VaranisArano wrote: »In a decent organized group, "ball group" play is not brainless. I've been the healer, using Purge in addition to other skills, and if you think its brainless, either go try it or get a better group to run with.
And if you think that changing the way Purge works will "squash" the organized raids, LOL. They'll adapt, as they have to everything else. Nothing that ZOS has changed about Cyrodiil has seriously impacted the dominance of the good organized raids.
You won't reduce incentives to ball up as long as:
A. Cyrodiil's objectives are important to the score, attracting lots of players whether grouped or not
B. Cyrodiil, originally designed for groups of 8-24 and currently 2 to 24, rewards organized groups, and the larger, the better, becuase they can cover the weaknesses in each other's builds better than smaller groups and the good groups adapt to new changes better than anyone else. Changing Purge alone (or handing Earthgore a deserved nerf) isnt going to change that dynamic.
@VaranisArano please tell me more about how hard it is to follow crown and mash one button and letting Earthgore procs do all the heavy lifting.
@VaranisArano please tell me more about how hard it is to follow crown and mash one button and letting Earthgore procs do all the heavy lifting.
Again, solid point brought on the table. The 3-4 earthgores of a 16men raid carry the group much more than the 15-20 earthgores of the 60men zerg they are fighting.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Thats the case because an organized raid knows how to stay together, which contrary to what some people think, is more a product of practice and teamwork than merely following a crown brainlessly. Keeping a 16 to 24 man raid tight enough that healers and, yes Earthgore, can keep everyone healed at once is not as easily as it looks - when cohesion fails, that's when the group dies - and that cohesion is a product of practice, purges, rapids, and every member breaking free and following or anticipating crown's calls while playing their role on the team.
I was being sarcastic. Personally I would like Earthgore to be entirely removed from the game but this being said, I believe that pugs and large unorganized zergs benefit the most from it, not the ballgroups who run 3 or 4.
@VaranisArano nobody is doubting the effectiveness of balling up tight. It's obviously effective.
But if you think spamming aoe and creating targeting problems for enemies is "skillful play"...
But it doesn't even matter what either of us think, because the root issue is that these "tactics" have objective, measurable detrimental impact on server performance for everyone.
My OP suggestion would help mitigate the problem, no doubt in my mind.
I 100% agree that balling up is a brainless playstyle. People need to learn to small scale and git gud.
Based on the title I expected an actual suggestion to improve performance. Not a thread to nerf skills. This thread is only about nerfing skills. lol
One consistent theme underlying every "nerf dis thing plz thnx" thread seems to be the lag. I think the lag is caused by a whole, complicated, probably long list of things all intertwined and interconnected, and can't be reduced down to one or two simple things. I also believe that many of our concerns regarding skills or sets would dramatically lessen if there were no/less lag to make playing unnecessarily difficult. If I were able to actually fire off skills or move, or swap bars, I know I could bring down those balls groups with a few carefully timed ultis and some smart movement. I've done it before during times when things were functioning a bit better. I'll take a thousand more Earthgores if it means I can just move more than 5m without hitting another loading screen or lag spike.
We need to quit focusing on the symptoms of the problem (skills that exacerbate the lag or seem to be exploiting the lag) , and instead focus on the problem (the lag). Zos sees nothing but a constant and growing wall of complaints about every single, solitary aspect of the game, and they're probably just ignoring us now out of self preservation. I imagine it's exhausting to read day in and day out. We should be flooding the forums with calls to fix the lag, and nothing else, until it's done. Then we can go back to our regularly scheduled complaining.
@p00tx but what about when there is a legitimate flaw in the way combat is designed (exhibited in this case via PBAOE skills)?
Lag and performance issues aside, don't you think that players stacking inside each other is a ridiculous concept? Why continue to encourage such ridiculousness especially when it is a known cause of heavy lag?
antihero727 wrote: »
You run with a ball group that does the exact same thing. You can tell when drac is on the server from the ping spikes.
antihero727 wrote: »
You run with a ball group that does the exact same thing. You can tell when drac is on the server from the ping spikes.
That was sarcasm. Also, to answer your comment, you are definitely right when you say that 16men who know how to play the game are entirely responsible for creating the lag. Not the players that need to stack with 60 others because they don't understand game mechanics.
VaranisArano wrote: »In a decent organized group, "ball group" play is not brainless. I've been the healer, using Purge in addition to other skills, and if you think its brainless, either go try it or get a better group to run with.
And if you think that changing the way Purge works will "squash" the organized raids, LOL. They'll adapt, as they have to everything else. Nothing that ZOS has changed about Cyrodiil has seriously impacted the dominance of the good organized raids.
You won't reduce incentives to ball up as long as:
A. Cyrodiil's objectives are important to the score, attracting lots of players whether grouped or not
B. Cyrodiil, originally designed for groups of 8-24 and currently 2 to 24, rewards organized groups, and the larger, the better, becuase they can cover the weaknesses in each other's builds better than smaller groups and the good groups adapt to new changes better than anyone else. Changing Purge alone (or handing Earthgore a deserved nerf) isnt going to change that dynamic.
Again, solid point brought on the table. The 3-4 earthgores of a 16men raid carry the group much more than the 15-20 earthgores of the 60men zerg they are fighting.
That's not 60 nor are 60 players hitting you at one time.
Also if 60 was your consistent # for clips/skirmishes we would see more of them during the drac vids, which we don't.
They usually number equal to double your raid.
That was 54 different players during that clip to be exact.
The point was not that 60 players are hitting us at once but the amount of earthgores a raid of 16 have to deal with.
We have been fighting that specific guild for a few weeks now. This is mainly why I personally decided to play AD on Sunday nights because I cannot stand that amount of people stacking together. No abilities are working and people crash like crazy.
It is well known that they advertise often in zone for Raid3 filling with 2 raids full already. I know you are desperately trying to shame us down but please accept that you just went too far assuming or speculating and let's move on from this. thanks
I 100% agree that balling up is a brainless playstyle. People need to learn to small scale and git gud.