ellahellabella wrote: »...And I'm the ego clown?
LOL. How gullible are you? These things were all (except perhaps trolling) most common in 7 day. The only campaign zos didn't lock, so we know they're very serious about addressing these issues, right?
SweepsAllClowns wrote: »
Based on your writings yes you're definitely a typical average ego clown, who tries so hard to be somekind of meaningful chat lord. You started quoting me and clearly trying to provoke so let's keep this going clown! You complain defensively too much.
LOL. How gullible are you? These things were all (except perhaps trolling) most common in 7 day. The only campaign zos didn't lock, so we know they're very serious about addressing these issues, right?
ellahellabella wrote: »My comments are sarcastic, not egotistical. Egotistical is chatting onself up and putting others down.... much like you're doing.
But this is going nowhere and I have better things to do now. Good day sir.
Alienoutlaw wrote: »there are unlocked campaigns if your simply RP'ing you dont need to worry about the AP do you?
VaranisArano wrote: »
And people who like:
Less Bandwagoning
Less trolling
Less emp swapping
Less handing scrolls over to the enemy
Less people abusing swapping to gain AP (ZOS' stated reason for reinstating faction locks)
But yeah, sure, it only caters to roleplayers...
I've seen more trolling and scroll swapping since lock.
ellahellabella wrote: »
That's the part that really gets me about the keep swapping and emp trading argument. Not something that happened on the 30 days but instead on the 7.
What? How does this stuff happen on a dead campaign? Isn't that the reason all the people who are opposed to faction locking are also opposed to playing on the 7 day is because its dead? If that is really happening on the 7 day it sounds like a great place to find some good fights with friends.
ellahellabella wrote: »
You want me to stay in a dead campaign for hours out of peak waiting for the 30 minute gap of activity to fight the same 12 people over and over again as they flip their keeps?
How about you make a night out of that and see how much fun that is for you?
If it is here to stay we have to compromise.
1. Faction change tokens. To be provided free because you made a drastic game change. Like Wrathstone and races.
2. Have it so we lock into the campaign for a faction, but all of your characters can join that campaign for that faction, despite what faction they are.
Maybe they don't get Alliance Rank XP, but you still earn AP.
My response was to all of the things listed in this quote stream by all participating not just the things you singled out.
1. Zos has very clearly stated this year that they are not interested in offering the ability to change factions. Others have chimed in that Zos also said the faction choice touches many areas so it is not a simple change to offer.
I am not arguing with you on this but stating that Zos made this comment knowing how faction locks would affect us.
2. It defeats most of the purpose of faction locks.
I was not in favor of faction locks to begin with as they have very little effect other than to create an imbalance of the factions more often. It was also pretty dumb to go years without them, then bring them back without any relief. Then again, that is Matt Firors brilliant thinking for us.
VaranisArano wrote: »
And people who like:
Less Bandwagoning
Less trolling
Less emp swapping
Less handing scrolls over to the enemy
Less people abusing swapping to gain AP (ZOS' stated reason for reinstating faction locks)
But yeah, sure, it only caters to roleplayers...
Nobody is PvPing anymore, I don't know who these people may be.
I mean we see it everyday on PC/EU. sometimes the NPCs hit harder though
VaranisArano wrote: »
I'm guessing you didnt intend to argue that the best solution to all those problems is to faction lock ALL the campaigns, did you?