Animation cancel is cause PvP lag since 2014

It needs a rework, it has been abused with macro + router slowing since 2014 and is the blatant cause of all the lag.

#Don'tBlameTheDeer for rushed dev mistakes
  • xMovingTarget
    Aww come one. You guys try to pull any excuse to blame ani cancel and get rid of the only skillful mechanic left in this game. Shame one you.
    Just learn how to ani cancel. Its not that hard.
    Edited by xMovingTarget on August 30, 2019 4:24AM
  • probabkyravi
    Really? Macro abusers <3 AC and cause a ton-load of lag when they mix it with router abuse.

    Its a fact. The mech is not even RP. I can AC but I don't abuse it.
  • probabkyravi
    PvE DPS will always stick up for AC and thats understandable.

    My issue is it destroys PvP because of exploits.

    It just needs a rework.
  • Siohwenoeht
    You realize that macros in PVP would more likely be a disadvantage to the user right? PVP combat in ESO is far more reactive than in other MMOs... I highly doubt even a macro setup for just LA+skill is very useful at all.

    The ddos and anti-cheat measures (all the things brought to server side instead of client side) are part of the lag as well as spamming heavy calculation/graphic intense skills. Thus the change to orbs etc.
    Edited by Siohwenoeht on August 30, 2019 4:31AM
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
    Really? Macro abusers <3 AC and cause a ton-load of lag when they mix it with router abuse.

    Its a fact. The mech is not even RP. I can AC but I don't abuse it.

    Consoles lags just the same, without these kind of people. Just saying.
    “Good judgement is the result of experience and experience the result of bad judgement.” ― Mark Twain
  • probabkyravi
    Macro dizzy swing while slow your router causes insane lag since 2014. Now we have Fire Staff macro/router abuse too.

    Deer are not the problem, exploiters are.
  • probabkyravi
    Also you don't need a macro to abuse ani-cancel in PvP.
  • jircris11
    It needs a rework, it has been abused with macro + router slowing since 2014 and is the blatant cause of all the lag.

    #Don'tBlameTheDeer for rushed dev mistakes

    Dude an addons like MM alone can cause lag because the damn thing pings the server every 30s
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • probabkyravi
    LoL I deleted MM in 2016 because of lag.

    There are many factors but people are AC 2h skills and exploiting like.... recently, using lag.

    AC needs a rework, simple, especially 2 hander.
  • WuffyCerulei
    It’s literally apart of the game by now. It is not exploiting. It is not a bug. Quit beating the dead horse and move on.
    Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's
  • probabkyravi
    3 dizzies + 4 LA + 3 reverse slice and a carve in 2 seconds while your screen freezes is no fun.

    And think what it is doing to the server.
  • probabkyravi
    No LoL its part of the game and I don't want rid of it, it just needs a reworking, to save PvP.
  • Red_Feather
    The game gets bad press all the time for it's horrible performance and combat. Eventually everybody will know about it. So just be patient. If you need a reminder of how much ESO is bashed visit any mmo reddit or forum. I personally love r/mmorpg because it's ruthless in how much is absoltuely craps all over ESO for it's garbage combat and performance.
    Edited by Red_Feather on August 30, 2019 4:51AM
  • JohnVNovelli
    Bro you're a genius, great input, glad people like you exist to pinpoint the exact problems we need to fix. Any Pepega's in the chat?
  • Siohwenoeht
    3 dizzies + 4 LA + 3 reverse slice and a carve in 2 seconds while your screen freezes is no fun.

    And think what it is doing to the server.

    I'd like to see that screen shot. Especially since the add-ons for live combat are notorious for packing skills together, making it seems like they hit in a time frame that they didn't.
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
  • probabkyravi
    I talk to many PvP and people say this game is easy because animation cancel will lag your oponent to hell and back and then they dead.

    Now why is that good for PvP and the lag issues. Stop defending something that is only good for your PvE ego.

    Ani-cancel was rushed in 2014, it needs looking into, don't get so edgy.
  • probabkyravi
    C'mon ESO is great.

    Total addict but exploiters will exploit and animation cancel mechs were rushed back in the day.

    Also cloak broken since 2015 but thats not relevant to lag.

    The 1 ESO dev needs support maybe.
  • MLGProPlayer
    Aww come one. You guys try to pull any excuse to blame ani cancel and get rid of the only skillful mechanic left in this game. Shame one you.
    Just learn how to ani cancel. Its not that hard.

    I'd be fine with getting rid of AC, but they'd need to find a different way to increase the combat skill ceiling (maybe skill combos or something).
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on August 30, 2019 5:16AM
  • Casterial
    It needs a rework, it has been abused with macro + router slowing since 2014 and is the blatant cause of all the lag.

    #Don'tBlameTheDeer for rushed dev mistakes

    Game didn't lag back in 2014. The lag didn't start until lighting patches and the number changes. You needed to be there from 2014 to 2015 when 1.6 was dropped and the lighting patches happened a lot went downhill. Cyrodiil went from 1500 (500v500v500, no ping lag) to 120v120v120 w/ ping lag

    Big claims from someone who...
    Joined February 20

    Anyways, no animation cancelling is one of the biggest skill ceilings in ESO. You want to know what causes lag the larger numbers, the countless spam, and some awful patches.
    Edited by Casterial on August 30, 2019 5:20AM
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • Casterial
    The game gets bad press all the time for it's horrible performance and combat. Eventually everybody will know about it. So just be patient. If you need a reminder of how much ESO is bashed visit any mmo reddit or forum. I personally love r/mmorpg because it's ruthless in how much is absoltuely craps all over ESO for it's garbage combat and performance.

    People bash on ESO because of the horrific launch, these same people still play BDO and WoW which both are horrific in themselves.

    ESO isn't bad, the biggest issue is the latency. Everything else is pretty fine for the content produced.

    Only one MMO out there beats ESO combat if you understand in PVP.... BDO. No other MMO can, FFXIV? Nah, GW2? Nah, WoW? Nah.

    Most other mmos are just falling apart or dying.
    Edited by Casterial on August 30, 2019 5:24AM
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • Wuuffyy
    Casterial wrote: »

    Game didn't lag back in 2014. The lag didn't start until lighting patches and the number changes. You needed to be there from 2014 to 2015 when 1.6 was dropped and the lighting patches happened a lot went downhill. Cyrodiil went from 1500 (500v500v500, no ping lag) to 120v120v120 w/ ping lag

    Big claims from someone who...

    Anyways, no animation cancelling is one of the biggest skill ceilings in ESO. You want to know what causes lag the larger numbers, the countless spam, and some awful patches.

    WW/berserker playstyle advocate (I play ALL classes proficiently in PvP outside of WW as well)
    ESO player since 2014 (Xbox and PC for PTS)
    -DM for questions
  • Kronuxx
    I talk to many PvP and people say this game is easy because animation cancel will lag your oponent to hell and back and then they dead.

    Now why is that good for PvP and the lag issues. Stop defending something that is only good for your PvE ego.

    Ani-cancel was rushed in 2014, it needs looking into, don't get so edgy.

    You have no idea what your talking about. Animation cancelling by the way involves canceling a skill with a higher priority generic movement like dodge roll, bash, block. You can not animation cancel a skill with another skill and this is because of the inherent global cooldown applied to all skills when you cast them. If you don't believe me, look at previous patches when ZOS decided to decrease the global cooldown of channeled cast time skills, and no they didn't decrease it to 0. If you see multiple skills fire off all at once, that's called lag and *** servers on ZOS' end.

    You might want to brush up on combat mechanics before you make asinine blanket requests.
  • Nordic__Knights
    I can't say if animation cancelling causes the lag but what I can say about it is it's a broken mechanic within the game and it has been from the start it needs to be fixed and has from the start of the game need to be fixed the development team even said it was not supposed to be in game not intended
    And by the way I can animation cancel like the best of them but still it's a broken mechanic that we take use of
    Edited by Nordic__Knights on August 30, 2019 5:47AM
  • Zer0_CooL
    Thats why casting times were added to ultimates. If Zos is goint further on this path of performance improvement, we'll eventually have a turn based PvP.
  • mairwen85
    😂 😂 😂
  • Asmael
    I talk to many PvP and people say this game is easy because animation cancel will lag your oponent to hell and back and then they dead.

    Now why is that good for PvP and the lag issues. Stop defending something that is only good for your PvE ego.

    Ani-cancel was rushed in 2014, it needs looking into, don't get so edgy.

    I'd suggest not playing on a toaster from 2000 if you expect to play ESO, that is for sure. If that happens in Cyrodiil, then it's normal, and I'm afraid animation cancelling is pretty low on the list of offenders *cough* Volendrung *cough* ball groups *cough*.

    If that happens in BGs / IC as well, well then... Maybe you should take a more objective look at your PC.


    ...And show it the recycle bin.
    PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka "Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
    Poke @AsmaeI (last letter is uppercase "i") on PC EU or Asmael#9325 on Discord and receive a meow today.
  • Nordic__Knights
    Asmael wrote: »

    I'd suggest not playing on a toaster from 2000 if you expect to play ESO, that is for sure. If that happens in Cyrodiil, then it's normal, and I'm afraid animation cancelling is pretty low on the list of offenders *cough* Volendrung *cough* ball groups *cough*.

    If that happens in BGs / IC as well, well then... Maybe you should take a more objective look at your PC.


    ...And show it the recycle bin.

    It's funny how you blame it on somebody's PC but yet it happens on Console as well so you're saying that the brand new PlayStation 4 Pro is outdated already buddy
  • probabkyravi
    I dunno, in 2014 I was get hit by insane lag vs AD dizzy macro abusers, EP and DC weren't abusing. Now all are.

    Frankfurt server needs love for sure.

    But yeah costume calculations etc. surely effect stuff too.

    its down to 100 from 120 it seems, fix AC bugs and give us standard alliance outfits for Cyrodiil and we can go back to 500v500v500.

    And rez the deer.
  • Vapirko
    People will go to any length in this game to blame their PvP losses on ANYTHING other than their lack of skill. Can’t be that no way. Must be macros and hakz. It’s so *** exhausting listening to this in zone, on the forums, in whispers. Just on and on and on.

    This guy in DC zone the other day alerted us to 1 AD on a rss. I said “why not go kill him?” The guy says “I’m no good.” “Practice makes perfect” I responded. His response to that? “I don’t know how to cheat and use macros for 8 skills at once.”

    The PvP community in ESO is beyond lazy. 95% of people want to blame their inability on other people using macros and cheats. It’s so *** sad because honestly with the amount of time most people put it the game isn’t that hard.
  • idk
    OP has not been around when everyone is doing LAs and we have lag. There is no AC if you are just spamming LAs. I guess everyone wants to be an arm chair developers.
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