WHat portion of anything i said is “desperately shaming you down”
I’m stating what I see in the videos since you peruse the forums always saying you fight an entire faction or x numbers such as 60.
I’m responding to something you said, not initiating it with bm like you would like to believe.
Aren’t you also the same person to mock small groups or talk down to someone on the forum who voices an issue with large raids or zergs.
To your “they need to get good and not stack more numbers but Learn to chain people out, well timed ult bomb...” etc phrase.
Your guild even attempts to diminish the fights we have because of size, cp or no cp, players amongst them as well.
Then again you are the guy who thought my gank videos were to expose people and not complete sarcasm/comedy.
Please accept that you just went too far assuming or speculating and let’s move on from this, thanks.
You want to dull the teeth of these zerg blobs? Get Zos to take rapids off of our bars and make it only castable when mounted (and fix the no-mounting bug while they're at it). Give us a skill bar that only pops up when mounted, and they won't have the insane speed. Make Earthgore apply a cooldown to the person being healed, rather than the one healing, so you can only be healed by it every 35 seconds, vs non-stop by the 20 Earthgore healers in these blobs. I know they'll just find something else to crutch on, because this community tends to be full of pretty intelligent, creative people, but we'll have a small window of time to enjoy Cyrodil before they're back at it again.
Some good ideas there IMO