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Leveling up Enchanting is like pulling a Daedroth's Teeth

I have been stuck on rank 12 for this skill line for almost 5 days. Find them, break them down. Make them, break them down. Am I missing something? Oh! And yes actually pulling a Daedroth's teeth... inadvisable.
  • Brennan
    I used to be frustrated by the minuscule gains from this as well but consider for a moment that once you have spent SP in the Potency and Aspect Improvements, you can make any glyph. Not sure what skill is required for all of them but it's a skill that never has to get to 50 and once those two are filled out, you're done.

    ED: Also, if you are creating glyphs with runes you've already translated, your IP gains are going to be terrible. Your main enchanter should only be creating glyphs you're going to use. The only other thing your main enchanter should be doing is blowing glyphs up. Ideally, you will have a friend or an alt make a bunch of glyphs with your mats and then trade/bank them to your main enchanter to blow up.

    Hope this helps ease some of the pain. I feel it too brother.
    Edited by Brennan on April 10, 2014 8:29PM
  • SeñorCinco
    Brennan wrote: »
    I used to be frustrated by the minuscule gains from this as well but consider for a moment that once you have spent SP in the Potency and Aspect Improvements, you can make any glyph. Not sure what skill is required for all of them but it's a skill that never has to get to 50 and once those two are filled out, you're done.
    That holds true for all of the crafts. That is... once they get perked but that in itself is the issue. You can't get the perks unless you level the skill.

    How can you make a better glyph until you increase the skill? I have spent 5 days on an enchanter character, myself.

    I finally gave in and started farming for runes. Something I utterly detest asl it goes against everything I play for. Farming makes me feel too... dirty but frustration took over.

    I spent 5 hrs farming for runes and amassed enough to create 200 glyph(s). That allowed me At the table I was 10% into level 7 and after all of that I had still only advanced the skill to 75%. You get a good amount of XP from initially translating. Then it takes a dump down to less than 5% of that XP gain for every glyph crafted after that.

    It's not a balance issue as you can eat a sandwich and have an additional 100 health for an hr. Provisioning advances like a Nord on a unsuspecting sheep.

    I'm all for slow advancements but my character is level 12 and even with a strong focus on leveling enchanting, he is quickly outgrowing the usefulness.
    Edited by SeñorCinco on April 10, 2014 8:38PM
    Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
    Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
    Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
    ... to be continued.

    Now, get off my lawn.

  • Brennan
    *Lots of stuff* :smile:

    Don't create the glyphs on your main enchanter. Create them on an alt. Blow them up with your main enchanter.

    Edited by Brennan on April 10, 2014 9:01PM
  • SeñorCinco
    Brennan wrote: »
    *Lots of stuff* :smile:

    Don't create the glyphs on your main enchanter. Create them on an alt. Blow them up with your main enchanter.
    My main is an enchanter. Creating glyphs is what he does.
    Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
    Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
    Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
    ... to be continued.

    Now, get off my lawn.

  • Icy
    Consider teaming up with another enchanter then (or convincing someone else in your guild to join you in enchanting). You create a glyph, she creates a glyph. Exchange, deconstruct, repeat. You can set rules on the type of glyph or the composition if you're worried about fairness.

    As already stated, the Inspiration Points (XP for crafting) from deconstructing your own glyphs is miniscule.

    Another alternative (if you have the gold) is to offer to buy other people's white level glyphs for a few gold, then deconstruct those instead.
    Edited by Icy on April 10, 2014 10:10PM
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________Greetings, Outlanders from -Icy (@IcyIC) ZOS_Icy)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • SDZald
    Just create a bunch of Alts with Hirelings, end of problem :) Sorry just a fun jab at the anti-Hireling folks.
  • Brennan
    Brennan wrote: »
    *Lots of stuff* :smile:

    Don't create the glyphs on your main enchanter. Create them on an alt. Blow them up with your main enchanter.
    My main is an enchanter. Creating glyphs is what he does.

    If you're creating glyphs to level up your main enchanter, you are wasting runes.
  • SeñorCinco
    Brennan wrote: »

    If you're creating glyphs to level up your main enchanter, you are wasting runes.
    The character used makes no difference as far as leveling enchanting. Glyphs created by any character, main or not, will still grant the same XP.

    However, having a high level character to level with the craft is more rewarding in that you will get better supplies form the hirelings than a low level charaer.

    TBH... I don't have a "main" as described by the masses. I created 6 characters, initially. Those six were to be designated alts for each of the professions. At the moment, the enchanter just happens to be the one I am advancing.

    Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
    Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
    Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
    ... to be continued.

    Now, get off my lawn.

  • Brennan
    The character used makes no difference as far as leveling enchanting. Glyphs created by any character, main or not, will still grant the same XP. *snip*

    Glyphs created with already translated runes grant the same XP regardless of what character does it. Glyphs deconstructed by another character yield more XP than glyphs deconstructed by the same character that created them.

  • BrassRazoo
    This is an issue. I am also taking ages to level, I am stuck at level 12.
    All the runes in my current questing zone are too high for me to use.
    I am forced to go back to lower zones to collect the Potency and Aspect runes that are usable, but at Level 12 I learned everything and it is almost pointless to create new Glyphs.
    I have created an alt to send the runes to, now he is crawling along at level 7 and sending the Glyphs back to my Main and breaking them down does give a little more than creating but it is a hard slog.
    I have also noticed that runes are much more common in starting zones than higher zones, which makes me have to go back and "steal" from the newer players.
    I understand that higher level runes should be more rare, but rune occurrence should be the same, just decrease the drop rate of high level runes to accommodate.
  • SeñorCinco
    Brennan wrote: »
    The character used makes no difference as far as leveling enchanting. Glyphs created by any character, main or not, will still grant the same XP. *snip*

    Glyphs created with already translated runes grant the same XP regardless of what character does it. Glyphs deconstructed by another character yield more XP than glyphs deconstructed by the same character that created them.
    This I knew. I wasn't clear on your initial line of verbiage.
    Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
    Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
    Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
    ... to be continued.

    Now, get off my lawn.

  • navystylz_ESO
    I've reached 26 so far. Not "too" much effort, though takes a lot. It's imperative that you DO NOT BREAK YOUR OWN RUNES. Find someone to trade with and the gains are great. Don't horde those blue or purple aspects. You trade blue or purple glyphs for blue or purple glyphs and get like 15% of your bar in inspiration for breaking each glyph down. Otherwise guilds and friends feed me whites, and ones I find I break down.

    My issue is finding the Potency runes to craft to trade. There are way too few rune nodes.
  • Mackeh
    I'm so demoralised with enchanting. Mine is level 19, and even farming for 2 hours can result in 3 or 4 potency runes (runes that seem to be sorely lacking in the game). I have a friend who sends stuff to me, and I also deconstruct all glyphs I make and find, but this doesn't help at all because enchanting levels so damn slow whatever you do. I can't get to level 20 to unlock other materials where I might progress further.

    Please look at enchanting and nodes in the world .. enchanting is currently the least fun thing to do in-game.
  • Laerian
    Well..., I leveled my enchanter up to 12 deconstructing glyphs crafted with 7 alts. Translating the low level runes is enough to level the alt to 6 (using white and green aspect runes). I've burnt ~300 runes, (probably a lot more), in the process.

    However, that was the end. I'm not gonna waste my time farming more runes. I'm constantly deconstructing on level glyphs but the inspiration bar doesn't move.

    It seems the only way to level enchanting efficiently is leveling the char first and deconstructing higher level glyphs from drops or other characters, which is a shame.
  • devestaterdawnb14_ESO
    Well my main is level 46 and enchanting is 14, it does not get any better. I have a bank full of runes that are useless to me. There has to be a problem with it. I refuse to believe it is working as intended. At the rate its going it will never reach 50. By the way my Enchanting is stuck at 14. 1 more be for I can use the rank 3 runes I have found.
    Edited by devestaterdawnb14_ESO on April 12, 2014 1:04PM
  • juunsteneb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Borrowing thread to voice out frustration with enchanting. My lvl 37 character has 23 clothing, 22 blacksmithing, and 14 enchanting... most of my crafting my efforts go towards finding runes in the wild, and I have a crafting buddy in my guild I share ready glyphs with, AND I joined 2 auction house guilds just to buy glyphs for deconstruction. I even had to go back to lower level areas to find lvl 3 potency runes as I can't use the ones I find in eastmarch yet. Progressing WAY too slow.
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    SDZald wrote: »
    Just create a bunch of Alts with Hirelings, end of problem :) Sorry just a fun jab at the anti-Hireling folks.

    Yeah I just figured this out, I'm old and slow. but all 6 of my chars have or will be getting at least one hireling.
  • lichmeister
    it seems to me that farming aspect runes for xp is the exact wrong approach to take with this craft. granted im only 12 as well, a hard fought 12, but far more of that xp came from deconstructing all the glyphs my other characters transfer in the vault for him. he just parks at the enchanting station and decons them straight outta the vault. obviously cranking the trait that improves aspect runes is a must. but ive begun completely ignoring the runestone nodes unless they are aspects as my 2 highest level characters are above the best runes i can make atm anyway (25-35). my enchanter will get there but it will be through co-operation with fellow enchanters and lotsa deconning. construction will be as needed/requested, not levelling.
  • Rizcarn
    Enchanting is slow, mine is at 22 at vet2. This is with breaking down ever rune I find and buying up every rune in my 4 trade guilds. Per combine in alchemy at same lvl item 40 is 16000xp it is at 33 and I am not really trying. Cooking maxed easy when I was like lvl 12. The other 3 are in the high 30s keeping up with my lvl and zone content fine.
  • Inco
    SPOILER ALERT!!! when you hit level 28 enchanting... you are going to be very unhappy crafters.

    They have a BUG of some sort and I hope everyone logs a ticket.
    • Level 27>28 was like 56k
    • Level 28>29 is 247k *Yes, you heard me... 247,660*
    • Level 29>30 is 76k

    I created a TICKET asking for my XP back, but not heard anything. The level from 28 to 29 should be roughly 65k if it wasn't bugged.
  • Brennan
    Today I went from level 12 Enchanting to level 17. Granted one of those levels came from a bookshelf but still not a bad day. I am level 25, Provisioning is 50. Alchemy is 44. My other craft skills are 18-22 With the Aspect and Potency Improvement perks capped for my current skill, I can make glyphs that exceed the armor/weapons I am able to make.

    The trick to doing this has been plastered all over the place, most notably by Profit (SneakyFool), but I will save you the time.

    Stop soloing enchanting. Get a friend, pool your runes, craft glyphs, trade glyphs, blow up glyphs, make glyphs again, and repeat until neither of you can make glyphs any more.

    A couple more tips:

    The enchanting hireling, at least from my experience, is a wasted SP. At most, he might send you 3 runes. In one case, I opened the bag and it was empty. Go out and farm the runes. Find an area with multiple runes, and run it over and over again until you get X Aspect Runes. Goal setting works here. If you were to do that for 1-2 hours you would have more runes than your hireling sends you in 1/12th of the time that you waited for it and you would have done it without wasting an SP.

    Aspect Extraction is another wasted SP. I farmed up 20 Aspect Runes and about 100 potency runes and a dump truck full of essence runes. Crafted them all and decon'd them all myself (before I took Profit's advice). Out of the 20 glyphs I had created, I got 3 Ta Runes back. A 15% return rate is not worth the SP.
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