Group size 12 would be great.
please update your signature, Zerg Squad is not a thing anymore SMH
TriangularChicken wrote: »
what about a comeback of zerg squad? cyro zergs are out of control, need you guys back to destroy them :-)
Interesting, I've wanted them to limit raid size to a smaller number, not larger.
On second thought, the raid size could not be increased to 36 technically as the group boxes would bleed into the chat window. Instead, raid size could be increased to 48 if the current group boxes were split in half. Player name sizes would have to be changed to compensate.
On second thought, the raid size could not be increased to 36 technically as the group boxes would bleed into the chat window. Instead, raid size could be increased to 48 if the current group boxes were split in half. Player name sizes would have to be changed to compensate.
Reduce it to 12 and don't allow healing outside of your group (aka you can only heal and receive healing from people that are within your group).
Reducing raid sizes is NOT the answer - and neither is reducing Cyrodiil population caps (which ZOS has been steadily doing for the last few major updates at least).
If we continue in this direction, soon the Cyrodiil population limit will be down to just 4 players per faction (same as BGs) and it will nonetheless still LAG LIKE HELL with more than 1 enemy player visible on the screen
The real problem is that the game servers are trash - and the only right solution is to address THAT problem directly, rather than purposedly crippling the game to the detriment of everyone instead.
And please, no more of this "make X ability only affect group members" nonsense. Purge and Rapids - already 2 crucial AoE abilities have been castrated by this kind of stupidity.
All that does is punishes being a team player, which is completely nonsensical in the largescale PvP environment that is Cyrodiil.
It's already bad enough that I get a lot more lag and disconnects when being in a group as opposed to NOT being in a group in Cyrodiil, even if I'm still surrounded by all the same players in either case.
Thanks, but no thanks.
You can do everything in cyrodil in a group of 12. You don't need more then 12. If you need more it's a l2p issue.
Yep, clearly a L2P issue when facing a faction stack of 80+ enemies in a single keep, with the lag being so severe that abilities don't work and you can totally forget about swapping bars. Dream on.
On PC-EU Kaal, I've repeatedly participated in fights at Aleswell which lasted as long as 2 HOURS, with multiple breaches being opened and siege limit maxed out on both sides.
Of course for PvDoor, you don't even need a group of 12. As little as 3-4 players is usually more than enough.
Ok lets just clear something up here, You as a 12 man group shouldn't be fighting 80 people in a keep and expecting to live without you getting the jump on them. Hell even as a 24 man group you should have trouble with those numbers.
I would like them to decrease raid size to 12 to stay consistent with pve raid size.
As with most things, the answer is "it depends".
Even just 12 good players, communicating via Discord/TS, should have little problem with the average zerg, even 2 full 24-man raids stacked on each other - as long as they play smart and use the terrain to their advantage.
And no, I don't mean rockhumping, but rather forcing the zerg into a chokepoint and/or spreading them out and focusing the stragglers.
Of course with the wonderful state of the game's servers, dealing with 2-3 stacked full raids is simply not feasible without the advantage of either considerable numbers and/or a well-defensible position (keep, outpost or milegate), because of the horrible lag they cause.
Skilled play simply isn't possible when you constantly get lagged out and/or disconnected with 999+ ping and can't run more than 100m in any direction without getting "stuck on textures" which invariably means death.
Massive, heavily lagged fights usually devolve to everyone just spamming light or heavy attacks at each other (because using abilities is impossible), and whichever side has bigger numbers wins. Ugh.
Reducing group size will do very little (if anything) to deter faction stacking, some objectives are just more important than others.
And the "weaker" / less skilled players, who are inherently inclined to stack for survivability, will continue to do so regardless of group sizes. You don't even need to be in a group to follow a zerg...
Please ZOS, just fix the damn servers already, so we can have huge 100+ player fights again without everyone crashing or disconnecting
People haven't "wised up" to ball groups, ball groups have been nerfed to the ground.
We have adapted as always and I don't think you know what you're on about.
I'd happily prove my point against your group though
Edit : compilation of 8vs24+pugs from this patch just for you
People haven't "wised up" to ball groups, ball groups have been nerfed to the ground.
We have adapted as always and I don't think you know what you're on about.
I'd happily prove my point against your group though
Edit : compilation of 8vs24+pugs from this patch just for you
Jabbs_Giggity wrote: »I agree with all that have suggested group cap at 12 max for Cyrodiil. However, IC should be capped at 6.
No_Division wrote: »
I say 4. IC is kinda like a dungeon, whereas cyro is a trial.
BGs should be immune to this, because they should be multiple group sizes being offered.