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Maximus_Mordred wrote: »Dizzying swing is an incredibly broken state ATM.
-Costs under 2k stam with med
-Does a ridiculous amount of dmg in comparison with its cost
-Massive knockback arc
-Very easy to spam/anim cancel
No matter how clumsy your opponent is with this skill they will eventually land a hit and by the time you break free they'll already have anim cancel executed you in under a second, even in nocp. How is this balanced in any way? Perhaps give stamina a few more options for spammables, but this is completely out of hand.
Maximus_Mordred wrote: »Dizzying swing is an incredibly broken state ATM.
-Costs under 2k stam with med
-Does a ridiculous amount of dmg in comparison with its cost
-Massive knockback arc
-Very easy to spam/anim cancel
Every 2h user and their mother is using this ability right now. Is this really the "class identity" ZOS was promoting? Nowhere else would a dirt-cheap, massive dmg ability with a free CC + incredibly easy gameplay + anim cancelling be acceptable, why is it for Dizzy? And any magicka player that attempts to block the dizzy more than once will lose all their stamina immediately.
No matter how clumsy your opponent is with this skill they will eventually land a hit and by the time you break free they'll already have anim cancel executed you in under a second, even in nocp. How is this balanced in any way? Perhaps give stamina a few more options for spammables, but this is completely out of hand.
DukeDiewalker wrote: »
That is pretty ironic coming from a Magsorc player.
Just to be clear: Dizzying Swing cannot be animation cancelled, just like every other cast time skill.
My dear Magebinder, you seem to have the same common misconception that most players have. I will break it down for you. Dizzying swing seems to be broken due to other mechanics of the game that do not work properly or are overperforming:
1. Damage over time. It is very strong and complements direct attack abilities greatly regardless of what direct attack
that is. Of course an attack that hits relatively hard and stuns is going to seem broken.
2. Knockback effect. It's currently broken and you can't cc break fast enough in order to go defensive resulting into
dizzying swing being able to land twice in a row and followed up by light attack into an execute.
3. Onslaught. Self explanatory.
So fix these 3 things and dizzying swing is a perfectly fine ability.
P.S: Magsorc main saying that dizzy is easy gameplay, lmao.
Maximus_Mordred wrote: »
I see how it is. Instead of attempting to counter my argument with well-thought out points, you say my argument must be invalid because I main magsorc.
As for the animation cancelling, I'm sure the endless sub --> swing --> execute or swing --> swing --> execute/onslaught combos that occur in barely seconds and deal 5 digit figures in nocp would beg to differ.
TBH it seems that a large amount of stam 2h users have got used to 2-3shot comboing people with this broken ability and don't want to admit that they're not as skilled as they think they are. This ability is completely overtuned and boring to play against and I wouldn't be surprised if it's contributed to the recent decline in PvP population.
DOTs are also highly overperforming as well, yet that doesn't change the fact that up to 10k+ dmg from a single, arguably brain-free ability with a free knockback and negligible cost is completely unacceptable no matter what. Maybe when it gets nerfed on live you'll realise my point above seems to resonate well with you.
2. Is correct, this has happened to me personally many times and is incredibly frustrating.
3. Yes, in combination with onslaught this ability is even more OP, yet none of your 3 points have countered any of mine - it's a skill-free ability with minimal cost that does insane dmg with free knockback as well as being incredibly easy to combo with executioner. No wonder almost every 2h user I run into uses this skill.
What purpose does your last comment serve? It doesn't defeat any of my points, it's just an irrelevant side-comment and serves no meaning whatsoever. I wonder if your staunch defence of this obviously broken ability stems from the fact you use it on a regular basis and want to keep 3hitting people with it for eternity, or maybe you're not as skilled as you think you are.
If it does 10k+ dmg to you there's something wrong with your build cause on its own it almost never hits above 5-6k non crit on my 4.5k weapon damage build.
Don't let my last comment trigger you. It's just sarcasm because magsorc has been the easiest class since forever.
DukeDiewalker wrote: »
And if you think the damage of dizzying swing is currently too high, then you should think about what role Onslaught playing in that
Because most dizzying swings without that 100% penetration never hit harder than the average Crystal Frag or Snipe, which even have a range advantage.
Canned_Apples wrote: »It's a 6% damage nerf, when you factor in CP.
The problem with the current D-Swing is the short cast time + high damage + bugged CC + easy combo into another dwing high damage ults and finisher
The old version was fine because the longer cast time gave you more time to react, while the current one does not. You can try to block it, but you'll run out of stamina before they do- you can try to dodge roll it, but you'll run out of stamina before they do- you can try to interrupt it, but you'll never close the gap in time.
The only possible counter is to run Immovability Pots and run the same generic, boring (meta) build.
*they need to make the DW spammable viable to offer more variety.
Maximus_Mordred wrote: »
[...] yet that doesn't change the fact that up to 10k+ dmg from a single, arguably brain-free ability [...]
Maximus_Mordred wrote: »
I said up to 10k+ dmg, that's accounting for crit as well
And the fact you admit an ability this hilariously cheap with a free insane knockback CC and incredibly easy to use can do 5-6k in nocp noncrit and be spammed is pretty self explanatory - but as there's yet again nothing in your post attempting to counter my argument, you must agree with me.
This is a dizzying swing thread, let's keep it that way.
Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »
It's mostly the combo with Onslaught, broken CC and the shorter cast time. But it didn't helped they nerfed many other spams in the same patch.
Anyway, it's only 6% in the smaller part of PvP. No CP gains not that much.
I am very confused about this argument.. how does a 16% direct damage nerf to the skills baseline tooltip translate into a 6% with cps ? this is a real question, because I don't see the reasoning behind this
Chilly-McFreeze wrote: »
Dizzy procs off balance in the coming update. Exploiter passive grants 10% increased dmg against targets who are off balance. So this cushiones the nerf a bit. However, you could already proc off balance via tactician CP.
What about no cp?
DukeDiewalker wrote: »I don't know why there is not more people talking about this, but imo the change to dizzying swing with a 16% dmg nerf AND the removal of a hard CC is going to ruin a skill that has just been improved recently. As someone who has been utilizing this skill since game launch more or less, this makes me sad.
Every decent player knows that the current frustration dizzy swing causes to players, is not its damage but the fact that the KNOCKBACK effect is still broken and ZOS doesn't want to admit, they can't fix it, hence they are removing it slowly from the game.
What if I told you there is another way than stripping the skill of its identity? Why is Dizzying Swing not getting the same treatment as the stamina javelin, becoming a sort of knockdown, that is easily breakable but still a hard CC. While the OFFBALANCE is definitly a nice idea, the playstyle of most twohander classes gets slowed down too much with this change but for people who want to use the offbalance mechanic, it would simple to change the other morph, since nobody uses that anyway (WRECKING BLOW) to have the offbalance effect or even the other way around, it does not matter.
Another thought would be, keeping the current change but reverting the damage nerf to keep Dizzying swing in its place as the twohander SPAMMABLE SKILL to retain its usual function for classes like Stamsorc or Stamden, who do not have other options.
Pls no comments on how offbalance is sooo much better, it is not really in NoCP pvp and as I adressed, there is a way to keep both effects.
And if you think the damage of dizzying swing is currently too high, then you should think about what role Onslaught playing in that
Because most dizzying swings without that 100% penetration never hit harder than the average Crystal Frag or Snipe, which even have a range advantage.
Canned_Apples wrote: »