Tri faction alliance swapping scum. WTB mercenary alliance that can fight all three.
Exactly that^^
I have toons on all factions and play on any based on what class I feel like playing and which friends I wanna play with.
Bosmer was my first character so I've spent the most amount of time with AD and kinda like it.
Priyasekarssk wrote: »
Dont make AD for PVP now. This game lopsidedly favors EP. AD will never win a PVP campaign in near future for atleast a year and even close. EP has bunch of racists to deal with . Free AP mania for EP.
AD will lose all campaign by a distant margin by atleast 10000 points in each campaign.
Magic sorc intentionally nerfed to oblivion to appease EP DKs for free kills. AD will take time to build their alternate PVP characters and many AD players already left the game while EP and probably DC remain constant. DK vs magic sorc is a free kill.
All alliance campaigns its EP vs DC. AD is not even in equation at-least for a year from now. AD trail by huge margin from rest of the two. Mark my words. This what ZOs balance team wanted and target is achieved with great success. .