probabkyravi wrote: »Really? Macro abusersAC and cause a ton-load of lag when they mix it with router abuse.
Its a fact. The mech is not even RP. I can AC but I don't abuse it.
probabkyravi wrote: »It needs a rework, it has been abused with macro + router slowing since 2014 and is the blatant cause of all the lag.
#Don'tBlameTheDeer for rushed dev mistakes
probabkyravi wrote: »3 dizzies + 4 LA + 3 reverse slice and a carve in 2 seconds while your screen freezes is no fun.
And think what it is doing to the server.
xMovingTarget wrote: »Aww come one. You guys try to pull any excuse to blame ani cancel and get rid of the only skillful mechanic left in this game. Shame one you.
Just learn how to ani cancel. Its not that hard.
probabkyravi wrote: »It needs a rework, it has been abused with macro + router slowing since 2014 and is the blatant cause of all the lag.
#Don'tBlameTheDeer for rushed dev mistakes
Joined February 20
Red_Feather wrote: »The game gets bad press all the time for it's horrible performance and combat. Eventually everybody will know about it. So just be patient. If you need a reminder of how much ESO is bashed visit any mmo reddit or forum. I personally love r/mmorpg because it's ruthless in how much is absoltuely craps all over ESO for it's garbage combat and performance.
Game didn't lag back in 2014. The lag didn't start until lighting patches and the number changes. You needed to be there from 2014 to 2015 when 1.6 was dropped and the lighting patches happened a lot went downhill. Cyrodiil went from 1500 (500v500v500, no ping lag) to 120v120v120 w/ ping lag
Big claims from someone who...
Anyways, no animation cancelling is one of the biggest skill ceilings in ESO. You want to know what causes lag the larger numbers, the countless spam, and some awful patches.
probabkyravi wrote: »I talk to many PvP and people say this game is easy because animation cancel will lag your oponent to hell and back and then they dead.
Now why is that good for PvP and the lag issues. Stop defending something that is only good for your PvE ego.
Ani-cancel was rushed in 2014, it needs looking into, don't get so edgy.
probabkyravi wrote: »I talk to many PvP and people say this game is easy because animation cancel will lag your oponent to hell and back and then they dead.
Now why is that good for PvP and the lag issues. Stop defending something that is only good for your PvE ego.
Ani-cancel was rushed in 2014, it needs looking into, don't get so edgy.
I'd suggest not playing on a toaster from 2000 if you expect to play ESO, that is for sure. If that happens in Cyrodiil, then it's normal, and I'm afraid animation cancelling is pretty low on the list of offenders *cough* Volendrung *cough* ball groups *cough*.
If that happens in BGs / IC as well, well then... Maybe you should take a more objective look at your PC.
...And show it the recycle bin.