Telling people to "grow a thicker skin" is kind of a trashy attitude to have, I feel. It seems like a no-brainer to me that if some people are a bad fit for the community because they're abusive and toxic then you just remove them from the community. You wouldn't let someone be in any kind of a sports league, chess club, or theater troupe if they had such an attitude problem, and it's pure nonsense to tolerate it here as well.
messaging someone in pvp area should be disabled... when i finally got pretty good and killed more then i died the hate messages started to come more often. Crap like you killed me because i was (enter a ton of excuses here)... and im not talking about killing AFK people either i mean fully buffed fair fights.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
you see, when i say grow a thicker skin, i mean do excatly what the person you are quoting do. dont get upset by someone. you play right into the persons frame if you do let them upset you.
It's called human nature, and competition.. If you can't handle trash talking, then you have no business in a competitive environment. That goes for real life as well.
I respond to most rage whispers with a "<3" and then I usually don't get another one. If it's someone who's exceptionally persistant, I whip out the skills honed over 15 years of working in customer serve and politely tell them to eat craw.