Errors 200, 108 and stuck with requesting character load

So, after downloading today's patch and playing a little bit in the morning, I find myself unable to even connect to the game this afternoon. The errors I got are, as mentioned in the title, 200, 108, and when I manage to go to the character select screen I got stuck with the requesting character load.

I've tried everything I've saw on this forum, removed addons, repair this, that, restart client, restart pc, nothing helped. My ISP seems normal and EVERY other site and game works perfectly, except this one.

Then I read something about using a VPN on a forum that I don't remember right now. I give it a try and voila, the log in works perfect and smooth in the first try. Turn off the VPN for tests purpose and my log in get the same errors, go back to VPN and not a single problem at all.

For me this is irrefutable prove that the problem is with the game side and not with me, my PC, my ISP and whatnot. Is this a problem with non US players? Does Zenimax want non US players out of the game? Can I have a refund since I can't play?
  • KlauthWarthog
    I´m having to use a VPN as well (PC/NA, from Brazil).
    Not even the account page ( loads without it.
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    Yes i'm going through the exact same problems and i also play from outside the US. I get mostly Error 210 and can't go past the launcher. Using Steam client. (Also PC/NA from Brazil).
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • ZOS_Bill
    For anyone who has started getting these login errors after todays patch, please provide us with the following information:
    • Which server are you connecting to when getting a login error? (PC-NA or PC-EU)
    • What country are you in?
    • What ISP are you using?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • Mavi
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »
    For anyone who has started getting these login errors after todays patch, please provide us with the following information:
    • Which server are you connecting to when getting a login error? (PC-NA or PC-EU)
    • What country are you in?
    • What ISP are you using?

    It's a local ISP, you wouldn't know them.

    Anyway, the problem persist and it's clearly biased against Brazil. This is not the first time and I'm strongly considering unistalling the game and suing Zenimax to, at least, get my money back.
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »
    For anyone who has started getting these login errors after todays patch, please provide us with the following information:
    • Which server are you connecting to when getting a login error? (PC-NA or PC-EU)
    • What country are you in?
    • What ISP are you using?

    Thank you for taking your time to reply. For reference, these errors started today, pretty much after the maintenance. This is not a recurring problem for me.
    • Which server are you connecting to when getting a login error? PC-NA
    • What country are you in? Brazil
    • What ISP are you using? NET-Virtua (
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • mulv
    Which server are you connecting to when getting a login error? (PC-NA or PC-EU)
    What country are you in?
    What ISP are you using?

    Optus fixed wireless NBN

    I'm having issues just logging in, sometimes however it will let me in then kicks me out after 2 mins or so. Very frustrating.
    No issues with other appliances, all my other MMOS run fine, TV streams fine etc, etc
  • KlauthWarthog
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »
    For anyone who has started getting these login errors after todays patch, please provide us with the following information:
    • Which server are you connecting to when getting a login error? (PC-NA or PC-EU)
    • What country are you in?
    • What ISP are you using?

    Which server are you connecting to when getting a login error? Both PC-NA and PC-EU
    What country are you in? Brazil
    What ISP are you using? NET-Virtua (

    As acsribeiro stated, it started after the latest maintenance.
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    Woke up today, trying to log in after maintenance, still not working properly and still in need of a VPN.

    I may be forced to ask for a refund. Even though i played for a few days, i couldn't possibly believe that i'd be cut off from the game right in the beginning of a new expansion, that i have yet to finish paying for.

    Get on it, CS Team. This is a ridiculous situation, and it's on you to solve it.
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • Lorkhan
    I cant login too. Pc/Na - Brasil.. please, fix it!
  • Lorkhan
    It broke yesterday after patch, no doubt
  • KingDragonos
    Woke up today, trying to log in after maintenance, still not working properly and still in need of a VPN.

    I may be forced to ask for a refund. Even though i played for a few days, i couldn't possibly believe that i'd be cut off from the game right in the beginning of a new expansion, that i have yet to finish paying for.

    Get on it, CS Team. This is a ridiculous situation, and it's on you to solve it.

    @Lorkhan @acsribeiro16ub17_ESO

    This is a well known issue at ZOS side there are multiple posts of this issue:

    I really hope as well that they will really soon fix their problems!

    Kind regards
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO

    While i appreciate you pointing that out, like mentioned before, most of us here are having this issue only recently. I've had this game for years, and this is the first time this problem is occuring for me, and many other people.

    If people were having this problem before, and continue to have after patch, you're correct in pointing that out, but wouldn't you believe that if you're different, and by that i mean that the problem is not recurring, it begs you to believe that it's something done in the last patch that hopefully can be reversed or fixed. I'm sure the team realize that at this point we're not the only ones having problems, but actually we're the ones who bother ourselves to come here and point it out, rather than just straight up ask for a refund and never ever look at this game again.
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • Lorkhan
    Any news about the fix????? @ZOS_BillE
  • Lorkhan
    Never had this problem before the yesterday patch
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    Greetins, everyone.

    One important point i forgot to mention: It's not only the game that isn't accessible without VPN, i also cannot contact customer support, or access my account page as both of then simply won't load. I ran the Win10 Web Problem solver and it came back telling me that my internet is fine, but not the site i was trying to reach.

    I don't know what else i can say, i'm getting a bit desperate with the whole situation, so please at least give us an update on how things are going.
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • Kbelovieira
    Soul Shriven
    Which server are you connecting to when getting a login error? PC-NA
    What country are you in? Brazil
    What ISP are you using? NET-Virtua (
  • hollywood
    Finally I managed to acess the official forums. Earlier today I couldn't even do that , nor access the support page , which was really weird considering I could acess other websites and online programs with no issue.

    Same problem here , PC-NA , Brazil and using Net-Virtua getting Error 200, 108 or plain "Login Failed". I've called Net in the last 2 days and they say nothing is wrong on their end , and seeing how a VPN apparently solves the issues for some people I'm guessing there is a problem with the route between some of us and the ESO servers. Also , I did managed to play a little by skipping the launcher entirely and just running eso64.exe but eventually got stuck in a infinite loading screen.

    All the appropriate ports are open , exceptions made on the firewall , antivirus , repaired my client yesterday. I'm at a bit of a loss here. What should we do?

    Edit: I think the situation is improving right now , I was able to play for about an hour now with just some 999 lag spikes to complain about.
    Edited by hollywood on June 5, 2019 12:24AM
    Arkos Fortune - Kaor - Koras Fortune - Delaia - Leorio - Niota - Nyraele - Karos Fortune - Elara Fortune - Penélope - Frolics-in-the-swamp - Arynael - Sarovius - Eranyel
  • Lorkhan
    Edited by Lorkhan on June 5, 2019 10:01PM
  • Lorkhan
    Played this game since beta. Never saw This happened. I can pass char selection, but i get a infinite loading screen after
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    Hello everyone again.

    I finally mamanged to log directly without any problems this evening (logged atm). All i did extra was reseting my modem and flushing my dns ( open cmd, type in "ipconfig /flushdns" without the " ", exit cmd by typing exit+enter).

    Hopefully that can be helpful to other people as well.
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • natewright2629ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Launcher stuck in loading, then says cant download manifest. gone thru all threads finding "fixes" but nothing works. is this the ddos thing again? I was in game, then crashed ( of course) and now game and websites are all broken. support page is COMPLETELY BLANK and says connection reset for tried multiple computers, multiple locations, and nothing works. everything else about the internet is completely fine. so what is going on?
    Oregon USA
    Charter isp
    Connecting to a vpn gets me past the *** launcher but 10 minute load screens and ridiculous ping make it unplayable
    Edited by natewright2629ub17_ESO on June 9, 2019 3:41AM
  • BigBragg
    Nevada, USA
    Spectrum (Charter)
  • Pintobean
    Oregon USA
    Spectrum (Charter)

    Started at exactly 5PM pacific time, 6/8/2019. Was in a delve, game locked, have been unable to get back in. I got here through the patch notes link on the launch screen, no other websites or links working for me. I noticed the right side of the launch screen has not loaded even one time since this problem started. Sometime the launcher goes to repair, but then an error message.

    There are other messages in the bug forum and the general forum about this event, also.
  • DirtyOppland
    Soul Shriven
    PC NA
    Oregon USA
    Spectrum ( Charter )

    Was in the middle of the game and it froze. Unable to log in with the error PatchManifestError_DownloadFail 210.
  • Jenadara
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »
    For anyone who has started getting these login errors after todays patch, please provide us with the following information:
    • Which server are you connecting to when getting a login error? (PC-NA or PC-EU)
    • What country are you in?
    • What ISP are you using?

    NA Server
    It's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it. ... George Carlin
  • Jenadara
    I even went thru the whole list of troubleshooting from the faq. After I deleted the ProgramData folder, my client is stuck loading. I cannot log into server to make a ticket using my cellphone data.
    It's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it. ... George Carlin
  • ZOS_Bill
    As posted in the thread below, we are currently investigating login issues affecting some players related to an ISP issue.

    Is PC/NA Down?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • java34nub18_ESO
    Been playing for 5 years on same internet; can’t load launcher, support site, or account info without using vpn. Issues started last night?

    Charter( spectrum)
    NA PC
  • Jenadara
    It's working now for me in Nevada.
    It's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it. ... George Carlin
  • Canasta
    Hello everyone again.

    I finally mamanged to log directly without any problems this evening (logged atm). All i did extra was reseting my modem and flushing my dns ( open cmd, type in "ipconfig /flushdns" without the " ", exit cmd by typing exit+enter).

    Hopefully that can be helpful to other people as well.

    Had issue, did this, problem solved, thanks
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