the gold spam filter that were not selling gold. Maybe just mention of store is enough for it.
  • Evekial
    Koloki wrote: »
    Evekial wrote: »
    Has anyone else had this?
    I got booted out of ESO tonight for recruiting for my new trading guild, apparently as it was spamming.
    Considering I only post the message a few times, go do something, post a bit later, I get kicked out, yet gold sellers can spam the crap every few seconds and nothing happens? WTF.
    How are we supposed to get new members when there is no Trade/Guild channel to advertise in?

    When you say you were "kicked" do you mean you were disconnected, and an error appeared saying you exceeded the message limit and encouraging you not to spam?
    If so i think that is a bug, i have been disconnected like that several times, and most of then i had no even used the chat box.
    I can't remember the error code now but maybe if its really a bug support can help.

    Or maybe the GMs are just kicking people randomly :\

    Well I think this was maybe the reason as I never had any email from them about it, so I have just put it down to experience. Thanks for the help and suggestions though :)
  • Orizuru
    Thesiren wrote: »
    It sounds like Zenimax, who is forcing its player base to build large guilds with a "do or die" attitude (ESO has no auction house and only guilds of 50+ can sell publicly, so building big guilds is the only way to sell to anyone without, alas, having to put tons of apparently banhammer-inducing spam in the chat constantly, lol) needs to make some changes to its chat system if nothing else.

    There needs to be a /trade channel, there needs to be a /guild recruit channel, and there needs to be a way to permanently disable said channels for those who don't want to see them.

    Spam problem resolved. Of course, no one will have all those spam channels enabled for long, but it wouldn't matter if there was an in-game auction house; the spam wouldn't be there in nearly the flood it is now if there was.

    People will spam the channel with the most people, regardless of how the channel is labeled.

    And I'm not sure why you think an AH would change anything. If anything, it would just create a new form of spam because then people would be spamming ads for the items they have listed in the AH.

    ZOS just needs to clarify what they define as spam so players can report the offenders and ignore the cases that are allowed.
  • Hodorius
    I got kicked once because I spammed a goldseller...
    And YES, I did it on purpose.
    Edited by Hodorius on April 14, 2014 8:08PM
  • SadisticSavior
    Evekial wrote: »
    Has anyone else had this?
    I got booted out of ESO tonight for recruiting for my new trading guild, apparently as it was spamming.
    Considering I only post the message a few times, go do something, post a bit later, I get kicked out, yet gold sellers can spam the crap every few seconds and nothing happens? WTF.
    How are we supposed to get new members when there is no Trade/Guild channel to advertise in?
    I despise zone spamming, but I can't help but sympathize with you. ESO kinda forced you to do it this way. I agree with your post.

    I consider it a flaw with the game that needs to be fixed. But I admit the spamming would annoy me too.
  • Censorious
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Lalai
    Are you sure it wasn't a bug? I've had people say they got kicked for spamming when they weren't even talking in zone or guild chat. Seems to be a rare occurrence, but sometimes it happens. Another poster here also pointed out spamming a button can cause the same message.

    That being said.. guild spam can be spam.. depending on how it's done. One message, and only one message, every half hour or so I would not consider spam at all. However posting 3-4 messages within a few minutes every half hour I would consider spam, and I've seen a few people do that. I don't know if they got booted out of the game temporarily for it or not as I didn't ask them.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • foxsyd
    RakeWorm wrote: »
    Greydog wrote: »
    awkwarrd wrote: »

    They'll delete your post and give you a warning if you try to bring your thread back to pg1 with anything that even looks like a bump.

    Just so ya know ;)

    It isn't quite that widespread. The Community Rules use the example of a post that just says "Bump!" or something similar. Adding a post with more details of the guild, new member count, or even another member posting with a "I love these folks!" post is not likely to be considered a bump.

    I've had no issues, I update the top post of my Guild Recruitment page with new information and a guild progress now and then. Add a this post has been updated message. No point in making a new thread.
    Join my guild!
    "Thank Sanguine its Fredas"
    North America Server, Ebonheart Pact, PVE/PVP, friendly & funny community. Welcomes all types of players!
    Preachers of #TeamIsland - Share your adventures and screen caps on our Facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/268541133324278/
  • GambitJ79b14_ESO
    Also there are addons being developed (I don't use them though) to scan the chat box with certain algorithms commonly used by gold sellers, purpose being for automated ignore and report. So even putting out a single message that resembles a gold seller can get you reported by these addons. I've seen many guild recruitment messages that looked similar and I remember reporting one guild as I was in turn spamming the ignore/report as they were reappearing faster than I can get rid of them... and I noticed it was a guild just after the fact.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Wait a sec the OP was advertising a trading guild ! That is a feature of the game as we have no AH. How is anyone supposed to get 500 members without posting in zone.

    Guild advertising is a feature of MMOs and as long as it is reasonable, say a couple of times in an hour on any particular day, in my book it adds to the sociability of the game.

    Trading guilds are a feature of this game if they cant be advertised in zone then they will fail.

    This is a new MMO with new guilds of course they want to recruit to survive, especially as we have so many barriers in this game to social interaction.

    I am lucky our guild has come over from LOTRO and we have 35+ members, but I can see why people would feel the need to advertise esp to get started and esp as we are being forced into trading guilds.

    Also WTS, WTT etc are common features of MMO channels.

    As is the trolling cr*p which from time to time I actually find amusing in between being deep in the game. There is nothing like a good old server row or troll that gets everyone riled now and then to keep the place interesting :wink:

    It all makes the place a far more entertaining and "human" experience.

    Before we know it not only will we be running around anonymously as no name bots but we will have empty chat channels as some people seem to feel that any kind of social interaction is somehow dampening their "immersion".

    Aside from the detestable gold spamming, that term "immersion" is starting to grate on me more than any spam in chat as is "go and play wow" ugh really!
    Edited by martinhpb16_ESO on April 15, 2014 11:11PM
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • reagen_lionel
    Spam is spam bruh.
    Blasting your messages over and over in a short time frame is intrusive. No matter why or what its for.
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