Any plans to prevent NPC Werewolf/Vampire slaughter by those who already have skill/disease?

Soul Shriven
Hello Devs and fellow Players,
Had a question on the current state for those trying to gain access to the Werewolf/Vampire diseases. I have bee trying to gain this skill for a few days now, particularly the Werewolf disease, and though I have not seen the spawns since i started looking o Saturday April12, I have noticed/heard of many people who have those skills camping the spots to kill the spawns so that others cannot gain the skill. Are there any plans to prevent this from happening.

Would it be possible to prevent those who have the disease/skill from even being able to see the spawns through "phasing" the monsters to only be visible to those who do not have the disease?

I can see this as helping to allow those who want the skill to gain the skill and those who already have the skill from preventing people who want the skill to have it so that they may charging to bite those who want it.
Edited by darkstud5b14_ESO on April 15, 2014 7:07PM
Leon the Remorseless - AD - Templar/Werewolf
  • Valiant29
    Lol, the werewolf players want to be able to sell a bite for a ridiculous price. I am a werewolf and I fail to see the benefit of turning to a wolf for 30 seconds after building up 1000 Ultimate, it nerfs your ultimate ability to the point that you barely even use it.
    Edited by Valiant29 on April 15, 2014 12:17PM
  • ElliottXO
    Valiant29 wrote: »
    Lol, the werewolf players want to be able to sell a bite for a ridiculous price. I am a werewolf and I fail to see the benefit of turning to a wolf for 30 seconds after building up 1000 Ultimate, it nerfs your ultimate ability to the point that you barely even use it.

    That's a good thing. If being werewolf or vampire would give you actual advantages over other players then 90% of tamriel will be either werewolf or vampire.

    How fun would that be? Honestly I don't want to see more than 10% of the population being that.
  • Dimachaerus
    If you really want it just wait a few months, it will be so widespread that a bite is either free or so cheap that they'd earn more gold doing a couple of quest quest.

    Alternatively you could try and join a guild, not a trader guild, but a real community, people are more inclined to help out someone they consider "one of their own", if you know what I mean.
  • darkstud5b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    That's exactly my point. By "phasing" the monsters so that only those who do not have either disease would kill that market because it could potentially lead to "more" people with the diseases instead or limiting it to those few who may be lucky enough to get hit before the grievers can kill it. It's not just those with Werewolf that are trying to charge its both sides that are doing it. I am just wondering if there are plans in the works to prevent it. The whole process reminds me of GS linkshells from FFXI. These guilds would camp HNM's and try to prevent other players from enjoying the content.

    They already have a "phasing" system in place with some monsters where they have some monsters go from being non aggro to aggro and back again based on the quest line you do. Hell the actual quest to become a full Vampire or Werewolf itself is phased to those who gain the disease. Players can even chose to remove the disease and still be able to hunt them. But they would not be able to Profit from having the disease while preventing others from gaining the skills if they so choose to gain them.

    I have no problems with people "hunting" these monsters at all. Adds to the challege of gaining the skill. But I don't believe they should be able to also gain money from the skill if they choose to hunt them just to kill them so others cannot gain the skill. If I had the skill I would just bite random people for the shear fun of it. They can choose to remove the skill or go through the quest to embrace it from there.
    Edited by darkstud5b14_ESO on April 15, 2014 12:41PM
    Leon the Remorseless - AD - Templar/Werewolf
  • Kolache
    Seems like a good idea to me. Probably easier than randomizing the distribution of the carriers across more zones.
    Something being unbalanced in 1v1 does not imply that it is balanced in group play.
  • william19882007
    the other night brought some people to become a vampier i would have bite one but i had used my bite "and i would have done it for free" but when we got to the spot there where about 40 people around the spawn spot killing it. i think people think if they kill it they become it. 2 there are like Valiant29 said want to make it rare and make good money off it. what is sad b/c its something everyone should get to try if they so wish to. people are ugly and want to be "rich" its silly in my eyes i now well tell people if you dont get bite in 7 days pm me and i well do it if i have not bitten someone.
  • nerevarine1138
    Report anyone who's camping the spot and instantly killing the mob. They know exactly what they're doing, and it's griefing.

    See the developer post in this thread for more info:
  • OnlineAdel
    I wouldn't say no to people willing to pay for a bite but Im not announcing or blocking anyone from getting it in any way.I picked the skill as a Vamp for the fun of it I just wish you could sneakup behind allies and bite them and that Vamp stae 4 wasn't so much better than stage 1 which makes me not wanting to sneak up behind people just to bite them.... THE HUNGER FOR BLOOD!!
  • darkstud5b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I don't really see it as grieving. For RP reasons, these monsters should be hunted down and killed. Maybe making them Rare Elite monsters, increase the NPC health pool so that they take a while to kill would be an easier fix, reduce the spawn rate to be nearly instant upon death or maybe even flood the area with the werewolves/vampires instead of just having 2 or 3 spawn. There should be some risk involved with both gaining these skills as well as hunting them. If people want to hunt them let them hunt them, but give them a staking debuff or something that will prevent them from just killing the monsters.

    Another idea could be if a person has the Vampire disease for example, these NPC's are flagged as non attackable and gain a %buff for every PC vampire in the area. And if WW players try to come in a kill off the monsters they would receive a penalty debuff plus stacking debuff for every PC WW in the area trying to kill these specific NPC monsters. in doing this they could implement some sort of resistance to the disease for PC.

    PC level1-30: 0 resistance to disease
    31-35: 50% resistance
    36-45: 90% resistance
    46-50+:95% resistance
    (to these monsters specifically, PC bite resistance could remain as is. This could be done using a secondary strain for PC players)

    A system like this could even be expanded so that players who wish to hunt these monsters can get special items from the Fighters Guild or even perks from it. A similar guild ( like the companions in skyrim) could even be created for players who choose to play as WW/Vampire, as a way for them to gain further perks/skills as the game expands.

    Wanted to post this to the developers and players to try to open discussion on ways to make WW/Vampire be more worthwhile since is seems like a lot of people seem to be saddened by the mechanics of those two skills at current game.
    Leon the Remorseless - AD - Templar/Werewolf
  • Sarenia
    Edited by Sarenia on April 15, 2014 3:48PM
  • Inversus
    ElliottXO wrote: »
    That's a good thing. If being werewolf or vampire would give you actual advantages over other players then 90% of tamriel will be either werewolf or vampire.

    How fun would that be? Honestly I don't want to see more than 10% of the population being that.

    That would completely defeat the purpose of adding the werewolf & vampire content.
    What's the point of adding that content if nobody used it.

    I agree it shouldn't be too much of a bonus, but there has to be a point to them.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • fiftypercentgrey
    I kinda like the idea that some people try to slay the beasts before the disease spreads. Yah, they do it for money but while they are doing that they are stuck right there and can't do anything else.

    If they are real players and not bots, of course. Oh, well.. there goes my reasoning.
  • Grieg_Ryderb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    There was another post about this, where a Admin had ask for people to report the killing of spawn of vampire and werewolves.

    Hi there, folks. Thank you for letting us know. We will investigate exactly what's happening here based on reports and tickets that you submit. In order to help us investigate more quickly, when you see an incident, please include the phrase "werewolf/vampire camping" in your ticket.

    Edited by Grieg_Ryderb16_ESO on April 15, 2014 6:39PM
  • accursed1
    I'm sure that there would be less people like myself hunting werewolves (provided you are not an avid Fighters Guild person) if they made the spawns (a lot) fewer and in random locations throughout the spawn regions. It is supposed to be a "rare" mob making it feel like an achievement when you actually get it. If everyone is a vamp or a wolf, the rarity and value of this optional line goes down. They should make it something that you have to put time and effort into to get, buying bites is for the lazy people who don't want to do the leg work, or for lvl 15's (good lvl to attempt the quest line) who want to get this line early to lvl up while they are still generating ultimate for attacks/hits; and should be costly. It's like a convenience store, you pay for the convenience of not having to hunt down a rare spawn or randomly run into it. You can't feel good about an achievement if you didn't work hard to earn it.
  • darkstud5b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    There was another post about this, where a Admin had ask for people to report the killing of spawn of vampire and werewolves.

    was ask when you report it to title Werewolf and Vampire spawn killing and with all reports like gold spammer, they will look into it based on amount of reports they get

    Saw that post but I cannot really say that I personally agree with that idea. People should be allowed to kill them. That idea really works with people who want to RP as Fighter Guild players. I personally would rather see people have to fight off these monsters longer than 2 seconds. simply increasing the health of the monsters would give people time to taunt the monsters off people and gain the infection if they wanted it.

    coding wise they could possibly write a function that would base the WW/Vampire monsters health on the number of people in a particular radius. Or simply have the Spawn point be more of waves of WW/Vamps that emerge from Hirsine's realm dependig on the number of players in the immediate area.

    These options would not only make it easier for players to get access to the disease but also allow people to kill them for the challenge.

    The idea of blanket banning people and then GM's spending time to review those takes them away from other aspects of the game that could be more important, like helping to find fixes for the broken quests.

    Leon the Remorseless - AD - Templar/Werewolf
  • ironicsilence
    Report anyone who's camping the spot and instantly killing the mob. They know exactly what they're doing, and it's griefing.

    See the developer post in this thread for more info:

    Pretty sure your taking that post entirely out of context, the dev wasnt telling you to report people that are camping the spawn and killing, the dev was actually replying to a specific example of a un-named guild killing the spawns then trying to get players to send them real world money via paypal in exchange for a bite......

    In other words....camping any spawn and killing monsters = perfectly ok
    selling anything in game in exchange for real world money = against game rules

  • Dwumblord
    Werewolf trolls will get bored eventually, maybe hah. Just got to be more tedious, they have to take out the trash and go to school eventually eh?
  • madangrypally
    I think it would be better overall to just remove the spawns all together. Instead make them part of the Dark Portals that can randomly appear anywhere. Would solve this issue and make it harder to camp at the same time.
  • BenjaminKacher_ESO
    Idk about you all but I'm not a werewolf or vampire and I'm killing them as fast as I can during their spawn periods... DEATH TO THE INFECTED!
  • Mortelus
    Stop allowing players to bite other players is one solution to stopping this, but not a very realistic or lore friendly one. Or make it so you can bite as many people as often as you like without their permission.

    Kind of like a plague. If you are carrying Garlic around with you vampires will not be able to bite you.
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • shadowwolf35ub17_ESO
    I enjoyed the Companion quests in Skyrim, and trying my hand at playing a werewolf... When I heard that there was going to be an option to play a werewolf and/or vampire here, I was looking forward to trying out those story lines anew. However, after reading all the articles, reports, and witnessing first hand a few bad apples in the bunch, I'm happy to wait out all the nonsense. People that grief, and think nothing of spoiling others fun, are no better than the spammers that clog up our mailboxes and zone chat...
    Lunara Merrick - Imperial Templar - Aldmeri Dominion (NA Server)
    Boca Boo - Khajiit Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion (NA Server)
    “It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit.”
    ― J.R.R. Tolkien
  • drwoody44b14_ESO
    Report anyone who's camping the spot and instantly killing the mob. They know exactly what they're doing, and it's griefing.

    See the developer post in this thread for more info:

    Hey, maybe you should actually read the post he is replying to, and read what the dev is actually saying. They want reports for feedback purposes,

    As in, your post just made me want to target these mobs now when I see them, and I will, because theres nothing you can do as its perfectly legal at the moment.

    By the way. I'm rolling in cash now thanks to this feature. Feels good.
    Edited by drwoody44b14_ESO on April 17, 2014 9:09PM
  • Hail_Enki_666
    I don't really see it as grieving. For RP reasons, these monsters should be hunted down and killed. Maybe making them Rare Elite monsters, increase the NPC health pool so that they take a while to kill would be an easier fix, reduce the spawn rate to be nearly instant upon death or maybe even flood the area with the werewolves/vampires instead of just having 2 or 3 spawn. There should be some risk involved with both gaining these skills as well as hunting them. If people want to hunt them let them hunt them, but give them a staking debuff or something that will prevent them from just killing the monsters.

    Another idea could be if a person has the Vampire disease for example, these NPC's are flagged as non attackable and gain a %buff for every PC vampire in the area. And if WW players try to come in a kill off the monsters they would receive a penalty debuff plus stacking debuff for every PC WW in the area trying to kill these specific NPC monsters. in doing this they could implement some sort of resistance to the disease for PC.

    PC level1-30: 0 resistance to disease
    31-35: 50% resistance
    36-45: 90% resistance
    46-50+:95% resistance
    (to these monsters specifically, PC bite resistance could remain as is. This could be done using a secondary strain for PC players)

    A system like this could even be expanded so that players who wish to hunt these monsters can get special items from the Fighters Guild or even perks from it. A similar guild ( like the companions in skyrim) could even be created for players who choose to play as WW/Vampire, as a way for them to gain further perks/skills as the game expands.

    Wanted to post this to the developers and players to try to open discussion on ways to make WW/Vampire be more worthwhile since is seems like a lot of people seem to be saddened by the mechanics of those two skills at current game.

    No lie do.
    This really is a good idea and makes it possible for the people searching to become a vamp or ww to do so, while still giving the others something to do.
  • oldkye
    I know a easy fix if your infected make them friendly/unattackable it works lore and game wise stops griefing but still let's players RPing as holy warriors kill them well making them have to cure themselves if infected before they can kill more(also giving a window to people who want to be infected).

    It solves all the problems and adds a cost to hunting them down for sport but allows it.
  • Loligo
    The way to fix it is have a hit from the vampire/ww quest mob, if you already have the ability, remove the ability and flag you permanently to not regain it with no reimbursement of skill points etc.

    As for people who want to pay a boatload of gold to get a bite, that's free market. Fools and their money should be parted.
    Edited by Loligo on April 18, 2014 4:07PM
  • SadisticSavior
    ElliottXO wrote: »
    How fun would that be? Honestly I don't want to see more than 10% of the population being that.
    10%?? I saw my first and only Vampire yesterday....that is the kind of frequency I'd like to see them. Rare.

  • Loligo
    ElliottXO wrote: »
    How fun would that be? Honestly I don't want to see more than 10% of the population being that.
    10%?? I saw my first and only Vampire yesterday....that is the kind of frequency I'd like to see them. Rare.

    Am I the only person who'd like to see Vampires sparkle for 5 seconds then get staked and killed immediately by a Nord NPC named Buffy that spawns in front of them.

    Or maybe they explode and die every time sunlight touches them.

  • Kimera
    Soul Shriven
    This issue has to be addressed.
    Please devs give us something, this is a case in which a group of players are denying part of the game to the rest of the player base.
  • Kyotee0071
    Once my Templar is up to power I plan to rid the world of all the dark scum walking around and send them back to the nether where they belong!

    They shall pay.
    They shall Perish.
    The end is nigh.
    I didn't think my hangover was that bad this morning until I spent 10 minutes trying to log into my old Etch-A-Sketch

  • jdandrews108b14_ESO
    I hate this idea and hope they don't change the system.

    Don't whine about not finding an NCP because you want to be a vampire/werewolf, go find one. I find it pathetic that you would even consider making this a topic. The point of them being world wide is so that they are
    A. hard to find and therefore rare for those who have the skill line. Letting anyone find it in the world at any time removes the purpose of having the skill to bite another player every 7 days.
    B. you made the choice to want to be a vampire/werewolf after a few years of development and them telling you they would be "hard to find". Take the time to play the game for more than a week and actually PLAY. I find it hard to believe it's fun when things are given to you. I for one like to earn things, and find it distasteful for a game company to give away what I took time to search out.

    That being said, I kill every Werewolf/Vampire I see unless someone is next to me and asks me to stop. It's up to you whether you want to pay to become a vampire/werewolf, but just to let you know, I've found a bunch already.
    (I would like to point out I do not "hunt" for the rare spawn NPC's, but if I see one, I kill it, as I would like to think the game wants me to do.)
    Edited by jdandrews108b14_ESO on April 19, 2014 1:47AM
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