Faction lock tokens would be good, but it won't solve the problems caused by faction lock.
Alienoutlaw wrote: »there are unlocked campaigns if your simply RP'ing you dont need to worry about the AP do you?
I'm not an RP'er, which is why faction Lock sucks. I should be able to play all my characters with the freedom I created them under.
Alienoutlaw wrote: »
you can there are non faction lock campaigns
Alienoutlaw wrote: »
you can there are non faction lock campaigns
SweepsAllClowns wrote: »
Correct and other campaigns have the same trees to hug, rocks to hump and exciting towers to run around and explore!
There's only one No-CP campaign and it's locked.
CP PvP is a joke itself, and if you're talking about 7 day then I know you're not serious. They could scrap that campaign and no one would care. It's only used for Emp boosting.
SweepsAllClowns wrote: »
Correct and other campaigns have the same trees to hug, rocks to hump and exciting towers to run around and explore!
Alienoutlaw wrote: »there are unlocked campaigns if your simply RP'ing you dont need to worry about the AP do you?
ellahellabella wrote: »And Cyro has other players that you can zerg down with ease. Nothing is forcing you to chase the squirrel!
SweepsAllClowns wrote: »
I'm sure you're very capable with your "zerg" skills and outnumber many players with ease. It's obvious nothing is forcing me to chase the squirrel, why are you telling me this as somekind of news? It's very easy to counter a tree hugger, just turn your back and start playing flute, the hugger will be waiting behind the tree with the dumbarse Cyrodiil 2016 edition how to hug a tree hard strategy, usually they get frustrated while I keep on playing the flute, even better to turn your back to show the hugger is absolutely zero threat. With tower chickens it's very easy to start acting like chasing them, just start running towards them and they are already on the tower mid level or hugging the corner downstairs, now the tower chicken is quite surprised when I don't enter the tower even I was acting I was chasing, usually I start sweeping the stairs or play flute again, turning back while sweeping usually pisses them off and they might try attack once before running to the top of the tower. Obviously these tactics won't work so well when there's many of these zergohugglings, they get often brave enough and outplay me with their impressive huggling teamwork.
ellahellabella wrote: »
If it's easy to counter them, then why are you complaining about them?
Trying to get your comment count up or something?
Alienoutlaw wrote: »
you can there are non faction lock campaigns
Remove locks. Literally only caters to role players.
VaranisArano wrote: »
And people who like:
Less Bandwagoning
Less trolling
Less emp swapping
Less handing scrolls over to the enemy
Less people abusing swapping to gain AP (ZOS' stated reason for reinstating faction locks)
But yeah, sure, it only caters to roleplayers...
Nobody bandwagon’d. If anything most people would switch to the losing side to get more even fights and make the campaign more balanced. But role play zerglings are too delusional to see that
Trolling is still the exact same as it was. Doesn’t stop anybody because people can just make alternate accounts.
Emp swapping was only prevalent in the 7 day... which isn’t locked so it still occurs. Lol
People still hand over scrolls but it’s just not as frequent.
Complaining about people swapping to gain more AP is the most absurdly sad excuse I’ve ever heard. Sorry some of us like to use our AP gains to spend on things such as jewlery and materials to acquire gold from it.
That’ or some of us want to play with friends on different factions.
But of course, delusional role play zerglings just scream and cover their ears when confronted with facts.
All your arguments aside from one are shallow and empty and have no support.
Locks did nothing to fix these issues andeven if they did, they’re so minuscule it hardly even affected the game. Also the fact that people still care about campaign score shows how sad they are since the scoring system is completely broken due to things such as night capping.
But keep making empty excuses.
SweepsAllClowns wrote: »
I'm sure you're very capable with your "zerg" skills and outnumber many players with ease. It's obvious nothing is forcing me to chase the squirrel, why are you telling me this as somekind of news? It's very easy to counter a tree hugger, just turn your back and start playing flute, the hugger will be waiting behind the tree with the dumbarse Cyrodiil 2016 edition how to hug a tree hard strategy, usually they get frustrated while I keep on playing the flute, even better to turn your back to show the hugger is absolutely zero threat. With tower chickens it's very easy to start acting like chasing them, just start running towards them and they are already on the tower mid level or hugging the corner downstairs, now the tower chicken is quite surprised when I don't enter the tower even I was acting I was chasing, usually I start sweeping the stairs or play flute again, turning back while sweeping usually pisses them off and they might try attack once before running to the top of the tower. Obviously these tactics won't work so well when there's many of these zergohugglings, they get often brave enough and outplay me with their impressive huggling teamwork.
VaranisArano wrote: »
IDK if we played on different platforms or what, but...
On PC/NA, people definitely bandwagoned on the CP 30-day. Some swapped to the "underdog" and plenty swapped to the winning side.
And I know we've had the conversation about how faction lock makes it harder to troll. You even admit its "not as frequent." Nobody expects 100% reduction, but it absolutely reduces trolling.
And again, the whole abusing faction swapping to gain AP...I know I've linked the class rep comment saying that was ZOS' reasoning in past threads we've both been active on.
I don't care to argue this with you, again, since I'm just rehashing a debate we've had on earlier threads, and I don't expect to convince you of anything.
But ZOS didnt reinstate faction locks for roleplayers. They did it because they saw the opportunity to reduce behavior they didnt want in Cyrodiil, after many threads complaining about how the lack of faction lock exacerbated those bad behaviors.
Don't like faction lock?
You'd best start thinking about how you'll tackle those bad behaviors.
I’m on Xbox NA. Faction lock was a substantially negative affect on cyrodiil here. As stated on my previous post.
Lock has done nothing to fix such bevahiors which most weren’t even an issue to begin with.
Master_Kas wrote: »
Roleplaying with npcs in a unpopulated campaign ? Fun times!!
VaranisArano wrote: »
It fixes one problem: "I can't play on the campaign I want with all my characters." Mind you, making faction lock account wide would do the same.
It doesn't solve other problems like:
"I can't play with all my multifaction friends on the campaign I want."
That's been my issue with ZOS reinstituing faction locks after so long without them. I enjoy faction locks for greater cooperation and generally lower bad behavior I see in Cyrodiil, but I acknowledge that it really screwed over everyone who made multifaction friends/guilds while ZOS allowed them.
I challenge you to find good pvp in the unlocked campaign. Its been a wasteland for years unless you like flipping empty keeps for emperor. Unless you're really lucky you just end up riding around an empty map flipping resources in hopes that it attracts some attention or finding a small group of pvers who want to help their friend get the emperor costume.
SweepsAllClowns wrote: »
This was my first post you quoted: "Correct and other campaigns have the same trees to hug, rocks to hump and exciting towers to run around and explore!", no complaints but just facts. You adviced me I'm not forced to chase the squirrel, which I know very well, then I mentioned few ways I play on different situations while not chasing the squirrel so basically I agreed with your statement. I had zero complaining on my posts, you're just a typical ego clown with your assumptions. Trying to get your posting buddy count up or something?
VaranisArano wrote: »
And people who like:
Less Bandwagoning
Less trolling
Less emp swapping
Less handing scrolls over to the enemy
Less people abusing swapping to gain AP (ZOS' stated reason for reinstating faction locks)
But yeah, sure, it only caters to roleplayers...