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Sorcs are easy. Okay

  • Edziu
    Feanor wrote: »
    If you’re in execute range any execute will kill you. The 4 second window is entirely psychological because it increases pressure and forces to be a bit more defensive for these 4 seconds. Major and minor evasion also affect the initial hit in which case the execute won’t stick.

    nope, any of other executes we have counter, normal executes you still can dodge/block, beam you can block/LoS/cloak if nb, mages wrath...uhh here we are, isntagib if it is on you and you fall to 20% hp in nontankly build
  • usmguy1234
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • Joy_Division
    Feanor wrote: »
    Let's examine other classes.
    Stamina NB - apply rally and vigor. Forget about rally until it goes off and reapply vigor every 6 seconds and dodge roll and cloak until incap is up and then let loose with incap, assassins will and surprise attack..dead.

    Mag sorc apply 2-3 shields every 6 seconds, so basically your fingers are never leaving those buttons because if they do you get one tapped. Then proc your glyph..Curse execute, rune cage, frag, then force pulse force pulse. Even then not guaranteed kill. Add a meteor on that for a combo and it takes 6 or 7 things to kill someone. Apply the same stam NB combo to magblades and they have an easier time in 1v1 yet they shield stack as well and have hots active and strong mobility.

    Mag templars. Minor mending and can purify dot builds and eliminates majority of negative affect on oneself, can stack power of light and DB then jab jab jab, it nearly kills all classes..The majority of stam builds have Dawnbreaker where they pop that and then execute and people die yet mag sorcs have to lay 6 or 7 things down to kill someone while having to have those shields on constantly..How is that easy?

    The fact that the first thing you listed for Templars is *minor mending* [!] as their selling point should clue you into why you are seeing complaints about Sorcerers on these forums.

    Healing doesn’t show up on the death recap. That’s why you see less complaints about Templars. It’s true, magTemplar are subpar DDs now in PvP. What makes up for this is that even after all the soul ripping nerfs the class had to endure they are still the best group support characters around, with Warden being close. As for easier, I’d say playing a Templar healbot in a group setting is way easier than any offensive role you can have with any class. Yet now one complains about “ez mode Templars”.

    Do a search on "Fengrush" and "breath of life" or "healbots" and tell me again how it is I see less complaints about templars.

    You do realize Breath of Life is the most nerfed skill in the game (yes, it has received more nerfs than your Streak) and ZoS took away templars best passive because so many people whined and complained about healing?

    And right now, you're making snide remarks about "ez mode templars." You're claiming that playing a templar "healbot" is "way easier than any offensive role." And all this time I the forums insisted damage dealers in ball groups just hit their "1" button that is the PBAoE of the current meta and mindlessly follow crown. But no, you're telling me it's actually really hard, it's the healing role you can just garb and pug in zone and be fine because that's "way easier."
    Edited by Joy_Division on June 27, 2018 6:19PM
  • Edziu
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage
  • Feanor
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    If you’re in execute range any execute will kill you. The 4 second window is entirely psychological because it increases pressure and forces to be a bit more defensive for these 4 seconds. Major and minor evasion also affect the initial hit in which case the execute won’t stick.

    nope, any of other executes we have counter, normal executes you still can dodge/block, beam you can block/LoS/cloak if nb, mages wrath...uhh here we are, isntagib if it is on you and you fall to 20% hp in nontankly build

    I can’t count on how many occasions the screen just showed a “miss” on a Fury cast. Also it’s interesting you expect to survive with > 5,000 health against other executes. It’s not true, and if so, would point to other executes being too weak and not Fury being too strong.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • Edziu
    Feanor wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    If you’re in execute range any execute will kill you. The 4 second window is entirely psychological because it increases pressure and forces to be a bit more defensive for these 4 seconds. Major and minor evasion also affect the initial hit in which case the execute won’t stick.

    nope, any of other executes we have counter, normal executes you still can dodge/block, beam you can block/LoS/cloak if nb, mages wrath...uhh here we are, isntagib if it is on you and you fall to 20% hp in nontankly build

    I can’t count on how many occasions the screen just showed a “miss” on a Fury cast. Also it’s interesting you expect to survive with > 5,000 health against other executes. It’s not true, and if so, would point to other executes being too weak and not Fury being too strong.

    so you just didnt undesrtand what I mean
    I mean passive wrath waiting 4 sec to execute and you mean normal casting skill to put on you this passively wrath, here yes, skill itself you can dodge and at all this deosnt do even noticable damage, this skill is only to put on youur enemy this passive wrath to just insta tick at 20% hp which isnt blockabe or dodgable, with it we have problem becuase this is as execute
  • usmguy1234
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • Edziu
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    but what if he ise 20m+ away from me? what if I have CD on pot becasue needed other before?

    and wtf is with your thinking about vree cc immunity in mines? they dont stun and dont grant cc immune after stem into them, they have only immobilize from whcih you need only to dodge and after dodge you always have 2sec immunity to other immobilizes

    and onther question, what if he casted this meteor while he was cc immune?

    as you say "tons of options on nb" but sorc also have a tons of options to just prevent those my
  • DDuke
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.
  • usmguy1234
    20+ meters> gapcloser ... let's be honest here if a sorc sees you coming from that far away as a nightblade you've done something wrong.
    Pot cool down> use cc
    If he's cc immune> means you missed your opportunity or he's using a pot. The only counter for this is positioning..Los or rolling through the sorc so he can't target you. Trust me ranged skills do screwy things when the target is really close. If you roll through him he'll be out of position for hitting you with rune.

    On the mines part (I may be absolutely wrong) but I thought you have the option to dodgeroll or break free. I don't get stuck in mines much but back when eternal hunt was popular I know you could break free from it and I think they both have the same status effect. If I'm wrong, I apologize in advance.

    Honestly the best option is to make a sorc friend (we're not all bad people) and duel with them and try different things until you find what works for each scenario. I did the same with nightblades because they eat my lunch... and guess what... I'm a sorc main. I've gotten a lot better but I still have to be on my a game to take out a good one.
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • Ender1310
    I don't even bother anymore. This will be looked at and sorcs will justify it. I'm afraid I am Kevin Duranting this one and playing a mag sorc. Cheese please! I've played all my other alts and it's just the easiest. People act like you can't use regeneration and healing springs on top of shield spam. Add resto ult if you want too. Look keep passing off the cheese as skill if you want. I'll join you wink wink. I mained a stamblade for far to long since launch. It is good to blow fools up at range behind shields with mobility and heals if I want. Like crit surge don't do the job.
  • DDuke
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    20+ meters> gapcloser ... let's be honest here if a sorc sees you coming from that far away as a nightblade you've done something wrong.
    Pot cool down> use cc
    If he's cc immune> means you missed your opportunity or he's using a pot. The only counter for this is positioning..Los or rolling through the sorc so he can't target you. Trust me ranged skills do screwy things when the target is really close. If you roll through him he'll be out of position for hitting you with rune.

    On the mines part (I may be absolutely wrong) but I thought you have the option to dodgeroll or break free. I don't get stuck in mines much but back when eternal hunt was popular I know you could break free from it and I think they both have the same status effect. If I'm wrong, I apologize in advance.

    Honestly the best option is to make a sorc friend (we're not all bad people) and duel with them and try different things until you find what works for each scenario. I did the same with nightblades because they eat my lunch... and guess what... I'm a sorc main. I've gotten a lot better but I still have to be on my a game to take out a good one.

    Using a gap closer when you see a Meteor prompt or after a Curse application? Probably the worst idea you could have - that sorc won't even have to Rune Cage you as you'll eat all the damage from Frags etc while in gap closer animation, unable to dodge or block.

    Besides, most gap closers aren't worth a skill slot anymore after all the nerfs.

    The best option against Rune Cage is as you put it, being invisible 24/7 (and then one shotting sorc from stealth if/when they forget to rebuff shields). That's really what it has come down to.

    I do have a sorc as well & I also tested every way of surviving Rune Cage on PTS, and the only way on a stamblade/stam sorc is going full tank with Impregnable/Brass and changing your entire playstyle in the process.

    On PTS though I was able to burst down a medium armor stamblade with 25k health & Impregnable, so I wouldn't even be sure of that...

    And no, roots do not give CC immunity. The root immunity has a similar swirling effect tho that is easy to confuse.
    Edited by DDuke on June 27, 2018 3:56PM
  • DDuke
    Edited by DDuke on June 27, 2018 3:55PM
  • usmguy1234
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • DDuke
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    You get +8m range on all skills with 28m range from Battle Spirit. In case of keep fights we'd be talking about a 41m (Reach passive) ability, not 36m.

    ...and you definitely don't need ultimate to burst someone down with Rune Cage, here's an example:

    You just need to land multiple hard hitting abilities at the same time & get a Fury or Implosion proc for the kill now.

    In previous patches the burst was very close, but not quite enough (without Meteor) to kill someone in a non-tank build from 100>0.

    Meteor is actually the easiest Cage combo to deal with (atleast as a stamblade) since you just cloak when you see the Meteor prompt, block while cloaked & you're good to go. Det pot guarantees a kill for sorc here of course, but even that can somewhat be countered by using their tendency to fight at maximum range against them (det pot has 20m radius).
    Edited by DDuke on June 27, 2018 4:16PM
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    What you need 1.5k mag regen on a stamblade for if not for cloak spam?

  • Edziu
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    same distance as gap closers? you forgot gap closers have 22m range and skillis with range better than 28m have additional 8m range in just battlespirit so you have 36m range on simple range skill while gap closer is only 22m, gl with running those few meters where every sec is very important
  • Edziu
    IAVITNI wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    What you need 1.5k mag regen on a stamblade for if not for cloak spam?

    yes its mainly for cloak spam as Im very based on cloak with dodge as I have really low health with my build
  • usmguy1234
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    same distance as gap closers? you forgot gap closers have 22m range and skillis with range better than 28m have additional 8m range in just battlespirit so you have 36m range on simple range skill while gap closer is only 22m, gl with running those few meters where every sec is very important

    Good players can cover that distance before you get half of your rotation off.
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    You get +8m range on all skills with 28m range from Battle Spirit. In case of keep fights we'd be talking about a 41m (Reach passive) ability, not 36m.

    ...and you definitely don't need ultimate to burst someone down with Rune Cage, here's an example:

    You just need to land multiple hard hitting abilities at the same time & get a Fury or Implosion proc for the kill now.

    In previous patches the burst was very close, but not quite enough (without Meteor) to kill someone in a non-tank build from 100>0.

    Meteor is actually the easiest Cage combo to deal with (atleast as a stamblade) since you just cloak when you see the Meteor prompt, block while cloaked & you're good to go. Det pot guarantees a kill for sorc here of course, but even that can somewhat be countered by using their tendency to fight at maximum range against them (det pot has 20m radius).

    Ok so if you can handle the combo then the picture you put up must have resulted in your failure to break out of rune. If you run out of resources you're going to die... unless the other guy is a tank.
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • DDuke
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    same distance as gap closers? you forgot gap closers have 22m range and skillis with range better than 28m have additional 8m range in just battlespirit so you have 36m range on simple range skill while gap closer is only 22m, gl with running those few meters where every sec is very important

    Good players can cover that distance before you get half of your rotation off.
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    You get +8m range on all skills with 28m range from Battle Spirit. In case of keep fights we'd be talking about a 41m (Reach passive) ability, not 36m.

    ...and you definitely don't need ultimate to burst someone down with Rune Cage, here's an example:

    You just need to land multiple hard hitting abilities at the same time & get a Fury or Implosion proc for the kill now.

    In previous patches the burst was very close, but not quite enough (without Meteor) to kill someone in a non-tank build from 100>0.

    Meteor is actually the easiest Cage combo to deal with (atleast as a stamblade) since you just cloak when you see the Meteor prompt, block while cloaked & you're good to go. Det pot guarantees a kill for sorc here of course, but even that can somewhat be countered by using their tendency to fight at maximum range against them (det pot has 20m radius).

    Ok so if you can handle the combo then the picture you put up must have resulted in your failure to break out of rune. If you run out of resources you're going to die... unless the other guy is a tank.

    It has nothing to do with not being able to break out of the rune. When you combo with Rune Cage, you guarantee that abilities land at the same time as the 4-5k damage CC. If someone for example saw a Frag coming and tried to dodge roll it, Rune Cage makes sure that Frag lands & you take full damage from it (and 4-5k from the Cage itself).

    The difference is that when someone casts a Meteor on you you're given a clear "cloak now" cue where as other Cage bursts begin with the Cage CC'ing you & disabling your defenses.

    That's why the full combo (any combo really that involves Meteor & doesn't involve det pots) is ironically easier to deal with as stamblade.
  • usmguy1234
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    same distance as gap closers? you forgot gap closers have 22m range and skillis with range better than 28m have additional 8m range in just battlespirit so you have 36m range on simple range skill while gap closer is only 22m, gl with running those few meters where every sec is very important

    Good players can cover that distance before you get half of your rotation off.
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    You get +8m range on all skills with 28m range from Battle Spirit. In case of keep fights we'd be talking about a 41m (Reach passive) ability, not 36m.

    ...and you definitely don't need ultimate to burst someone down with Rune Cage, here's an example:

    You just need to land multiple hard hitting abilities at the same time & get a Fury or Implosion proc for the kill now.

    In previous patches the burst was very close, but not quite enough (without Meteor) to kill someone in a non-tank build from 100>0.

    Meteor is actually the easiest Cage combo to deal with (atleast as a stamblade) since you just cloak when you see the Meteor prompt, block while cloaked & you're good to go. Det pot guarantees a kill for sorc here of course, but even that can somewhat be countered by using their tendency to fight at maximum range against them (det pot has 20m radius).

    Ok so if you can handle the combo then the picture you put up must have resulted in your failure to break out of rune. If you run out of resources you're going to die... unless the other guy is a tank.

    It has nothing to do with not being able to break out of the rune. When you combo with Rune Cage, you guarantee that abilities land at the same time as the 4-5k damage CC. If someone for example saw a Frag coming and tried to dodge roll it, Rune Cage makes sure that Frag lands & you take full damage from it (and 4-5k from the Cage itself).

    The difference is that when someone casts a Meteor on you you're given a clear "cloak now" cue where as other Cage bursts begin with the Cage CC'ing you & disabling your defenses.

    That's why the full combo (any combo really that involves Meteor & doesn't involve det pots) is ironically easier to deal with as stamblade.

    Frag has a cue that is petty obvious. I mean you had a 8 kill steak before the sorc killed you. I guess people will always complain about something.
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • DDuke
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    same distance as gap closers? you forgot gap closers have 22m range and skillis with range better than 28m have additional 8m range in just battlespirit so you have 36m range on simple range skill while gap closer is only 22m, gl with running those few meters where every sec is very important

    Good players can cover that distance before you get half of your rotation off.
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    You get +8m range on all skills with 28m range from Battle Spirit. In case of keep fights we'd be talking about a 41m (Reach passive) ability, not 36m.

    ...and you definitely don't need ultimate to burst someone down with Rune Cage, here's an example:

    You just need to land multiple hard hitting abilities at the same time & get a Fury or Implosion proc for the kill now.

    In previous patches the burst was very close, but not quite enough (without Meteor) to kill someone in a non-tank build from 100>0.

    Meteor is actually the easiest Cage combo to deal with (atleast as a stamblade) since you just cloak when you see the Meteor prompt, block while cloaked & you're good to go. Det pot guarantees a kill for sorc here of course, but even that can somewhat be countered by using their tendency to fight at maximum range against them (det pot has 20m radius).

    Ok so if you can handle the combo then the picture you put up must have resulted in your failure to break out of rune. If you run out of resources you're going to die... unless the other guy is a tank.

    It has nothing to do with not being able to break out of the rune. When you combo with Rune Cage, you guarantee that abilities land at the same time as the 4-5k damage CC. If someone for example saw a Frag coming and tried to dodge roll it, Rune Cage makes sure that Frag lands & you take full damage from it (and 4-5k from the Cage itself).

    The difference is that when someone casts a Meteor on you you're given a clear "cloak now" cue where as other Cage bursts begin with the Cage CC'ing you & disabling your defenses.

    That's why the full combo (any combo really that involves Meteor & doesn't involve det pots) is ironically easier to deal with as stamblade.

    Frag has a cue that is petty obvious. I mean you had a 8 kill steak before the sorc killed you. I guess people will always complain about something.

    What I've been trying to tell you is that the Frag cue (just for example) simply doesn't matter when you Rune Cage->Frag (in that order) & guaranteed land the Frag with other damage.

    Meteor combo is this order: Meteor->Rune Cage->Frag, meaning you have time after Meteor prompt to cloak or find LoS to prevent further damage.

    I'm just complaining about things that don't have reasonable counterplay and let people get kills in scenarios where they don't deserve those kills (i.e. when what someone does takes absolutely no skill or effort). Sload is another example of broken bs atm, and to somewhat lesser extent Incap (as it enables easymode two button burst with Relentless/Merciless and even replaces traditional CC abilities in most builds given how frequently you can use it).
    Edited by DDuke on June 27, 2018 5:41PM
  • usmguy1234
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    same distance as gap closers? you forgot gap closers have 22m range and skillis with range better than 28m have additional 8m range in just battlespirit so you have 36m range on simple range skill while gap closer is only 22m, gl with running those few meters where every sec is very important

    Good players can cover that distance before you get half of your rotation off.
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    You get +8m range on all skills with 28m range from Battle Spirit. In case of keep fights we'd be talking about a 41m (Reach passive) ability, not 36m.

    ...and you definitely don't need ultimate to burst someone down with Rune Cage, here's an example:

    You just need to land multiple hard hitting abilities at the same time & get a Fury or Implosion proc for the kill now.

    In previous patches the burst was very close, but not quite enough (without Meteor) to kill someone in a non-tank build from 100>0.

    Meteor is actually the easiest Cage combo to deal with (atleast as a stamblade) since you just cloak when you see the Meteor prompt, block while cloaked & you're good to go. Det pot guarantees a kill for sorc here of course, but even that can somewhat be countered by using their tendency to fight at maximum range against them (det pot has 20m radius).

    Ok so if you can handle the combo then the picture you put up must have resulted in your failure to break out of rune. If you run out of resources you're going to die... unless the other guy is a tank.

    It has nothing to do with not being able to break out of the rune. When you combo with Rune Cage, you guarantee that abilities land at the same time as the 4-5k damage CC. If someone for example saw a Frag coming and tried to dodge roll it, Rune Cage makes sure that Frag lands & you take full damage from it (and 4-5k from the Cage itself).

    The difference is that when someone casts a Meteor on you you're given a clear "cloak now" cue where as other Cage bursts begin with the Cage CC'ing you & disabling your defenses.

    That's why the full combo (any combo really that involves Meteor & doesn't involve det pots) is ironically easier to deal with as stamblade.

    Frag has a cue that is petty obvious. I mean you had a 8 kill steak before the sorc killed you. I guess people will always complain about something.

    What I've been trying to tell you is that the Frag cue (just for example) simply doesn't matter when you Rune Cage->Frag (in that order) & guaranteed land the Frag with other damage.

    Meteor combo is this order: Meteor->Rune Cage->Frag, meaning you have time after Meteor prompt to cloak or find LoS to prevent further damage.

    I'm just complaining about things that don't have reasonable counterplay and let people get kills in scenarios where they don't deserve those kills (i.e. when what someone does takes absolutely no skill or effort). Sload is another example of broken bs atm, and to somewhat lesser extent Incap (as it enables easymode two button burst with Relentless/Merciless and even replaces traditional CC abilities in most builds given how frequently you can use it).

    Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like you're using the bombard/ lethal arrow gank combo with the asylum bow. That's a little hypocritical to preach about mechanisms with little counterplay.
    Edited by usmguy1234 on June 27, 2018 5:53PM
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • WillhelmBlack
    Just off to stack some power of light, Dawnbreaker and jabs...brb.
    PC EU
  • usmguy1234
    Hey Zos these are the people complaining about sorcs being op


    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • cazlonb16_ESO
    Just off to stack some power of light, Dawnbreaker and jabs...brb.

    On your MagPlar of course. Because as we have learned in this thread, MagPlars jab stuff to pieces without effort. Who cares that Biting Jabs is the stamina morph and the damage on Puncturing Sweeps, the magicka one, is so pitiful, you won't even kill potatoes by spamming it.
    Edited by cazlonb16_ESO on June 27, 2018 6:13PM
  • DDuke
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    same distance as gap closers? you forgot gap closers have 22m range and skillis with range better than 28m have additional 8m range in just battlespirit so you have 36m range on simple range skill while gap closer is only 22m, gl with running those few meters where every sec is very important

    Good players can cover that distance before you get half of your rotation off.
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    You get +8m range on all skills with 28m range from Battle Spirit. In case of keep fights we'd be talking about a 41m (Reach passive) ability, not 36m.

    ...and you definitely don't need ultimate to burst someone down with Rune Cage, here's an example:

    You just need to land multiple hard hitting abilities at the same time & get a Fury or Implosion proc for the kill now.

    In previous patches the burst was very close, but not quite enough (without Meteor) to kill someone in a non-tank build from 100>0.

    Meteor is actually the easiest Cage combo to deal with (atleast as a stamblade) since you just cloak when you see the Meteor prompt, block while cloaked & you're good to go. Det pot guarantees a kill for sorc here of course, but even that can somewhat be countered by using their tendency to fight at maximum range against them (det pot has 20m radius).

    Ok so if you can handle the combo then the picture you put up must have resulted in your failure to break out of rune. If you run out of resources you're going to die... unless the other guy is a tank.

    It has nothing to do with not being able to break out of the rune. When you combo with Rune Cage, you guarantee that abilities land at the same time as the 4-5k damage CC. If someone for example saw a Frag coming and tried to dodge roll it, Rune Cage makes sure that Frag lands & you take full damage from it (and 4-5k from the Cage itself).

    The difference is that when someone casts a Meteor on you you're given a clear "cloak now" cue where as other Cage bursts begin with the Cage CC'ing you & disabling your defenses.

    That's why the full combo (any combo really that involves Meteor & doesn't involve det pots) is ironically easier to deal with as stamblade.

    Frag has a cue that is petty obvious. I mean you had a 8 kill steak before the sorc killed you. I guess people will always complain about something.

    What I've been trying to tell you is that the Frag cue (just for example) simply doesn't matter when you Rune Cage->Frag (in that order) & guaranteed land the Frag with other damage.

    Meteor combo is this order: Meteor->Rune Cage->Frag, meaning you have time after Meteor prompt to cloak or find LoS to prevent further damage.

    I'm just complaining about things that don't have reasonable counterplay and let people get kills in scenarios where they don't deserve those kills (i.e. when what someone does takes absolutely no skill or effort). Sload is another example of broken bs atm, and to somewhat lesser extent Incap (as it enables easymode two button burst with Relentless/Merciless and even replaces traditional CC abilities in most builds given how frequently you can use it).

    Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like you're using the bombard/ lethal arrow gank combo with the asylum bow. That's a little hypocritical to preach about mechanisms with little counterplay.

    I am (imho it's the strongest way to play medium armor atm), but unlike Rune Cage it does have reasonable counterplay in form of staying in stealth, block, dodge & dmg shields - reactive/proactive defenses that don't require you to build a tank.

    Meanwhile as a medium armor player I have one proactive defense against Rune Cage: staying in stealth. I'd hardly call that reasonable.

    It's also the main reason I haven't made a (less stealth-reliant) new melee build for example; those are just not effective with Rune Cage around.

    Btw since we're talking about sorcs being easy, here's an example of what people can do with stealth oriented mSorc builds:

    ...from up to 36m (and guaranteed to land if Overload LA->Rune Cage), without having to land a 20m cone AoE & Snipe in the correct order from the correct distance.
  • usmguy1234
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    same distance as gap closers? you forgot gap closers have 22m range and skillis with range better than 28m have additional 8m range in just battlespirit so you have 36m range on simple range skill while gap closer is only 22m, gl with running those few meters where every sec is very important

    Good players can cover that distance before you get half of your rotation off.
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    You get +8m range on all skills with 28m range from Battle Spirit. In case of keep fights we'd be talking about a 41m (Reach passive) ability, not 36m.

    ...and you definitely don't need ultimate to burst someone down with Rune Cage, here's an example:

    You just need to land multiple hard hitting abilities at the same time & get a Fury or Implosion proc for the kill now.

    In previous patches the burst was very close, but not quite enough (without Meteor) to kill someone in a non-tank build from 100>0.

    Meteor is actually the easiest Cage combo to deal with (atleast as a stamblade) since you just cloak when you see the Meteor prompt, block while cloaked & you're good to go. Det pot guarantees a kill for sorc here of course, but even that can somewhat be countered by using their tendency to fight at maximum range against them (det pot has 20m radius).

    Ok so if you can handle the combo then the picture you put up must have resulted in your failure to break out of rune. If you run out of resources you're going to die... unless the other guy is a tank.

    It has nothing to do with not being able to break out of the rune. When you combo with Rune Cage, you guarantee that abilities land at the same time as the 4-5k damage CC. If someone for example saw a Frag coming and tried to dodge roll it, Rune Cage makes sure that Frag lands & you take full damage from it (and 4-5k from the Cage itself).

    The difference is that when someone casts a Meteor on you you're given a clear "cloak now" cue where as other Cage bursts begin with the Cage CC'ing you & disabling your defenses.

    That's why the full combo (any combo really that involves Meteor & doesn't involve det pots) is ironically easier to deal with as stamblade.

    Frag has a cue that is petty obvious. I mean you had a 8 kill steak before the sorc killed you. I guess people will always complain about something.

    What I've been trying to tell you is that the Frag cue (just for example) simply doesn't matter when you Rune Cage->Frag (in that order) & guaranteed land the Frag with other damage.

    Meteor combo is this order: Meteor->Rune Cage->Frag, meaning you have time after Meteor prompt to cloak or find LoS to prevent further damage.

    I'm just complaining about things that don't have reasonable counterplay and let people get kills in scenarios where they don't deserve those kills (i.e. when what someone does takes absolutely no skill or effort). Sload is another example of broken bs atm, and to somewhat lesser extent Incap (as it enables easymode two button burst with Relentless/Merciless and even replaces traditional CC abilities in most builds given how frequently you can use it).

    Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like you're using the bombard/ lethal arrow gank combo with the asylum bow. That's a little hypocritical to preach about mechanisms with little counterplay.

    I am (imho it's the strongest way to play medium armor atm), but unlike Rune Cage it does have reasonable counterplay in form of staying in stealth, block, dodge & dmg shields - reactive/proactive defenses that don't require you to build a tank.

    Meanwhile as a medium armor player I have one proactive defense against Rune Cage: staying in stealth. I'd hardly call that reasonable.

    It's also the main reason I haven't made a (less stealth-reliant) new melee build for example; those are just not effective with Rune Cage around.

    Btw since we're talking about sorcs being easy, here's an example of what people can do with stealth oriented mSorc builds:

    ...from up to 36m (and guaranteed to land if Overload LA->Rune Cage), without having to land a 20m cone AoE & Snipe in the correct order from the correct distance.

    Hey man you do you. If you need to justify cheese with cheese that's cool. As far as having a legitimate conversation about "balance" here, I'm done wasting my time with you. Have a nice day.
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

  • DDuke
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    same distance as gap closers? you forgot gap closers have 22m range and skillis with range better than 28m have additional 8m range in just battlespirit so you have 36m range on simple range skill while gap closer is only 22m, gl with running those few meters where every sec is very important

    Good players can cover that distance before you get half of your rotation off.
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    You get +8m range on all skills with 28m range from Battle Spirit. In case of keep fights we'd be talking about a 41m (Reach passive) ability, not 36m.

    ...and you definitely don't need ultimate to burst someone down with Rune Cage, here's an example:

    You just need to land multiple hard hitting abilities at the same time & get a Fury or Implosion proc for the kill now.

    In previous patches the burst was very close, but not quite enough (without Meteor) to kill someone in a non-tank build from 100>0.

    Meteor is actually the easiest Cage combo to deal with (atleast as a stamblade) since you just cloak when you see the Meteor prompt, block while cloaked & you're good to go. Det pot guarantees a kill for sorc here of course, but even that can somewhat be countered by using their tendency to fight at maximum range against them (det pot has 20m radius).

    Ok so if you can handle the combo then the picture you put up must have resulted in your failure to break out of rune. If you run out of resources you're going to die... unless the other guy is a tank.

    It has nothing to do with not being able to break out of the rune. When you combo with Rune Cage, you guarantee that abilities land at the same time as the 4-5k damage CC. If someone for example saw a Frag coming and tried to dodge roll it, Rune Cage makes sure that Frag lands & you take full damage from it (and 4-5k from the Cage itself).

    The difference is that when someone casts a Meteor on you you're given a clear "cloak now" cue where as other Cage bursts begin with the Cage CC'ing you & disabling your defenses.

    That's why the full combo (any combo really that involves Meteor & doesn't involve det pots) is ironically easier to deal with as stamblade.

    Frag has a cue that is petty obvious. I mean you had a 8 kill steak before the sorc killed you. I guess people will always complain about something.

    What I've been trying to tell you is that the Frag cue (just for example) simply doesn't matter when you Rune Cage->Frag (in that order) & guaranteed land the Frag with other damage.

    Meteor combo is this order: Meteor->Rune Cage->Frag, meaning you have time after Meteor prompt to cloak or find LoS to prevent further damage.

    I'm just complaining about things that don't have reasonable counterplay and let people get kills in scenarios where they don't deserve those kills (i.e. when what someone does takes absolutely no skill or effort). Sload is another example of broken bs atm, and to somewhat lesser extent Incap (as it enables easymode two button burst with Relentless/Merciless and even replaces traditional CC abilities in most builds given how frequently you can use it).

    Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like you're using the bombard/ lethal arrow gank combo with the asylum bow. That's a little hypocritical to preach about mechanisms with little counterplay.

    I am (imho it's the strongest way to play medium armor atm), but unlike Rune Cage it does have reasonable counterplay in form of staying in stealth, block, dodge & dmg shields - reactive/proactive defenses that don't require you to build a tank.

    Meanwhile as a medium armor player I have one proactive defense against Rune Cage: staying in stealth. I'd hardly call that reasonable.

    It's also the main reason I haven't made a (less stealth-reliant) new melee build for example; those are just not effective with Rune Cage around.

    Btw since we're talking about sorcs being easy, here's an example of what people can do with stealth oriented mSorc builds:

    ...from up to 36m (and guaranteed to land if Overload LA->Rune Cage), without having to land a 20m cone AoE & Snipe in the correct order from the correct distance.

    Hey man you do you. If you need to justify cheese with cheese that's cool. As far as having a legitimate conversation about "balance" here, I'm done wasting my time with you. Have a nice day.

    Isn't that what you are doing though?

    "Hey that guy plays a stealth burst oriented build! It's completely okay to have 36m range 10k tooltip CCs that go through block/dodge because of that."

    Stealth oriented builds have existed since the beta of this game and that's how long I've been playing them. It's funny how people only start bringing them up when they need to defend things like Rune Cage.
    Edited by DDuke on June 27, 2018 6:28PM
  • usmguy1234
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    same distance as gap closers? you forgot gap closers have 22m range and skillis with range better than 28m have additional 8m range in just battlespirit so you have 36m range on simple range skill while gap closer is only 22m, gl with running those few meters where every sec is very important

    Good players can cover that distance before you get half of your rotation off.
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    DDuke wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    Bull***, you can survive anything in game with <20k health pool if you play well & react properly to things.

    See a Leap? Block.
    Someone used gap closer? Dodge roll if stamblade & block+dodge roll forward (through opponent) if another class.
    Soul Assault? Block & cloak after 2s or block & drop a Ballista for a free kill

    etc etc.

    Rune Cage is the only exception that you cannot counter by any means available (apart from building as a tank) as it disables reaction based defenses.

    I'm pretty sure I wasn't referring to single attacks. One properly placed cc of any type and you're toast with less than 20k health. And if you can't cc break rune in a 1v1 vs a sorc bad resource management was the cause of your death. In 1vx you were most likely going to die anyways regardless if the sorc was there or not.

    its reffering to every medium build lol, going in medium you arnt tankly so everything will you eat if you are noob, if you are experienced you know how and what work and when run awya or from which got out fast and you dont have resource management problem, its just sorc noncounterable combo

    medium isnt that tankly as heavy + in heavy you have bonuses to more max health and healing recevied if you didnt know before, thats why any medium armor user is fast melting if you catch him and he is unable to dodge/LoS your attacks

    It's very much counterable.
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    usmguy1234 wrote: »
    Edziu wrote: »
    Feanor wrote: »
    The only things that are unblockable in a Sorc burst combo is Rune Cage and Curse. You can block or dodge Frags. You can block or Dodge Wrath/Fury. You can block and dodge Overload. And you can block Meteor (which isn't even a Sorc ultimate).

    eeeee lol?
    normal hit from skill ofc you can block or dodge but if you get hit you cant block or even dodge passive mages wrath waiting 4 sec to proc at 20% health and this is instagib always to everyone nontankly build under 20k health

    EDIT: and about know someone can just gather ulti to 200+ and then literraly spam overload on you ehere about dodge you wont have even enough stamina to dodge spam that many times in medium at how many strikes can have this sorc fo overload especially on noncp without additional reduction to dodge outside traits

    If you are running anything with health under 20k your are going to get rammed by everything in pvp not just sorcs. You need at least 25k health. Anything with that low health is probably a ganking build anyways and you're just mad that you can't one shot a sorc with their shields up.

    nope you are wrong
    I mainly play with just 16k health stamblade on noncp withou impene but with well fitted and I have no problem with most of things in pvp

    only thing which can instagib me is nonblocked meteor, dk leap (but those are ults, ok) and ofc sorc amges wrath, annyoing as hell, once drop jsut to 20% hp where in many many times I still ave option to survive but against magsorc with this its always instagib with not to mention how his main burst is comming from unblockable and undodgable skills, none of rest classes can achieve burst with time of 1-2 sec with that many skill at once which are also unblockable and undodgable

    so no, even when I running much under 20k health I dont getting rammed by everything when I know how and what is working
    problem which I (and ofc not only I) have is nocounterable combo which sorc got after unecessary big nerfs to crystal frag where we had option with counter to his combo

    Like I said gank build confirmed.

    if I was gank build I will have stacked to max weapon damage and stamine isntead of 1.5k magica regen and 2.8k stam regen with only 30k stam and 3.5k weapon dmg buffed

    most people jsut invest more to weapon dmg and max stats, I invested more to regens becasue I jsut cant play even with very high stats if I dont have regens and I dont think this could be gank build with thal low stacked damage and invested into high both stat regens at once

    EDIT: and btw you never written you even think Im on gank build

    Most nightblades I personally know that play the rogue/ganker type run bone pirate mixed with shackle. Nightblades sacrifice very little in burst by running multiple sustain sets or even defense based sets.

    I was runnign as ganker until final nerfs as for me with morrowind but its offtopic

    and as counterable sorc como..this was counterable until those changes to rune cage + with old crystal frags it was really counterable

    can you then please tell me cow to counter unmitigable stun with additional damage if it end/break free + before placed on you curse and flying to you crystal frag and just before hit you getting rune cage while dodge?

    can you conter this all damage if you instantly will get this unmitigable cc? always we can also add meteor to this to 100% guaranted kill with rune cage

    You basically want to cc the sorc as soon as you see the meteor rune at your feet. Hell you don't even need to do that if you chug an immovable pot. Tons of options to you as a nightblade as far as stun goes. If he's got mines up you basically have free cc immunity on demand.

    You can't CC someone who's 36m away spamming *** (newsflash: most builds don't have 36m+ undodgeable/blockable CCs), Immovable has 45s cooldown (unlike sorc burst) & mines don't give CC immunity, they give root immunity (and hit really f'in hard if you're not a tank build) as they're not CCs, they're roots.

    Oh, and Bone Pirate+Shackle most definitely isn't a "gank build" like you implied earlier lmao

    It's getting harder & harder to take this seriously.

    28+5= 33 not 36. The same distance as gap closers. This is only near keeps.

    Class doesn't matter on burst cooldown... sorcs are delayed burst anyways and fairly dependant on ult. An ult that cost 200 compared to 70...laughable.

    And I thought you could break free after being hit by mines. That was my mistake. Still doesn't take away the relevance of my argument that there are counters to sorc burst.

    You get +8m range on all skills with 28m range from Battle Spirit. In case of keep fights we'd be talking about a 41m (Reach passive) ability, not 36m.

    ...and you definitely don't need ultimate to burst someone down with Rune Cage, here's an example:

    You just need to land multiple hard hitting abilities at the same time & get a Fury or Implosion proc for the kill now.

    In previous patches the burst was very close, but not quite enough (without Meteor) to kill someone in a non-tank build from 100>0.

    Meteor is actually the easiest Cage combo to deal with (atleast as a stamblade) since you just cloak when you see the Meteor prompt, block while cloaked & you're good to go. Det pot guarantees a kill for sorc here of course, but even that can somewhat be countered by using their tendency to fight at maximum range against them (det pot has 20m radius).

    Ok so if you can handle the combo then the picture you put up must have resulted in your failure to break out of rune. If you run out of resources you're going to die... unless the other guy is a tank.

    It has nothing to do with not being able to break out of the rune. When you combo with Rune Cage, you guarantee that abilities land at the same time as the 4-5k damage CC. If someone for example saw a Frag coming and tried to dodge roll it, Rune Cage makes sure that Frag lands & you take full damage from it (and 4-5k from the Cage itself).

    The difference is that when someone casts a Meteor on you you're given a clear "cloak now" cue where as other Cage bursts begin with the Cage CC'ing you & disabling your defenses.

    That's why the full combo (any combo really that involves Meteor & doesn't involve det pots) is ironically easier to deal with as stamblade.

    Frag has a cue that is petty obvious. I mean you had a 8 kill steak before the sorc killed you. I guess people will always complain about something.

    What I've been trying to tell you is that the Frag cue (just for example) simply doesn't matter when you Rune Cage->Frag (in that order) & guaranteed land the Frag with other damage.

    Meteor combo is this order: Meteor->Rune Cage->Frag, meaning you have time after Meteor prompt to cloak or find LoS to prevent further damage.

    I'm just complaining about things that don't have reasonable counterplay and let people get kills in scenarios where they don't deserve those kills (i.e. when what someone does takes absolutely no skill or effort). Sload is another example of broken bs atm, and to somewhat lesser extent Incap (as it enables easymode two button burst with Relentless/Merciless and even replaces traditional CC abilities in most builds given how frequently you can use it).

    Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like you're using the bombard/ lethal arrow gank combo with the asylum bow. That's a little hypocritical to preach about mechanisms with little counterplay.

    I am (imho it's the strongest way to play medium armor atm), but unlike Rune Cage it does have reasonable counterplay in form of staying in stealth, block, dodge & dmg shields - reactive/proactive defenses that don't require you to build a tank.

    Meanwhile as a medium armor player I have one proactive defense against Rune Cage: staying in stealth. I'd hardly call that reasonable.

    It's also the main reason I haven't made a (less stealth-reliant) new melee build for example; those are just not effective with Rune Cage around.

    Btw since we're talking about sorcs being easy, here's an example of what people can do with stealth oriented mSorc builds:

    ...from up to 36m (and guaranteed to land if Overload LA->Rune Cage), without having to land a 20m cone AoE & Snipe in the correct order from the correct distance.

    Hey man you do you. If you need to justify cheese with cheese that's cool. As far as having a legitimate conversation about "balance" here, I'm done wasting my time with you. Have a nice day.

    Isn't that what you are doing though?

    "Hey that guy plays a stealth burst oriented build! It's completely okay to have 36m range 10k tooltip CCs that go through block/dodge because of that."

    Stealth oriented builds have existed since the beta of this game and that's how long I've been playing them. It's funny how people only start bringing them up when they need to defend things like Rune Cage.

    I don't actually use rune cage. I'm arguing against stupid nerfs to a class I enjoy.

    This is my video on the state of pvp on console. Feel free to look at my skill bar.

    Bye now.
    Zaghigoth- Orc Stamplar
    Soul Razor- Altmer Magsorc
    Les Drago- Redguard Stamdk
    Eirius- Altmer Magdk
    Stormifeth- Altmer Magplar

    Disclaimer: My comments are a little sarcasm mixed with truth. If you can't handle that don't respond to me.

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