PvP suggestions and feedback from ESO retiring players

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I will try to keep this short list and hopefully these comments are taking seriously. We have been discussing this with friends and PvP guild members.

The game is in bad spot at the moment due many people calling it a day and whole guilds becoming inactive. Many of us has spend hundreds hours playing the game and personally have met a lot of good people during that time. Unfortunately many of those are gone for good or taking extended breaks.

I said elsewhere that this was the last night for me until the game gets sorted out and somewhat sad day. Thankfully the friends within the game are moving into diffrent game product so at least that is good.

Now listing some stuff we discussed....

1. Balance the campaigns. Currently these blown out +10000 points which is not good. You have two CP campaigns and make one of those alliance locked from start to finish. Let the other remain where you can switch colours as you see fit. This will result to better and more competitive PvP and less toxic zone chats. Everyone wins.

2. 30 day campaign is too long. The longest campaign should be nomore than 14 days. Now people wait 2-3 weeks to get campaign reset and it is boring long wait.

3. Adjust the emperor rules. Make it so that you can only get ONCE and when you are dethroned than 2nd will have his chance and so on.....

4. Change how you can achieve dethrone. Make it so that the 6 keep rule stands but add some additional way to achieve this. ie. if your own 3 homekeeps are not controlled by the alliance lets say 30min or so that would equal same as dethrone. Would make campaigns more fluid and not just zerg camping on the last keep.

5. Class balance. Currently the heavy armour meta dps is getting way out of hand. People are packing so much resistances and damage that it will take an buss load of people to even kill one heavy meta at CP campaigns. This is VERY big issue and now "combat team" is handling these but their work is having very negative effect on PvP itself. Make medium and light armours pack substantially more damage than you can achieve via heavy armour meta sets. This will make battles more intresting and more fluent....

6. Start making way more aggressive stands on PvP cheaters and yes there are so many people exploiting the points via account sharing (continued 24/7 just changing person from who is actually playing the game). The point I made on 3. will also help but you need to start dishing out punishments. I know many have reported these cheaters but nothing has been done what we can see. It is kind of joke for them when they recieve information that they have been reported and most simply comment "You can report all you guys want but ZoS willl NOT do anything... lol" ...and unfortunately they seem to right.

7. Adjust the campaign points so that if the population is getting way out of hand as it tends to nowdays in a way that one alliance cannot nightcap +1000 points simply because there is no opposition around.

I could go on the list we discussed but those above would help a lot. Yes.. the performance should be much better and I guess we all have all but lost hope that it will ever improve.

...but for now farewell to cyrodiil from me and other friends. Hopefully issues are getting done so one day maybe we all will ride again the battlefield.

The game itself interms of PvP has huge potential but it is so far from it at the moment that it is somewhat sad thing to notice.
  • Miswar
    Oh.. forgot one more thing. Make IC great it is good place...simply make some good gear/sets drop there and make these RARE drops so there is extra incentive for the gamers to play there.

    That is propably the best and easisest option to make it good again...
  • Xeniph
    Good constructive post. I do however disagree with a few of your points.

    1. Due to the fact that most people these days have multiple accounts, I doubt this will change much. But I'm game to try, I just think it's way too late to do this.

    2. I disagree here. I love the 30 day campaigns. I don't pvp for the end rewards, nor have I ever switched home campaigns unless Zos closes a server. So I am not sure where this 3 week boring wait time is coming from.

    3. I don't see the point of this at all. Generally speaking, on the actual pvp servers (Not the ones used to flip Emp and other shenanigans) Emp usually goes to the most useful person anyway these days. If you want Emp, work to beat that top person.

    4. Could work. I'm game to try things that will lessen lag.

    5. Couldn't disagree more here. These issues are purely on an individual basis.

    6. I can agree here to an extent. Most folks reported for cheating, in fact, aren't. However, exploit detection industry wide needs to catch up.

    7. Not exactly sure what you mean here. However, Cyrodiil is a 24/7 zone. Just because one faction goes to sleep, does not in any way mean other factions should be penalized for taking the map. Sure it's frustrating waking up to a map that has been night capped, however we can't expect everyone to play the same time zones or introduce mechanics than penalize folks for playing off times.

    8. Imperial city- Remove this from the game entirely. I hate the place and no matter what they do it will not change my mind.

    I personally think the number 1 thing they should do is fix the performance issues that have plagued Cyrodiil for 4 years!!

    It doesn't take anything 4 years to fix unless, fixing it has a limitation, like the engine in this case. They just need to be honest with us and tell us it can't be fixed. Otherwise it would already be. Or better yet, recode the game on a new, in-house engine specifically built for ESO.

    Of coarse we all know that won't happen.
    Here since Beta.

    Characters: All of them, both Stamina and Magicka.
  • VaranisArano
    None of that will matter if ZOS can't fix the lag and persistent performance issues that prevent players from actually playing the game.
  • RedRook
    I like point number 4 very much. That would address several issues and... actually I just hate the inevitable emp fight and attendant performance godawfulness at BRK. I don't even want to look at BRK again.

    Point number 2 would probably be a useful bandaid on bigger problems, by at least giving incentive to not just play three days of every thirty for our transmute crystals. (Don't nerf our transmute crystals!)

    Anyway, before somebody impatient with the current forum climate asks if they can have your stuff (ha.ha.) - see you later, maybe. Good luck, have fun.
  • Mazbt
    I think ZOS should address every point you brought up since each thing is worth looking at, at least a little.
    Mazari the Resurrected (AD)- PVP stamplar main
    Maz the Druid - PVP group stam warden
    - many others
  • Lucky28
    None of that will matter if ZOS can't fix the lag and persistent performance issues that prevent players from actually playing the game.

    lol who would have thought there would be a day where lag would rank pretty low on my list of things that need to be fixed. ESO has fallen quite a bit since i stated playing. XD

    seriously classes and combat the way they are now, it's absolute garbage.
  • frozywozy
    balance wise, unless you speak about mobility / snares, I believe that everything related to damage, healing, defense, sustain can be blamed on the CPs system. Trying to balance everything else is just a waste of time because we all know someday the CPs system will have to be looked at very seriously if not reworked entirely and then all the balance changes we made to work with it will have to be look at once more.
    Edited by frozywozy on October 26, 2018 6:49PM
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • binho
    This is a great post and totally agree with every point.... However, Zos couldn't care less about PvP. I've given up waiting for any real improvement :/
  • Ormtunge
    Alot of good suggestions. Lets just hope ZOS read this:)
  • Pirhana7_ESO
    Miswar wrote: »
    I will try to keep this short list and hopefully these comments are taking seriously. We have been discussing this with friends and PvP guild members.

    The game is in bad spot at the moment due many people calling it a day and whole guilds becoming inactive. Many of us has spend hundreds hours playing the game and personally have met a lot of good people during that time. Unfortunately many of those are gone for good or taking extended breaks.

    I said elsewhere that this was the last night for me until the game gets sorted out and somewhat sad day. Thankfully the friends within the game are moving into diffrent game product so at least that is good.

    Now listing some stuff we discussed....

    1. Balance the campaigns. Currently these blown out +10000 points which is not good. You have two CP campaigns and make one of those alliance locked from start to finish. Let the other remain where you can switch colours as you see fit. This will result to better and more competitive PvP and less toxic zone chats. Everyone wins.

    2. 30 day campaign is too long. The longest campaign should be nomore than 14 days. Now people wait 2-3 weeks to get campaign reset and it is boring long wait.

    3. Adjust the emperor rules. Make it so that you can only get ONCE and when you are dethroned than 2nd will have his chance and so on.....

    4. Change how you can achieve dethrone. Make it so that the 6 keep rule stands but add some additional way to achieve this. ie. if your own 3 homekeeps are not controlled by the alliance lets say 30min or so that would equal same as dethrone. Would make campaigns more fluid and not just zerg camping on the last keep.

    5. Class balance. Currently the heavy armour meta dps is getting way out of hand. People are packing so much resistances and damage that it will take an buss load of people to even kill one heavy meta at CP campaigns. This is VERY big issue and now "combat team" is handling these but their work is having very negative effect on PvP itself. Make medium and light armours pack substantially more damage than you can achieve via heavy armour meta sets. This will make battles more intresting and more fluent....

    6. Start making way more aggressive stands on PvP cheaters and yes there are so many people exploiting the points via account sharing (continued 24/7 just changing person from who is actually playing the game). The point I made on 3. will also help but you need to start dishing out punishments. I know many have reported these cheaters but nothing has been done what we can see. It is kind of joke for them when they recieve information that they have been reported and most simply comment "You can report all you guys want but ZoS willl NOT do anything... lol" ...and unfortunately they seem to right.

    7. Adjust the campaign points so that if the population is getting way out of hand as it tends to nowdays in a way that one alliance cannot nightcap +1000 points simply because there is no opposition around.

    I could go on the list we discussed but those above would help a lot. Yes.. the performance should be much better and I guess we all have all but lost hope that it will ever improve.

    ...but for now farewell to cyrodiil from me and other friends. Hopefully issues are getting done so one day maybe we all will ride again the battlefield.

    The game itself interms of PvP has huge potential but it is so far from it at the moment that it is somewhat sad thing to notice.

    Great list. I agree with everything. Currently me and many others are waiting for Camelot Unchained to be finished and would really like to play ESO until but the problems you listed make it not even fun. Camelot Unchained beta play test are still very limited.. I have even tried to go and play in GW2 WvW again for fun lol.
  • Sandman929
    frozywozy wrote: »
    balance wise, unless you speak about mobility / snares, I believe that everything related to damage, healing, defense, sustain can be blamed on the CPs system. Trying to balance everything else is just a waste of time because we all know someday the CPs system will have to be looked at very seriously if not reworked entirely and then all the balance changes we made to work with it will have to be look at once more.

    Agree wholeheartedly with this. ZOS can't just keep raising the cap every few months. Eventually, they need to look at the reason that they themselves have chosen to exclude their own endgame progression system from some areas of their content.
  • dotme
    Great post. I don't understand the mentality at ZOS when it comes to Cyrodiil. On console, no other game comes close to the huge, jaw-dropping battles delivered in ESO. It's still unmatched 3 years after release.

    Some will argue PvP gets little attention and love because few people play it any more. I'd argue that few people play it any more because it's received little attention and love.

    We can argue about the chicken and the egg, but this amazing game could have been so much more if PvP had been treated separately from PvE and more care given to performance, exploiting, bugs and balance (both player and population).

    I'm not sure I'll ever know why these things weren't a priority, but I feel an opportunity has been lost as a result.
  • AbraXuSeXile
    I was guild leader from launch till 4 month ago when i quit.

    For me i just didnt see the point anymore, i was first rank 50 on eu server, i have 3 other chars over rank 40. We endlessly farmed players but whats actually the point.

    Cyrodiil is suppose to be a 3 faction war with a meaning, at launch people cared about scores and it was beautiful even buff campaigns helped people care for their pve gains.

    IC is a massive killer towards campaigns because you never know if you actually have your full population fighting.

    Fighting for keeps with meaning kept me interested to logon, its what cyrodiil is about, its not for these people who want to 1vX. Its an AvAvA game.

    Fighting for keeps also alleviates lag due to guilds bypassing keeps and hitting home keeps of the enemies so it drags people across the map.

    All these solo players who run next to their factions zergs are the biggest culprets for lag, just adding to the numbers in one area rather than a combined effort to drag fights in different locations.

    Ive accepted already that nothing will change, once a trend sets in it cant be fixed.
    Grand Overlord Rank 50 [First EU]
    Clan Leader of eXile
    Gaming Community - Est. 1999
    Crashing an EP Wedding | DK Emp | 1vX | Between Enemy Lines | Hate Video | 5 v Many

  • Tommy_The_Gun
    I would also add some counter - mechanism to night - morning capping (PvDooring empty keeps with no defence to get more points). It is extremely frustrating when someone fights against NPC-s only and wins PvP campaign because of PvE at night / morning.

    Idea: Points you get from taking objectives (keeps, outposts, recurses, towns, scrolls) can be dependent on population - and the game will actually remember the moment an objective was taken. So if you capture an empty keep at 3 am in the morning with enemy having 1 bar population and no resistance you will have like 10X less potential points - so you will have to capture like 10 keeps in order to have a single point. (of course x10 is just an example, it might be 3x or so).
    In order to point bonus from keeps / outposts / resources / towns / scrolls to be normal you will have to re-take objectives during normal population (2 bars + ).

    AP you get from taking objectives will remain the same.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on October 30, 2018 10:43PM
  • Miswar
    Thank you all for positive comments.

    After week hiatus with RDR2 did pvp this evening due to few friend been persistent about it. Personally waiting and expecting RDR2 online feature to be launched and if it is even half what that game is than it will be briliant.

    To summarize it bad lag (despite low player numbers), very unbalanced campaign (top alliance will get win +20k on points once campaign ends), people hopping alliance like no other, heave metas all around etc... needless to say the fun factor was non-existant and logged out pissed off. Not exactly the mood you should be when playing a game.....

    Thus very strongly feel that something needs to give and the list above (+ plus performance issues) should really be top prority.

    'The game is in shambles and don't know when I bother next. Considering nerfmire is on the doorstep which is horrific patch itself.

    Personally don't feel people at ZoS give a damn nor will they do anything about their dwindling game... sad but that is how I feel about the game. Much potential absolutely wasted down the toilet.

    As said logged here to say thanks for the comments...and before anyone sends PM asking for my millions of gold ingame... sorry but not giving them out. They can rotten on the bank account eternally....
    Edited by Miswar on November 5, 2018 8:28PM
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    I am not leaving the game or retiring, still the best game out there, however everyone of the original posts ideas and concerns are very valid and should be changed/fixed/dealt with.
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • NordSwordnBoard
    It's the necromancers who seem to be against permanent retirement...
    Fear is the Mindkiller
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