Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

You are spoiled - [back in my days..]

  • magnumXopus
    Back in my day....

    Just kidding, I'm glad they're working hard to improve the game and I expect their to be longer than normal down times in the beginning its new to everyone, including the developers. This is the first time the game has been live.....ever. All of those who are complaining are so used to getting their way because that's how Blizzard has done it and it ruined one of the best MMO's ever. That's why you're here with the rest of us looking for something better. Well, we found something better. So don't ruin it like you did WoW with your spoiled rotten, self-centered, and totally baseless attitude.

    Don't force the ESO team to compromise the quality and imagination of the game so that you can get what you want, when you want, how you want, just because you want it.

    Server down time is part of the terms you agreed to without reading it. Server down time is how they are able to continually improve the product that you complain needs improvement.

    The truth is some people are just jerks.

    None of us paid extra for early access. Regardless of what your parents told you, life is 100% fair. We all get exactly what we deserve. We are just too stubborn to see that we deserve our sorrows and two envious to see that others deserve their blessings.

    You know what would be better than raging on the forum about not having your desires fulfilled? Go meditate on your rage, you'll find that it's unjustified and unproductive. The dev team is affording you a golden opportunity by forcing you to log out. Don't let that opportunity go to waste.
  • NinjaNick
    Where's the like button for all of these posts? ^__^ In my day I had DOOR GAMES and they were the BEST MMO's ever!
  • Scrambled_Brain
    just to continue this - the original poster is obviously still a youngster as BACK IN MY DAY - there WERE no games. oh wait, if you count "blip" or some handheld junk with dots moving across a half inch screen there were - although, even these didn't come out until I was a senior in high school. The lowest price I remember gas ever being when I was about 8 or so was 55 cents a gallon so whoever posted that it was 25 cents - get back in your coffin, corpse. :open_mouth:
  • Soloeus
    Back in my day all we had was Oregon Trail on the Apple 2.

    Within; Without.
  • Sakiri
    OP, thats the joy of being 33 and grown.

    If I want to play 15 hour days I can.
  • Sakiri
    just to continue this - the original poster is obviously still a youngster as BACK IN MY DAY - there WERE no games. oh wait, if you count "blip" or some handheld junk with dots moving across a half inch screen there were - although, even these didn't come out until I was a senior in high school. The lowest price I remember gas ever being when I was about 8 or so was 55 cents a gallon so whoever posted that it was 25 cents - get back in your coffin, corpse. :open_mouth:
    79 cents when I was in college.
  • megginsonjuan_ESO
    back in my day Mario was the best
  • Splattzilla
    Back in my day.. You had to map out north, north, north, up, up, east to get to a merchant and pray to the MUD god you didn't run into a traveling legendary mob!
    To succeed you must do the things that you think you cannot.
  • Kainam
    In my day, we had to play RPGs on an Etch-A-Sketch.
    Whenever we died, we had to shake it to erase the screen and START OVER!
    Don't forget the hundreds of voices that must be heard. This thread was closed, but we are still here.
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