Rate ESO (benchmark for top mmo on the market)

  • Simit
    My fav still SWG froom way back tbh pre cu
  • Narvuntien
    I haven't played any other MMO but I am willing to argue its Second or Third overall.

    But what matters to people really depends from person to person, things for things like lore and quests people are just going to have personal tastes about it. I just prefer the ES lore to those other games.

    Now I am pretty annoyed that my game has been crashing more than once a session in the last week :s so I can see your point about performance. I have also played on a much worse PC than I do now and PVP was pretty close to unplayable for that computer, although much better on this one.

    Class number and uniqueness: ESO has a very different combat system than other MMOs, I love the simple and streamlined parts of this combat system. This simplicity does come at a cost... and that is uniqueness and number of classes. You wont find classes that use their own completely different combat resources or obscure fighting styles like you see in other MMOs.
    Since ESO classes kind of have 2-4 different versions perhaps I would argue this isn't that important. It it was up to me I would increase this streamlinedness of the classes, I feel too little of the game is using the major minor system for starters, I would try to give each class reasons to exist but you would a reduction of the kind of strange passives that buff some small part of their kit or single strategies for a class. I would want to then take a long hard look at sets, rather than classes as the source of uniqueness of play.

    Edited by Narvuntien on June 9, 2018 3:12PM
  • ilikepickles
    killmove wrote: »
    that's what i mean by performance in my first post. The game performance really sucks even with high end pc !!!

    but remember when FFXIV was first launched, it was a complete mess. but Square Enix decided to invest on it and gave us that marvelous FFXIV a realm reborn.

    Are ZOS responsables and devs this bad to not see the potentiel ?
    Why are they cutting the branch on which they are sitting ?

    You give FFXIV too much credit. ARR was good, Stormblood's not worth paying for. They're just copying 2011 WoW at this point.
  • President_PUG
    Piraja27 wrote: »

    ESO microtransactions are mainly cosmetic but they are WAY over-priced and currently pushed pretty hard on players reminding that 'hey it is there, for 2500 crowns (+20 dollars) you can buy this...

    However, I do have to say that I am pleased to see that ZOS has became somewhat friendlier with the crates by giving them out for free more frequently, daily rewards and common crown crate events.

    I was wondering if you could craft me One each of every item in The SWORD SINGER set. Upgrade to Gold, send along 10 Kutas, I can make the Glyphs. It seem you have some secret about things should be free, I want you to craft a full gold set. .. and each month I want an update, and I am expecting you to help all my friends also. I mean do you have t have all that cosmetic stuff? Just because someone else has it? It so funny how contradictory people can ve when It There money, but if it someone else's money and time HELL yeah lets spend it all. What a coincidence in Bethseda forum a guy also complaining about losing immersion when pay to play people dress in new stuff he didn't have, his suggestion was sell advertising to pepsi so he could have free stuff too..
    Immersion and pepsi in a ESO game? One other huge complaint why do consoles come out 2 weeks after PC?
    Consoles take those things apart make sure you revere engineer it to hack Their Material and exploit the console it self.
    That they will watch things being said in Public for 2 weeks and when they satisfied Game is not gonna steal all their hard work. Now if you are not having fun, try a different hobby that only cost$15. One movie cost that much and more these days.
    If you can get that Gold set to me CHOP-CHOP I give you an Atta- Boy!
    “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.”
  • killmove
    another performance issue a couple of minutes ago in vMOL

  • mikemacon

    Personally, ESO is hands-down my favorite MMO.
  • ereboz
    Lore- 9
    quests- 7
    sound- 9
    graphics- 9
    performance- 4
    pve content- 4
    pvp content- 8
    class number and uniqueness- 4
    class balance- 4
    free to play + micro transaction- 9

    score= 67

    this game tailors far more to pvp than pve as far as rewards go. There's more pve content but far less rewards. PvP is on the right track with different modes like the alliance war, battle grounds, and currencies like AP, tel var stones and great vendors to spend those at. PvE has lots of content like dungeons, trials, open world zones, but you get gear you dont want or already have, nothing to really progress your character
  • Mahabahabtha
    ereboz wrote: »
    Lore- 9
    quests- 7
    sound- 9
    graphics- 9
    performance- 4
    pve content- 4
    pvp content- 8
    class number and uniqueness- 4
    class balance- 4
    free to play + micro transaction- 9

    score= 67

    this game tailors far more to pvp than pve as far as rewards go. There's more pve content but far less rewards. PvP is on the right track with different modes like the alliance war, battle grounds, and currencies like AP, tel var stones and great vendors to spend those at. PvE has lots of content like dungeons, trials, open world zones, but you get gear you dont want or already have, nothing to really progress your character

    IF you can log in, sure, but it happens TOO OFTEN, that i can not login, like RIGHT NOW, when the childrens sleep and, oh wait,
    I CAN´T LOG IN....
    Nearly every Week there are Issues, I take this GAME FREE X-TRA TIME (Game Free X-Tra Time coul be a copyright or Brand from ZOS (with further charges)...) now, and have a look for an alternative..

    RUNE - RAGNAROK looks interesting...
    Edited by Mahabahabtha on June 9, 2018 7:31PM
    "In fact, I’ve met more PVEers that are worse at PvE than PvPers."
  • Iccotak
    OmniDo wrote: »
    Yeah, the engine they use sucks, and has always sucked.
    But what can they do about it now?
    It would require an entire overhaul to resolve these types of issues, and they simply dont have the money, or are unwilling to invest it at this point.

    A simple log out and log back in fixes this
  • Inoki

    I would rate ESO very simple, having played many other games,

    it is by far the most finely crafted game out there. I have never had so much fun and didn't dive deep into content (PVE) in other games as in this one.

    Performance wise it's also best optimized to run even on older hardware (massive thank you!).

    It's, for the lack of a better word, perfect, from the standpoints of voice, visuals, storyline and yes, even combat.

    It is just amazing and I am enjoying every bit of it.

    A thank you to everyone behind the game, keep up the great work!
    Edited by Inoki on June 9, 2018 8:34PM
    ☁️ Cloud gamer via NVIDIA GeForce NOW
    Used to game on Mac until we got the 🖕🏻
  • Tandor
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    GW2 is no where in this or any other universe better than ESO..

    Some mmorpgs are better in some aspects than ESO for example The Secret World murders ESO in story and questing..

    Guildwars 1 beats every mmorpg ever created to date in everything but graphics..

    Other than for the fact that it isn't a MMORPG, and isn't really comparable. It's a bit like saying that steak I had last night beats every piece of fruit I've ever eaten!
  • Kuwhar
    Cpt_Teemo wrote: »

    I like WoW better tbh, since you can actually earn things when playing the game rather than spending irl $ nearly 95% of the time now

    What in the sam hill are you talking about?

    Certainly not ESO
  • Sylosi
    Tandor wrote: »

    Other than for the fact that it isn't a MMORPG, and isn't really comparable. It's a bit like saying that steak I had last night beats every piece of fruit I've ever eaten!

    Most "MMORPGs" aren't really proper MMORPGs, I mean an MMORPG that actually lived up to that label wouldn't for example have 4man/10man instanced content which is neither "massively mulitplayer" nor part of a persistent world, which is more like a co-op game, like a lot of content in Guild Wars was. (outside of towns, outposts, etc)
    Edited by Sylosi on June 9, 2018 9:06PM
  • MLGProPlayer
    You're missing combat.

    Also, I find it hilarious that you gave GW2 5/5 on PVE content, but ESO 4/5.

    The vast majority of GW2's PvE content are unvoiced fetch quests. There are also only 8 dungeons and 5 raids, compared to ESOs 32 dungeons, 7 raids, and 2 arenas.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on June 9, 2018 9:06PM
  • MLGProPlayer
    killmove wrote: »
    those are the type of performance i'm talking about.
    everything is maxed out. 1440p resolution
    I have a 8700k and 1080ti btw !!



    That's a rare bug. It's not texture pop-in.

    I haven't seen it happen more than 3-4 times in 1500 hours.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on June 9, 2018 9:16PM
  • AuldWolf

    They're talking about L337 gear, basically. With ever bigger numbers. Every MMO that's done that though has essentially shot itself in the foot. A minority wants grind and numbers that continually go up until content is simply unplayable to new players entering the game. Some MMOs have catered to this desire and it's been financial suicide for them.

    Champions Online did this at various points, and every time it did it lost a substantial portion of its community. I think that a higher up there was feeling stubborn about wanting CO to be hardcore, even though that wasn't the audience that that game attracted.

    Wildstar went with this out of the gate and was dead on arrival. They're trying to fix it with Reloaded but it's too little too late, that game is as dead as a doornail.

    Guild Wars 2 introduced one new tier of armour and it hurt them badly. Then they introduced grind-for-rewards in Heart of Thorns, which caused the biggest loss in profit they'd ever seen and almost killed them. They almost had to remake that expansion to win back their community.

    The thing is? Some people want grind, better rewards, and all content tailored to the meta. The problem with this? It makes the game inhospitable to newcomers and alienates the casuals. In most games, casual players are by far the largest audience and where all the money comes from. So, players disenfranchised with WoW leave it looking for a grindy MMO experience elsewhere and they either don't find it, or the game they do find will die quickly or they'll kill it with their demands for more grindiness.

    It's a story I've seen repeated over and over since the early days of MMOs.

    It's just another thread that's pining for the grind of WoW. Except ESO isn't WoW, and at leats 95~ per cent of the community are thankful for that. PvE doesn't need L337 grind rewards. PvE doesn't need more grind. PvE doesn't need 'harder' (which really means 'tailored to the meta') content, in fact things need to stay just as they are. ESO has seen great profitability in keeping the grind and L337 rewards out. I hope they keep doing that. For their sake as much as ours.

    Edit: I mean, I'm always open to the possibility that I could be wrong, that I was wrong at any point. I pay attention.

    Thing is? CO proved me right, Wildstar proved me right, GW2 proved me right, and more games than I could honestly name. I mean, look at EQ2! Every expansion for EQ2 has been about taking out the grind and soul-sucking complexity. They're trying to turn EQ2 into ESO because they know that's where the money is.

    I tend to base my opinion on my observations. I don't talk like this unless I'm really sure. Sadly, people can be out of touch with the majority. Sometimes that's representatives, developers, or even a minority within the community. You need to listen to see what the community wants. And the MMO community wants less grind and less L337 gear, no matter what any minority may desire.
    Edited by AuldWolf on June 9, 2018 9:07PM
  • TheOneWhoSighs

    Lore - 3 - kind of boring, honestly.
    quests - 2 - Really really boring.
    sound - 5 - The one aspect where this game excels
    graphics - 2 - Dated graphics & half the time it bugs out anyway
    performance - 1- Even on my beast of a machine this game performs like Minecraft while millions of TNT are going off.
    pve content - 4 - Most of it's pretty solid and engaging.
    pvp content - 4 - Bit dependent on CP, and there's lots of cheese out there.
    class number and uniqueness - 1 - Classes play extremely similar to each other, due to the fact that a Nightblade wielding a 2 hander will have the exact same skills as a Dragon Knight wielding a 2 hander. Class skills are often carried solely for the buffs/debuffs while weapon skills/guild skills are for the damage & utility.
    class balance - 4 - Due to so many of the classes playing extremely similar to one another, they're pretty closely balanced.
    free to play + micro transaction - 2 - The microtransactions get pretty silly, and I've frankly grown tired of loot crates.
  • Sylosi
    You're missing combat.

    Also, I find it hilarious that you gave GW2 5/5 on PVE content, but ESO 4/5.

    The vast majority of GW2's PvE content are unvoiced fetch quests. There are also only 8 dungeons and 5 raids, compared to ESOs 32 dungeons, 7 raids, and 2 arenas.

    I actually prefer ESO PvE to GW2, however you are being loose with the facts (perhaps unintentionally), in addition to those dungeons and raids, GW2 has:

    - 18 fractals (If I remember correctly), a bit like dungeons but that can be attempted at different levels of difficulty.
    - Multiple seasons of living story
    - Zone events like those in HoT (which lead to proper world bosses...)
    - Vastly larger / superior special events, e,g - go look up super adventure box on Youtube, they basically created a retro platform game in the vein of Super Mario 3d.
    - Jump Puzzles
    Edited by Sylosi on June 9, 2018 10:54PM
  • Xarico
    You're seriously missing combat from your list. If it's not taken into account, BDO, for example, looks like an incredibly unappealing game with only graphics going for it; yet its combat system is the reason many people play it despite its lack of content, gear-based p2w pvp, afk lifeskills, genderlocked classes, and the atrocious cash shop. Similarly, I've seen many people who are unable to enjoy ESO because of its combat. With the exception of old SWG (and perhaps some other games I'm unaware of), fighting is 75%+ of what you're doing in a MMORPG, you can't ignore it.
  • valkyrie93
    eso is the best, end of discussion
    PC EU
  • VexingArcanist
    killmove wrote: »
    another performance issue a couple of minutes ago in vMOL

    *slow loading image removed*

    This has been happening since Summerset launched. I have updated my graphics drivers twice when it happened to me, reloading the game actually solves it temporarily. I assume ZOS is aware of this and a fix is in the future, it is very annoying.
  • ilikepickles
    @AuldWolf It's worth noting that the "hardcores" are an even smaller minority than they even realize. During xpac wind down in Legion? 8% of the total playerbase has touched even LFR raids. TOTAL.

    In FFXIV, a whopping 6% raids at all.

    That's in "Raid or die" type vertical progression MMOs that build their entire endgame around that content. People forget that despite their crazy metas and elitism, they're riding on the backs of the casuals they've got such a passion for driving out of games.

    WildStar was DOA for #hardcore.
  • idk
    I think WoW , BDO, insert other games with ESO

    There’s a lot to like about ESO but it’s going down each quarter from launch. I couldn’t rate it above any of your top 5

    To a degree every game declines overtime. Heck, WoW oversimplified their system for uber casuals and in doing so created a term that I used to hear often, WoWified, to be made over simplistic. Dumbs down the game. Yes, Zos has been doing that with homogenizing some aspects of the game the past couple years.
  • MLGProPlayer
    Xarico wrote: »
    You're seriously missing combat from your list. If it's not taken into account, BDO, for example, looks like an incredibly unappealing game with only graphics going for it; yet its combat system is the reason many people play it despite its lack of content, gear-based p2w pvp, afk lifeskills, genderlocked classes, and the atrocious cash shop. Similarly, I've seen many people who are unable to enjoy ESO because of its combat. With the exception of old SWG (and perhaps some other games I'm unaware of), fighting is 75%+ of what you're doing in a MMORPG, you can't ignore it.

    ESO has one of the best combat systems in the MMO genre. That's not saying much, since MMOs generally have terrible combat, but the only one that's better is BDO. Most MMOs follow the tried and true combat style of stand still, tab target, and roll face on keyboard. ESO has action combat and forces you to move quite a bit.

    It feels "light" and has buggy hit boxes/animations, but it's still miles better than WoW, GW2, and FFXIV.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on June 9, 2018 10:38PM
  • killmove

    ESO has one of the best combat systems in the MMO genre. That's not saying much, since MMOs generally have terrible combat, but the only one that's better is BDO. Most MMOs follow the tried and true combat style of stand still, tab target, and roll face on keyboard. ESO has action combat and forces you to move quite a bit.

    It feels "light" and has buggy hit boxes/animations, but it's still miles better than WoW, GW2, and FFXIV.

    no Blade and soul and BDO got better combat system, the problem with ESO combat system is weaving since many are breaking the game by using macro.

    One nightblade one shot me in cyrodiil once with 5 hits in 1 second.
  • TheInfernalRage
    I like the combat system in ESO: not too much dependent on flowing animation, not tab targeting, and it feels like you are actually the one attacking. In BDO, it's like punch these series of buttons and watch the cool sequence of animation. Sure it looks nice, but it's too NBA 2K-ish for me. I forgot about Blade and Soul. When I got the groove of the combat mechanics in ESO, there was no turning back. Playing a lot of BDO recently (in 2 months before Summerset was released) and combat just felt dumb down and overly simplified.

    "5 hits in 1 second" sounds like a ping issue. Happens a lot to me because I have a 295 ping at best, 350-390 normally. Those with lower ping can appear faster in my system. And if you are sure the player is using macro, you can always report.

    Lore - 5, this world is as huge as Tolkien's and as imaginative as well

    Quests - 5, almost 2 years of doing quests and I'm still not bored

    Sound - 5, the music is epic and I just love the sounds in this game

    Graphics - 4, this is a beautiful game but sometimes there are graphical funny and annoying moments

    Performance - 3, my only concerns are the connection, server, and load screen times

    PVE content - 5, I'm just about maybe 23-25% of the entire content

    PVP content - 4, I enjoy the PVP in this game even if I die a lot because I don't take it seriously

    Class number and uniqueness - 4, the crazy class combinations you can do is awesome plus the sets that can be combined with them, especially if you're not into the "optimized here and there" community (or the BiS cult)

    Class balance - 3, there's still room for improvement, but each class can feel distinct from each other (balance for me is within the context of class: magicka and stamina)

    Free to play + micro transaction - 4, although some ads are appearing in-game now, ZOS is not rubbing it to my face like if I don't spend money, I don't get to enjoy the game

    So, that's 84/100 for me

    WoW - 5-5-5-1-4-5-3-2-3-5 = 76/100
    BDO - 2-2-2-4-3-2-5-3-3-1 = 54/100
  • Malthorne
    AuldWolf wrote: »
    WoW, a 5 in lore? That frequently retconned mess? It's not even sure where it's going an it frequently fails its characters. "I'm ready for peace with the horde. No, war! NO PEACE! NO WAR! NO PEA--WAR, I MEAN WARCE! PEAR! GAHHH!"

    Elder Scrolls has managed to keep things fairly consistent for the longest time. And more, has even successfully conveyed the idea of 'history from many perspectives' without screwing it up. I'd give ESO (considering what it's built upon) an 8 in lore, and WoW a 2 by comparison.

    So, yes... Opinions.

    If you judge WoW based on its retconned lore and inconsistencies you should give ESO the same treatment. Elder Scrolls as a whole is a walking Retcon. There are massive lore changes and many retcons between Arena/Daggerfall, Morrowind/Oblivion and yes even Skyrim/ESO. With the transcription errors, unreliable narrators, misrepresented cultures, 3rd era books appearing in the 2nd era, jungleless Cyrodiil, etc.. etc... Elder Scrolls is hardly consistent in this department.

    I believe the lore for each game is very well done so I give both WoW and ESO a 5 for lore.
  • Iccotak
    I am not happy with the lootcrates right now because I am now going to miss out on awesome Dragon Priest cosmetics. I don't have the money to pay for crate after crate hoping for something
  • TheOneWhoSighs
    AuldWolf wrote: »
    Guild Wars 2 introduced one new tier of armour and it hurt them badly. Then they introduced grind-for-rewards in Heart of Thorns, which caused the biggest loss in profit they'd ever seen and almost killed them. They almost had to remake that expansion to win back their community.

    This is a really bad misunderstanding of what killed Guild Wars 2. The introduction of ascended gear and Fractals didn't hurt them badly. Ascended gear makes very very little difference outside of hardcore content, A.K.A. Fractals.

    The grind-for-rewards in HoT also didn't cause a huge loss in profit.

    In fact, Guild Wars 2 was dead before HoT was ever announced. It was the years of no new content except living story which killed it off. HoT was a blitz for trying to get people to play the game again.

    Because, shocker. Despite living story being more geared towards casuals, it has the flaw that casuals don't tend to notice or care about it.

    What casuals notice are large increases in content all at once, A.K.A. expansions. The living story was a slow drip of content, which just couldn't get people reinvested in the game when they started to get tired of it.

    It also certainly doesn't help that the largest servers had massive queue times for things like WvW, so many players couldn't find a new home when they were done/tired of the PvE content in the game.

    Nor does it help that the PvP system was one of the least noob-friendly systems anyone could have ever seen in the world. I literally ran into top "pro" players in that game when I first started experimenting with PvP. A lack of an MMR system tends to do that.
  • DanteYoda
    killmove wrote: »
    those are the type of performance i'm talking about.
    everything is maxed out. 1440p resolution
    I have a 8700k and 1080ti btw !!



    I get that as well... Nvidia issue i think.
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