Unless ZOS focus on the actually issues with PvP nothing is going to really change past some injection of activity whilst players get skills for their new characters.But joke aside, do you think Elsweyr will turn things for the better?
RaddlemanNumber7 wrote: »Necromancers will suck out what little life remains, and then laugh in that way that only true villains can
As long as there will be absolutely 0 communication from the entire ZOS team regarding Cyrodiil and bad performances, the PvP aspect of the game is not looking very good. Sure people who have been playing since release or who have committed to it severally will most likely keep playing but the chances to get the community growing is near to none.
From my point of view the non-na pvp community is and has been quite steady for years if anything things have picked up a touch, probably because of ny holidays. Guilds come and go, new ones form, some have been around since the early days. We have a fair share of engagements with pug swarms and guilds alike. All with the comfort of skills working as intended and a steady ping and that is a touch high as we are non-na, but we are use to it. Not everyone is afflicted with a powerpoint presentation with a faulty remote
Hope you NA guys and girls get well soon.
edit: sorry for hijacking the thread lol
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »This letter sent to the stream team said "end to the 3 banner war" so here's to Cyro being deleted
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »This letter sent to the stream team said "end to the 3 banner war" so here's to Cyro being deleted
Necro jokes best best jokes.
In an attempt at a serious answer. There are going to be a lot of players in PvP with them so yeah I would say there will be an increase in activity which might revive it for a time.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »This letter sent to the stream team said "end to the 3 banner war" so here's to Cyro being deleted
Lol free-for-all plus pve, kinda survival. I'd rather prefer that at this point over who's zerg is bigger gameplay.mateosalvaje wrote: »Maybe they will end The Three Banners War, and PVP will become the living vs the undead 👻
(Edited to insert quote)
The forum is mostly about lag and videos. Necromancer might add variety to videos for those who watch. I don't think it will do anything about lag. Pointless thread in the wrong forum.
Do you think the Necromancer will resurrect this dead PvP? (couldn't resist ;3 )