Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Update on Race Change Tokens

  • Villaine

    Thank you for the kind response to our concerns. We are very grateful that ZOS chose to be generous and listen to the concerns of their players.

    Sincerely thank you, again.
  • synnerman
    As Has been said...Nowhere near enough and unless that discount on Race changes is going to be at least 75% then my 6 month sub that I haven't renewed yet will stay that way. I have 11 chars some of which I have paid 3000 crowns in the past to race change so I got the right you just change everything.
  • Massive_Stain
    After reviewing everyone’s feedback and evaluating the total number of high-level characters from active ESO accounts, we’ve decided to increase the amount of free Race Change Tokens granted to all players to 3 Tokens, in addition to granting 3 Name Change Tokens, to assist with the upcoming Racial balance changes in Update 21. The Tokens will be automatically added to your account during the launch maintenance window for each respective platform.

    Additionally, we’re also planning a sale on both Race Change Tokens and the Race & Name Change Token bundle for a limited time after each platform’s launch.

    We look forward to seeing everyone in game for the upcoming Wrathstone launch!

    PC: CP 1200+ DroDest, Bringer of light
    PS4: CP 1500+ Dro Dest, SoTN, Bringer of light, CragHMs, EoF, IR, TTT
    Xbox: CP 450 Fungal Grotto 1 HM
  • Rehdaun
    While it's very nice of you, Zos, to give us all free race and name change tokens after completely gutting a few classes with these disruptive class changes, it doesn't help us players that have grown attached to their characters as is.

    Many of us selected our characters with aesthetics and class lore in mind while still wanting to compete in end-game. As an example, I created an Altmer because I liked the look, loved the lore and was happy to know that I was able to compete with the Dunmer with little dps loss. Since then I also created a very pleasant backstory for my character, one that I'm am happy with and don't wish to change.

    With this upheaval in class balance it seems that my Altmer is less than useful. Seems like I have a few choices, none of them attractive and only one that will take advantage of the race and name change tokens.

    One, race change to a class that can better compete. And before you say "Altmer can compete." You are right, right up to the point where my trial guild will select a class appropriate toon over my, less than stellar Atlmer. This will also ruin my back story, one that I want to keep.

    Two, suck it up and keep it as is, knowing that other toons will be selected over mine.

    Three, level yet another toon and leave this one to collect dust.

    It seems like Zos is giving some of us the big middle finger. Thanks again for the free stuff Zos. Too bad it's not going to help me one bit. Don't forget ESO is considered a MMO RPG. Don't forget that last part Role Playing Game. You seem to be forgetting that Zos!!!
  • bardx86
    Rehdaun wrote: »
    While it's very nice of you, Zos, to give us all free race and name change tokens after completely gutting a few classes with these disruptive class changes, it doesn't help us players that have grown attached to their characters as is.

    Many of us selected our characters with aesthetics and class lore in mind while still wanting to compete in end-game. As an example, I created an Altmer because I liked the look, loved the lore and was happy to know that I was able to compete with the Dunmer with little dps loss. Since then I also created a very pleasant backstory for my character, one that I'm am happy with and don't wish to change.

    With this upheaval in class balance it seems that my Altmer is less than useful. Seems like I have a few choices, none of them attractive and only one that will take advantage of the race and name change tokens.

    One, race change to a class that can better compete. And before you say "Altmer can compete." You are right, right up to the point where my trial guild will select a class appropriate toon over my, less than stellar Atlmer. This will also ruin my back story, one that I want to keep.

    Two, suck it up and keep it as is, knowing that other toons will be selected over mine.

    Three, level yet another toon and leave this one to collect dust.

    It seems like Zos is giving some of us the big middle finger. Thanks again for the free stuff Zos. Too bad it's not going to help me one bit. Don't forget ESO is considered a MMO RPG. Don't forget that last part Role Playing Game. You seem to be forgetting that Zos!!!

    It's even worse. I can't even change my altmer to a breton or dunmer unless i pay for some stupid adventure pack. The race change token are just that a token.
  • legohead
    Edited by legohead on September 8, 2019 3:59PM
  • Starlock
    Wouldn't it make more sense to offer a crown credit to everyone's account in crowns? That would cater to more users than just the min-maxing crowd who is okay with making all of their characters (if they even think of them as characters at all) transracial. Plus it would let some people get the any race, any alliance if they care about that. And it would let people like me get outfit slots to compensate for the outrageously overpriced nonsense that is instead of useless race/name change tokens. Just a thought, because it feels like preferential treatment to throw min-maxers a bone on this one and not offer alternatives for those of us who have zero interest in race changes.
  • Amphithoe
    It's not what I hoped for but it's something, credit where credit is due. Thank you ZOS.
    Guildmaster: School of Julianos
  • NirnChaos
    cool B)
  • Easily_Lost
    I have been reading about how many people will be leaving after the Race changes goes live. I am so tired of hearing about how all of the Races are nerfed. But if all Races are then wont they all be balanced.

    All I can say from my point of view, BYE. At least the lag should not be as bad with everyone leaving.
    PC - NA - AD
    started April 2015
    PVE & Solo only

    Meet the LOST family: CP 1250+
    Easily Lost Crafter - lvl 50 - Sorcerer Orc ( knows all traits and most styles )
    Easily Lost-W - lvl 50 - Warden Imperial
    Forever Lost - lvl 50 Sorcerer

    CROWN CRATES: It doesn't affect gameplay, it's not mandatory, it's cosmetic only. If it helps to support the game and ZOS, I support it! Say YES to crown crates.
  • karekiz
    Yes I can rename my three writ bots now.
  • reloaded689
    Soul Shriven
    Now if you gave people who switch to Imperial the crafting motif...
  • Kewpie
    Leaving Altmers for Khajit and breton B)
  • valusthecateater
    Mirage131 wrote: »
    The 3 tokens being a slap on the face to half the community pisses me off a lot.

    What bothers me even more is the selfishness of some of the people on here. The "It doesn't affect me so I don't care" aspect of it all. With the changes dropped in patch notes today I have 13 characters that need changed across pve and pvp. Obviously there are priorities among those, but that doesn't change the fact that 13 characters have to change to be optimized. Them giving 3 tokens to that is like tossing the crust of your sandwich to a homeless person. It's a little bit of nourishment but overall disrespectful and a *** move.

    This is a cash grab. Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't make it ok. This should be a moment where the community comes together to tell Zos no, instead half of you are literally applauding them for their "graciousness". I don't get it. I never will.

    I'm in standby mode until this patch goes live. If things drop as they stand now I, and many others, will be leaving the game. Thousands of dollars and hours down the drain for a very blatant cash grab.

    Zos, do the right thing. Stand by your players. Stand by the people that have logged regardless of the game being plagued with issues. Have our back like we've had yours.

    Lol. Talk about whiny and entitled. You can still play the game after the changes; you are choosing to make it a bigger deal that it is. ZOS is giving everyone 3 free tokens for race and name changes; that should be more than enough for most people. They should not have to cater to the most hardcore who are crying about minor changes.

    I love how you label everyone else who don't see things your way as "selfish", though. Talk about selfish...
  • Gilvoth
    Edited by Gilvoth on February 7, 2019 4:51AM
  • SaucyMcSauceface
    anadandy wrote: »
    Additionally, we’re also planning a sale on both Race Change Tokens and the Race & Name Change Token bundle for a limited time after each platform’s launch.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - will the Adventurer's Pack (1900 crowns) also be on sale, since players can only race change within their current faction (e.g. Breton can only switch to Orc or Redguard) if they do not own the "Any Race, Any Alliance" upgrade?

    any race, any alliance won't help. It works for new toons, but you cannot race change an existing toon that you had before you had the upgrade into a different faction race as far as I know.
  • anadandy
    anadandy wrote: »
    Additionally, we’re also planning a sale on both Race Change Tokens and the Race & Name Change Token bundle for a limited time after each platform’s launch.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - will the Adventurer's Pack (1900 crowns) also be on sale, since players can only race change within their current faction (e.g. Breton can only switch to Orc or Redguard) if they do not own the "Any Race, Any Alliance" upgrade?

    any race, any alliance won't help. It works for new toons, but you cannot race change an existing toon that you had before you had the upgrade into a different faction race as far as I know.

    I am aware, but thanks :) I was asking to give a heads up to people not aware that if you don't have ARAA, they can only change to a race in their current faction - because judging from a lot of comments and surprised griping in zone - they don't.
  • eso_lags
    @ZOS_GinaBruno I was thinking, maybe you guys could give those of us who dont want the name changes an option to exchange them for more race changes??

    Or maybe make a new item called "wraithstone race change/name change" and limit 6 per account and let us choose which ever ones we want.. Like 4 name changes, 2 race changes, etc...

  • kind_hero
    Amazed of how ungrateful some players can be... The devs have no obligation to give you anything, because this is how games and online services work. They extend their free tokens to 6 (3 name and 3 race), and people still complain because some slight differences that are barely noticeable in 99% content. How many of you do DLC veteran trial hard modes? Do you really need to change your race each patch for all your mules and forgotten alts? 3 chars should be more than enough, except for the pro players who have lots of hm trial ready chars.

    Thanks ZOS
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • JumpmanLane
    I unno, I’m jus’ a lil’ Lane; but, if the new changes to racial passives (that NO ONE ASKED FOR), are SO drastic as to require free race change tokens, why change racial passives AT ALL?

    If these changes are so VERY drastic as to require ADDITIONAL race change tokens AND some free name change tokens to boot, why change racial passives AT ALL?

    I just don’t get why ZOS is so hell bent on fiddling with the game in such a manner that wouldn’t even occur to someone who actually PLAYS the game. Were racial passives so broken (or even broken at all) as to merit these changes? Is the game evolving? Are these improvements? Is some ephemeral “vision” of what combat in ESO should be an ACTUAL improvement over what already is?

    Will old players stick around to see if new is better or whether new is merely different? Will old players stick around if new is WORSE? Will new players even know the difference? Will ZOS make MONEY off of changes to racial passives (sales on tokens aside)?

    Oh I’m jus’ a lil’ Lane...though I’ve always been a curious sort.
    Edited by JumpmanLane on February 8, 2019 8:38PM
  • Acharnor
    Classy! Thanks.
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Ingenon
    So how does this race change token and name change token work?

    Do I put them in the inventory of my main character, an Altmer Templar, and select them? And then my screen changes to the Character Selection screen, and I can pick a different race, appearance, name? I get that I can't change my Templar to a Nightblade, but can I make my Altmer Templar a different race, and pick an appropriate sounding name for that race with one each of these tokens?

    Finally, I checked my PS4 account, and I don't own the Any Race Any Alliance. So if I want to change my Altmer to anything other that a Bosmer or Khajiit, I have to buy the Adventure Pack from the crown store for 1,900 crowns (about $24.99 US for 3,000 crowns, since they don't sell crowns in 1,900 pack)?

  • MornaBaine
    That's wonderful and much appreciated. I still wish you would consider even one CLASS CHANGE token as well. My army of Sorcs-Wannabe-Necromancers would be eternally grateful. Just ONE! Pretty please?
    Edited by MornaBaine on February 9, 2019 10:50PM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • MornaBaine
    jim_1 wrote: »
    So how does this race change token and name change token work?

    Do I put them in the inventory of my main character, an Altmer Templar, and select them? And then my screen changes to the Character Selection screen, and I can pick a different race, appearance, name? I get that I can't change my Templar to a Nightblade, but can I make my Altmer Templar a different race, and pick an appropriate sounding name for that race with one each of these tokens?

    Finally, I checked my PS4 account, and I don't own the Any Race Any Alliance. So if I want to change my Altmer to anything other that a Bosmer or Khajiit, I have to buy the Adventure Pack from the crown store for 1,900 crowns (about $24.99 US for 3,000 crowns, since they don't sell crowns in 1,900 pack)?

    My understanding is that, yes, that would be correct.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Sylvermynx
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    jim_1 wrote: »
    So how does this race change token and name change token work?

    Do I put them in the inventory of my main character, an Altmer Templar, and select them? And then my screen changes to the Character Selection screen, and I can pick a different race, appearance, name? I get that I can't change my Templar to a Nightblade, but can I make my Altmer Templar a different race, and pick an appropriate sounding name for that race with one each of these tokens?

    Finally, I checked my PS4 account, and I don't own the Any Race Any Alliance. So if I want to change my Altmer to anything other that a Bosmer or Khajiit, I have to buy the Adventure Pack from the crown store for 1,900 crowns (about $24.99 US for 3,000 crowns, since they don't sell crowns in 1,900 pack)?

    My understanding is that, yes, that would be correct.
    I don't know myself, and I don't plan to race-change anyone; but this post above would seem to say.... that's a no....
    anadandy wrote: »
    Additionally, we’re also planning a sale on both Race Change Tokens and the Race & Name Change Token bundle for a limited time after each platform’s launch.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - will the Adventurer's Pack (1900 crowns) also be on sale, since players can only race change within their current faction (e.g. Breton can only switch to Orc or Redguard) if they do not own the "Any Race, Any Alliance" upgrade?

    any race, any alliance won't help. It works for new toons, but you cannot race change an existing toon that you had before you had the upgrade into a different faction race as far as I know.

    So that sounds as if your long-term characters won't be able to use the Any Race Any Alliance option even if you buy it.

  • Ingenon
    OK. Thanks, ZOS, for the race change and name change tokens! I may not use them, depending upon how all this re-balancing works out. But still, nice to have them.
    Edited by Ingenon on February 10, 2019 2:08AM
  • TheNorthernDragon
    Outstanding! Thanks guys!
    I'm pretty excited for everything.
    The gap in the door... is a separate reality. The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?
  • Anumaril
    This is the best piece of news I've read in a while. Thank you so much!
  • r34lian
    anadandy wrote: »
    anadandy wrote: »
    Additionally, we’re also planning a sale on both Race Change Tokens and the Race & Name Change Token bundle for a limited time after each platform’s launch.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - will the Adventurer's Pack (1900 crowns) also be on sale, since players can only race change within their current faction (e.g. Breton can only switch to Orc or Redguard) if they do not own the "Any Race, Any Alliance" upgrade?

    any race, any alliance won't help. It works for new toons, but you cannot race change an existing toon that you had before you had the upgrade into a different faction race as far as I know.

    I am aware, but thanks :) I was asking to give a heads up to people not aware that if you don't have ARAA, they can only change to a race in their current faction - because judging from a lot of comments and surprised griping in zone - they don't.

    Wait wuut that means I can't change my AD bosmer to redgaurd =(
    2000 CP • 18 Maxed Characters • 6 Altmers • 7 Redguards • Necromancer Orc • Warden Dunmer • DK Nord • DK Imperial • Templar Breton
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