that's what i mean by performance in my first post. The game performance really sucks even with high end pc !!!
but remember when FFXIV was first launched, it was a complete mess. but Square Enix decided to invest on it and gave us that marvelous FFXIV a realm reborn.
Are ZOS responsables and devs this bad to not see the potentiel ?
Why are they cutting the branch on which they are sitting ?
ESO microtransactions are mainly cosmetic but they are WAY over-priced and currently pushed pretty hard on players reminding that 'hey it is there, for 2500 crowns (+20 dollars) you can buy this...
However, I do have to say that I am pleased to see that ZOS has became somewhat friendlier with the crates by giving them out for free more frequently, daily rewards and common crown crate events.
Lore- 9
quests- 7
sound- 9
graphics- 9
performance- 4
pve content- 4
pvp content- 8
class number and uniqueness- 4
class balance- 4
free to play + micro transaction- 9
score= 67
this game tailors far more to pvp than pve as far as rewards go. There's more pve content but far less rewards. PvP is on the right track with different modes like the alliance war, battle grounds, and currencies like AP, tel var stones and great vendors to spend those at. PvE has lots of content like dungeons, trials, open world zones, but you get gear you dont want or already have, nothing to really progress your character
Yeah, the engine they use sucks, and has always sucked.
But what can they do about it now?
It would require an entire overhaul to resolve these types of issues, and they simply dont have the money, or are unwilling to invest it at this point.
GW2 is no where in this or any other universe better than ESO..
Some mmorpgs are better in some aspects than ESO for example The Secret World murders ESO in story and questing..
Guildwars 1 beats every mmorpg ever created to date in everything but graphics..
I like WoW better tbh, since you can actually earn things when playing the game rather than spending irl $ nearly 95% of the time now
Other than for the fact that it isn't a MMORPG, and isn't really comparable. It's a bit like saying that steak I had last night beats every piece of fruit I've ever eaten!
MLGProPlayer wrote: »You're missing combat.
Also, I find it hilarious that you gave GW2 5/5 on PVE content, but ESO 4/5.
The vast majority of GW2's PvE content are unvoiced fetch quests. There are also only 8 dungeons and 5 raids, compared to ESOs 32 dungeons, 7 raids, and 2 arenas.
another performance issue a couple of minutes ago in vMOL
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »I think WoW , BDO, insert other games with ESO
There’s a lot to like about ESO but it’s going down each quarter from launch. I couldn’t rate it above any of your top 5
You're seriously missing combat from your list. If it's not taken into account, BDO, for example, looks like an incredibly unappealing game with only graphics going for it; yet its combat system is the reason many people play it despite its lack of content, gear-based p2w pvp, afk lifeskills, genderlocked classes, and the atrocious cash shop. Similarly, I've seen many people who are unable to enjoy ESO because of its combat. With the exception of old SWG (and perhaps some other games I'm unaware of), fighting is 75%+ of what you're doing in a MMORPG, you can't ignore it.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
ESO has one of the best combat systems in the MMO genre. That's not saying much, since MMOs generally have terrible combat, but the only one that's better is BDO. Most MMOs follow the tried and true combat style of stand still, tab target, and roll face on keyboard. ESO has action combat and forces you to move quite a bit.
It feels "light" and has buggy hit boxes/animations, but it's still miles better than WoW, GW2, and FFXIV.
WoW, a 5 in lore? That frequently retconned mess? It's not even sure where it's going an it frequently fails its characters. "I'm ready for peace with the horde. No, war! NO PEACE! NO WAR! NO PEA--WAR, I MEAN WARCE! PEAR! GAHHH!"
Elder Scrolls has managed to keep things fairly consistent for the longest time. And more, has even successfully conveyed the idea of 'history from many perspectives' without screwing it up. I'd give ESO (considering what it's built upon) an 8 in lore, and WoW a 2 by comparison.
So, yes... Opinions.
Guild Wars 2 introduced one new tier of armour and it hurt them badly. Then they introduced grind-for-rewards in Heart of Thorns, which caused the biggest loss in profit they'd ever seen and almost killed them. They almost had to remake that expansion to win back their community.