probabkyravi wrote: »Animation cancel causes lag, its a fact, get over it.
It needs a rethink by devs, no hurry, no diss, no beef.
Chill and play and be nice.
probabkyravi wrote: »Listen.
Ani-cancel is fine its just that ZoS rushed the development of it and caused insane in lag in Cyrodiil from it.
Then mash up the game to fix Cyrodiil lag when it when it was just a massive Wroebel error that needs looking into.
Siohwenoeht wrote: »You realize that macros in PVP would more likely be a disadvantage to the user right? PVP combat in ESO is far more reactive than in other MMOs... I highly doubt even a macro setup for just LA+skill is very useful at all.
probabkyravi wrote: »Go duel a dude exploiting 2 hand ani-cancel then come diss.
I guess yall scared for fix, by all the hate for thread.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
I'd be fine with getting rid of AC, but they'd need to find a different way to increase the combat skill ceiling (maybe skill combos or something).