Hi all, just thought it might be a fun exercise to try and figure out which old costumes will be making a comeback in the new crates. I haven't been around as long as many of you, so I'm hoping your insight can help!
Here's a list of costumes that, as far as I can tell: 1) are not obtainable in-game, 2) haven't already been recycled in a crate season,
3) are not holiday or event-specific, 4) are not offered as part of a bundle currently in the CS, 5) are not given by the level-up rewards, and 6) were not part of an "exclusive" edition bonus.
I know old holiday/event costumes and special bonuses are not necessarily off the table, but what do you think, does this seem like a good place to start? What am I missing?
Given past patterns, what do you expect will make a return appearance in the new season? There were a whole bunch removed from the store in May (Ancestral Homage, Marshlord, Wizard-Lord) that seem like pretty good candidates to me.
Update log:
12/04/18 - Removed "holiday" prerequisite since it does not seem to apply. Added Glenmoril Witch Robes. Updated which costumes returned. Added some recently removed costumes.
07/01/19 - Added Queen's Eye-Master and a few that have left the store or recently been LTOs. Updated which costumes returned.
Edited by weedgenius on July 1, 2019 11:22PM PS4 NA
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