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a quick write-up of various useless morphs and morphs that add nothing significant because im bored

NOTE: this is all from the perspective of high level play, both PvP and PvE-wise. just cause you wanna play a bootleg magic snipe spammer with crystal blast that doesnt make it good or useful at anything


Dark Talons morph Burning Talons: 7 seconds minor maim is just amazingly better than the DoT from burning talons, and the intended use of burning talons is just way too weak for what it is unless youre being some weird ass support DPS dk and you wanna help your tank cause they dont have an aoe root, or some ***, but even then its just better to do literally anything else. its trash

Stonefist + Morphs: unless youre playing a gimmicky full ranged magdk theres literally no point to this skill compared to petrify. its idea is supposed to be a more burst oriented CC over petrify because of the increased damage when the stun works, but that just means its a bootleg flame reach, which does all of its damage but over 8 seconds but who cares cause stonefists damage is bad even if it gets the stun buff. also flame reach comes with the dot and the burning which is buffed by DK passives. it just doesnt flow well with DKs gameplay whatsoever. also theres a heal morph but its a small *** heal on one person and it costs 4k so lmao


Malevolent Offering + Morphs: this skill including its morphs is only good for a single thing and thats healing other players. its by far one of the most single use skills in a classes utility. with magblades self healing being gimped in wrathstone, it could have been extremely useful if it was the older version of offering that let you place huge *** HoTs on anyone including yourself, at the cost of instant hp burst. even that old offering version had dead morphs. by dead morphs i mean morphs that dont add or change anything about how the skill is used, just some numbers changes. one reduces cost the other heals more. boring as ***. theres a lot of potential to this skill and making it have uses outside of "healing someone else" would be great. give me solo blood mage again pls i unironically loved blowing myself the *** up when panicking


Summon Storm Atronach morph Summon Charged Atronach: just use destro ult lmao. whens air atro

Summon Unstable Familiar morph Summon Unstable Clannfear: cant survive *** and aggros inconsistently. needs a massive buff or rework to have any use in endgame gameplay.

Crystal Shard morph Crystal Blast: crystal frags is essentially the most important skill that magsorcs have, and swapping it out for a stun and some AoE damage when it still has a cast time is completely useless. imo both morphs should have an instant cast proc, but maybe blasts proc can be gained in some other way with less RNG, like using an amount of mag in a certain amount of time, or something, idk. its trash.

Encase morph Shattering Prison: its a tank/utility skill but it does trash damage. these morphs are literally never good. give it major expedition imo

Overload + Morphs: its got dead morphs. one does more damage the other gives mag back. needs more differences for different playstyles.

Mages' Fury morph Mages' Wrath: increases the splash damage no one cares about by a *** amount. the other morph gives you back more mag than it *** uses.


Radial Sweep morph Empowering Sweep: literally no one will ever use this over DB. it needs to do something INCREDIBLY SIGNIFICANT to ever be worth it

Sun Shield + Morphs: i dont even *** know what the intended purpose of this skill is aside from the old meme factor. too expensive for tanks and the shield is small as hell no matter what you do. i tried 70k hp and it was still absolute trash.

Eclipse morph Unstable Core: same issue with stonefist, shattering prison, and mages wrath. trash morph adds some damage but its garbage damage for garbage people. total dark ECLIPSES this morph by a huge *** amount.


Falcon's Swiftness + morphs: dead morphs, one increases damage one makes you take less damage. literally all the skill does actively anymore is give u major expedition. this skill has extreme boringitis going on and needs some more stuff to make it fun and interesting aside from making you desperately search for a spot in ur bar to make room for the berserk.

Artic Wind morph Artic Blast: lmao delayed stun for 4k mag and a garbage self heal. magdens rely on masters clench because this skill is so unbelieveably useless. even if it was free i dont think anyone would slot it.

Crystallized Shield morph Crystallized Slab: not a bad morph conceptually but its hot trash compared to infinite major heroism forever, which is an important part of wardens loadout. needs to be buffed significantly to be able to even remotely compare to shimmering, or reworked for a different playstyle, tho FIVE BILLION ULT PER SECOND is kinda good for all playstyles so idk. maybe turn it into a pve dps skill that doesnt proc on damage taken?

SPECIAL GOOD MORPH MENTION, FROZEN GATE MORPH FROZEN RETREAT: this *** owns and not enough people *** with it. its main issue is it disappears once an enemy steps on it and you cant decide if you want a friend to hit it or if an enemy walks into it. i think it should lose the enemy chain element and instead buff allies in its radius. its a really neat skill and it requires actual thought to use

ok moving on to global skills

(SnB) Shield Charge + Morphs: its just a gap closer but its morphs do like, nothing. if you wanna use this im not sure if its even worth the skill point to morph it.

(SnB) Power Bash morph Power Slam: this morphs intended purpose is to be a spammable thats extra good while youre under pressure, but its stupid expensive and the damage is garbage. also youre dropping reverb for it. you dont drop reverb unless youre a stamdk feeling saucy with petrify.

(Med Armor) Evasion morph Elude: despite shuffles snare immunity being underpowered as hell right now (lmao 2.5 seconds) its still a must have for med users, and this is still a morph thats purely damage mitigation with no utility on a dps armor type.

(Soul Magic) Soul Strike morph Shatter Soul: trash AoE damage that only procs when you kill something on an ult are you for real. same issue with the rest of the morphs that add a bonus AoE damage, its just adding or buffing something no one cares about. except this one is an ult. that you cant spam to guarantee it procs. and the damage is bad. i cant stress how bad this morph is.

(Vamp) Drain Essence morph Accelerating Drain: i really cant fathom the idea behind this one. i just dont get it. an emergency heal where one morph gives a *** of ult, and this morph minor exp for 20 seconds. after waiting 3 seconds. im very confused.

(Vamp) Mist Form morph Baleful Mist: Absolutely miniscule amount of damage where choosing it means youre missing out on major expedition. optimally this morphs purpose would be to make people chasing you wanna back off to avoid the damage but its just bad. it'd make more sense to be like, a snare or something.

(Fighters Guild) Circle of Protection morph Turn Undead: roleplay morph that just doesnt work on a lot of things for the sake of immersion. why tho

ok i probably missed some stuff but whatever im tired. im gonna go play minecraft now. bye
  • Gilvoth
    what about all the people who Like and use those skills, you just gave reasons for zenimax to destroy peoples joy and builds they use daily simply by giving the impresion that you speak for all of us.
    not everyone agrees with you that those skills are useless.
    one mans trash another mans treasure.
    let others have the joy of keeping what they like and play with.
    Edited by Gilvoth on May 10, 2019 6:32PM
  • Myux
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    what about all the people who Like and use those skills, you just gave reasons for zenimax to destroy peoples joy and builds they use daily simply by giving the impresion that you speak for all of us.
    not everyone agrees with you that those skills are useless.
    one mans trash another mans treasure.
    let others have the joy of keeping what they like and play with.

    the idea of bringing these up is because they dont add any playstyles and they could be reworked to add new playstyles. i specifically brought up these skills because they dont add anything and are nonsensical.
  • Ankael07
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    what about all the people who Like and use those skills, you just gave reasons for zenimax to destroy peoples joy and builds they use daily simply by giving the impresion that you speak for all of us.
    not everyone agrees with you that those skills are useless.
    one mans trash another mans treasure.
    let others have the joy of keeping what they like and play with.

    You dont have to completely rework a skill to make it useful. Some of them would be fine with a simple damage increase like Shattering Prison or Burning Talons

    Soul Shatter's last explosion could trigger regardless of target's death so it could become a somewhat bursty cheap magicka ulti

    Accelerating Drain could become the defensive morph by healing 33% of your max HP instead of remaining HP
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • Gilvoth
    just because a few people dont like what is in eso, should it then be a good time to delete what we have and start over?
    i dont think thats fair.
    one mans trash is another mans treasure.
    Edited by Gilvoth on May 13, 2019 3:29AM
  • CHM228
    I agree. they needed to be buffed or reworked
  • idk
    No offense but not everyone is into high level PvE and PvP so the perspective is as skewed as OP states.

    Heck, I have known a Templar that since day 1 has healed without a resto starff. He never leveled it up. Will I see him healing a leaderboard or heavens forbit a progression run of the latest trial? No. But he does just fine with it where he does heal and likes it.

    OP says anyone wanting to use Charged Atro should be required to use a Destro staff even if they do not want to. That is narrow minded.

    People play all different ways in this game. That does not mean we have to play with everyone but it does mean that list is about as useful as OP thinks those skills are. Fortunately Zos is able to see how much skills are used and make changes to skills it finds are not being used much.
    Edited by idk on May 10, 2019 8:03PM
  • Asmael
    Vampire - Clouding Swarm

    I don't think I've seen it used once since it got changed to a spammable gap closer. And when was that? 2 years ago or something? For some reason they couldn't repair the broken invisibility and decided to change it to a spammable that is clunky, buggy and brings essentially compared to just every other spammable out there.

    SnB - Power Slam

    Heroic slash costs less, deals almost as much damage and comes with strong effects without conditions. Nuff said.

    Destro - Elemental suceptibility

    Is mostly used by magicka characters at the start of a dummy parse so that they don't have to refresh the effect, since you don't usually run it in PvE. Doesn't even remotely compare to Elemental drain.

    Resto - Quick siphon

    Just check blood altar and its morphs. The cast time removed should be there by default on both morphs, and an extra effect added to Quick siphon.

    Mages guild - Scalding rune

    Is outperformed by literally every other DoT in the game, costs a lot, is delayed, has subpar damage.

    Undaunted - Tangling webs

    Shadow silk comes with enough damage to justify its use. The synergy is realistically only of interest in PvP but is just way too unreliable.


    Pretty sure people can come up with even more.
    PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka "Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
    Poke @AsmaeI (last letter is uppercase "i") on PC EU or Asmael#9325 on Discord and receive a meow today.
  • Wing
    I would throw in green dragon blood from DK, it gives you buffs you get from potions. and agree with the rest, arctic storm out of warden is just so terrible, and that stun, holy crap talk about clunky and useless.

    WHAT DEV put a stun on a HEAL and didn't think "this might be clunky and dumb"

    well I will tell you, the same one that loves and uses stone fist.

    also revert clouding swarm to the invisibility for the duration, that was a really cool morph and fun to use.
    Edited by Wing on May 10, 2019 8:16PM
    ESO player since beta.
    full time subscriber.
    PC NA
    ( ^_^ )

    You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods -Xenogears
    DK one trick
  • Grimlok_S
    Wing wrote: »
    I would throw in green dragon blood from DK, it gives you buffs you get from potions..

    I'd argue those buffs are the only reason to slot GDB.. the heal is the poorest part of the skill.
    Light Attack Hero

    Class context
    Stam NB
    Bomb NB
  • Cerra
    I'm sorry, but I've used most of those "usless" morphs at one time or another for various reasons. For instance, burning talons... death is the ultimate debuff. I'd rather kill them faster than debuff their damage, yard trash doesn't hurt you anyway and if they are locked in place they can't attack you. I would talon, back up, then aoe fire breath for even more dot damage.

    Don't assume everyone thinks like you do.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Baleful Mist is the most needed of a balance pass . That is available to all classes . Been complaining since 2015 .
  • Iron_Blurr
    Can we just talk about how trash Templar Healing Ritual morphs are??? The Hasty Prayer morph gives minor expedition for 5 seconds. Wow 10% faster movement for 5 seconds attached to a super expensive ability. The fact that this morph is not at the top of the list should be a punishable offence lol.
    Edited by Iron_Blurr on May 13, 2019 9:02AM
  • ESO_Nightingale
    Myux wrote: »


    Falcon's Swiftness + morphs: dead morphs, one increases damage one makes you take less damage. literally all the skill does actively anymore is give u major expedition. this skill has extreme boringitis going on and needs some more stuff to make it fun and interesting aside from making you desperately search for a spot in ur bar to make room for the berserk.

    Artic Wind morph Artic Blast: lmao delayed stun for 4k mag and a garbage self heal. magdens rely on masters clench because this skill is so unbelieveably useless. even if it was free i dont think anyone would slot it.

    Crystallized Shield morph Crystallized Slab: not a bad morph conceptually but its hot trash compared to infinite major heroism forever, which is an important part of wardens loadout. needs to be buffed significantly to be able to even remotely compare to shimmering, or reworked for a different playstyle, tho FIVE BILLION ULT PER SECOND is kinda good for all playstyles so idk. maybe turn it into a pve dps skill that doesnt proc on damage taken?

    SPECIAL GOOD MORPH MENTION, FROZEN GATE MORPH FROZEN RETREAT: this *** owns and not enough people *** with it. its main issue is it disappears once an enemy steps on it and you cant decide if you want a friend to hit it or if an enemy walks into it. i think it should lose the enemy chain element and instead buff allies in its radius. its a really neat skill and it requires actual thought to use

    (Vamp) Drain Essence morph Accelerating Drain: i really cant fathom the idea behind this one. i just dont get it. an emergency heal where one morph gives a *** of ult, and this morph minor exp for 20 seconds. after waiting 3 seconds. im very confused.

    Ive just wanted to bring up these ones.

    Falcon's Swiftness: Yeah

    Arctic Blast: Absolutely

    Crystallized Slab: its scary how close your suggestion is to mine for this. Have you been reading my writeups? :)

    Frozen Retreat:
    I don't necessarily think that this morph needs to become a buff skill. But our community has an idea where you remove the enemy pull, (like you've suggested) reduce the amount allowed, back down to 1, and then buff the damage of it by roughly 60% and fix the synergy's range to work better in pvp. Having the same range as other buffed skills. That way it becomes a good damage trap to use in battlegrounds and pvp.

    Accelerating Drain: this morph isn't bad. Its a stun option for Vampire Magdens because you can block cancel it, for 20 seconds of helpful speed that you can stack with RaT.
    Edited by ESO_Nightingale on May 13, 2019 12:49PM
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher for ESO-U. Frost Warden PvE Build Article: Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • Cerra
    Don't mess with my Frozen Retreat
  • Gnortranermara
    Don't forget Pulsar. The Mangle debuff is almost 100% useless in its current form.
  • phantasmalD
    Myux wrote: »
    Stonefist + Morphs: unless youre playing a gimmicky full ranged magdk theres literally no point to this skill compared to petrify. its idea is supposed to be a more burst oriented CC over petrify because of the increased damage when the stun works, but that just means its a bootleg flame reach, which does all of its damage but over 8 seconds but who cares cause stonefists damage is bad even if it gets the stun buff. also flame reach comes with the dot and the burning which is buffed by DK passives. it just doesnt flow well with DKs gameplay whatsoever. also theres a heal morph but its a small *** heal on one person and it costs 4k so lmao

    It's almost literally the same amount of healing that the main heal of BoL gives while costing like 500 less magicka. Are you claiming that BoL is a *** skill? I don't see BoL listed in the Templar portion of your post.
    Obsidian Shards has the biggest range of any burst heal in the game with a potential maximum of 56m, can potentially disable one enemy for 3 seconds and has no line of sight requirment for the heal.

    There's also more to the Petrify-Stonefist comparison. Petrify simply cannot be used on targets with immobilization immunity, while Stonefist can, allowing it to be spammed or used on PvE bosses which is very relevant use for Obsidian Shard.

    Stone Giant is certainly a meh morph tho, the minor armor buff is just like whatever.
  • ShadowDisciple
    Cerra wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but I've used most of those "usless" morphs at one time or another for various reasons. For instance, burning talons... death is the ultimate debuff. I'd rather kill them faster than debuff their damage, yard trash doesn't hurt you anyway and if they are locked in place they can't attack you. I would talon, back up, then aoe fire breath for even more dot damage.

    Don't assume everyone thinks like you do.

    XD u just wasted time using talon haha.. Just cuz u used it doesent mean its good.. The skill is a waste of time it takes to cast it. Just like others on the list
  • Cerra
    XD u just wasted time using talon haha.. Just cuz u used it doesent mean its good.. The skill is a waste of time it takes to cast it. Just like others on the list[/quote]

    Perhaps if you don't know how to take advantage of the skills you just need to learn to play *smirks*
  • Savos_Saren
    Talons is far from trash- but I'll definitely take a buff to it to make it more appealing. ;)

    Stone Fist definitely needs some sort of buff. It's the only DK skill that benefits from the "Reach" passive in PVP. It needs to be changed to fire damage or applies minor breach or given some sort of pseudo execute. (ie: like the Sorc passive execute where it does more damage to high health targets) Then, maybe, some DKs would run it.

    I would love to see an Air Atronauch for StamSorcs. It would be an interesting morph much like the StamNecro's Pestilent Colossus.

    Shattering Prison would be better if it was lightning based damage. That way, it could have a chance to apply minor vulnerability.

    You're spot on with Malevolent Offering. It's just not really appealing to slot. I'd like to see something better that a NB Tank could use to help out with group heals.

    Power Extraction needs something different. I have never, ever seen a StamBlade in PVP or PVE use it and I have never used it on my StamBlade except when I leveled it back in 2014. (but that might just be me)

    I actually think ZOS overnerfed Dark Flare. 34% damage reduction for 0.1 second faster cast? Nah. Maybe a 10% reduction... but even that's unneeded. In PVP, you're lucky to get a Flare off in time.

    Hasty Prayer could use a reduction in cost.

    I hate Artic Blast with a passion. It's stupid and the change needs to be reverted. An AOE HOT with an AOE DOT component is fun and fitting for a tank. Base it off of health and magic- make it worth slotting.

    Crystalized Slab could use a buff in order to make it semi-appealing over Shimmering Shield.

    Grave Gasp needs a DOT component. Otherwise, it's completely boring and doesn't compare with any other tank immobilizers.

    Death Scythe should be a pseudo execute. It is literally called "Death Scythe"... so make it worthy of the name.

    Just my 2 cents worth. Thanks for taking the time to make your post.

    PS: Impulse needs to be an AOE execute like whirlwind and there needs to be a magicka-based bleed that ignores all spell resistances (or just get rid of bleeds altogether).
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    Can someone copyedit the original post so we can read it?
    Lethal zergling
  • nihoumab14_ESO
    So long as Obsidian Shard can still be a burst heal for those rare DK healers, you can do whatever else you want to the skill. Just don't take away my burst heal :(
  • Savos_Saren
    So long as Obsidian Shard can still be a burst heal for those rare DK healers, you can do whatever else you want to the skill. Just don't take away my burst heal :(

    Actually, I'd like to see Obsidian Shard be fire damage with Major Breach. It can keep the diminished damage (not hit as hard as stone fist)- but Major Breach would help buff the group and fire damage would add a little bit of extra damage.
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • SirAndy
    Myux wrote: »
    Summon Unstable Familiar morph Summon Unstable Clannfear: cant survive *** and aggros inconsistently. needs a massive buff or rework to have any use in endgame gameplay.

    You lost me right there, the Clannfear is *literally* the best morph for solo endgame PvE precisely because it still has a soft taunt. Plus it has a nice burst heal.

    It's the tank *and* healer you never had when running solo ...

    PS: If you are confused by "solo endgame PvE" that means those of us who like to solo group content.

    Edited by SirAndy on May 14, 2019 4:13AM
  • zvavi
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Myux wrote: »
    Summon Unstable Familiar morph Summon Unstable Clannfear: cant survive *** and aggros inconsistently. needs a massive buff or rework to have any use in endgame gameplay.

    You lost me right there, the Clannfear is *literally* the best morph for solo endgame PvE precisely because it still has a soft taunt. Plus it has a nice burst heal.

    It's the tank *and* healer you never had when running solo ...

    PS: If you are confused by "solo endgame PvE" that means those of us who like to solo group content.

    Thats ***. I think they made dungeon bosses not being able to attack pets anyway, therefore even if you were right (and i strongly believe it is total ***) it is wrong now :D

    And honestly? If you needed it, you were doing something wrong.

    PS: someone who lowered vault protector on vet to 21% solo. I will get him solo one day. One day.

    Edit: the pet is semi useful for sorc tanks (even though sacrificing two slots fun)
    Edited by zvavi on May 14, 2019 9:33AM
  • Joy_Division
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    what about all the people who Like and use those skills, you just gave reasons for zenimax to destroy peoples joy and builds they use daily simply by giving the impresion that you speak for all of us.
    not everyone agrees with you that those skills are useless.
    one mans trash another mans treasure.
    let others have the joy of keeping what they like and play with.

    I'm gonna quote you here whenever you advocate for Sorc (nerf) changes or NB (buff) changes.
  • Sinolai
    Dont you dare to touch my Clannfear! That heal is awesome for tank sorcerer in vAS+2!
    Edited by Sinolai on May 14, 2019 4:02PM
  • Starlock
    Don't forget Pulsar. The Mangle debuff is almost 100% useless in its current form.

    I don't usually see eye-to-eye with various folks who make lists of "this skill is useless" as a character-focused player, but this one? Yeah. It is pretty bad.
  • ZeroXFF
    Mostly agree except... Clannfear is literally the strongest tank heal in the game. That alone makes that morph worth it.
  • SirAndy
    zvavi wrote: »
    Thats ***. I think they made dungeon bosses not being able to attack pets anyway, therefore even if you were right (and i strongly believe it is total ***) it is wrong now

    So, what you are really saying is that you have no clue how the Clannfear works these days, got it ...

    PS: I specifically mentioned *solo*, they only removed the soft taunt from the Clannfear if you are entering the dungeon with a group. Its taunt still very much works if you enter solo.

    Edited by SirAndy on May 14, 2019 5:56PM
  • Somnilux
    Healthy/Shrewd Offering is one of nightblade's strongest toolkit in group pvp, and the single strongest burst heal in the game. Please do not label it as useless or underpowered. Both morphs are good, though I think healthy outclasses shrewd for its intended audience, and magblade dps already have a huge useful toolkit to bring to group. I think the only thing that needs to be done to this I mentioned in another topic: Make shrewd offering scale with max stat instead of just magicka. Stamblades have a much weaker group utility toolkit and are flat out worse in groups than wardens in group pvp.
    Luxe Khanna - AD, Rank 49 Argonian Magblade Healer
    Crystala Khanna - AD, Rank 40 Khajiit Stamplar
    Guilds: Fantasia, Dominant Dominion.
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