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what is the EXACT situation that curse eater is OP in?

  • grannas211
    Basically if you turn the game on.
  • GrumpyDuckling
    To have it active, Curse Eater will take up ~41% of your set build. Can we think of other 5 piece bonuses that would be as valuable or more valuable at ~41%?

    I'm thinking more along the line of sets that are valuable in 1v1, since that seems to be the consensus most "OP" scenario that I have seen discussed regarding Curse Eater. (And obviously this isn't a simple discussion to have, as there are many other factors, such as builds, classes and other sets that pair with it that influence how we view sets).

    Durok's Bane?
    Wizard's Riposte?
    Clever Alchemist?
    Meridia's Blessed?
  • Vapirko
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    Wing wrote: »
    susmitds wrote: »
    Easier to say the exact PvP situation Curse is not OP in.

    It removes DoTs, Debuffs, roots, snares, Delayed Attacks like Curse or PoTL, Channels.

    okay, now actually explain how that would impact the fight in your fight scenario?

    so a single person in a zerg removed what? a snare and a root from a single person in the zerg?

    and this changed the outcome how?

    Everyone wears it - negative effects become entirely useless. That´s pretty op - no?
    Just as hyperbole as what you´re trying to do.

    It´s pretty easy to identify it as overperforming if you´re experienced and somewhat decent at pvp in this game.

    Yup. Everyone wears it, thus mitigating every other debuff/dot that gets thrown around like rice at a wedding.

    Players smart enough to adapt will then begin to rely more heavily on instant damage output rather than damage over time. The damage over time effects will still be there applying pressure, just not as effective as before. Those who fail to adapt, whether by choice or straight lack of skill, will start crying to nerf whatever instant damage skill they died to.

    Basically, any new sets that alter established “Metas” are obviously “op” and should be nerfed before they get the chance to force people into altering their preferred playstyle.

    it would also remove CCs and any other form of debuffs.

    What a tragedy.

    Well it would be a tragedy. Hard CC aren’t OP, snares are and they need to be balanced but this surely is not the way to do it. This patch is interesting, bleeds were reduced by a small bit without ruining master dw and with room for further adjustments. the racial balances are well done and feel like real balance instead of just gutting classes (despite popular opinions), which is atypical of the last couple of years and yet we have some sets like this that feel very in line with what we’ve been delivered in years past. You might even say it feels like old mixed with new and it does coincide with certain changes at ZOS.
  • OrdoHermetica
    I'm a little puzzled that Rapid Regen/Mutagen hasn't been mentioned. It's a dirt cheap spammable that can affect a great many people at once, they don't need to be standing in a ground effect for the healing to continue, and in the case of Mutagen it could potentially cleanse three negative effects at once if the purge threshold is met. You can have a 100% uptime with it with fairly minimal effort - because, again, it's a dirt cheap HoT - and that means that every 2 seconds you'll be purging 2-3 effects from someone AND helping with their sustain. Like clockwork.

    If you have a small handful of people running it in, say, a zerg ball, it gets even harder to slow them down. So, yeah, it definitely matters there. Could also be very powerful in sieges, too. In BGs, having a dedicated healer with it could provide a very cheap way to purge, especially if combined with other purge methods. In solo PvP I actually think it's the least useful, but maybe that's just me.
    Edited by OrdoHermetica on January 28, 2019 3:39AM
  • Burtan
    How could this set be OP?

    Even on a highly mobile stamina build I could use this set to become almost immune to incoming negative effects that would otherwise kill me very quickly, incapacitating strike and bleed effects are a good example. When there are smallscale groups running around towers completely immune to anything you throw on them you will realise how overtuned this really is.

    Everyone from solo players to smallscale to ballgroups could abuse this to no end. Here is why.
    • High magicka recovery for streak, cloak, wings, or other utility thanks to great set bonuses.
    • Barely any damage loss since the set can be used on a single bar with no real drawback.
    • Almost immune to snares and roots before even taking forward momentum into account.
    • Almost immune to dots and debuffs.
    • Outheals everything you do because you cant debuff them.
    • Mobile stam builds could kite endlessly and be immune to effects that previously prevented it.
    • PvP Healers would now be able to avoid the defiles you would typically require to have any hope of killing them.
    • Tanky builds such as Stamdk become nearly unkillable if they have a half decent build.
    • Most PvP specs in the hands of any capable player become almost unkillable 1v1 just by slotting this set.

    Sound fun?

  • barshemm
    I wasn't talking 1v1, I was talking about classes that this set basically negates their abilities.

    Look I main stam sorc and am the guy taking a resource and running into and around the tower when 4+ people show, hoping to get a couple kills in before I die.

    I would swap shacklebreaker to bone pirate and back bar this set if I can get a 2h or sword and board and front bar my master dw in hot second. The magicka pool I would lose would be made up by the extra recovery. Most of the time I die it's for 2 reasons. I either get CC'd when too low on resources or the enemy stays right enough on me with enough dot/cc to run me out of resources. This set would make me sustain way easier.

    I have a magblade I run with skooma smuggler just to have fun with. That is a build very easily pressured by dots and cc. Again the survivability goes way up.

    I see this set and what it can do for me solo, I would hate to see it in the hands of the small scale guys who are even better than I am. You think the 8+ man ball groups are bad, wait until your see the 4 man group doing the same thing because a couple of them are running this set.

    Speaking of ball groups, can you imagine the ball groups composed of stamina wardens using shuffle and forward momentum to counter the rapids nerf and now they have the magicaka recovery to be running shimmering shield to build ult even faster while pugs can do even less damage to them? No need for dedicated purge/cleanse spammers now.
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    What was situation with Soldier of Angiush set?

    None uses this set, it took extremely hard nerf that its completely useless

    Forum community is very hard on Sets and proven failing many sets.

    Better to have one more useless set than one completely breaking the game, and the original Soldier of Anguish would have done that. Of course the best option would be for ZOS to not design ridiculous set bonusses in the first place, but that's not on the table I guess.
  • Ackwalan
    For ball groups, curse eater will replace rapids. They will have a few people wearing this and chain casting cleanse/purge instead of rapids.
  • VioletVience
    Wing wrote: »
    this problem compounds as you fight small mans and zergs, the solo curse eater is dead or at a disadvantage in every scenario.

    are you kidding me or this thread just trolling?
    rip magdk
    rip magplar
    rip stamplar
    rip stamdk
    rip stamsorc

    this set complely broken because delete at least 2 clasees from pvp
  • GrumpyDuckling
    Wing wrote: »
    this problem compounds as you fight small mans and zergs, the solo curse eater is dead or at a disadvantage in every scenario.

    are you kidding me or this thread just trolling?
    rip magdk
    rip magplar
    rip stamplar
    rip stamdk
    rip stamsorc

    this set complely broken because delete at least 2 clasees from pvp

    I'm not disagreeing, but doesn't DK wings already do the same to magicka nightblade, and really any ranged build? "Delete" them?
  • Sandman929
    I'm sure they'll change it, and it'll go back on the scrap heap of useless sets. People ask ZOS to rework old sets that no one wears, and when they do that the panic is deafening until they undo it.
  • thankyourat
    Wing wrote: »
    this problem compounds as you fight small mans and zergs, the solo curse eater is dead or at a disadvantage in every scenario.

    are you kidding me or this thread just trolling?
    rip magdk
    rip magplar
    rip stamplar
    rip stamdk
    rip stamsorc

    this set complely broken because delete at least 2 clasees from pvp

    It's not going to delete classes from PvP. Groups already have access to purge spammers and classes are still playable. A purge smammer is more effective for groups than this set is as well. You don't have to sacrifice anything at all to have multiple purge/healbots in your group. If I played in a Zerg there would be no reason for me to even consider dropping my damage for this set when I get purge for free from my teammates.

    Now if you say you play a dot based class/build and get into a 1v1 with someone using CE you may have some trouble taking them down I can see the argument behind that, but you have to also remember they probably gave up armor master to run CE in the first place so all your burst abilities will be hitting them almost 15% harder. If they are running armor master/CE then they will never kill you. The real problem I see with CE is that it's RNG sort of like shuffle was it may remove the PoL it may not it may remove fossilize it may not. So sometimes it will interrupt a burst combo and other times you'll take the full combo.

    I'm not seeing this set as a viable stand alone defensive set. You will have to combine this with blood spawn or maybe brass to see the real potential of this set. If you use this set alone you will still be bursted very easily for being in light armor with no resistances. I think people will notice once they take 20k worth of burst damage from a stamina warden.
  • Jabassa
    Curse eater is way too strong in pvp as a whole
  • Peekachu99
    If there weren’t so many snares, bleeds and debuffs this set wouldn’t have been invented (retooled). It’s a solution to a larger issue that ZoS created with a bloated and rambling combat table. Needs to be left alone until they start reworking combat entirely.
  • Hearts_Wake
    Wing wrote: »
    susmitds wrote: »
    Easier to say the exact PvP situation Curse is not OP in.

    It removes DoTs, Debuffs, roots, snares, Delayed Attacks like Curse or PoTL, Channels.

    okay, now actually explain how that would impact the fight in your fight scenario?

    so a single person in a zerg removed what? a snare and a root from a single person in the zerg?

    and this changed the outcome how?

    What do you mean ‘and this changed the outcome how?’
    This issue isn’t that it removes the rebuffs.
    The issue is the easy access to it and lack of thought put into using it. It’s a dumbed down set.
    Purge is already present.
    This set would force any dot build out. You would only rely on burst damage. (Every class, every player applies a dot, in some form or fashion.)(unless you go way out In left field to not apply dots)

    And honestly, if it was longer than 2 seconds I’d be ok with it. Should be 6-8 seconds imo.

    Heavy healing is already hard enough to deal with from oppents and this just adds to it.

    It’s changes drastically.
    A senseable healer waits a few seconds to purge. This makes it damn near instantaneous.
  • Jabassa
    I play a combat SUPPORT toon in PVP.

    Frost Mage, minor maim from Chill, Single target and AOE immobilizes, Polar Wind stun.

    In general, I try and stun your groups healer, immobilize your groups fast moving med. armor dds, and get maims, siphons, defiles, stuns and immobilize on your groups tanks and frankly anywhere I can. My toon can't put out enough damage to swat a fly in PvP. My toon folds like a paper napkin when attacked. I don't get the kill, I setup the kills.

    Seriously the scenarios are almost obvious. But here is one.

    Two groups come together outside of Sej.

    I hit my guys with Ice Fortress, Soothing Spoors -> Major Protection, Minor Intellect, Minor Endurance and Minor Toughness grp buffs.
    Next I put down a Frost Blockade -> AOE Immobilize + chill with Minor Maim on your guys.
    Next I will look to find your Healer and get an Arctic Blast Stun on them.
    If I see a ranged opponent trying to flank out wide I hit them with Destructive Reach and immobilize them.'
    I'll toss Corrupting Pollen into the middle of your group and get defiles going, especially on any of your Tanker members.
    Drop a Winter's Revenge to get any slows I can get on those not Immobilized in the Blockade.
    Do some LA's as I've put a bunch of CP points into Siphon.
    Look for any of the 1v1 battles where I can turn the tide by tossing in an Destructive Reach Immobilize / or Arctic Blast Stun.
    If I see a Bomber attempt to run in, it is all hands on deck for me to stun or immobilize that guy.
    If we start to push you back, I'm using stuns and immobile to mess up your orderly retreat.
    If you start pushing us back, I'm doing the same to slow and disrupt your advance.
    At no time do I give whit as whether i manage to dish out even some modest damage (well I can tell you not much I don't even let the UI show the numbers, so small). Don't care.
    My only defense is if you try and close in, I damn well better put a slow, stun or immobilize you and then put some distance between us, because if you get close enough to sneeze on me i'm toast.

    You get the idea. So there I am working butt off putting out Immobilize, Stun, Maim, Defile, Siphon, Slows and ONE freaking Warden (or equivalent) in Curse Eater does ONE Mushroom group heal. And BAM all my immobilizes, stuns, maims, defiles, slows and siphons are gone in an instant. Really. Please pause for a moment and mourn my play style and toon's demise.

    Heck it gets EVEN worse. With the Racial Passives change, Bretons are IMMUNE to Chill. So my entire slotting of Frost Skills and build has had the heart ripped out. No Chill -> no maim, no immobilized. That Breton is 100% Immobilize and Maim immune from an Ice Mage. That is one OP passive right there. The should rename the passive to GIve The Finger To The Ice Mage passive.

    IF I decide to not shelve my SUPPORT oriented Frost Mage and if they don't re-address Curse Eater I would have to, I face the prospect that when I run this toon in AD, I will never be able to use it to confront EP because Bretons. Do you have any idea how many folk run Bretons in EP. The sound you are now hearing is me pounding my head on my desk right now. No more fun filled hours on Aless Bridge. I can only run my toon up against DC. Hi guys.

    I could go on and on with facing the opponents with the Run Around A Rock In A Circle scenario or the facing the groups that Run In Circles Around The Tower scenario, or the Cloak-Streak-Mist-Run-Away-Like-A-Little-Girl scenarios.

    OK, here is another final scenario. Raise your hand if you've ever experienced being endlessly run over by a ball group in a keep or repeatedly running out and then in to a resource tower, back and forth, back and forth, back .... Sound familiar. Right you can lower the 150,000 or so hands now. Of course you know they are going to run out of that tower any second to put on a jaw dropping display of skill by spamming DBs and Spins. So what do I do (well attempt) I try and put a Frost Blockade, and Winter's Revenge right in the Tower doorway so when you try and rush out you are either slowed or immobilized in some hope to stop or at least slow down the stream roll. Fat lot of good that does. They just hit Rapids and become immune to everything and run out at speed spamming Spins and DBS. They should just rename Rapids to Drop The Trouser's And Moon The Ice Mage skill. They finally (partially) address this and low and behold - Curse Eater.

    So yea, yet another non-meta mainstream, niche but effective play style wiped out. I'm sort of running out of them.

    The way you play this game is the reason why this set has been redone the way it has. I hate when I bump into players that run builds like yours 😂
  • Galarthor
    Wing wrote: »
    susmitds wrote: »
    Easier to say the exact PvP situation Curse is not OP in.

    It removes DoTs, Debuffs, roots, snares, Delayed Attacks like Curse or PoTL, Channels.

    okay, now actually explain how that would impact the fight in your fight scenario?

    so a single person in a zerg removed what? a snare and a root from a single person in the zerg?

    and this changed the outcome how?

    You do realize zergs are laying down carpets of healing springs, which heal multiple people at the same time. The curse eater set allows them to basically do for free what a dedicated purger was doing at high cost. Equip a few of the healers with curse eater and the entire zerg will be effectively immune to DoTs and Debuffs. Add to that the fact that each healer with curse eater is essentially buffing the magicka regeneration of their teammates by 300, which means they can stack even higher into damage or health/defenses and thus being more annoying and causing even more lags.
  • NyassaV
    My only issue is that it auto CC breaks otherwise I really don't care if the set seems that powerful. I've just stopped caring otherwise
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • Stibbons
    I am pretty sure they will nerf the set to one more useless magic set.
  • sly007
    This set only over performs in a 1v1 scenario. We already know eso combat is not balanced around 1v1 situations.
  • Rex-Umbra
    Glenumbra drops a set that removes this stuff from yourself any time you use a magicka ability
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Strider__Roshin
    It's only OP in ESO.
  • pieratsos
    Wing wrote: »
    this problem compounds as you fight small mans and zergs, the solo curse eater is dead or at a disadvantage in every scenario.

    are you kidding me or this thread just trolling?
    rip magdk
    rip magplar
    rip stamplar
    rip stamdk
    rip stamsorc

    this set complely broken because delete at least 2 clasees from pvp

    I'm not disagreeing, but doesn't DK wings already do the same to magicka nightblade, and really any ranged build? "Delete" them?
    Sure, if wings was attached on a set that passively casts the ability every couple of seconds for you without cost ud have a point. But it doesn't.

    Wings is a unique class ability with high cost that you have to manually use on ur own by reacting to ur opponents. And it's still not as strong as CE.

    The fact that this is even a discussion is part of the reason why PVP balance is hot garbage. We ve just accepted the fact that sets are playing the game instead of players. Just slap on a set and let it do the rest.

  • thankyourat
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Wing wrote: »
    this problem compounds as you fight small mans and zergs, the solo curse eater is dead or at a disadvantage in every scenario.

    are you kidding me or this thread just trolling?
    rip magdk
    rip magplar
    rip stamplar
    rip stamdk
    rip stamsorc

    this set complely broken because delete at least 2 clasees from pvp

    I'm not disagreeing, but doesn't DK wings already do the same to magicka nightblade, and really any ranged build? "Delete" them?
    Sure, if wings was attached on a set that passively casts the ability every couple of seconds for you without cost ud have a point. But it doesn't.

    Wings is a unique class ability with high cost that you have to manually use on ur own by reacting to ur opponents. And it's still not as strong as CE.

    The fact that this is even a discussion is part of the reason why PVP balance is hot garbage. We ve just accepted the fact that sets are playing the game instead of players. Just slap on a set and let it do the rest.


    Just cause a set has proc conditions doesn't mean the set is bad for balance. If all you have are sets that increase your max stats there would only be a few viable combination of armor sets and everything else would be bad. You have to keep the RNG component of armor sets. If you look at the game 3 years ago everyone ran the same build hundings/agility/malestrom 2 hand/kena/bloodspawn or lich/julianos/willpower. There was very little build diversity and some of the classes were unplayable in open world cyrodiil.

    Today basically every class is at least playable even though some are weaker than others and the amount of viable gear sets are a lot higher. Even though I think some sets are op (really only Earthgore). As for wings it doesn't matter if it's a unique class ability or not it still completely shuts down magblade even if you do actually have to cast the skill and it doesn't passively proc. Playing a magblade into wings is more of a hard counter than playing any class into CE. CE is also not a slap on and forget set I explained in another post how there is no way to get all the defense you need from CE and how some experienced players with burst focused builds can kill a player in CE. as well as how multiple players can put so many negative effects on you at one time that 2 removals seem negligible.
  • Dr.NRG
    Wing wrote: »
    **SPOILER: it appears in comments that its 1v1 scenarios with nobody else around for curse eater to accidently proc on**

    im asking because I saw it and was like "oh cool, a set I can slap on my healer to help people out a bit more" as we have a criminal lack of healer sets the provide group support other then . . . bugger heals (I still like SPC because I solo heal in cyro and its nice to kind of play the bard and actually buff people instead of just healing them)

    but everyone just CRIED "OP!!!!"

    and I was really trying to find the scenario in that it is ACTUALLY op in, but cannot really find it.

    **When you heal yourself or an ally, remove two negative effects from them. If a negative effect was removed this way, your target restores 150 Magicka. This effect can occur every 2 seconds.**

    lets look at this from as many combat angles as we can: 1v1, small man, zerg VS 1v1, small man, zerg (in various orders)

    we will start with curse eater 1v1 vs other options:

    1v1 vs 1v1, you gave up damage and survivability for removing 2 debuffs every 2 seconds that may or may not even happen, most 1v1 builds (re: most builds) rely on burst to kill (prime example is NB and stam warden) in this scenario your dead and have no chance to deal enough to kill your opponent. HOWEVER if your a tanky enough healer or something like a magicka NB you might be able to just survive and walk away from the fight till they either leave or you get help (but people can do this alredy so . . .)

    this problem compounds as you fight small mans and zergs, the solo curse eater is dead or at a disadvantage in every scenario.

    so lets look at curse eater zergs vs all other options:

    zerg vs 1? you win, numbers, curse eater does not even matter
    zerg vs small man, still probably win, unless we say its a potato zerg vs a hardcore small man, in that case curse eater has no effect on the outcome vs other sets. removing 2 neg effects from one random potato every 2 seconds means nothing, purge is better, templar purify is better, curse eater is just not relevant, especially when elite small mans will gather and drop ults / aoe burst in all of a second on a group of people.

    Small man / battlgrounds vs other options:

    this is probably the best case scenario for curse eater, as its a small enough group that using purge might still be inefficient (but purify is still better) and you probably already have a dedicated healer in this size of group anyway, its also not so overly bloated of a group that curse eater wont hit someone irrelevant (though if your a small man group near open world zerg gameplay or keep defense / offense it still might get eaten by someone irrelevant)

    however, if your an elite small man you probably already have a templar applying purify as it is, or you don't actually need or care about 1 person in your group maybe having a bleed on them. this set is still at the expense of other probably better sets that would be far more impactful and relevant. maybe if your something like a guardplar, magicka tank of some kind, or troll tank then this might come in handy over other sets for its passive sustain and cleanse. but this set really does not change the outcome in that case.
    -you still cannot kill anyone
    -it will still require the same numbers to kill you as it otherwise would.
    -good players will still just ignore you.

    in conclusion:
    very easy to shout OP at, very hard to find a scenario in that it ACTUALLY makes a difference


    Long story short it makes you immune to all attacks but direct hits such as lgih attacks, whip, uppercut... Anything else you apply to someone running this will fall off instantly. For example imgine you fight a mag dk; he applies breath boom falls off then he use taloons boom falls off then he uses claw and it instantly falls off he applies buring status on you and gone too. All hes can do now is whip whip whip and whip and wont ever be able to bring uou below 75% health (if even)...This speaks true for many more scenarios. You could easly beat a group of 5+ ppl as they cant hurt ya. Now if that set goes live everyone will change to magicka set ups and we will be left with only direct dmg. At that point it will take a small army to kill a single guy
  • pieratsos
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Wing wrote: »
    this problem compounds as you fight small mans and zergs, the solo curse eater is dead or at a disadvantage in every scenario.

    are you kidding me or this thread just trolling?
    rip magdk
    rip magplar
    rip stamplar
    rip stamdk
    rip stamsorc

    this set complely broken because delete at least 2 clasees from pvp

    I'm not disagreeing, but doesn't DK wings already do the same to magicka nightblade, and really any ranged build? "Delete" them?
    Sure, if wings was attached on a set that passively casts the ability every couple of seconds for you without cost ud have a point. But it doesn't.

    Wings is a unique class ability with high cost that you have to manually use on ur own by reacting to ur opponents. And it's still not as strong as CE.

    The fact that this is even a discussion is part of the reason why PVP balance is hot garbage. We ve just accepted the fact that sets are playing the game instead of players. Just slap on a set and let it do the rest.


    Just cause a set has proc conditions doesn't mean the set is bad for balance. If all you have are sets that increase your max stats there would only be a few viable combination of armor sets and everything else would be bad. You have to keep the RNG component of armor sets. If you look at the game 3 years ago everyone ran the same build hundings/agility/malestrom 2 hand/kena/bloodspawn or lich/julianos/willpower. There was very little build diversity and some of the classes were unplayable in open world cyrodiil.

    Today basically every class is at least playable even though some are weaker than others and the amount of viable gear sets are a lot higher. Even though I think some sets are op (really only Earthgore). As for wings it doesn't matter if it's a unique class ability or not it still completely shuts down magblade even if you do actually have to cast the skill and it doesn't passively proc. Playing a magblade into wings is more of a hard counter than playing any class into CE. CE is also not a slap on and forget set I explained in another post how there is no way to get all the defense you need from CE and how some experienced players with burst focused builds can kill a player in CE. as well as how multiple players can put so many negative effects on you at one time that 2 removals seem negligible.

    I didn't say entirely remove every single proc set from the game. But when said proc set has braindead conditions such as use a hot or light attack to proc dmg tooltips which are higher than freaking ults or passively counters core mechanics of the game such as stuns then yeah I do have an issue cause at that point u are not even playing the game. It's the set playing the game.

    Imo a good proc set is eternal hunt. It can be annoying but I do thing that it's a well designed proc set with utility, unique proc conditions with a cost, no rng component and slight dmg that requires skill to be utilized well and get the most out of it. You introduce more sets like that, fine by me.

    It absolutely matters that wings is a unique class ability. Whether the ability is balanced in terms of what it actually does is a different discussion but comparing it with a set that passively spams purges and cc breaks for you for no cost? No, just no.

    If I look at the game 3 years ago then it was much healthier than it is now. If you are going to introduce build diversity at the expense of the gameplay then to hell with it. And what build diversity do we have now? Every single patch everyone run the new fotm broken set. Everyone run a different version of the same crap. Just look at stam builds lol. Everyone just run around with bleeds and crap with some added flavor of a proc set. That's build diversity?

    P. S. There is a huge difference between a class being actually viable and broken sets carrying the class. If a class is only viable because of the sets being used then the class is not actually viable. It's still trash. It's just getting carried by the broken sets being used.
    Edited by pieratsos on January 30, 2019 6:20PM
  • notyuu
    step 1: put on a HoT effect of any kind
    step 2: you now regen magicka and purge debuffs every 2 seconds

    ehh..seems a bit wonky honestly, I'd suggest making the cooldown a little longer, maybe 5 seconds?
  • Kadoin
    It's op in the situation you stack over 5 HoT sources in the game + have a free purify + high mag regen in LA. With CP you can get away with such a setup on live and still do damage in PvP, except with this set you can run more damage and get free purification.

    What's funny is that on live I pretty much never die on the defensive and one of my sets are just there as a filler. If I get my hands on this set, it will be the last thing I need, considering the one weakness in my build is that I don't run purify or purge effects (and let the HoTs outheal them).

    I've already considered Wyrd Tree before and it was decent, but having to cast skills and the cooldown was terrible. This set is superior to it in every way and invalidates it. I can't even begin to see how ZOS thinks that's logical and balanced, esp. when the downside of purging someone else can be overcome on classes that have HoT self-heals (isn't that all of them).

    Can't wait.
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