To be honest, I don't necessarily agree with this 'just pop on a set that does all the work' argument. The proc sets require you to make a conscious decision that negatively impacts your sustain and survivability. You can still screw it up - positioning, resource management...they just make the damage dealing aspect of pvp a bit more predictable.
That, and since most people are also running some form of proc set, they have also opted to make this decision, and as such are generally easier to kill and are the types of folks who write inflammatory nerf posts.
The other group - those that opt for sustain (eg, bone pirate/shackle) and survivability (riposte, transmutation, duroks, troll king) - are generally much harder to kill but cannot burst like a proc set and as such are not optimal for ganking/stealth based play - which is how I prefer to play.
How do you proc sheer venom with just 1 snipe?
To be honest, I don't necessarily agree with this 'just pop on a set that does all the work' argument. The proc sets require you to make a conscious decision that negatively impacts your sustain and survivability. You can still screw it up - positioning, resource management...they just make the damage dealing aspect of pvp a bit more predictable.
That, and since most people are also running some form of proc set, they have also opted to make this decision, and as such are generally easier to kill and are the types of folks who write inflammatory nerf posts.
The other group - those that opt for sustain (eg, bone pirate/shackle) and survivability (riposte, transmutation, duroks, troll king) - are generally much harder to kill but cannot burst like a proc set and as such are not optimal for ganking/stealth based play - which is how I prefer to play.
Dropping a 900/tic, 800/tic (sheervenom), 900/600/tic (poison) for a total of about ~3.2-3.5K DPS after hitting a defile snipe and then just walking away with a 3.5k skoria proc dropping a few seconds in is an outright onslaught. Allows for such a safer playstyle, focusing on block and LoS as opposed to landing attacks.
Run the stamina food + stam recovery for full glass cannon. A single snipe + poison arrow kills most. Get the attacks off then stealth away. I'm taking out 4/5 on siege before I'm noticed.
If you've seen me in BGs/no CP Cyro the last few days, this is what I was running. I know that this is largely due to the proc set and the 2H change, but God it feels fun. Nothing feels better right now than killing stamsorcs with the DoT while you tumble out of range of their aoes...this is the first time I've been top10 on the emp list, entirely solo.
Was thinking the same thing......
(5 items) When you deal damage with an Execute ability you infect the enemy, dealing 8428 Poison Damage over 6 seconds. The effect can occur once every 6 seconds.
Poison injection would proc it however. But personally I don´t see the point with this set if you want to cheese things. The damage is halved in PvP and then you take enemies resistance into account. Highest I´ve seen this set tick for is probably 500-800 damage/tick. But if it works for OP, then congrats
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
He uses it in no cp, sets like this becomes aids in Bg's. Plus, it's not the only damage that's going to be done.
Has anyone seen a sload's, Oblivion enchant torug's, skoria mDK it's just kill people with heavy attacks and drain resorces casting infinite talons and fossilize this whole expansion is different flavors of cheese
IZZEFlameLash wrote: »
"Infinite" Talon in that setup? Bruh, Talon is not sustainable infinitely. But that does sound like something I'd run just to join the cancer meta though.
Was thinking the same thing......
(5 items) When you deal damage with an Execute ability you infect the enemy, dealing 8428 Poison Damage over 6 seconds. The effect can occur once every 6 seconds.
Poison injection would proc it however. But personally I don´t see the point with this set if you want to cheese things. The damage is halved in PvP and then you take enemies resistance into account. Highest I´ve seen this set tick for is probably 500-800 damage/tick. But if it works for OP, then congrats
@Nuitar would you mind sharing with us what skill line up you use for both bars?
This flavour of cheese has caught my attention.