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a quick write-up of various useless morphs and morphs that add nothing significant because im bored

  • md3788
    I personally back bar sun shield. The shield isn't much smaller than harness and it covers the aedric spear passive. So theirs that.
    vFG1 HM
  • Vajrak
    Myux wrote: »
    NOTE: this is all from the perspective of high level play, both PvP and PvE-wise. just cause you wanna play a bootleg magic snipe spammer with crystal blast that doesnt make it good or useful at anything


    Dark Talons morph Burning Talons: 7 seconds minor maim is just amazingly better than the DoT from burning talons, and the intended use of burning talons is just way too weak for what it is unless youre being some weird ass support DPS dk and you wanna help your tank cause they dont have an aoe root, or some ***, but even then its just better to do literally anything else. its trash

    Stonefist + Morphs: unless youre playing a gimmicky full ranged magdk theres literally no point to this skill compared to petrify. its idea is supposed to be a more burst oriented CC over petrify because of the increased damage when the stun works, but that just means its a bootleg flame reach, which does all of its damage but over 8 seconds but who cares cause stonefists damage is bad even if it gets the stun buff. also flame reach comes with the dot and the burning which is buffed by DK passives. it just doesnt flow well with DKs gameplay whatsoever. also theres a heal morph but its a small *** heal on one person and it costs 4k so lmao


    Malevolent Offering + Morphs: this skill including its morphs is only good for a single thing and thats healing other players. its by far one of the most single use skills in a classes utility. with magblades self healing being gimped in wrathstone, it could have been extremely useful if it was the older version of offering that let you place huge *** HoTs on anyone including yourself, at the cost of instant hp burst. even that old offering version had dead morphs. by dead morphs i mean morphs that dont add or change anything about how the skill is used, just some numbers changes. one reduces cost the other heals more. boring as ***. theres a lot of potential to this skill and making it have uses outside of "healing someone else" would be great. give me solo blood mage again pls i unironically loved blowing myself the *** up when panicking


    Summon Storm Atronach morph Summon Charged Atronach: just use destro ult lmao. whens air atro

    Summon Unstable Familiar morph Summon Unstable Clannfear: cant survive *** and aggros inconsistently. needs a massive buff or rework to have any use in endgame gameplay.

    Crystal Shard morph Crystal Blast: crystal frags is essentially the most important skill that magsorcs have, and swapping it out for a stun and some AoE damage when it still has a cast time is completely useless. imo both morphs should have an instant cast proc, but maybe blasts proc can be gained in some other way with less RNG, like using an amount of mag in a certain amount of time, or something, idk. its trash.

    Encase morph Shattering Prison: its a tank/utility skill but it does trash damage. these morphs are literally never good. give it major expedition imo

    Overload + Morphs: its got dead morphs. one does more damage the other gives mag back. needs more differences for different playstyles.

    Mages' Fury morph Mages' Wrath: increases the splash damage no one cares about by a *** amount. the other morph gives you back more mag than it *** uses.


    Radial Sweep morph Empowering Sweep: literally no one will ever use this over DB. it needs to do something INCREDIBLY SIGNIFICANT to ever be worth it

    Sun Shield + Morphs: i dont even *** know what the intended purpose of this skill is aside from the old meme factor. too expensive for tanks and the shield is small as hell no matter what you do. i tried 70k hp and it was still absolute trash.

    Eclipse morph Unstable Core: same issue with stonefist, shattering prison, and mages wrath. trash morph adds some damage but its garbage damage for garbage people. total dark ECLIPSES this morph by a huge *** amount.


    Falcon's Swiftness + morphs: dead morphs, one increases damage one makes you take less damage. literally all the skill does actively anymore is give u major expedition. this skill has extreme boringitis going on and needs some more stuff to make it fun and interesting aside from making you desperately search for a spot in ur bar to make room for the berserk.

    Artic Wind morph Artic Blast: lmao delayed stun for 4k mag and a garbage self heal. magdens rely on masters clench because this skill is so unbelieveably useless. even if it was free i dont think anyone would slot it.

    Crystallized Shield morph Crystallized Slab: not a bad morph conceptually but its hot trash compared to infinite major heroism forever, which is an important part of wardens loadout. needs to be buffed significantly to be able to even remotely compare to shimmering, or reworked for a different playstyle, tho FIVE BILLION ULT PER SECOND is kinda good for all playstyles so idk. maybe turn it into a pve dps skill that doesnt proc on damage taken?

    SPECIAL GOOD MORPH MENTION, FROZEN GATE MORPH FROZEN RETREAT: this *** owns and not enough people *** with it. its main issue is it disappears once an enemy steps on it and you cant decide if you want a friend to hit it or if an enemy walks into it. i think it should lose the enemy chain element and instead buff allies in its radius. its a really neat skill and it requires actual thought to use

    ok moving on to global skills

    (SnB) Shield Charge + Morphs: its just a gap closer but its morphs do like, nothing. if you wanna use this im not sure if its even worth the skill point to morph it.

    (SnB) Power Bash morph Power Slam: this morphs intended purpose is to be a spammable thats extra good while youre under pressure, but its stupid expensive and the damage is garbage. also youre dropping reverb for it. you dont drop reverb unless youre a stamdk feeling saucy with petrify.

    (Med Armor) Evasion morph Elude: despite shuffles snare immunity being underpowered as hell right now (lmao 2.5 seconds) its still a must have for med users, and this is still a morph thats purely damage mitigation with no utility on a dps armor type.

    (Soul Magic) Soul Strike morph Shatter Soul: trash AoE damage that only procs when you kill something on an ult are you for real. same issue with the rest of the morphs that add a bonus AoE damage, its just adding or buffing something no one cares about. except this one is an ult. that you cant spam to guarantee it procs. and the damage is bad. i cant stress how bad this morph is.

    (Vamp) Drain Essence morph Accelerating Drain: i really cant fathom the idea behind this one. i just dont get it. an emergency heal where one morph gives a *** of ult, and this morph minor exp for 20 seconds. after waiting 3 seconds. im very confused.

    (Vamp) Mist Form morph Baleful Mist: Absolutely miniscule amount of damage where choosing it means youre missing out on major expedition. optimally this morphs purpose would be to make people chasing you wanna back off to avoid the damage but its just bad. it'd make more sense to be like, a snare or something.

    (Fighters Guild) Circle of Protection morph Turn Undead: roleplay morph that just doesnt work on a lot of things for the sake of immersion. why tho

    ok i probably missed some stuff but whatever im tired. im gonna go play minecraft now. bye

    Okay, so at least we get the disclaimer right up front, that the OP doesn't know how to read numbers or apply logic, nor adjust builds and play.


    Burning Talons --- has the damage/DoT equivalent to searing strike, with the cost being higher because it is a PBAoE. In burning down trash packs, that comes in pretty useful.

    Stonefit/Morphs -- a choice of minor resolve (not bad) or a burst heal equivalent to what Templar has to offer, with a damage component tied to it. I know quite a few PvPers who use Obsidian Shard for that reason.


    Malevolent Offering -- Someone else please take this, I haven't played used the skill enough to offer a valid opinion.


    Charged Atronach -- the nice part of the synergy, a long duration (much longer than the Destro ult), and a stun with initial hit all combined. It may only have niche uses, but that is still a use. Also very fun to use in PvP to break a zergball by slamming a stun and damage pet into the middle of it.

    Summons -- in PvP the stun off of unstable is nice for contesting a point, but takes some planning to utilize and land the stun at the right moment. For PvE, I don't bother with pet sorc enough to give direct experience, but have seen several use these to wreck some content, like vCoS.

    Shattering Prison -- is pretty nice to use in PvP, especially BGs. In PvE, yes it is a tank/utility morph. This is a problem why? 8% Max HP Heal, 4s Snare, a little bit of damage, in a wide area, and bonus spell crit --- all for being a Dark Magic skill. Also is nice to use for a little extra damage pop while laying mobs into your liquid lightning and blockade.

    Overload -- while perhaps not the best use for ult, it isn't a bad deal for boosting up your light weaving during your rotation. More range means less retaliation; More magicka returned means returning to your rottation faster.

    Crystal Blast -- weaves easily and cleanly, and puts out good damage on it's target plus anything surrounding it, without having to burn more magicka on a skill that does 30-50% less damage to make up the difference with the proc effect. That is a strong gain for what it does, epecially because general PvE that lets you take care of a large swath of mobs without having to rely on just your ground DoTs to do the job.

    Mages Wrath -- could probably use a re-evaluation, but it works nicely for clearing trash well, useful on a fight where there are strong adds (CoH2 comes to mind), or when you want to drop a few strong groupings (Stage 6 vMA, The Flesh Atro's that merge up together, Illambris Twins fight). One morph is sustain, while the Wrath morph is pretty good class focus: Direct Damage AoE.

    Empowering Sweep -- the change from Mag to Stam, to losing the % damage reduction, to now a duration Empower....they need to STOP looking at this skill. Revert it back to what it was at, scale it off highest stat/damage. Even that being said, it's still not a terrible skill, just keeps getting reduced. It still has a purpose in additional Burning Light procs, which Dawnbreaker doesn't.

    Sun Shield/Morphs --- The purpose of the skills respectively are what people KEEP asking for from Templar. Radiant Ward gives you a rather reliably proactive defense/rotation. The value is a bit lower than other shields because it also does Direct Damage on cast. With the upcoming changes, Radiant Ward does ALMOST as much damage, PBAoE, as Blazing Spear does.

    It fits well into a Magplar DPS rotation, and Tanks have a choice of either morph, for either the greater shield value or the equivalent damage value since it scale off of hp -- 70k HP would give you a 7.7k damage return value on the current form, about 6 times HIGHER than Ward (which scales with spell damage). Both need reasonable spell penetration, so if you weren't getting reasonable damage from it, chances are the problem was with the operator, not the skill. Also, it is not "too expensive", you just don't know how to build. My tank uses it regularly without issue, and is a Heavy Armorx6 Redguard.

    Unstable Core -- anecdotal, I've never gotten a triple kill with Total Dark, but I sure as hell have with Unstable Core. In PvP, neither morph is amazing because it ties to CC immunity instead of requiring a purge, which is about the only change BOTH morphs need. Then they would both have more utility, as Eclispe would then have a valid use in PvE other than dealing with trash mobs (since bosses are CC immune, neither can be used at all).

    Warden -- Someone else please take this, I haven't played it enough to offer a valid opinion.


    Shield Charge (SnB) -- could definitely use improvement. Shielded Assault needs a higher value on the shield to be worth slotting, around 4k. The other morph, Invasion, would make a lot more sense if it did something more like forced Off-Balance or an AoE splash Knockdown to replace the stun.

    Power Slam (SnB) -- could use a higher damage value, and honestly a change in damage type from Physical to perhaps Oblivion so that it bypasses resistances, since a Tank is going to generally be lower on weapon damage/penetration. It's a good flavor and reasonable potential, and has SOME success in PvP, but it's PvE iteration is sadly lacking. The Stam cost not a huge issue as you are using SnB, you should be heavy attacking often anyway, but it could use a slight reduction as it's damage boost requires expending some Stam already to block for proc.

    Elude (Medium Armor) -- suffered a bit with how easy it is to get AoE damage reduction, but it wasn't a shining skill once dodge chance was removed. That being said, if you have other means of removing CC, like I don't know, Momentum, then Elude becomes rather nice as it is a long duration damage reduction. That lends itself to spending stam on other skills, which means more DPS, Healing, or Controls available. That's a fair trade. Shuffle does need to have a slight boost, up to around 4 seconds, but otherwise is just fine.

    Shatter Soul (Soul Magic) -- have PvP picked up a quadrakill with this multiple times, both with and without Vicious Death. It's a risk/reward skill, and when it goes off smoothly can set up a nice chain of kills; when it doesn't the retaliation you take for using it can ruin your day. It's in a fair place, especially if you can combine it with some controls to keep the enemy grouped up. In PvE, Soul Magic doesn't do much of anything, but not everything has to be meant for both plays.

    Drain Essence (Vampire) -- you can move during the channel, and 10% move speed for more than a few seconds is nice for repositioning. Is it optimized for use? Not at all, but the Vampire line is used more for it's passives than it's actives anyway.

    Baleful Mist (Vampire) -- this morph works well on a vampire tank, on a magplar, and the damage really isn't bad at all as it is a DoT and the value is HIGHER than Blockade. Pulling the numbers right now off of my vampire DPS, Blockade is 2557/s for 8 seconds in it's ground based area, Baleful Mist is 2907/s for 4 seconds AND the 75% damage reduction AND the disable/immobilzation immunity. I don't know what math is like in the meth-addled world of your head, but 2907 is MORE damage than 2557, and I don't see anyone calling Blockade miniscule in terms of damage.

    Turn Undead (Fighters Guild) -- Fun fact; this will stun Vampires and Transformed werewolves in PvP, and with the changes coming to fear where a mob cowers in place instead of running around and away, this becomes a viable way to add another CC option into some PvP fights (WW, Vamp, Daedra).

    If this is too many words for you, here is the TL;DR: Meth is a hell of a drug. You should quit. And while doing that, quit trying to change things that aren't broken just because you don't understand how they work.

    Edited by Vajrak on May 14, 2019 10:23PM
  • ShadowDisciple
    Cerra wrote: »
    XD u just wasted time using talon haha.. Just cuz u used it doesent mean its good.. The skill is a waste of time it takes to cast it. Just like others on the list

    Perhaps if you don't know how to take advantage of the skills you just need to learn to play *smirks*[/quote]

    Enlighten me pls.. Id really want to know how you use this skill so skillfully and make it good.
  • Myux
    man the forums are *** weird. i kinda expected it but theres like. no critical thinking skills going on in these replies. wild
  • exeeter702
    Myux wrote: »
    man the forums are *** weird. i kinda expected it but theres like. no critical thinking skills going on in these replies. wild
    critical thinking?...

    You labeled certain skills as trash through what i can only assume is a result of sheer inexperience.

    You claimed the stone fist morph obsidian shard had a "**** heal" when in reality obsidian shard is a massive burst heal and makes for a very potent peeling tool.

    Malevolent offering is objectively the strongest burst heal in the game and serves as a single enabler for Nb healers more than any other skill.

  • Myux
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Myux wrote: »
    man the forums are *** weird. i kinda expected it but theres like. no critical thinking skills going on in these replies. wild
    critical thinking?...

    You labeled certain skills as trash through what i can only assume is a result of sheer inexperience.

    You claimed the stone fist morph obsidian shard had a "**** heal" when in reality obsidian shard is a massive burst heal and makes for a very potent peeling tool.

    Malevolent offering is objectively the strongest burst heal in the game and serves as a single enabler for Nb healers more than any other skill.

    and entirely failed to realize that both of those skills are extremely situational in a game where most to all class skills have plenty of flexibility. and also you didnt read the offering section and just assumed i said the skill is bad. ill write it out for you more clearly i guess,

    stonefist is bad because regardless of its heal thats just smaller bootleg BoL, it takes time for it to land. this makes it an unreliable burst heal that requires you to aim at a target so if you need to heal someone whos far away from a target then you can't do anything about it and have to use less bursty heals unless they're in range for combat prayer/blessing of prot. in addition to its other utility which doesn't flow well with DKs gameplay due to being "its just flame reach dude"

    offering in its current state is bad because it has a single use and thats it. if you aren't a support healer on your magblade there is no reason to unlock or morph this skill because it does one thing ever, which is "heals someone else". its heal is strong as all hell and can carry magblade heals, but it being changed to its current state killed a playstyle i was enjoying, which was high risk high reward healing that could also be used on yourself. they could very easily make one morph the current one, and the other morph the older one, in order to have much better flexibility on the skill, but they didnt and instead the morphs are "one costs less one makes ur heals better" which is what i call "dead morphs", same as overload. strong skill, but the morphs could add more flexibility to the skill and the players, but it doesnt. it just does the same thing. doesn't change playstyles.

    ask me again if you need clarification.
  • Kadoin
    You say useless, I say used in a way you cannot imagine.

    Those skills don't need changes, they need buffs and that's it. Though honestly, crystal blast, burning talons, elude, offering, and SnB don't need buffs at all. They're already strong if you know how to use them.

    Crystal blast is for punishing more than one idiot coming after you, and it does it well enough for me to never want an RNG proc (I don't like unpredictable situations in a battle anyway, why add more variables to make me slip up and lose focus). I'm not gonna say how to gank an army with it, but I'm sure someone that has experienced it knows exactly how powerful that skill is and that it should not be buffed + is superior to the other morph if you actually know how to use it.
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Myux wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Myux wrote: »
    man the forums are *** weird. i kinda expected it but theres like. no critical thinking skills going on in these replies. wild
    critical thinking?...

    You labeled certain skills as trash through what i can only assume is a result of sheer inexperience.

    You claimed the stone fist morph obsidian shard had a "**** heal" when in reality obsidian shard is a massive burst heal and makes for a very potent peeling tool.

    Malevolent offering is objectively the strongest burst heal in the game and serves as a single enabler for Nb healers more than any other skill.

    and entirely failed to realize that both of those skills are extremely situational in a game where most to all class skills have plenty of flexibility. and also you didnt read the offering section and just assumed i said the skill is bad. ill write it out for you more clearly i guess,

    stonefist is bad because regardless of its heal thats just smaller bootleg BoL, it takes time for it to land. this makes it an unreliable burst heal that requires you to aim at a target so if you need to heal someone whos far away from a target then you can't do anything about it and have to use less bursty heals unless they're in range for combat prayer/blessing of prot. in addition to its other utility which doesn't flow well with DKs gameplay due to being "its just flame reach dude"

    offering in its current state is bad because it has a single use and thats it. if you aren't a support healer on your magblade there is no reason to unlock or morph this skill because it does one thing ever, which is "heals someone else". its heal is strong as all hell and can carry magblade heals, but it being changed to its current state killed a playstyle i was enjoying, which was high risk high reward healing that could also be used on yourself. they could very easily make one morph the current one, and the other morph the older one, in order to have much better flexibility on the skill, but they didnt and instead the morphs are "one costs less one makes ur heals better" which is what i call "dead morphs", same as overload. strong skill, but the morphs could add more flexibility to the skill and the players, but it doesnt. it just does the same thing. doesn't change playstyles.

    ask me again if you need clarification.

    As a nightblade healer main myself, and knowing a friend who greatly enjoys dk healing, I can say that neither Stonefist and Offering are useless. Are they niches? Yes, but niches are good.

    Thus I would rather not have ZoS touch these abilities and instead opt to buff them or get other morphs a bit more flare to make them stand out. I will admit the Shrewd Offering morph (cost reduction) is lackluster and could perhaps be changed to a decent self heal for magblades. However, Healthy Offering should not be touch. This skill is one of the few reasons nb healers are still alive, taking this would probably end them as ZoS constantly nerfs nb dps at the expense of healers/tanks.

    I can't comment to well on Stonefist as I do have a dk healer and my only dk is a tank which does not utilize the skill.
  • exeeter702
    Myux wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Myux wrote: »
    man the forums are *** weird. i kinda expected it but theres like. no critical thinking skills going on in these replies. wild
    critical thinking?...

    You labeled certain skills as trash through what i can only assume is a result of sheer inexperience.

    You claimed the stone fist morph obsidian shard had a "**** heal" when in reality obsidian shard is a massive burst heal and makes for a very potent peeling tool.

    Malevolent offering is objectively the strongest burst heal in the game and serves as a single enabler for Nb healers more than any other skill.

    and entirely failed to realize that both of those skills are extremely situational in a game where most to all class skills have plenty of flexibility. and also you didnt read the offering section and just assumed i said the skill is bad. ill write it out for you more clearly i guess,

    stonefist is bad because regardless of its heal thats just smaller bootleg BoL, it takes time for it to land. this makes it an unreliable burst heal that requires you to aim at a target so if you need to heal someone whos far away from a target then you can't do anything about it and have to use less bursty heals unless they're in range for combat prayer/blessing of prot. in addition to its other utility which doesn't flow well with DKs gameplay due to being "its just flame reach dude"

    offering in its current state is bad because it has a single use and thats it. if you aren't a support healer on your magblade there is no reason to unlock or morph this skill because it does one thing ever, which is "heals someone else". its heal is strong as all hell and can carry magblade heals, but it being changed to its current state killed a playstyle i was enjoying, which was high risk high reward healing that could also be used on yourself. they could very easily make one morph the current one, and the other morph the older one, in order to have much better flexibility on the skill, but they didnt and instead the morphs are "one costs less one makes ur heals better" which is what i call "dead morphs", same as overload. strong skill, but the morphs could add more flexibility to the skill and the players, but it doesnt. it just does the same thing. doesn't change playstyles.

    ask me again if you need clarification.

    You can try and be a smart ass all you like. There is absolutely a place for niche specific abilities in this game that do not adhere to a universal approach. Im fully aware of obsidian shards shortcomings and offerings relatively narrow use case. That does not make them "useless" as you so eloquently put in your OP title.
    Edited by exeeter702 on May 22, 2019 6:34AM
  • phileunderx2
    Obsidian shard on my DK healer has hit for a 30k heal. Yes a useless weak heal 🙄
  • exeeter702
    Obsidian shard on my DK healer has hit for a 30k heal. Yes a useless weak heal 🙄

    Naw bro dont you know? Its a bootleg breath of life....
  • Knightpanther
    Sorry but as someone has mained a Scorcerer since release:

    Summon Storm Atronach morph Summon Charged Atronach: just use destro ult lmao. whens air atro

    Great for Pvper and has a duration - amazing how many stupid players attack him

    Summon Unstable Familiar morph Summon Unstable Clannfear: cant survive *** and aggros inconsistently. needs a massive buff or rework to have any use in endgame gameplay.

    Awesome for AOE farming in delves/solo dungeons

    Crystal Shard morph Crystal Blast: crystal frags is essentially the most important skill that magsorcs have, and swapping it out for a stun and some AoE damage when it still has a cast time is completely useless. imo both morphs should have an instant cast proc, but maybe blasts proc can be gained in some other way with less RNG, like using an amount of mag in a certain amount of time, or something, idk. its trash.

    Although im not currently using this its a great hard hitting ranged AOE - instant cast would be OP

    Encase morph Shattering Prison: its a tank/utility skill but it does trash damage. these morphs are literally never good. give it major expedition imo

    An unresistable damage AOE and snare - how is that not any good?

    Overload + Morphs: its got dead morphs. one does more damage the other gives mag back. needs more differences for different playstyles.

    Not with you on this one

    Mages' Fury morph Mages' Wrath: increases the splash damage no one cares about by a *** amount. the other morph gives you back more mag than it *** uses.

    I use this morph - the extra damage on the right set up is an AOE execute

    Not everyone uses meta (whatever crap that is) builds because if yo have been playing the class a long time you can come up with your own playstyle and ideas.
    I love to have the choice.

    Be safe
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