Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Server maintenance times

  • Silver_Thorn
    I bet all the crafting hirelings are all drinking in a tavern somewhere during the outage, rather than gathering supplies for us...
  • prepstar
    We're in the final stages of QA testing the new patch on the live server, then we'll re-open it to all of you. ETA is between 2:00 and 2:30 PM EDT. If that changes, we'll let you know.

    Thank you very much.
  • Cry_Wolfe
    Myrdreth wrote: »
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    actually its all on the Beta Testers.. they didnt do their job right, and now us early adopters are being punished for it....

    Should we go monkey hunting now?

    poisoned bow or two hander?
  • Robert.Graham18rwb17_ESO
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    Hey you know it is spring take a walk, ride a bike, get out of your basements, play a different game, have sex with someone, or your self. I don't know just don't sit in front of your comp for 8 hours.

    pitch black outside and raining and it's autumn here ;) so it's getting chilly though most nights of late i'd swear it was still spring with how warm it's been.

    melb? =o :)

    420ish km nw ;) but vic yeah.
    -Rob Aka
    Weldien Phoenix
    Guild Leader Warriors Blood.
  • Thundergod
    Taking a shower should not be one of my options during early access
  • Resourceful
    Downtime defenders...

    "Forum Frolicking Fools"

    Or maybe: "I should have showered during maintenance: The Guild"

    "Back to the Forums II" (no Delorean in this version)

    "Fairweather Forum Goer's" (for those who go to forums ONLY during downtime)

    With 30k people spamming the forums.. there has to be something better than defending downtime....
  • Cry_Wolfe
    We're in the final stages of QA testing the new patch on the live server, then we'll re-open it to all of you. ETA is between 2:00 and 2:30 PM EDT. If that changes, we'll let you know.

    got times in UTC for international peeps?
  • Zaggolf
    Yea like I said before That is not my post it is from earlier regarding they will be better in communicating with us in the future..It is in the dev tracker as all the devs post are there
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Master_Skinner
    Soul Shriven
    k9mouse wrote: »
    Hang in there and enjoy the "new car smell" or is it a "new MMO smell?" :p

    Did we step on something? Oh just a mudcrab...

    "I used to be an adventurer like yourself, then I took an arrow to the knee." ~ Every guard in Skyrim
  • Wylerayb14_ESO
    typeopymp wrote: »
    dfwmikey74 wrote: »
    dfwmikey74 wrote: »
    My posted screenshots in one post.

    I didn't think THAT was supposed to be in there.
    I'm not moving until you do.
    Who's next?
    Sunrise in Daggerfall.
    Misty Mountains?
    Just a poor serving girl.
    A good day for a swim.
    Come and get me!

    Those are pretty awesome screenshots

    Thanks, I can't wait until I can get some more. :smile:

    Pretty sure you did it just to be an *** ;)
  • Trevolock
    I think this was everyone when they contemplated going to sleep or waiting.
  • T3CHN01221
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    We're in the final stages of QA testing the new patch on the live server, then we'll re-open it to all of you. ETA is between 2:00 and 2:30 PM EDT. If that changes, we'll let you know.

    got times in UTC for international peeps?

    Just google EDT and it will tell you the time there :)
  • Teroh
    So an hour until we get another update thats its gonna be maybe another 2 hours.. awesome.
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • Artmonger78
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    We're in the final stages of QA testing the new patch on the live server, then we'll re-open it to all of you. ETA is between 2:00 and 2:30 PM EDT. If that changes, we'll let you know.

    got times in UTC for international peeps?

    math... its an amazing thing. >.<
  • SuperJChat
    Kadigan wrote: »
    typeopymp wrote: »
    Kadigan wrote: »
    Just a thought - let's not be that guild that advertises unnecessarily.

    Downtime Defenders was CREATED in this channel by the forum users... Please read pages 1-80. :smiley:
    I did, that's why I'm here. :p
    All the cool kids already know what's up or know where to find more information, so there's no need to become that guild that spam advertises everywhere looking for new members. Just sayin, we're better than that. Keep it fun and simple!

    I agree that I don't want to be a guild that Actively (/yelling or spamming) recruits, rather I would like people to join us because they WANT to be a part of us, what we stand for, and support ESO and ZO through their troubled times

    we did create a page though, just so we get our names out there a bit more =P

    Thanks to @Zaeros for the recruit page btw!
  • Zeusmagic
    We're in the final stages of QA testing the new patch on the live server, then we'll re-open it to all of you. ETA is between 2:00 and 2:30 PM EDT. If that changes, we'll let you know.

  • Robert.Graham18rwb17_ESO
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    We're in the final stages of QA testing the new patch on the live server, then we'll re-open it to all of you. ETA is between 2:00 and 2:30 PM EDT. If that changes, we'll let you know.

    got times in UTC for international peeps?

    1800 - 1830utc
    -Rob Aka
    Weldien Phoenix
    Guild Leader Warriors Blood.
  • MaxBat
    k9mouse wrote: »
    Hang in there and enjoy the "new car smell" or is it a "new MMO smell?" :p

    Did we step on something? Oh just a mudcrab...

    I just hope it was a vanity pet. One down, 6 million to go ...

    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • pad11
    Zaeros wrote: »

    10 more pages man!!! 10 more pages! On the plus side, however, I do believe that 'maybe' the next time this happens there will be more proactive communication like we're getting from Jessica that's a plus, too...
  • Z0MBiEjaw
    Journal Entry #6742 :: Winter, 2130

    I saw a light and it spoke to me, caressed my flesh and told me it was ending. How many years have I waited, writing, with naught but the electric glow of this monitor to warm my wretched bones? Time is an illusion. Part of me fears I've gone mad; I laugh at it. What stones now writhe beneath us, churning, like dark spiders on a red canvas? The expanding abyss beckons, and it heralds the end. Zenimax... a word that once left on these chapped lips the taste of prospect. Of potential. Hope died with servers, and I along with them. I had thought this journal lost, but I fear if I stop writing I shall submit to madness; that sweet release is all too alluring...
    And yet, I fight. How I long for the beaches of Kynethari's Roost once more; to climb the lighthouse steps at Seyda Neen. I saw a light and it spoke to me; I only hope it wasn't lying.
    Luminous beings, are we; not this crude matter.
  • Craaz
    MaxBat wrote: »
    Stoob wrote: »
    Quick question, but if maintenance happens on a frequent basis in the future, Will people lose out on Paid Game Time during the maintenance?

    This is actually a legitimate question. If the server is down for a couple of hours tonight, then I just lost an entire night online since I have a job and have to go to work, etc.

    I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat, but a day is a day ...

    Aren't we also paying them to help fix the issues?
  • LoLEProps
    Zeusmagic wrote: »
    We're in the final stages of QA testing the new patch on the live server, then we'll re-open it to all of you. ETA is between 2:00 and 2:30 PM EDT. If that changes, we'll let you know.

    Yea! Goat Sim! Now there's a broken game everyone loves!
  • Sheonuff
    pad11 wrote: »
    Zaeros wrote: »

    10 more pages man!!! 10 more pages! On the plus side, however, I do believe that 'maybe' the next time this happens there will be more proactive communication like we're getting from Jessica that's a plus, too...

    yeah i'd do her
  • Zaeros

    no it is not...
    "Yes, one step after the next. Come what may, that is what it means to live" - The Seneschal.

    This is why we keep going. What else are you going to do with your life?
  • Itamekaze
    Thanks for the update jessica
  • Cry_Wolfe
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    actually its all on the Beta Testers.. they didnt do their job right, and now us early adopters are being punished for it....

    Not every bug can or will be found in beta. It's just not possible.
    No test is perfect. No launch is perfect. No game is perfect.
    Years later, this game will still have bugs.
    There is no such thing as perfection.
    Adjust your expectations accordingly.

    My expectations are accordingly adjusted.
    I think you'll find it's my preconceptions that need work.
    Other than that, stuff you chump cause I am perfect...puurrrrfect.
  • Cayce_of_Kata
    Sheonuff wrote: »
    yeah i'd do her

    Please stop these types of posts.

  • Wylerayb14_ESO
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    Shiva wrote: »
    As a LONG time gamer and vet of MANY MMO's I must say this is all MY fault...

    Every time I take a day off of work to be able to maximize my early access the damn servers go down... Seriously.

    As for NOT buying for Early Access - hogwash. Seriously. But for not expecting there to be down time... I must say that those who are surprised by it are really, really short sighted and completely inexperienced in gaming and software development in general.

    actually its all on the Beta Testers.. they didnt do their job right, and now us early adopters are being punished for it....

  • Solarhate
    So that was my only day off to play the beatiful game "The waiting!"
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