Good Day!
HOP (House of Pami - long story on guild name) has been around for 2.5 years as a raid guild.
What we need:
Core 1 needs 3 DPS that have clears & experience. I prefer 1 stamblade & 2 mageblades - or a combination of that. If you have a super OP sorc, it will be considered.
Core 2 needs 2 stamblades - we would like people to have exposure / clears in vMOL.
*Everyone must have a mageblade to go to the DLC mini trials*
DPS Test:
I require 18k health - in solo parse and in raid. This is non- negotiable.
Mag should be 45k+. Zaan and siroria are not acceptable for solo parse.
Stam should be 50k+
Make sure when you record your video, you capture gear, CP & Mundus.
Raid Times:
Team 1: Monday & Wednesday 8:45 PM EST - 12 AM
Team 2: Tuesday & Thursday 8:45 PM EST - 12 AM
My core team has cleared everything with the exception of vCR. We have restructured, and are re-progressing vMOL HM.
It seems that once a year, we have burnout and massive turnover. Most have left the game, or quit raiding. Very few have left us for a better opportunity in the last year.
What the team plans are:
Team 1 will finish up vMOL HM for 2nd prog of DD's, and then move to vCR to begin a progression. In between, we will do vAS +2 on off nights to get those that just recently joined up tp speed.
Team 2 is currently pushing for pad 5 burn in vMOL. They are putting up 90k scores, but need to get better time on target. Once they have achieved their goal, they will be going to do their 2nd prog in vHOF, and then off to vAS to start their progression.
A note from me:
We are looking for people that are looking to get *** done, and looking for a home. We are a big family, have lots of friendly competition, and we are casually sweaty. We rally as a team and stand behind eachother. We make sure that we share our knowledge to help people achieve their potential.
If you are looking for a home and not just a skin or clear, shoot me a message.
I take no ***, and run a very tight ship. I am understanding and caring, but once its time to raid, we get serious. I appreciate punctuality and people that help others because that's what this guild was founded on - helping others and learning trials. We have morphed over the years and had many successes - to achieve those successes, we have had many failures. I need people that will stand by the guild in good times and bad - because just like life has ups and downs, so does progressions. We always rally as a team and stick together to get to where we are going.
If you are still reading, send me a message and lets chat!
Line App: PaMiChiC
Edited by pamichic on February 7, 2019 6:10PM