I think they would have to rework soul magic for that. But id totally be down for skills and passives in that tree that arent garbage.Necromancer kind of?
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Some ideas I have are college of winterhold skill line(?) Problem as winterhold kinda has no space. And the college might not even exist yet. But the game is within the time period that it would be built in so its a 50/50
SilverIce58 wrote: »
The college was founded by Shalidor in the 1st era and they study literally all types of magic (including necromancy) so it'd be more similar to having another mages guild line, but more all around and possibly better. The great collapse isnt even close to happening as that takes place in the 4th era.
Source: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:College_of_Winterhold
Also, Winterhold is basically the only city of Skyrim that i want to see in this time period bc itd be an actual city and not just a couple shacks and the college like in skyrim.
Haashhtaag wrote: »How about we don’t add anything else to the damn game and focus on fixing all the broke stuff in the game? Throwing crap against the wall has created a giant pile of crap.
They have done a class, crafting, and a combat skill line. I am leaning towards a race or weapon next as my guess.
I will be extremely disappointed if we don't get necromancers. Class or Skill line, doesn't matter to me.
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Thinking 2 new weapons. 1 hand and rune and 1 hand and shield, opening up options for hybrids and stuff.
Hybrids are not held back by weapon options but from how base of character build has been since the game was launched. Weapons will not solve or change anything.
I find it a long shot Zos would add another weapon, mostly due to balancing issues. . If they did I would say spears or crossbow based on previous games, but we already have 3 stamina weapon lines focused on damage and only one magicka weapon line so any magicka weapon line would likely be next.
Personally I would love a Necromancer class, there is a lot of demand for it from the community but so far ZOS has said nope.
I don't think they ever said nope. They just haven't said yep yet.
Thannazzar wrote: »One handed & Spell (magicka melee weapon line).
The best I've heard is Gilliam asked them during his Morrowind test and they told him "no plans" which wasn't under NDA.
I don't think they ever said nope. They just haven't said yep yet.