That's because any ganker can, with minimal risk, steal half your TV stones.
Risk Vs Reward should apply to the gankers, with a multiplier of what they can take based on what they are carrying. TV multiplier / 100 would be appropriate.
First people complained about IC being dead due to how hard it was to get there. Now when it's easier to go there, people still doesn't show up (aside from the two zergs I saw yesterday that didn't attack each other because they would rather roleplay Alikir dueling than actually fighting)
And the current telvar system is fine as it is. If you still run around in IC after all these years it's been out without taking gankers into consideration, then you deserve to lose your telvar tbh....
Actually, it's the opposite. To encourage PVP, increase the amount lost to other players so other players go after each other.
A great thing about IC is it is the only source for some items. Therefore if those things become less abundant in the marketplace, their value rises and the incentive to fight for Telvar increases. This ensures IC will always be attractive to profit seekers who can handle themselves in battle.
ZOS should let IC be the hardcore zone it was designed to be.
This is total nonsense. I'm a ganker, but perfectly capable of soloing bosses myself. As soon as all the flags are turned, many PvPers go on to farm and most are perfectly capable of fending off gankers.Luckylancer wrote: »IC's problem is there is not enough telvar there. Why? Because there is not enough farmers there. Why? Because gankers get all the spoils without any risk. PvE players dont want to be a cow for ganker that will kill them, they leave. No cows => gankers leave. No people? PvPers leave.
To work on risk / reward, it's pet sorcs who'd have to be adjusted, not NB gankers. I'm kidding. I don't really want anything changed, but that's the first thing that comes to mind. Stamblades were already nerfed this patch. Magblades, even with something like Caluu + Zaan, already put themselves at a lot of risk to make that work.
If you easily fall prey to a ganker, you're basically a light or medium armor build with lowish health and lowish defenses. Some specs have that issue, but it's as much your fault as anyone's. I can count the players on one hand who dodge roll AND heal / Vigor immediately, when ganked. The others either don't react, or they panic with a series of dodge rolls only. That's the vulnerable group of people. Try ganking a blocking DK or a shielding magsorc. Good luck with that. You might still win, but it will be in the subsequent duel, not from the outright gank.
That's because any ganker can, with minimal risk, steal half your TV stones.
Risk Vs Reward should apply to the gankers, with a multiplier of what they can take based on what they are carrying. TV multiplier / 100 would be appropriate.
It doesn't make sense for someone to come up with Zero Telvar, and then gank someone and immediately leave and bank their sudden spoils of 7k telvar.
There should be a system in place that says if you're carrying nothing, you get nothing, if you have 100TV, you can steal at max twice that amount from another player.
You need to encourage the gankers to carry the TV stones too.
Luckylancer wrote: »
Extremely wrong! There is a pyramid in IC.
Zerg - dragon?
PvPers - eagle
Gankers - wolf
Farmers - cow
Mobs - grass
IC's problem is there is not enough telvar there. Why? Because there is not enough farmers there. Why? Because gankers get all the spoils without any risk. PvE players dont want to be a cow for ganker that will kill them, they leave. No cows => gankers leave. No people? PvPers leave.
If a guy thay carry 0 telvar can kill me when I dropped the health of boss to %5 and take half of my spoils + boss' loot, I wont go to IC. What will I get if i kill ganker? 2k AP + 0 telvar. Thats ***.
ellahellabella wrote: »It was never meant to be a farming ground. It was meant to be a different PvP area...
Awesome to hear that it's active now!
If you get "Ganked" in the current meta it's because you're incompetent. This isn't the Viper/veli patch of proc heaven. It is EASY to run a build that is competent at killing mobs and doesn't insta die to a ganker. But all the farmers would rather run 16k HP so they can kill mobs slightly faster and then run to the forums to cry when they die to a ganker. The tears in this thread are an l2p issue. End of story.
actually this would encourage gankers and nothing else.
Actually, it's the opposite. To encourage PVP, increase the amount lost to other players so other players go after each other.
I find bombing opportunities rare af, except perhaps during the double Tel Var event. Nightblades who bomb are built specifically for that, quite different from a single-target ganker. It's not at all easy to get the timing right and your chances of getting away clean are not particularly good. I've witnessed many failed bomb attempts in IC, because the flag guards and a few players loosely spread out on the flag don't cut it. You really need a bunch of noobs stacking up tightly. The heyday of bombing is long over, as Proxy Det and Vicious Death have long been nerfed.its a zero risk playstyle that is more rewarding than any other, even zerg balls play more risk than gankers who can choose their victims at their fancy and a det bomb GANKER can single handedly take all the hard work of a zerg ball with little to no risk, then run away at their leisure in stealth with no risk at all.
IC needs to become base game, and they need to make it you can rez at any district no matter the flag ownership.
Faster fights with better access will mean people won't be so butt hurt about being zerged down by 20incaps/DBoS. And less discouraged people will mean more fights