I am wondering if someone could help me with this matter please:
I can login into the game and get till the character screen so far so good. But then when i select a character and click on login to enter the world i get the connecting to world and 2-3 minutes later i get the following message
An error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes and then try again
I am playing on EU Megaserver. i even tried to change to the US Megaserver and i get the same message.
Even after the latest maintenance and this week nothing has changed
I did all the troubleshooting that i could find in the ESO forums and Support sites.
Router / Ports / Firewall / Antivirus / PC soft- and hardware updates / contacted my ISP to check if the ports were blocked on their side what is not the case.
Deleted / renamed / files as suggested in support forums, repaired launcher etc....
Since last Thursday i am trying to enter the game but all the troubleshooting didn't help at all and i am pretty sure it is not on my end where the issue lies cause i can enter my credentials and get top the character selection screen.
I contacted the support 72 hours ago and i still didn't got any reply on this matter.
I hope that there might be someone that could help me with this matter since the support doesn't get back to me.
Thank you in advance
Kind regards