Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Is ESO successful enough to have a new major chapter w/ extra main quest?

Wrothgar had some meat, vvardenfel was maybe 20 hours, cwc a bit smaller. Each expansion / dlc has a fairly limited scope. They reveal a new zone with some local story quests. Maybe three stories and some minor side quests. Perhaps a couple new dungeons or arena.

What i think the game needs, is a *major* new chapter, of same magnitude as the current main quest. While i appreciate frequent small releases, it seems to keep them from getting very ambitiuos. When you look at WOW, they are able to do some very major things with each expansion.

Is eso just not big enough to do this?

  • Bhaal5
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    Wrothgar had some meat, vvardenfel was maybe 20 hours, cwc a bit smaller. Each expansion / dlc has a fairly limited scope. They reveal a new zone with some local story quests. Maybe three stories and some minor side quests. Perhaps a couple new dungeons or arena.

    What i think the game needs, is a *major* new chapter, of same magnitude as the current main quest. While i appreciate frequent small releases, it seems to keep them from getting very ambitiuos. When you look at WOW, they are able to do some very major things with each expansion.

    Is eso just not big enough to do this?

    With the lack of innovation and any new ideas, sad to say no. They can get away with recycling content and pushing it out the door as a premium.
  • idk
    I always laugh when someone makes a comparison to WoW. The game some left ESO and went back to because they could not handle the combat in this game. Very week to compare what WoW adds in a year to what Zos adds.

    BTW, the innovation with WoW this year was to copy aspects of what ESO has done.
    Edited by idk on October 31, 2018 3:39AM
  • Gatviper
    So far, arguably more or less good, lore-wise The Elder Scrolls Online is continuing to expand with new in-game areas with quite good success. Game balance-wise and skill-wise not so much, anymore. The answer how long it will continue to do so, is probably more based on the "new inspiration" value of the developer team for new content, than anything else.
    Anyone who has been playing Everquest II for more than 2-3 years will know how quickly lack of inspiration for new ideas can bring a game to a very repititive and boring state, at which even more players (than already before) will be leaving the game.
    Life is a ride, like days in a train, cities rush by, like ghosts in the night.
    The rhythm of wheels, time fades away, stations of a journey, destination unknown.
  • Tannus15
    The difference is not size, but delivery dates.

    WoW had over 3 years after launch before Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich king was 4 years after launch, then cataclysm a full 2 years after that.

    ESO is doing smaller, regular updates. If you can consider Orsinium, theives guild, dark brotherhood, shadows of the hist and one tamrial and housing to be a single expansion and Morrowind, clockwork city, Summerset, horns of the reach, dragon bones, wolf hunter and murkmire to be the second you're getting closer to a real comparison.

    ESO can afford to do these smaller deliverables because of one tamrial in my mind. Because they have removed the level requirements is makes sense to deliver small updates regularly, were WoW needs to push the level cap so each expansion it needs to "replace" all the previous content with the new expansion content. By extension this makes all the old gear redundant and resets the grind, making WoW's content "last" longer.
    Half my characters are using old gear from over a year ago which is still "decent" if no longer BiS.
  • idk
    Tannus15 wrote: »
    The difference is not size, but delivery dates.

    WoW had over 3 years after launch before Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich king was 4 years after launch, then cataclysm a full 2 years after that.

    This puts into perspective why I think it is humorous some will compare ESO to WoW. It is not just quantity, but also quality that matter. ESO surpasses WoW in each. The comparison in the OP does not seem very genuine, or not very informed about WoW.
  • ArchMikem
    Why is this even a question?

    They're making one chapter every year dude. Its a set schedule.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • MLGProPlayer
    Most $80 AAA games today come with 10 hours of story content.

    30 hours of content for $40 isn't too bad.
  • ArchMikem
    Most $80 AAA games today come with 10 hours of story content.

    30 hours of content for $40 isn't too bad.

    I remember buying a CoD game for $65 and completing the Campaign in 7 hours. ESO has had me playing for three YEARS and i still haven't done everything.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • lagrue
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    When you look at WOW, they are able to do some very major things with each expansion.

    Ancient Engine over 2 decades old (with some tweaks) and workers used to working with it? [✓]
    PS2 era graphics that require 1/50th the effort to produce compared to more modern graphics? [✓]
    Mandatory subs which in turn "force" a continuous flow of revenue? [✓]

    There you have it, the recipe for pumping out low quality content rapidly.
    Edited by lagrue on October 31, 2018 6:42AM
    PSN ID (NA only): Zuzu_With_a_Z

    "You must defeat me every time. I need defeat you only once"
  • idk
    lagrue wrote: »
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    When you look at WOW, they are able to do some very major things with each expansion.

    Ancient Engine over 2 decades old (with some tweaks) and workers used to working with it? [✓]
    PS2 era graphics that require 1/50th the effort to produce compared to more modern graphics? [✓]
    Mandatory subs which in turn "force" a continuous flow of revenue? [✓]

    There you have it, the recipe for pumping out low quality content rapidly.

    LOL, most, if not all of our PCs we use for playing ESO could run WoW without a dedicated GPU. That is really just part of the reason it is humorous when someone compared ESO to WoW.

    My guess is OP understands this now.
  • ImmortalCX
    Gatviper wrote: »
    So far, arguably more or less good, lore-wise The Elder Scrolls Online is continuing to expand with new in-game areas with quite good success. Game balance-wise and skill-wise not so much, anymore. The answer how long it will continue to do so, is probably more based on the "new inspiration" value of the developer team for new content, than anything else.
    Anyone who has been playing Everquest II for more than 2-3 years will know how quickly lack of inspiration for new ideas can bring a game to a very repititive and boring state, at which even more players (than already before) will be leaving the game.

    I agree. While ESO seems to be doing pretty well, the game really isn't expanding "vertically". Adding a few new zones a year with some new story quests and recycled art resources isn't cutting it, long term.

    The cash store business model with free trials doesn't give anyone an accurate picture of the player base. I know they have touted constant growth, but that includes all the non-sub people who bought the $10 base game on sale and putzed around for a weekend before quitting.

    With the lack of large updates and the cash store business model, it doesn't feel like they are trying for sustainable long term growth. If you sum up all the new content over the past two years, it doesn't add up to something like WOW's BC or WOTLK (or any of their major expansions)

    The game needs vertical growth, not just horizontal.

  • Tandor
    It's nothing to do with the size or popularity of the game, or the ability/mindset of the developers, rather it's down to the type of development model adopted. Whereas Blizzard produce a large expansion every 2 or 3 years, ZOS produce smaller DLCs/Chapters every 3 months. Both approaches are equally valid, although if I were sitting at the level cap with the existing content all done I'd far rather have frequent updates than occasional ones.
  • RainfeatherUK
    The only game left with a decent content scale/polish/depth factor that releases on a regular basis (and is modern'ish in iteration) is ofcourse, FFXIV.

    The benefit of having a mandatory sub (for development), various activities for a range of demographics both in difficulty and theme; pays off if its done correctly. They have had far superior group making tools from day one, far more efficient dungeon systems and whilst some don't like that anime style - its easily overlooked for the breadth of everything else. The content also has less redundancy, major area's like cyrodiil aren't written off and abandoned.

    ESO comparatively is fairly rigid. Late game isn't exactly diverse or all that fleshed out comparatively and I'd pose that the CP system isn't exactly fulfilling - I mean, most of the time its suggested you remove what you've earned, to give yourself a 'challenge' lol...

    ESO wasn't successful early enough to capture the major mmo demographic really. The content model has long changed since the days of wrothgar and whilst they prefer these 'chapters' now, which are smaller and more cost effective - they also lack all of the 'features in one go' that normal mmo's would offer. Things like new classes come every expansion with FFXIV and other elements are all expanded on as well.

    I feel as if ESO's updates are too thinly spread. They release a chapter but the technique works poorly because everyone gets a little bit - which means, ultimately, that because not everyone likes everything; that you complete your 'little bit' quickly and then you find yourself bored.
  • Turelus
    I don't think we will get anything the size of the base game again, however with the chapters and DLC ZOS can tell new arching stories (like Morrowind - Summerset) over the content releases.

    They've got some great writers working for them so I'd imagine they have plenty of interesting ideas still lined up.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • NeroBad
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    The cash store business model with free trials doesn't give anyone an accurate picture of the player base. I know they have touted constant growth, but that includes all the non-sub people who bought the $10 base game on sale and putzed around for a weekend before quitting.

    With the lack of large updates and the cash store business model, it doesn't feel like they are trying for sustainable long term growth. If you sum up all the new content over the past two years, it doesn't add up to something like WOW's BC or WOTLK (or any of their major expansions)

    The game needs vertical growth, not just horizontal.

    Also it contains the ones who bought the game subscribbed after a few months and then spent some extra cash for crowns, and plays average 3 hours a day.

    I have very limited knowledge about WoW and I can imagine it has bigger innovations even in longtrem then ESO. I would really like some new bigger mechanics like the Justice System and Housing were.

    WoW's Lore nature supports big events much better (basically constant war), but TES's Lore for me supports a more immersive world.

    I think there is no guaranteed recipe for sustainable long term growth, but it seems (on Steam Chart) that in the past 2,5 years ZOS made a growing tendency
    ESO wasn't successful early enough to capture the major mmo demographic really. The content model has long changed since the days of wrothgar and whilst they prefer these 'chapters' now, which are smaller and more cost effective - they also lack all of the 'features in one go' that normal mmo's would offer. Things like new classes come every expansion with FFXIV and other elements are all expanded on as well.

    I feel as if ESO's updates are too thinly spread. They release a chapter but the technique works poorly because everyone gets a little bit - which means, ultimately, that because not everyone likes everything; that you complete your 'little bit' quickly and then you find yourself bored.

    Funny thing is that these 'normal' MMO's never grabbed me. In the past years I always eagerly wait the dataminings and E3 announcements for the new story content. For me this 3 month period much better then a less frequent and bigger content.

    I'm a kind of guy who has only one character, and do everything with him, so I'm not very hyped about new classes, Im more about new Skill lines (Psijjic Guild, Thieves Guild, Darkbrotherhood).

    Overall I enjoy my time in ESO, I think a big story event which goes on for many chapters (and story DLC) would be great. A new big gameplay element (justice system like) would be fun. Without improvments I would get bored, but right now I'm not bored.
  • zaria
    idk wrote: »
    Tannus15 wrote: »
    The difference is not size, but delivery dates.

    WoW had over 3 years after launch before Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich king was 4 years after launch, then cataclysm a full 2 years after that.

    This puts into perspective why I think it is humorous some will compare ESO to WoW. It is not just quantity, but also quality that matter. ESO surpasses WoW in each. The comparison in the OP does not seem very genuine, or not very informed about WoW.
    The graphical quality and the voice acting also make it take longer to make ESO content.
    If they increased production it would probably make sense to add more stuff every quarter like now.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Cillion3117
    I'm happy with the content and the schedule of release they use. But that's why I play the game, I'm happy with it. Why people continue playing a game and posting on forums about a game they are not happy with is beyond me. There's tons of gaming options out there. Someone out there is doing it right by your standards.
    Edited by Cillion3117 on October 31, 2018 10:47AM
  • Bevik
    I would say ditch 1 story/dungeon update and merge with something else and instead do some huge QoL update. Like improved Grouping Tool, Token System or anything what we really asked for for years now. While it is OKish to release some QoL with quarterly updates but that means less time to proper developing and testing. As the Combat guy mentioned they did multiple mistakes by pushing things out and regardless of the reports they still released as Live because they didn't have time and prioritized something else. Biggest mistake ever. Ruining the game for some immediately and made them quit even. That is not how to release contents.

    While no updates can be good for everyone yet can be properly tested and adjusted to atleast don't break the game. Especially when it comes to PTS feedbacks and the present of the class Reps with the even increased trust in them. I really hope that would work and eventually we can play a more balanced game sooner than later.

    Also I really hope they would do nice QoL changes to catch up with other MMOs and last but not least release some original, never seen features.

  • NeroBad
    I'm happy with the content and the schedule of release they use. But that's why I play th he game, I'm happy with it. Why people continue playing a game and posting on forums about a game they are not happy with is beyond me. There's tons of gaming options out there. Someone out there is doing it right by your standards.

    Crtiticism is a very important part of a game's forum. Also a very common behaviour for many is to exaggerate their bad feelings, so I think many who says they lack enjoyment in ESO, they just had better times and want be taken more seriously (altough many times this behaviour makes them look less serious).

    If there would be much less negative criticism I would write some, but with that many as I see I tend to write positive ones, because overall I enjoy this game, but that doesn't mean there are only minor flaws.

    I think ZOS make a decent amount of money from ESO so some pressure from the players to use that money to improve is good, but If we rarely praise them for the good aspects of the game altough we play them and hopefully enjoy them, then in the longrun I think ZOS would be more distant from the community.
  • myskyrim26
    I'm happy with the schedule and I don't want any changes. A big chapter will take a lot of time to elaborate, so we will not see any new content, except, maybe dungeon DLC. Is it fun? Well, not for me.
  • Danikat
    Turelus wrote: »
    I don't think we will get anything the size of the base game again, however with the chapters and DLC ZOS can tell new arching stories (like Morrowind - Summerset) over the content releases.

    They've got some great writers working for them so I'd imagine they have plenty of interesting ideas still lined up.

    That's what I was thinking too.

    There's no reason a new major storyline has to be released all at once. Think about TV shows, or what Marvel have been doing with their movies. ZOS could release DLCs and expansions with an on-going, overarching storyline (they kind of have with Morrowind, Clockwork City and Summerset but a lot of people seem to miss or ignore that for some reason). So they continue to release one small zone a year, one larger one and a couple of dungeons, but they all link together to tell a bigger story - like the base game zones and quests do.

    This would have the added benefit that it gives players an extra incentive to get all the new releases. At the moment I skip all the dungeon DLC because it's purely stand-alone content of a format I'm not that interested in, so there's no reason for me to play it. Other people will have their own criteria to pick and choose between DLC. Whereas if it all tied into the new 'main' story it would give people who are interested in the story another incentive to get it, and therefore increase profits for ZOS.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • MEBengalsFan2001
    Given what they have done the last few years I think another Chapter will be coming out in 2020 or 2021; all depending if they have enough of a story and quest to make it a chapter.

    As for 20 hours of game play out of each DLC for questing; this better than what other MMOs do which is daily boring repeatable quest that take roughly 5 minutes each to do and you get 3-8 a day and in various zones. Once you do this about 2-3 times you are bored and if you play more than one character you start to wonder what am I doing to myself.

    I rather the game release 20 hour quest every 3-4 months than release repeatable boring quest that results in me falling asleep with my controller in hand.
  • Ermiq
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    Gatviper wrote: »
    So far, arguably more or less good, lore-wise The Elder Scrolls Online is continuing to expand with new in-game areas with quite good success. Game balance-wise and skill-wise not so much, anymore. The answer how long it will continue to do so, is probably more based on the "new inspiration" value of the developer team for new content, than anything else.
    Anyone who has been playing Everquest II for more than 2-3 years will know how quickly lack of inspiration for new ideas can bring a game to a very repititive and boring state, at which even more players (than already before) will be leaving the game.

    I agree. While ESO seems to be doing pretty well, the game really isn't expanding "vertically". Adding a few new zones a year with some new story quests and recycled art resources isn't cutting it, long term.

    The cash store business model with free trials doesn't give anyone an accurate picture of the player base. I know they have touted constant growth, but that includes all the non-sub people who bought the $10 base game on sale and putzed around for a weekend before quitting.

    With the lack of large updates and the cash store business model, it doesn't feel like they are trying for sustainable long term growth. If you sum up all the new content over the past two years, it doesn't add up to something like WOW's BC or WOTLK.

    The game needs vertical growth, not just horizontal.

    I agree that it would be really nice if ESO had some vertical growth. I really hope ZOS have some thoughts about the future and they're not just planning to continue with new zones for too long.

    But I also would say that WoW didn't get something like BC, WotLK and Cataclysm for years. I know nothing about that new expansion though (called Battle for Azeroth, I think), so I don't know if they did something good or it's just another Warlords-like garbage.
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • Davor
    After reading all the comments, I think I am misunderstanding something. Why are some people saying the Original Poster is wrong? Either I am misunderstanding what the original poster means or everyone else is getting it wrong. Since I am sure everyone is not getting it wrong, I guess it's me.

    That said, let me say what I think the original poster ment. I agree, we could use a new "chapter" to go along the main quest or be a new main quest. We don't get rid of the main quest but we can also have another main quest. So like advancing the story.

    Let us have Tamreil advance time wise a bit. By that I mean something new happened. Maybe a new villain. Have the cast of The Five Companions minus the one be in the quests. Heck I would love to do Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivon all over again but in a different way.

    Why not let us find the 7 pieces of a staff? (or how many it was, memory is bad.) With memory continuing to be bad, why not do work for a certain person? Of course it can't be the Emperor but may an Emperor waiting to happen? Like with Oblivion, there is a hidden heir/heiress? How about being the Neverine again for the first time? While some people will just say "we already did that, done that" or "you can do it play those games" why not in ESO? This way it's not exactly the same. After all what we do is same old same old anyways. Go there, fetch this, fight that boss, rinse and repeat, you are the hero in the end after dying many times.

    Why does it have to be side quests? Why can't it be something new. New idea. Why not be something new so when we make a new character we don't have to do the same old same old beginner quest. Or if you don't want to make a new character just have it continue as part of Caldwelss quest, "a new beginning".
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Danikat
    Davor wrote: »
    After reading all the comments, I think I am misunderstanding something. Why are some people saying the Original Poster is wrong? Either I am misunderstanding what the original poster means or everyone else is getting it wrong. Since I am sure everyone is not getting it wrong, I guess it's me.

    That said, let me say what I think the original poster ment. I agree, we could use a new "chapter" to go along the main quest or be a new main quest. We don't get rid of the main quest but we can also have another main quest. So like advancing the story.

    Let us have Tamreil advance time wise a bit. By that I mean something new happened. Maybe a new villain. Have the cast of The Five Companions minus the one be in the quests. Heck I would love to do Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivon all over again but in a different way.

    Why not let us find the 7 pieces of a staff? (or how many it was, memory is bad.) With memory continuing to be bad, why not do work for a certain person? Of course it can't be the Emperor but may an Emperor waiting to happen? Like with Oblivion, there is a hidden heir/heiress? How about being the Neverine again for the first time? While some people will just say "we already did that, done that" or "you can do it play those games" why not in ESO? This way it's not exactly the same. After all what we do is same old same old anyways. Go there, fetch this, fight that boss, rinse and repeat, you are the hero in the end after dying many times.

    Why does it have to be side quests? Why can't it be something new. New idea. Why not be something new so when we make a new character we don't have to do the same old same old beginner quest. Or if you don't want to make a new character just have it continue as part of Caldwelss quest, "a new beginning".

    Isn't that exactly what they did in Morrowind, Clockwork City and Summerset with the storyline about 3 daedric princes attacking Tamriel and us having to work with various people and organisations to stop them?

    Ok it was spread across 3 releases instead of all being bundled into one, but otherwise the same. Each release had it's main storyline as well as various side quests, and all 3 main quests tie together to tell a bigger story. Just like how in the main game each zone has a main storyline which is part of the bigger Alliance war story.
    Edited by Danikat on October 31, 2018 1:44PM
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • ImmortalCX
    Davor wrote: »
    After reading all the comments, I think I am misunderstanding something. Why are some people saying the Original Poster is wrong? Either I am misunderstanding what the original poster means or everyone else is getting it wrong. Since I am sure everyone is not getting it wrong, I guess it's me.

    That said, let me say what I think the original poster ment. I agree, we could use a new "chapter" to go along the main quest or be a new main quest. We don't get rid of the main quest but we can also have another main quest. So like advancing the story.

    Let us have Tamreil advance time wise a bit. By that I mean something new happened. Maybe a new villain. Have the cast of The Five Companions minus the one be in the quests. Heck I would love to do Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivon all over again but in a different way.

    Why not let us find the 7 pieces of a staff? (or how many it was, memory is bad.) With memory continuing to be bad, why not do work for a certain person? Of course it can't be the Emperor but may an Emperor waiting to happen? Like with Oblivion, there is a hidden heir/heiress? How about being the Neverine again for the first time? While some people will just say "we already did that, done that" or "you can do it play those games" why not in ESO? This way it's not exactly the same. After all what we do is same old same old anyways. Go there, fetch this, fight that boss, rinse and repeat, you are the hero in the end after dying many times.

    Why does it have to be side quests? Why can't it be something new. New idea. Why not be something new so when we make a new character we don't have to do the same old same old beginner quest. Or if you don't want to make a new character just have it continue as part of Caldwelss quest, "a new beginning".

    Yes, you understand what I am asking. The problem with the many small content updates is that there isn't anything "big" happening in the world. The story doesn't advance once the main quest is completed.

    When I was leveling, the main quest was metered out and done along with many side quests and exploration, giving the feeling that there was much to do. This was much how I played Skyrim; I explored and did many zone quests while waiting to complete the main quest.

    What ZOS could do is make future chapters of the main quest (world advancing themes) that can only be completed by players who have achieved various CP levels. I know this would exclude many new players, but they would still have the original main quest to complete. And it would give motivation for players to keep advancing, story wise.

    For instance, there could be another "main quest" that becomes unlocked at CP300 and that could be integrated with completion of a trial (or not). For instance, the story of the "main quest, chapter two" could be interwoven with the theme of one of the trials. For instance, the quest starts when an NPC approaches the player (much like original main quest), and the player then undertakes a largely scripted/instanced quest with puzzles, combat, and a story advancing narrative. At the end, the hero needs to obtain a plot device (item) by completing the normal version of a trial which is then handed in to the quest giver to complete the final stage of the quest. (The player wouldn't necessarily need to do this, but the final reward would be greater if he did...)

    They could also create another main quest to be completed at CP600. And CP900.

    The point is that the immersive and "world altering" feeling of the game ends when you complete the main quest and reach CP160. If there were future chapters of main quest that were unlocked at higher CP levels, it would feel like the world was alive and growing.

    Even though the "many small releases" model is good, they have completely neglected the story telling and world building that typically comes in large expansions from other franchises.
  • Sevalaricgirl
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    Davor wrote: »
    After reading all the comments, I think I am misunderstanding something. Why are some people saying the Original Poster is wrong? Either I am misunderstanding what the original poster means or everyone else is getting it wrong. Since I am sure everyone is not getting it wrong, I guess it's me.

    That said, let me say what I think the original poster ment. I agree, we could use a new "chapter" to go along the main quest or be a new main quest. We don't get rid of the main quest but we can also have another main quest. So like advancing the story.

    Let us have Tamreil advance time wise a bit. By that I mean something new happened. Maybe a new villain. Have the cast of The Five Companions minus the one be in the quests. Heck I would love to do Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivon all over again but in a different way.

    Why not let us find the 7 pieces of a staff? (or how many it was, memory is bad.) With memory continuing to be bad, why not do work for a certain person? Of course it can't be the Emperor but may an Emperor waiting to happen? Like with Oblivion, there is a hidden heir/heiress? How about being the Neverine again for the first time? While some people will just say "we already did that, done that" or "you can do it play those games" why not in ESO? This way it's not exactly the same. After all what we do is same old same old anyways. Go there, fetch this, fight that boss, rinse and repeat, you are the hero in the end after dying many times.

    Why does it have to be side quests? Why can't it be something new. New idea. Why not be something new so when we make a new character we don't have to do the same old same old beginner quest. Or if you don't want to make a new character just have it continue as part of Caldwelss quest, "a new beginning".

    Yes, you understand what I am asking. The problem with the many small content updates is that there isn't anything "big" happening in the world. The story doesn't advance once the main quest is completed.

    When I was leveling, the main quest was metered out and done along with many side quests and exploration, giving the feeling that there was much to do. This was much how I played Skyrim; I explored and did many zone quests while waiting to complete the main quest.

    What ZOS could do is make future chapters of the main quest (world advancing themes) that can only be completed by players who have achieved various CP levels. I know this would exclude many new players, but they would still have the original main quest to complete. And it would give motivation for players to keep advancing, story wise.

    For instance, there could be another "main quest" that becomes unlocked at CP300 and that could be integrated with completion of a trial (or not). For instance, the story of the "main quest, chapter two" could be interwoven with the theme of one of the trials. For instance, the quest starts when an NPC approaches the player (much like original main quest), and the player then undertakes a largely scripted/instanced quest with puzzles, combat, and a story advancing narrative. At the end, the hero needs to obtain a plot device (item) by completing the normal version of a trial which is then handed in to the quest giver to complete the final stage of the quest. (The player wouldn't necessarily need to do this, but the final reward would be greater if he did...)

    They could also create another main quest to be completed at CP600. And CP900.

    The point is that the immersive and "world altering" feeling of the game ends when you complete the main quest and reach CP160. If there were future chapters of main quest that were unlocked at higher CP levels, it would feel like the world was alive and growing.

    Even though the "many small releases" model is good, they have completely neglected the story telling and world building that typically comes in large expansions from other franchises.

    Just no. ESO is just fine the way it is. I was sick of the main quest and doing it over and over again. Right now I have characters that do other things, one is doing the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild but only does delves and world bosses in the faction areas, etc. I don't think anything should be CP locked to anyone. I am also a proponent of ZOS giving us a Cyrodiil and Imperial City PvE zone.
    Edited by Sevalaricgirl on October 31, 2018 2:12PM
  • Davor
    ImmortalCX wrote: »
    Davor wrote: »
    After reading all the comments, I think I am misunderstanding something. Why are some people saying the Original Poster is wrong? Either I am misunderstanding what the original poster means or everyone else is getting it wrong. Since I am sure everyone is not getting it wrong, I guess it's me.

    That said, let me say what I think the original poster ment. I agree, we could use a new "chapter" to go along the main quest or be a new main quest. We don't get rid of the main quest but we can also have another main quest. So like advancing the story.

    Let us have Tamreil advance time wise a bit. By that I mean something new happened. Maybe a new villain. Have the cast of The Five Companions minus the one be in the quests. Heck I would love to do Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivon all over again but in a different way.

    Why not let us find the 7 pieces of a staff? (or how many it was, memory is bad.) With memory continuing to be bad, why not do work for a certain person? Of course it can't be the Emperor but may an Emperor waiting to happen? Like with Oblivion, there is a hidden heir/heiress? How about being the Neverine again for the first time? While some people will just say "we already did that, done that" or "you can do it play those games" why not in ESO? This way it's not exactly the same. After all what we do is same old same old anyways. Go there, fetch this, fight that boss, rinse and repeat, you are the hero in the end after dying many times.

    Why does it have to be side quests? Why can't it be something new. New idea. Why not be something new so when we make a new character we don't have to do the same old same old beginner quest. Or if you don't want to make a new character just have it continue as part of Caldwelss quest, "a new beginning".

    Yes, you understand what I am asking. The problem with the many small content updates is that there isn't anything "big" happening in the world. The story doesn't advance once the main quest is completed.

    When I was leveling, the main quest was metered out and done along with many side quests and exploration, giving the feeling that there was much to do. This was much how I played Skyrim; I explored and did many zone quests while waiting to complete the main quest.

    What ZOS could do is make future chapters of the main quest (world advancing themes) that can only be completed by players who have achieved various CP levels. I know this would exclude many new players, but they would still have the original main quest to complete. And it would give motivation for players to keep advancing, story wise.

    For instance, there could be another "main quest" that becomes unlocked at CP300 and that could be integrated with completion of a trial (or not). For instance, the story of the "main quest, chapter two" could be interwoven with the theme of one of the trials. For instance, the quest starts when an NPC approaches the player (much like original main quest), and the player then undertakes a largely scripted/instanced quest with puzzles, combat, and a story advancing narrative. At the end, the hero needs to obtain a plot device (item) by completing the normal version of a trial which is then handed in to the quest giver to complete the final stage of the quest. (The player wouldn't necessarily need to do this, but the final reward would be greater if he did...)

    They could also create another main quest to be completed at CP600. And CP900.

    The point is that the immersive and "world altering" feeling of the game ends when you complete the main quest and reach CP160. If there were future chapters of main quest that were unlocked at higher CP levels, it would feel like the world was alive and growing.

    Even though the "many small releases" model is good, they have completely neglected the story telling and world building that typically comes in large expansions from other franchises.

    Just no. ESO is just fine the way it is. I was sick of the main quest and doing it over and over again. Right now I have characters that do other things, one is doing the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild but only does delves and world bosses in the faction areas, etc. I don't think anything should be CP locked to anyone. I am also a proponent of ZOS giving us a Cyrodiil and Imperial City PvE zone.

    Just No? You are sick of the main quest and doing it over and over again but don't want a new one? One of my suggestions was to remove the original quest with a new one once people have done the original one. So basically you want the same old same old then? Also who says this new quest can't be in the Cyrodiil and or Imperial City? This way we have our PvE zone that will also be separate from the PvP zones.
    Edited by Davor on October 31, 2018 2:18PM
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • lagrue
    The base game cost some $200,000,000 to make... if you think they're gonna shell that out again then :D
    PSN ID (NA only): Zuzu_With_a_Z

    "You must defeat me every time. I need defeat you only once"
  • Davor
    lagrue wrote: »
    The base game cost some $200,000,000 to make... if you think they're gonna shell that out again then :D

    Almost a quarter of a billion dollars you say to make? I don't think so. Where did you get the facts for this? Be nice to see if I am wrong. If anything your point is that it's either improve the graphics of the game especially if true quater of a billion dollars was spent to make the game, no way they will just let it tank and slide with out dated graphics then.
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
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