📌 Everything about Direfrost keep II and Arx Corinium II.


Heya, I would really like zenimax to release Direfrost keep II and Arx Corinium II, all the decor is ready, even though I'm not supposed to know that ( Found a way to get out of both dungeons, and then I discovered all that ) took me ages to screen everything.

Since 2015 ( Tamriel ultimated) they don't care about base game dungeon anymore, it is surely better to sell DLC dungeon pack twice a year. Direfrost keep II is one of these abandoned feature along with Arx Corinium II. While the decor is ready, there is not a single book there unlike other dungeons, so I deduced that they had not worked on the "story" part yet, otherwise they would have put it in the crown store since a long time.

You can check all the screens below, I had an event idea that could be interesting and get the community interested in these dungeons ... this way we would show zenimax we want them to release these dungeons. And they could even retake the idea and create their own contest !

Feel free to comment/share it on discord ! yeah it's an old thread but don't worry i'm still here and I will read your comments and answer your questions with pleasure !

Heya guys, here is a little rp contest on PC-EU ^^.


Please note that you must register to participate! Send me following this thread or on discord to @Épherius#5870 a message confirming that you are interested in the contest, without forgetting to add your gametarg, so that I can list the participants and increase the prizes if needed.
Once a sufficient number of participants have joined, I will announce here and on my thread the launch of the contest and the date by which your creations must be submitted.
Then I and a jury will vote for the works that have taken our breath away the most ( french expression).

⚙️Rules and organization ⚙️

You are probably wondering what this competition consists of, it is a question of imagining a possible continuation of the events of Direfrost I and arx corinium I.
It is extremely important to complete Direfrost I and/or Arx Corinium I, this way you can listen carefully to the dialogues and read the books you find there, so that your creation will not contradict the lore or what has already happened in the first version of the dungeon.

- Once you have registered AND launch of the contest has been confirmed by me, you can pick up your pencils.

- You CAN have up to 2 entries maximum to double your chances of winning one of the prizes, 1 entry maximum per dungeon (2 in total).

Now let's move on to the most important point : you can write a short/long story, a journal entry, or other, you can bring in new characters, keep the ones you met in the first version, quote new opponents, their fighting methods...
This by using the informations at the top of my thread about version II ( screens, infos) and version I of the dungeons ( Stories, books, etc...)!

Have fun ! For players with white page syndrome, I have a few ideas for you:
  • You can take the point of view of the quest giver, explain what leads him to ask you for help when you enter the dungeon
  • You can take the point of view of an adventurer who has decided to venture there and write on a journal what he observes/troubles him
  • You can take the point of view of an adventurer thinking that he is the first to set foot in this dungeon, when he suddenly discovers the notes of another adventurer.
  • Or propose an atypical creation, I will not say more, it is the effect of surprise which may play a role on the vote ^^

Once satisfied with your creation, share it with us ! following this thread or by mp on discord at @Epherius#5870

💰 Prizes 🏷️
  • #1 ~ 1 000 000 gold.
  • #2 ~ 350 000 gold
  • #3 ~ 100 000 gold.
  • The three winners will also have a ticket to visit Direfrost II and arx corinium II with me as guide, unfortunately you will need to bring a warden with "Nature's Grasp" to enjoy the visit.


╗Direfrost keep II╔:

The Direfrost Keep is the ancestral home of the witch hunting Direfrost clan, this frozen castle has long been sealed to the outside world following an attack by the ice witch Drodda. Its owners have never been seen or heard for generations. Mountain storms rage above the castle walls, conjured up by Drodda.

Below, what I noticed while venturing in the sealed est wing of the castle:
  • the decor is ready, only 2 things are missing: a story and mobs.
  • Nord furnitures.
  • stalactites and stalagmites everywhere, there is even an ice-infested corridor.
  • the castle is in ruins.
  • the brazier burns down a tower, in this tower there is a campfire also active (some people came there recently ?)
  • The coat of arms of the direfrost clan ?



Direfrost Keep I Map.

Direfrost Keep II Map:

1- 181025085036344527.png
28 bis- 181025100942838980.png

╗Arx Corinium II╔:

The Second Empire made some advances into the periphery of Black Marsh, but they didn't stay long. While previously constructed and held by the Imperials, the fort has fallen into disrepair and is overrun with Lamias. A group of nereids now occupy the flooded fort and focus on restoring balance to the land. Rumors say the fort is home to a great source of power, although it is perverse, corrupted.

Below, what I noticed while venturing in the west wing of the dungeon.
  • the decor is ready, only 3 things are missing: story, mobs/boss, good floor textures.
  • Argonian houses ( mud house)
  • Not a single book.
  • a lot of waterfalls and vegetation
  • many doors made with roots, surrounded by caves or decorative doors, probably little " arenas " like in Mazzatun, where you need to kill waves of adds.
  • Argonian eggs under the Hist.
  • The order in which we cross the rooms is pretty obvious, (screens follow this order)
  • Mazzatun draft out of the map.



Arx Corinium I Map.

Arx Corinium II Map:


7- No 7 xD sorry

15-16-17-(Room from Above)181103103054811175.png

Bonus: ( the first mazzatun draft)


@ZOS_Finn, you probably made these dungeon, do you plan to finish Arx Corinium, Will we ever seen these beautiful dungeon without having to go over the invisible wall ?
Edited by Apherius on July 11, 2019 2:23PM
  • BuddyAces
    Wait, what?
    They nerfed magsorcs so hard stamsorcs felt it,lol - Somber97866

    I'm blown away by the utter stupidity I see here on the daily. - Wrekkedd
  • Aliyavana
    Interesting idea. I wouldn't mind if zos themselves did a community event like this so they can finally release the second story varients of these dungeons
  • Apherius
    BuddyAces wrote: »
    Wait, what?

    I would really like zenimax to release Direfrost keep II, all the decor is ready, even though I'm not supposed to know that ( Found a way to get out of Direfrost keep, and then I discovered all that ) took me ages to screen everything.

    Since 2015 ( Tamriel ultimated) they don't care about base game dungeon anymore, it is surely better to sell DLC dungeon pack twice a year.

    Direfrost keep II is one of these an abandoned feature along with Arx Corinium II.

    While the decor is ready, there is not a single book there ( except one about dark magic ) unlike other dungeons, so I deduced that they had not worked on the "story" part yet. otherwise they would have put it in the crown shop since long time.

    This is the reason why I I suggest a RP contest, along with the realese of Direfrost keep II.

    Hope you understand better, even though my english isn't perfect, Gonna put that in my main post.
    Edited by Apherius on November 1, 2018 7:52PM
  • ArchMikem
    Tamriel Ultimated?
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • danno8
    Wow, I had no idea that the whole map for a Direfrost Keep 2 already existed in-game but was just inaccessible. That's really cool. It does seem like a waste of space to not do anything with it.
    Edited by danno8 on November 1, 2018 7:18PM
  • Apherius
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Tamriel Ultimated?

    17 march 2015 my bad*

    before that they released COA veteran and Crypt of heart Veteran ( That we now call Coa II and COH II ), they probably worked on Arx corinium and Direfrost keep, then the game became F2P with Tamriel ultimated release, and they decided it would be more interesting to sell DLC dungeon Pack in the crown store.
    Edited by Apherius on November 1, 2018 7:53PM
  • Tasear
    This would be an interesting way to update some dialog. Like that poor guy is the stockade in rawkla.
  • Silver_Strider
    Direfrost's original story left very little in regards to creating a follow up story. Eboric Direfrost does mention making amends with Witches for his family's misdeeds against them but that's not much to work with. It seems unlikely that Witches would seek revenge against the single remaining member of a bloodline just because of past deeds and even if they did, it would seem extreme to send an entire Witches Coven to invade and take over Direfrost Keep. Now, say if they were after some powerful magic artifacts that the Direfrost clan had kept within a vault of sorts in the deeper areas of the keep that they confiscated from Witches they killed, that is something I can work with.

    So, upon entering the keep, we get a projection of Eboric contacting us at the entrance. "Damned Witches! I welcome them into my keep and they lock me away to plunder my family's vaults. Who knows what dangerous artifacts could be in there. We cannot allow them to succeed." We proceed into the room with the Troll boss from DFK1 and are welcomed by a small coven of Witches and a Frost Wraith mini boss. After defeating the Miniboss, Eboric calls out to us from the south half of the room, chained up by magic, which we proceed to disable and free him. "Thanks for that. I thought for sure I was going to be stuck in here forever, or until those Witches fed me to their damnable pet." He explains how he ended up in that state about how he had opened up the Keep to witches wishing to reform their ways only for a Witch's Coven to appear to try and steal a powerful artifact that the Direfrost Clan supposedly had locked away in the keep vaults.

    We proceed into the main hall marked 1 on the map with more Witches, their Leader, (Let's call her Syla Snowfall) above the stairs, "Well, well, well. Look who came back with his tail between his legs. Oh, and he's brought a pack of mutts with him. No matter, my Coven is moments away from finding the "insert Mcguffin name here" and with its power, we shall be unstoppable" and proceeds to walk away. After dispatching the 1st major boss of the dungeon, Eboric proceed to open up one of the side rooms that was previously unavailable to us in DFK1 (south route labeled 28-31). Room 23 would lead to a Polar Bear side boss and maybe a quest objective. Going north into Room 16 would lead into another Main boss fight. A mechanic for the fight would include tying up a party member in between the 4 pillars central to the room before slowly draining their health/magic/stamina/ultimate and the remaining party members would need to destroy them to free the person before they died, starting with the Health Pillar to lessen the damage they take. After the boss, we'd end up going down Room 15 towards the tower with the switch (Room 12 picture) that would open Room 18 and another quest objective. There would be a possible Draugr mini boss at the entrance to the tower in Room 6/7/8, with a mechanic from DSA Arena 2 that involves keeping the Brazier lit up to prevent freezing to death.

    After hitting the switch and clearing out the few mobs within Room 18, we go north into Room 21, with a large collection of Coven members, Draugr, Ice Wraiths and another mini boss fight. After that, we go thru the Hallway leading up to Drodda's old boss room where we fight Syla, whom proceeds to transform herself into a new, larger remodeling of a Winged Twilight. "Fools! You are too late. I have been reborn and you shall all bear witness to my power." Basic attacks include firing off Ice Shards on the Tank, encasing players in destroyable Ice Pillars that slowly kill you if you aren't broken out in time, more light the Braziers to stay alive mechanics and for hard mode, a move that causes Brazier to be permanently encased in ice that will put a timer on the fight as you slowly lose more and more of them until you inevitably wipe or kill her. After winning, Eboric appears again to congratulate us "Well done, my friends. I knew that you'd be able to stop these blasted witches and their schemes. After all the trouble they've caused, I feel my ancestors were right all along to hunt those witches down. It'll take some time, but I'll rebuild the Direfrost clan and together, we'll purge all of Skyrim of these foul creatures. Mark my words, the Direfrost Clan shall return and Skyrim will be a better place for it. You are always welcome to join us my friend."

    Snowfall's Helmet
    1pc) Spell Damage
    2pc) 10% chance on Critical Damage (all critical damage) to encase an enemy in ice, stunning them and dealing X amount of Frost Damage to the target and Y damage in an AoE around the target.
    Honestly, ZOS should just hire me at this point. I'm practically making their content for them.
    Edited by Silver_Strider on November 2, 2018 1:58AM
    Argonian forever
  • themaddaedra
    I'm not entirely sure if i'll have time to spare for this but i'll do if i can, cool idea!
  • Apherius
    @Silver_Strider .

    Wow! Awesome :O

    I did not asked for mechanics or sets ideas but ... The decor is here, waiting for a story, mobs, boss, but also incredible and unique bosses and cool sets ! Gonna update my main post ^^ Thank again.
    Edited by Apherius on November 1, 2018 10:07PM
  • Silver_Strider
    Apherius wrote: »
    @Silver_Strider .

    Wow! Awesome :O

    I did not asked for mechanics or sets ideas but ... The decor is here, waiting for a story, mobs, boss, but also incredible and unique bosses and cool sets ! Gonna update my main post ^^ Thank again.

    Not a problem. Now, give me my prize and the map for Arx Corinium 2 so I can write up a story, the progression thru the dungeon, bosses + their mechanics and a monster set for that place as well :D
    Argonian forever
    I 100% Agree
  • RebornV3x
    I'd rather have Selenes Web 2 lot more there to work with in terms of story
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • Apherius

    Not a problem. Now, give me my prize and the map for Arx Corinium 2 so I can write up a story, the progression thru the dungeon, bosses + their mechanics and a monster set for that place as well :D

    Ahah :P Gonna post the images of Arx Corinium II in this thread ( You can already check them on my second thread " see my signature"), Unlike Direfrost keep II the decor is over but not the floor, and there is no map for this dungeon ,I will need to create one myself ^^
    Edited by Apherius on November 2, 2018 3:04PM
  • Rake
    Witch call the cops on a Nord.
    You end up fighting cops for your homie.
  • zaria
    Apherius wrote: »

    I would really like zenimax to release Direfrost keep II, all the decor is ready, even though I'm not supposed to know that ( Found a way to get out of Direfrost keep, and then I discovered all that ) took me ages to screen everything.

    Since 2015 ( Tamriel ultimated) they don't care about base game dungeon anymore, it is surely better to sell DLC dungeon pack twice a year.

    Direfrost keep II is one of these an abandoned feature along with Arx Corinium II.

    While the decor is ready, there is not a single book there ( except one about dark magic ) unlike other dungeons, so I deduced that they had not worked on the "story" part yet. otherwise they would have put it in the crown shop since long time.

    This is the reason why I I suggest a RP contest, along with the realese of Direfrost keep II.

    Hope you understand better, even though my english isn't perfect, Gonna put that in my main post.
    This, note that 1 and 2 was dungeons with an normal and vet mode. This was changes so all got an normal version and an vet version and only difference is damage and health from enemies.
    Had they continued subscription they would have made 2 dungeons as its cheaper than making new.
    However its an issue to sell as dlc, however say 4 new dungeons who was of 2 difficulty would probably be popular
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Apherius
    Updated with Arx Corinium II ( I drew the map myself ) ! Both are abandoned features since 2015.

    Unlike my other thread ( see my signature ) this one one aims to show zenimax that we want them to release these two beautiful dungeons ( specifically, the second version of these)
  • Silver_Strider
    Boring personal thoughts:
    Ohhhhhhhh, AC2 looks very interesting but it feels.........conflicted(?), IDK. The Nereids from the 1st story stated that the ruins had been abandoned but there was clearly a thriving Argonian settlement within the deeper areas of the ruins, considering the Hist Tree, eggs, etc. This leaves me to think that the map of AC2 wasn't actually a part of the 2nd dungeon but rather it was the original design of the dungeon entirely that was scrapped for unknown reasons (time restrains, etc) and later restricted to the current dungeon map with the current story, leaving the rest as just cluttered data. One could argue that Argonians just decided to invade the ruins and claim it as their own but that Hist Tree would have been there the entire time considering its size and would have ordered Argonians to reclaim the ruins long before that point if it so chose to. Also, it seems highly unlikely that Argonians would be fine with Imperials building their fortress so close to a Hist Tree Hatching Pool without them being present at all times to ensure the safety of the nests. So, assuming I'm correct, it would've been far easier for ZOS to have scrapped the original concept of Arx Corinium, threw in that small room/hallways in between room 2 and final boss area, and added the Nereid story without any consideration of the original dungeon layout. For all we know, this area might have been a barebones layout of what the original Murkmire was suppose to look like way back in the day (looks like a Wayshrine was there at the bottom corner in Picture 13) that just got thrown behind Arx Corinium as an afterthought once Craglorn fell thru. Throwing aside the pointless conjecture though, I'll see what I can do about salvaging this place.

    We enter the dungeon and are greeted by the Nereid Sisters again "If it isn't the wanderers that helped to expel those veil Lamias and their Matriarch. Perhaps you could be persuaded to look into another matter of grave importance. It would seem the Lamias you had vanquished were mere pawns to a larger threat lurking within the ruins. An Argonian Tribe by the name Tahonti, lead by a powerful Shaman have been making preparations for a ritual of some sort. We know not the nature of the ritual but the darkness of it can clearly be felt in the air. We cannot abide this." So we proceed into the dungeon as normal, typically enemies like snakes, lurchers, etc littering the path until room 1 where we get our 1st encounter with the Argonian Tribe, a pack of scavengers and their Leader, Wa Neki, that have decided to utilize some salvaged parts from Ganakton the Tempest in their boss fight, throwing his electrified spines as Spears that pin down party members, electrify the water and call down several lightning bolts on party members that follow them for a few seconds. After they're defeated, we hear more Argonians off screen shouting "Wa Neki has been slain. We must retreat and inform the village." We continue onward thru more generic monsters until we get into Room 3, which is were we get our next mini boss, a trio of Kagouti with a couple dozen dead bodies around, which become Bog Blights throughout the fight. It's pretty much the Transmuted Alit fight from DC2, just with Bog Blights thrown in for the extra annoyance factor.

    Thru the vine barrier into the hallway covered in Trap plants and Argonian Tribesmans. Upon entering room 8, we get ambushed by a gauntlet of mobs with more trap plants around the arena, leading up to a nice Wamasu boss fight that has us using Catapult Plants to our advantage whenever he charges to stun him for a few seconds, assuming you align him just right to do so. After that we cut our way thru Hackwings, Lurchers and other mobs, we get into room 13 where the Sister of Flood comes out from within the River, "I bring grave news wanderers. My sisters have been captured by the Tribesman and are being twisted by their foul magics. We must put a stop to this or I fear that they will be forever lost to me." Off we go into room 16, where we see the Sister of Rain being slowly corrupted by 4 Shaman enemies and a boss battle ensues with the Shaman Counsel. In this fight, each Shaman will take turns to fight you as the other Shamans hold the Sister of Rain under their control, using different special attacks to try and kill you, all while the Sister of Rain is spawning water pillars at you periodically throughout the fight
    • Shaman 1 - Roots your party in a similar fashion to the Lurcher boss of MHK. Dodge to avoid the root or to break out of it.
    • Shaman 2 - Streaks around the room, leaving a lingering Lighting Puddle as he does. Best way to handle it is to tank him along the wall so that the puddles aren't covering a lot of the arena (note: Lightning Puddles touching water charges up the Sister of Rain and adds a really nasty DoT on you if you get hit with any of her pillar attacks)
    • Shaman 3 - Will teleport to a random spot and start channeling to summons Trap Plants, including those super dangerous poison plants from MA 7, which coupled with Catapult Plants can easily end up killing you. A simple interrupt or bash attack will stop him before he summons too many plants.
    • Shaman 4 - Summons a totem that will tether to 1 party member, causing them to become drawn towards the totem and if they reach it are instantly killed. Just have a player stand between the totem and the party member for a few seconds to break the tether. (Note: the person that broke the tether will be the next target of the mechanic)
    Once a Shaman reaches 25%, he'll withdraw from the fight and the next Shaman appears. After all 4 have been brought down to 25%, they'll all engage you at once, at which point you'll no longer need to worry about the Sister or Rain's Pillar mechanic as she'll be stunned for the remainder of the fight and have to deal with all the Shaman mechanics at once instead.

    After we're done taking down the Shaman Council, we get a nice little pat on the back from the Sister of Rain "Thank you for releasing me from my bindings. Had they fully taken a hold of my mind, I fear your defeat would have been assured. Make haste for their Leader, Sah Tahonti has my Sister in his clutches and I fear the worst." Off we go into room 19 and the final boss of the dungeon with an unusual introduction to Sah as he finishes turning the Sister of Storms into his thrall.

    "So, they're all dead then? I cannot imagine my kinsman letting you into our Hatching Pools without fighting to their last breath. Tell me, why have to come here to our home? Why did you feel the need to slaughter my tribe down to the last? Did you revel in their slaughter as they died to protect our village and our unborn children? I suppose it doesn't matter now. I shall not allow my tribe to end here. I will protect these eggs with my life!!!" Well get to that story later, now we start the boss fight with the Sister of Storm creating 4 columns of water that circle around the arena. Sah, firing off an Overload Heavy Attack that covers the entire quarter of the room in front of him with lighting. This mechanic requires the tank to grab aggro and stand inside of the Overload attacks (damage isn't too too high that a healer can't keep you alive), slowly turning the boss to prevent at least 1 column of water from being turned into an electrical vortex of death as you need at least 1 for the group to hide in when he does his ultimate move to prevent a wipe. At about 80% Health (or after doing his Overload for a few seconds), he'll start doing the Ultimate attack, which covers the entire field in a poisonous mist and everyone needs to run to a non-electrial water column to survive (again, the damage the pillar does is negligible) while the rest of the columns explode. After this, he'll start summoning down lightning AoEs on random party members, occasionally summon trap plants and totem, etc. At around 25%, only 2 columns will appear and move at a much quicker pace while he's Overloading, meaning you have to be quick to prevent both pillars becoming electrified. Hard mode would be that his Overload covers an entire half of a room instead of a merely a quarter, only 2 columns appear during these Overload phases that move quicker than normal, with the final 25% only spawning 1 column of water for safety while moving even faster.

    After the fight, we have a discussion with Sah "I have failed. With my death, my Tribe will be no more and these eggs will surely not survive alone. Please, stranger, I beseech you. Spare my life and allow me to finish the Hatching Ritual so that my tribe may live on. We shall find a new home within the Marshes, away from these accursed ruins. Please!!!" We can either spare him and allow him to finish the ritual or kill him. After we've made our choice we meet the 3 Sisters at the Water source at Room 23 with Dialogue changing depending on our decision to spare or kill Sal.

    Spare: "Why have you allowed that foul creature to survive?" You calm the Nereids down with your words but they're still distrustful of Sal "We shall allow him to retreat but shall monitor him closely. If we sense anything is amiss, we will not hesitate to finish what you could not."
    Killed "And so the deed is done. You have done well wanderer." You explain the situation to the Nereids which makes them somewhat regretfull of how everything played out. "If what you say is true then we shall see to it that the eggs come to no harm. We shall carry them down river and deliver them onto a safe haven. You have our word Wanderer."

    Monster Set: Tahonti's Crown
    1pc: Increase Max Magic
    1pc: Increase Max Stamina
    2pc: 15% change on dealing direct damage to call forth either a vortex of electrical water or a cloud of poison that deals X amount of Lightning Damage or Poison damage every 1 second for 5 seconds. 5 second CD.

    It's a twisted story, admittedly but I'm fairly bias when it comes to Argonians and hate to depict them in a wholly negative light if I can help it, so I figured I'd make it a bit of an emotional tragedy. I doubt it would get implemented since ZOS seems to like making us into the good guy (Hell, even the Dark Brotherhood had us killing a Corrupt Priest as the main villain) but it's nice to have something different every now and again to keep things fresh.
    Edited by Silver_Strider on November 3, 2018 3:56PM
    Argonian forever
  • Apherius
    It's a twisted story, admittedly but I'm fairly bias when it comes to Argonians and hate to depict them in a wholly negative light if I can help it, so I figured I'd make it a bit of an emotional tragedy. I doubt it would get implemented since ZOS seems to like making us into the good guy (Hell, even the Dark Brotherhood had us killing a Corrupt Priest as the main villain) but it's nice to have something different every now and again to keep things fresh.

    Zos really need to Hire you ... Awesome story,mechanics and set idea ! I would really like to discover other abandoned features like that out of the dungeons maps ... just to read more of your ideas :O

    Thank again for your participation, I really hope they will release these dungeon ... the only way is to show them our interest.
  • Chaos2088
    Really wish all the ones what don't have have a 2nd version...to be created! more post like this please :smile:
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • Apherius
    Chaos2088 wrote: »
    Really wish all the ones what don't have have a 2nd version...to be created! more post like this please :smile:

    I would love that too.

    Volenfell, Blessed crucible, BlackHeart Haven, tempest island also lack a 2nd version, But there is nothing out of the explorable area ( Don't ask me how I know that ahah, I like climbing)
    Maybe Vault of madness ? Unfortunaly I tried during days and can't find a way to get out of the dungeon map.
    And need to check Volenfell another time ( gonna told you guys If I find anything out there).
  • Silver_Strider
    Apherius wrote: »

    Zos really need to Hire you ... Awesome story,mechanics and set idea ! I would really like to discover other abandoned features like that out of the dungeons maps ... just to read more of your ideas :O

    Thank again for your participation, I really hope they will release these dungeon ... the only way is to show them our interest.

    Considering that I gave them a pretty solid rough draft of both dungeons + their mechanics and that the dungeon layouts are pretty much done as well, there's virtually no reason ZOS couldn't finish up both these dungeons in a month, especially since 75% of the work is already done for them. Polish up the story a bit, code up the mobs/bosses/etc. and they could easily include them alongside whatever 2 new dungeons they decide to include for Q1 next year.
    Argonian forever
  • idk
    Vaults of Madness is what I want to see continues in some fashion. It was the best of the original normal dungeons.
  • Osteos
    I would love a chance to kill the scummy quest giver from Selene's Web. He has it coming!
    NA PC
    Former Vehemence Member
    Onistka Valerius <> Artemis Renault <> Gonk gra-Ugrash <> Karietta <> Zercon at-Rusa <> Genevieve Renault <> Ktaka <> Brenlyn Renault
  • Apherius
    Added some more screen, 4 showing the mazzatun Draft, and 4 more for Arx Corinium II. we often see a scarlet sky in these two dungeons ... It's strange.

    Edited by Apherius on November 3, 2018 10:04PM
  • Chrysa1is
    Arx Corinium 2 will take us through the pathway blocked by the roots behind Sliklenia the Songstress. The Sisters of Floods, Rain and Waves will see man and mer (us) as a threat to their world and we basically have to kill them.

    Got no art, got no battle mechanics. But thats my thought. Maybe the Sisters become corrupted? Monster set could be called Three Sisters mask, visage, helm or whatever.
  • vyrzeden
    RebornV3x wrote: »
    I'd rather have Selenes Web 2 lot more there to work with in terms of story

    I would LOVE a Selene's Web 2 where we get to smoke Warlock Carindon, that guy so deserves it.
  • SaintSubwayy
    vyrzeden wrote: »

    I would LOVE a Selene's Web 2 where we get to smoke Warlock Carindon, that guy so deserves it.

    Yeah roll him up like a good J and get speedrun for smoking him within 5min :tongue:

    BTT: I think they really need to get Direfrost 2 and Arx 2 out there. Since some parts already exist, and it would be a nice step towards only basegame owners.
    PC EU
    vAA HM / vHRC HM / vSO HM / vMoL HM / vHoF HM / vAS HM / vCR HM / vSS HM / vKA HM

    Flawless Conqueror / Immortal Redeemer / Dawnbringer / Griphon Heart / Master Angler / Spirit Slayer

  • Apherius
    Title edited + found the best image to introduce my post ^^
    Edited by Apherius on November 10, 2018 1:54PM
  • Claudman
    For Arx Corinium II, we should be dealing with the Nereid trouble. Nereids are incredibly unkind creatures (And considering the flow of Fungal Grotto and other dungeons, we've accidently helped terribly beings before). Lamia are hermaphroditic snake-people[1][2] who decided to take the fort as their nest, we essentially slaughtered an entire family of snake-people for sadistic water spirits who love drowning males and messing with mortals for the sake of their own personal entertainment.[3][4]

    I presume the quest could star an Imperial adventuring (or Undaunted) crew who wanted to learn about the secrets of this old fort, but are having troubles with the Nereids who have been toying with their mortal memories[5] and potentially turning the own crew against itself. So, we'll have to deal with both the Nereids and the adventurers who have been turned on each other. Water is memory in the Elder Scrolls, I don't know if the manipulation of memories will effect Argonians considering they aren't apart of Nirn, so I personally would recommend having this focus upon Imperials and other races who come from the Dreamsleeve (and not the Dreamsleeve of the Hist like Argonians)[6]. This quest may get a little metaphysical, but Nereids are water spirits and thus hold grounds on memory. Damnable Aedric entities!

    But the dungeon is an amalgamation of both Fungal Grotto II, Spindleclutch I and Selene's Web if you will. I would consider the mechanics should be short and sweet like so, considering this is a non-DLC dungeon.

    [1] Kyne's Challenge - "The female form is often misunderstood; it is a mirage to coax the lascivious males that make up most of their prey, as this creature reproduces as a base reptile, and is sexless."
    [2] The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel - Hammerfell - "The Lamia is an amalgam of snake and woman, although it is assumed they are hermaphroditic and lay eggs like a reptile (which are then abandoned and the immature Lamiae are left to fend for themselves)."
    [3] The Fallen City of Shada - Pissed off Nereids 1
    [4] Look at all those dead bodies... - Pissed off Nereids 2
    [5] Lorelia - Quest: Mistress of the Lake - This lady toys with memories!
    [6] Events of Murkmire...NO SPOILERS!
    Edited by Claudman on November 10, 2018 2:24PM
    Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made.

    I play healers or DPS often for vet dungeons and trials (NA, CP810+). I play mostly elves or Argonians.
    I primarily play Damage-Based stuff in PvP, but occasionally I'll play something tanky or got the heals.
    I also love gaining more knowledge both metaphysical and mundane regarding TES lore.

    I also occasionally role-play, but I prefer playing the game.
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