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Getting booted out of ESO for spamming guild recruitment?

Has anyone else had this?
I got booted out of ESO tonight for recruiting for my new trading guild, apparently as it was spamming.
Considering I only post the message a few times, go do something, post a bit later, I get kicked out, yet gold sellers can spam the crap every few seconds and nothing happens? WTF.
How are we supposed to get new members when there is no Trade/Guild channel to advertise in?
  • nerevarine1138
    Gold sellers are banned too, they just have more stolen accounts to use.

    Spam is bad. Don't do it, and you won't get booted.
  • Evekial
    That was my point, I was not spamming.
  • nerevarine1138
    Evekial wrote: »
    That was my point, I was not spamming.

    Apparently enough players and at least one GM disagree.
  • Yshaar
    just kicked out? Or banned?

    You spammed. You deserve it. Nothing to see here, move on.
  • Evekial
    Ok let me clarify.
    If by spam you mean posting every half hour or hour, then going a few hours and putting another post up, then yeah call it spamming (I don't think it is excessive personally).
    Especially when you see the frequency of other guild recruiters and gold sellers, which have not been kicked.
    No I have not been banned.
    My question was if another guild member had this issue before? and if they had how often were they posting? What is a safe time frame to repost?
    We have nowhere else to recruit other than in the zone chat at the moment, what else are we supposed to do?
  • Melian
    Posting a few times... immediately, back to back?

    Yeah, that's spamming.
  • LostScot
    Let's be fair about this, if someone is being kicked for spamming then this sort of outcome should be applied evenly amongst all offenders.

    The same guilds have been spamming zone chat on the EU megaserver since early access, advertising for new recruits. Some of these guilds are repeating their message every 5 minutes, even more frequently than the gold sellers who generally go for 10 minute intervals (although it seems more frequent because there are at least 4 different gold selling companies operating in ESO).

    I received a warning for posting the same message twice, once in /zone and once in /enzone (for the benefit of many English speakers who have agreed to just disable the zone channel entirely). There are obviously some players who are just being weird and reporting anything they don't like. Customer service getting overwhelmed with all the reports of chat spam are probably not investigating every single instance and so are resorting to the warning option unnecessarily.
    Craftaholics Guild, established 30th March 2014.

    What do we want? Our anniversary goblets and Alfiqi plushies!
    When do we want them? Back in April 2024 when we expected to receive them!
  • Reiterpallasch
    Evekial wrote: »
    That was my point, I was not spamming.

    Yet in the title you say "Getting booted out of ESO for spamming guild recruitment?"
  • Evekial
    Evekial wrote: »
    That was my point, I was not spamming.

    Yet in the title you say "Getting booted out of ESO for spamming guild recruitment?"

    As that was the reason they stated I had been kicked, not what I was actually doing, which was also why I added a question mark.

    Edited by Evekial on April 11, 2014 9:57PM
  • nerevarine1138
    Evekial wrote: »
    Evekial wrote: »
    That was my point, I was not spamming.

    Yet in the title you say "Getting booted out of ESO for spamming guild recruitment?"

    As that was the reason they stated I had been kicked, not what I was actually doing.

    Well, that appears to be subjective.
  • awkwarrd
    This could be 1 way of advertising.

    I have never been kicked for spamming so i don't know how it works.
    1 Advertisement per hour is definitely not spamming, try that.
  • Evekial
    awkwarrd wrote: »
    This could be 1 way of advertising.

    I have never been kicked for spamming so i don't know how it works.
    1 Advertisement per hour is definitely not spamming, try that.

    Thank you, and I have posted on the forums too, I have also emailed support for clarification as well, I certainly don't want to be seen as spamming but I need to recruit somehow.
  • Coggage
    Sounds like you might have spammed your advert a few times, "back to back? If anyone does a "back to back" of something two or three times in a couple of seconds they get reported very quickly, I find. It's so easy to attach a screenshot, too.
  • Thete
    Evekial wrote: »
    That was my point, I was not spamming.

    Yet in the title you say "Getting booted out of ESO for spamming guild recruitment?"

    He said that was the reason given, not that he was spamming. Half hour gaps is not spam. ZOS needs to add a guild search feature if they don't like people advertising in channels. Only limited numbers check the forums, not that there is the capacity for more as anyone who has been on during a sudden maintenance will have seen.
  • Koloki
    Evekial wrote: »
    Has anyone else had this?
    I got booted out of ESO tonight for recruiting for my new trading guild, apparently as it was spamming.
    Considering I only post the message a few times, go do something, post a bit later, I get kicked out, yet gold sellers can spam the crap every few seconds and nothing happens? WTF.
    How are we supposed to get new members when there is no Trade/Guild channel to advertise in?

    When you say you were "kicked" do you mean you were disconnected, and an error appeared saying you exceeded the message limit and encouraging you not to spam?
    If so i think that is a bug, i have been disconnected like that several times, and most of then i had no even used the chat box.
    I can't remember the error code now but maybe if its really a bug support can help.

    Or maybe the GMs are just kicking people randomly :\
    War Dogs
    MMO, lore, quests, diversão, cerveja, mulher, carros, barcos, iates e outros tantos prazeres da carne!
    Rage. Goddess, sing the rage of Peleus' son Achilles,
    murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses,
    hurling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls…
  • wrlifeboil
    Gold sellers are banned too, they just have more stolen accounts to use.

    Spam is bad. Don't do it, and you won't get booted.

    Have there been reports of stolen ESO accounts? I haven't read any yet on the forum. Surprising in a good way.
  • phermitgb
    one *possible* reason - is it possible any of your other guild members were *also* posting the same recruitment message at the same time you were? If they were, someone in the zone might see the same recruitment message 2 or 3 times in the space of a few minutes, not bother distinguishing that they're coming from different people, and have simply picked *yours* as the offending post to report.

    not saying that's what happened - but it's at least one possibility I can imagine...
    "There is no correct resolution; It's a test of character."
    James T. Kirk
  • Evekial
    I think the message said something like I had been removed from the server as I had exceeded the message limit and this was spamming or something like that.
    I never saw any other recruitment messages in the chat box so I don't think it was that, maybe it was the explanation Koloki mentioned, that sounds like the message I got.
    Thanks everyone that did not automatically judge me straight off and for trying to help.
  • phermitgb
    Koloki wrote: »

    Or maybe the GMs are just kicking people randomly :\

    LOL! just had an image pop into my head...

    some pimply programmer sitting at his desk, punches a button and POOF!! away goes Evekial, and the programmer exclaims...

    "Hey! whatdya know?! IT WORKED!!"

    he starts to go back to "monitoring", when his supervisor wanders up behind him...

    "It might have just been an anomaly. Try it a few more times to make sure it works consistently..."

    POOF! POOF! POOF! Players start getting booted off the server...

    maybe it was funnier in my head...
    "There is no correct resolution; It's a test of character."
    James T. Kirk
  • stojekarcub18_ESO
    Very first thing I did upon first starting out in this game(and in any MMO) was turn off zone chat. All it does is clog up my chat window with garbage. Guild spammers, gold spammers, random trolling, and the like. I find it refreshing to see the devs in this game taking action.
  • byghostlightrwb17_ESO
    today i was more sick of people spamming WTS, than by the plat sellers, that says a LOT.
  • Jessabella
    I mean no disrespect to the OP, so please do not interpret this as such :) I tend to ignore a player If I see guild recruiting posts in local or zone. I do not report, it, just ignore. I like to keep zone on so I can help people, but guild posts are pretty long most of the time making chat harder to see. It's nothing personal against anyone! After a few weeks I UN-ignore them.

    That said, it seems there are many automated systems in place, perhaps enough players ignoring someone sets off a red flag somehow. Or maybe there are others who do not distinguish between gold and guild "spam", and just report it all. Anyway it sounds like you were not banned for it so at least you have a somewhat happy ending.

    And again I apologize if my post came across as disrespectful, it's not my intention! I just wanted to point out some players do not like to see the recruitment posts in chat.
    Mara's Tester <3Psijic Order/PTS Tester
    Jessabella >:)Belladonna Bacia >:)Serves her Master >:)Aurora Rose
    Mara's Moxie <3The Sidekick Order <3The Psijic Order <3Elder Moot
    And my big fat Naked Nord :pAte my Clothes
  • Triquetra
    Most goldsellers do not use stolen accounts but accounts made and paid for with stolen creditcards.
  • MercyKilling
    Spam is spam, regardless of the source.
    It can come from a man
    It can come from a can
    Guilds can wave a fan
    Gold sellers can bang a pan
    Item traders will eat more flan...

    But I do not like it, spam is spam.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Empu
    I had this issue also, only that i was typing in party chat issueing info during a fight in Cyrodil ^^
  • Thesiren
    It sounds like Zenimax, who is forcing its player base to build large guilds with a "do or die" attitude (ESO has no auction house and only guilds of 50+ can sell publicly, so building big guilds is the only way to sell to anyone without, alas, having to put tons of apparently banhammer-inducing spam in the chat constantly, lol) needs to make some changes to its chat system if nothing else.

    There needs to be a /trade channel, there needs to be a /guild recruit channel, and there needs to be a way to permanently disable said channels for those who don't want to see them.

    Spam problem resolved. Of course, no one will have all those spam channels enabled for long, but it wouldn't matter if there was an in-game auction house; the spam wouldn't be there in nearly the flood it is now if there was.
    Edited by Thesiren on April 12, 2014 11:24AM
  • Sarenia
    Those guild recruitment messages do turn into spam extremely fast.
  • Maestro_Sartori
    Evekial wrote: »
    Has anyone else had this?
    I got booted out of ESO tonight for recruiting for my new trading guild, apparently as it was spamming.
    Considering I only post the message a few times, go do something, post a bit later, I get kicked out, yet gold sellers can spam the crap every few seconds and nothing happens? WTF.
    How are we supposed to get new members when there is no Trade/Guild channel to advertise in?

    Guild spam is pretty much just annoying as gold spam. You've probably been ignored quite a bit too

  • Greydog
    awkwarrd wrote: »

    They'll delete your post and give you a warning if you try to bring your thread back to pg1 with anything that even looks like a bump.

    Just so ya know ;)

    "I Plan on living forever ..so far so good"
    Sanguine's Disciple

    Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
    Message me here or in game for an invite
  • Anthony45122
    Spamming a button also counts as spam and will get you logged out with the message you received. I ran towards a chest I saw and someone got to it JUST before me. I decided to see if he failed his attempt and was spam clicking the chest to attempt to unlock it if he failed. I got logged out with the same message as you, exceeded message limit ie spamming. So just be aware you can say nothing in chat and still be logged off for spamming.
    P.S. When I logged back on the guy that got to the chest first was gone but the chest was there unlocked, opened it to find all the loot still inside. :)
    Edited by Anthony45122 on April 12, 2014 2:27PM
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