I was keeping quiet on this one for quite some time now. I expected this problem to be fixed in the last patch, but I guess I was wrong. As nothing has happened so far and I also didn’t see any statement, I think it’s time to speak up now.
Since the release of Murkmire trials suffer from massive bugs making the raiding experience in general not fun and progress raiding basically impossible. While there is a multitude of bugs, some not even being new, one is by far the worst and can happen in every trial. Animations are invisible and this can include basically everything, from AOE markers to skills. AOE markers not displaying of course makes mechanics impossible to play leading to unnecessary deaths and wipes and making it absolutely impossible to make any decent score or harder achievements. But also other things not displaying at all or flickering weirdly is very annoying and negatively impacts player performance.
For me as primarily a trial player this means that I could pretty much not play the game for the last two weeks or so, all while paying for it. This is already heavily damaging the raiding community and if it doesn't get fixed soon I’m pretty sure quite a few people are going to quit the game.
(I'm only speaking for PC EU here, I don't know how it is on other platforms)